Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 520: : Soldiers under the city! The decisive battle broke out!

Note: The second one is sent, and today is updated by one million! The monthly ticket, really please the brothers, please! please!


In the next few days, there are only a few things that can be done in Yangdingtian.

That is, Xuan Huo melts blood Wu Jin, Xuan Huo refines blood Wu Jin, Xuan Huo bombards blood Wu Jin.

four people.

Two heaven and earth level Xuanhuo, two ground-level Xuanhuo.

Fully melted twenty-nine thousand blood Ujin.

According to the fire level of several people, it can be fully refined to a purity of 1%. But considering that this is not to create a sacred sword, but a standard weapon. So refining to one tenth should be enough.

Twenty-nine thousand blood Wujin, refining to one-tenth, still has more than 50,000 kilograms.

Then, Yangdingtian melted two hundred kilograms of Wannian blood Wujin powder, and put it into the blood of Wujinjinshui.

Not only that, Yang Dingtian will melt the claws of a two thousand-year-old demon, and put it into the blood of gold and gold.

Suddenly, the strange reaction took place.

This **** gold and iron, actually began to flow a terrible breath, this breath, even if only just close, there is a kind of energy piercing the heart.

Of course, the claws of the demon spirit are placed inside, or the enchanting back to Yunxiao City after the end of the enjoyment is given to Yang Dingtian.

Saying the claws of the devil is actually a soul enhancer forged by any sword. Even a little bit, you will get amazing results.

Now, Yangdingtian has already felt it. That kind of depression, cold breath.

More than 50,000 kilograms of high-purity blood-gold mixed iron is slightly cooled and placed in a special cold jade groove.

Yang Dingtian looked at each other and nodded.

Then, the palm of the hand waved.

Suddenly, a hundred dragons and warriors Sabre. Floating in the air.

Each sabre, weighing a hundred pounds, is more than one meter long.

This sword, originally incomparably sharp and fierce, looks chilling.


Four black fires slammed out.

moment. The 100 swords were burned red, but they have not melted.

Then, four people, quickly from the large groove, cut a piece of blood Wujin down, burning with the mysterious fire to the extreme.

In an instant, blood Wujin directly turns into a red liquid.

Xuan Huo swollen and swollen, these blood Wu Jin. It turns into a myriad of powdery liquid, which turns into a **** golden mist.

Then, the four people used the mysterious air, the **** golden fog of the Xuanhuo, and slammed them toward these swords!

"Hey!" A loud noise.

A fierce flame slammed.

These hundred swords trembled fiercely.

These blood black gold, which was decomposed into powder, was actually smashed into the interior of the sword.

That's right. It is internal.

The same is enchanting, I heard that after the plan of Yang Dingtian. He said that he was stupid. Painted on the surface of the weapon, it is very powerful. But infiltrating into the inside of the weapon, it is more effective, almost reshaping the roots and soul of the weapon.

As a result, the workload of several people in Yangdingtian has been greatly increased.

Every weapon. There are hundreds of bombardments.

Let the blood particles be infiltrated into every part of the weapon. Then, on the outermost layer, the blood-gold alloy is completely forged.





Yang Dingtian four people's mysterious fire, desperately bombarded.

Fortunately, this kind of bombardment. There is not much Xuanqi required, otherwise even if four people are masters of the master, it will not last long.

Now Yangding genius knows that the enchanting also has a heaven and earth level fire, which was obtained hundreds of years ago. She can also participate in the reshaping of weapons.

However, Yang Dingtian did not speak, she refused.

Of course, it is not because of the impact on the baby, but she feels that this kind of work is stupid, a little tired.

Her enchanting as a peerless, is not willing to do such a rough.

Of course, this kind of rough work can only be done by several people in Yangdingtian.




Countless loud noises and countless bombardments.

Finally, a hundred bombardments are completed!

Yang Dingtian stopped a mysterious fire.

The sword falls directly into the non-freezing water and cools instantly.

Song Chunhua couldn’t wait to go forward and bring up a sword.

"How is it possible?" Song Chunhua exclaimed.

