Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 612: The confession of being alone! Shangyin Yangzong!

Wan blood palace.

"Please ask the solitary brothers to follow me, kill Yang Tiantian, and divide the 30,000 miles of Heshan in Xizhou." Zhu Qingzhu