Yang Dingtian four people got together and could not help but be shocked.

This, this transformation is too thorough.

This, this seems to be completely **** golden sword. And unlike the blood Wujin sword, this sword is not only red, but faintly infiltrated with a monster black blue.

The sword was held in the hand, and for the first time, it felt like a fierce temper.

That's right, it's a fierce and overbearing atmosphere.

This kind of breath, Yang Dingtian felt in the body of the demon, the kind of thorough cold, thoroughly fierce.

This kind of sword does not say that it is killing, even if it is pulled out of the moment, it is enough to make the opponents frightened.

"How sharp is it?" Qin Huaiyu said.

Song Chunhua took the original black magic steel sword of a magic dragon army.

This original black sword is already very sharp and cuts iron.

Song Chunhua held up the black magic steel sword and slammed it toward the sword after the transformation.

"When!" The sound is crisp and decisive.

The original black sword was broken into two pieces directly.

It used to transform the sword, but it broke into two. The reconstructed sword, the sharp blade is not damaged.

The black sword's fracture is as smooth as a mirror. This means that the living is broken, not broken.

Song Chunhua took a cold breath: "The real best blood Wujin sword, but this is the case. Join your Wannian blood Wujin powder and the claws of the devil, is it so strong?"

Qin Huaiyu said: "How is the Xuanqi bonus?"

Song Chunhua slammed into a mysterious atmosphere.

"Three in eight!" Song Chunhua said.

Suddenly, everyone can't believe it.

Thirty-eight, the swords dug out of the ancient world are only more than 30%.

A purely superb blood Wujin sword, but only a mysterious bonus of 50%.

After the transformation of the sword, even the mysteriousness increased by 38%.

After a long time, Qin Huaiyu said: "I can't imagine. The extent of the full-scale Demon Dragon Corps will be strong."

Yang Dingtian also said: "We can see it soon."


Next, four people have no days and no nights, frantically transforming weapons and armor. Armor of the Dragon Dragon mount.

Sleepless, staying up all night.

When the mysterious gas is exhausted, I will immediately swallow Xuan, and use the shortest time to restore mysteriousness, and then bombard the Xuanhu.

Time goes by day by day.


The third day!

Suddenly, the snake tail enters the fiery refining room!

"The city owner, the Western Army began to cross the border."

Yangding Tianyi, said: "What happened? Northwest Qincheng. What happened?"

The snaketail Jiaomei looked toward Qin Huaiyu and said: "Qincheng, the master of Qincheng, two sons, three daughters, died in dying! Qincheng territory, thirteen cities, plague occurred. Thousands of people have died. And it is spreading!"

Qin Huaiyu trembled. I dare not believe in the tail of the snake, and trembled: "Death. What are you?"

Snaketail Jiaodao: "Four sons, six sons. There are two daughters, five daughters, six daughters!"

Qin Huaiyu’s body trembled and tears fell.

He was not a good person before! However, it is definitely a good brother.

His father has a lot of children. But the prostitute is very few. Most of them are born by Xiaoyan.

But together, it’s just eleven.

Now, I lost half of it.

Qin Jiaojiao is not sensible at all. But Qin Huaiyu has always spoiled her. The same is true for other younger siblings, whether they are shackles or shackles, he is very concerned. Even if he is a younger brother who is so speculative about Qin Shaobai, he is more tolerant.

Now, he actually lost three sisters and two younger brothers. It is completely painful!

Yangdingtian also has no words for a long time.

"This is the demon road, no means of folding, no need to use it." Yang Dingtian slows down.

After Yang Dingtian destroyed the suspension bridge, Qin Wanqiu naturally delayed the army to advance eastward.

Qin Wanqiu does not advance eastward, and Qiu Wanxiu does not advance westward.

In this way, the Southern Army became a lonely army. The most important thing is that Ning Wuming and Qin Qiqi will not make a picture of the world's siege of Yangdingtian.

Therefore, Qiu Ruohan immediately returned to the northwest Qincheng. Ye Wucheng immediately went south to report Ning Wuming and Qin Qiqi.

Then, Qin Wanqiu’s two sons, three daughters, died. In the northwest Qincheng, thousands of miles, plague occurred, just two or three days, more than 100,000 people died.

This is the warning of the demon road.

You Qin Wanqiu, not going east, it will not work, otherwise you will face even greater consequences.

Such a huge price, Qin Wanqiu certainly can not afford.

So after three days of delay, he ordered the army to advance east.

"They, is it a ride on the fly?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Yes!" Snaketail Jiaodao: "Three thousand flying rides, each transporting about 5,000 people. We have a thousand Demon Dragon Legion there, do you want to attack the western legion of the country?"

Yang Dingtian slowly shook his head: "No, order the Third Army of the Dragon Dragon Corps and withdraw to Yunxiao City!"

"Withdraw? Let them cross the border?" The snake tail was amazed.

"Yes!" Yangding Tiandao: "Retreat to Yunxiao City and let them transit."

"But..." Snaketail said: "You used up your energy before, just to stop them from entering the country? Stop the situation of the million-strong army."

"It is not to prevent entry, but to delay." Yangding Tiandao: "At present, it has been delayed for three days, almost enough. Of course, this way, on the day of the final battle, our time is very urgent, to be in the shortest and shortest Time, destroy the Demon Road Corps completely."

The meaning of Yangdingtian, a few people in the room understand.

Let the Eastern Legion and the Western Legion delay the encirclement of Yunxiao City. On August 15th, only a unit of the Southern Army arrived under Yunxiao City.

Yang Dingtian needs to completely destroy the Southern Army during the arrival time of the Eastern Legion and the Western Army.

In this way, the eastern, western legion, and the million-strong army will stand by and even turn their backs and will not join the attacking Yunxiao City.

Although Qin Wanqiu did not give Yang Dingtian any information, Qiu Wan robbery did not, he did not seem to know his son in Yunxiao City.

However, Yang Dingtian believes that he and the two heroes have a tacit understanding.

As long as Yangdingtian eliminated the 500,000 troops of the Demon Road before the two regiments arrived. Then Qin Wanqiu and Qiu Wanxun will immediately change their stance.

The Western World War is completely laid.

Of course, for this tacit understanding.

Qin Wanqiu lost two sons and three daughters. There are also hundreds of thousands of people.

"Sovereign, if the southern legion of the enemy does not launch an attack on the 15th, what should I do?" Song Chunhua said: "In case, Ning Wuming and Qin Qiqi, wait until the Eastern Army, the Western Army Regiment, then another hundred What should I do if Wan Dajun is attacking Yunxiao City?"

"I don't think so." Yangding Tiandao: "At the Tiandao League meeting, it was decided to attack Yunxiao City on the 15th. It will not change, I believe Li Ming's pride."

"Do you have absolute certainty?" Zhu Hongxue said: "In case, the Demon Road Corps does not launch a decisive battle on the 15th, but insists on the Eastern Legion, and the Western Legion will fight again after the division?"

"I don't have absolute certainty." Yangding Tiandao: "But there is no absolute war in the world. If there is a 60% chance, it is worthwhile to throw out all the fights."

Then, Yangding Tianzhao snake tail Jiaodao: "You go to pass the order. Let the third group of the Dragon Dragon Legion, come back to dress up. In addition. Focus on the direction of the Tianlei City of the Eastern Legion, especially the direction of the sunset mountain range of the Southern Army. Move and report immediately!"

"Yes!" The snake tailed the ball and then went out immediately.

Yang Dingtian came to Qin Huaiyu and patted him on the shoulder and said: "The festival is sad!"

Qin Huaiyu nodded.

"Okay. Time is tight, continue to do things." Yangding Tiandao.


Then, the four people continued the bombardment of the sacred fire and continued to transform the weapons and armor.

It’s just that everyone’s heart. There is an anger, a repressed and raging anger.

Yang Dingtian really can't think of this, the first great battle of the evil, not the Yunxiao City, but the northwest Qincheng.

Qin Wanqiu, really suffered from biting pain!


After two hours.

Snaketail Jiao reported again.

"The third group of the Dragon Dragon Corps has begun to withdraw."

"The Southern Legion of the Demon Road in the Sunset Mountains has gone down the hill, north of Yunxiao City, and there are four hundred and eighty miles!"

"The direction of the Eastern Army, the Tianlei City Tunnel, the final clean-up is going on. No accident, the road will be cleared tomorrow night, when the Eastern Army 300,000, plus the 500,000 Expeditionary Army of the Central State, you can go out."

Yangding nodded and said: "Well, I know! The order goes down, let all the troops, except the necessary patrols and defenses, stop training and rest."

The snake tail is a sigh, then nodded: "Yes!"

Yang Dingtian continued to order: "Let all Yunxiaocheng, as well as all members of the War Committee, rest except for the necessary duty."


Yang Dingtian finally ordered: "Command all scouts, all withdrawn, except for a very small number of aerial observers, all the troops, all withdrawn into Yunxiao City."

The snake tail was horrified and said: "If the scouts are to be withdrawn, then what about the enemy's movements?"

"The movement will not change." Yangding Tiandao: "After three days, the demon road army was under the city, and the decisive battle was opened. Four days later, the Eastern Army and the Western Army’s million-strong army arrived. The situation will not change again. We, etc. It’s a battle!”

"Yes!" Snake tailed the ball, then retired.

The Yangding Tianchao Qin Huaiyu and others said: "We will continue to strive to renovate all the weapons within two days. Finally, the rest of the day, everyone will rest well and wait for the final battle!"

"Yes!" A few people, broke in unison!


After an hour!

The third group of the Dragon Dragon Corps, like black lightning, poured into the city of Yunxiao.

After two hours, the huge construction site outside the city of Yunxiao, the hundreds of thousands of people on the top, all disappeared cleanly, and all of them were withdrawn to the city.

After three hours, the tens of thousands of people who finally reinforced the city wall also went down the wall and entered the fortress in the city.

After four hours, all the patrol cavalry outside the city, the scouts, the air cavalry, all retreated back to the city.

Suddenly, very busy, no day and night, very incomprehensible, the voices of the clouds outside the city, a silence, no one smoke.

On the wall of Yunxiao, there are only a small number of sentinels.

Even if it is in the city, it is silent.

Waiting for such a big decisive battle, preparing for such a long and decisive battle, is coming.

One thing, I was scared for a few months. Worried for a few months, the nerves should be almost thicker and afraid of numbness.

Countless people who have been tired for a few months, began to take a bath, change clothes, and cook.

Finally, I can have a good meal. Have a good night's sleep and have been with your family for a few days.

All the soldiers stopped training, in the fortress, in the military camp. Either wrestle, polish weapons, or play a variety of games.

Of course, if you can’t spare, you can fight each other. Killed.

In short, the incomparably Yunyun City was completely quiet at once.


at the same time!

Sunset mountains in the south.

The entire sunset is a few thousand miles away, and the mountains are high and rugged. Only one or two places can pass.

The middle of the entire mountain range is just a valley, relatively flat. Therefore, it is almost the only place where the army can pass.

The entire valley. It is less than three miles long.

Originally, the valley was covered with huge trees. There is also a river.

At this time, the dense woods did not see, and the entire river disappeared completely.

The entire valley's ups and downs of the terrain, completely covered by countless mountains!

All the beasts, flying birds. All escaped clean!

Here, the drums are shaking, the sky is shaking, the earth is shaking, and the birds are flying!

Countless army. Like the tide, it stretches for dozens of miles and passes through a narrow valley.

The mighty, overwhelming!

100,000, 200,000, 300,000, 400,000, 500,000...

The 500,000-strong army crossed the valley and went north to Yunxiaocheng!


The evening after one day.

The destroyed tunnel of Tianlei City was completely opened, and it was forcibly widened by three times to a width of 200 meters.

The Eastern Legion, and the Zhongzhou Expeditionary Force, are like tidal waves. From the east, through the tunnel, into the Yunxiao City.

The Shenbing Villa is extremely dependent on the army of 300,000 troops, and the Zhongzhou Expeditionary Force has a army of 350,000, a total of 650,000. (There are nearly 200,000, some are still on the sea, and some are still on the south side),

It was another night.

Early morning hours.

Three thousand flying mounts, day and night, continue to transport soldiers and mounts back and forth in the border abyss.

Full two days and two nights.

The Western Army (Northwest Qincheng and Baiyun City coalition forces) 450,000, all transit.

After a short break, Dongjin Yunxiao City is 800 miles away from Yunxiao City.

The 450,000-strong army is in full swing and heads for the city!


The next day!

August 14!

Yangding Tiansi four people, day and night constantly, bombarded with Xuanhuo, all the swords, armor, and armor of the Dragon Dragon Legion, all completed. Completed the transformation of one thousand weapons of the Konjac Legion.

Then, Yangdingtian returned to the valley, and the baby, and his wife and relatives, had a full day of reunion.

Qin Huaiyu, went to Song Lihua, and went all day for Go.

Song Chunhua, I don't know where to go. Can't go to Song Lihua to do light bulbs, and it's not good to come to Yangdingtian to do light bulbs. So, ran to the old part of the Dragon Dragon Corps, practicing Wu fighting.

Wishing Red Snow, he is really nowhere to go.

A person, inexplicably, walked back and forth over the wall of more than a hundred miles.

For this city wall, his feelings are too deep, and he used the mysterious fire, one foot and one foot to smash, hard.

At the time of the meal, the soldiers on the wall will be fixed to deliver the meal. Which soldier snorted and ate together.

Then he walked over and squatted among the soldiers, divided some meals from a bowl of more than a dozen people, and then squatted on the ground with a dozen soldiers. After eating, he continued to walk around the wall.

late at night!

Three thousand Demon Dragon Legions were dispatched to go to the huge underground fortress of Yunxiao City. The astronomical secret weapon was transported to the wall and installed and erected.

Then they returned to the military camp and continued to sleep.

Of course, this may be their last thought.


August 15th!

Yang Dingtian is still lying in bed and sleeping. This time, there are three women in the bed.

Qin Meng left this fox, and finally added to the incomparably ugly eyes of Qin Jiaojiao.

Then, become two women, a man, bullying Qin Jiaojiao alone.

This girl was once again bullied and cried.

Yan Yan couldn't bear it, and she partnered with her to engage Qin Meng.

However, the addition of the two little girl films is not the opponent of Qin Meng from this fox.

Qin Jiaojiao, crying again, still crying even more.

Yan Yan did not cry, but after Qin Meng was bullied, she never dared to provoke her.

Later, Qin Meng felt that this unfavorable and united, he turned to please two sisters.

However, she has no bottom line, even if she is pleased, that approach is not acceptable to the two little girls.

Therefore, under her pleasing, Yan Yan and Qin Jiaojiao all cried together.

Therefore, Qin Meng Li finally cried.

She clearly feels that the taste of these games is not heavy, very light. How did the two little girls cry, and their psychological endurance was too bad.

In the intertwined of three women, Yang Dingtian once again felt that the back waist was a bit sour.

Finally he came to a conclusion.

Qin Meng’s combat effectiveness and endurance are very strong and strong. Flames and Jiaojiao, after adding her, the fighting power of the three women is almost equal to the enchanting fox.


Yangdingtian sleeps sweetly!

Of course everyone else is awake! Although he is the supreme leader, after he has placed strategic decisions, he is basically the most useless person.

All the affairs are handled by the rest of the committee. He basically has nothing to do, so he can sleep late today.


In the distance, there was a deafening drum sound!

Human skin drums! It sounds different from others, not deafening, but directly into the hearts of people, directly into the human mind, the heart of death and fear.

"Come! It's finally here!"

Yangdingtian got up!

That's right, this day is finally here.

The day of the big battle is finally here.

I have been waiting for so long, and I have been preparing for it for a long time. This day, I am finally here! (To be continued.)

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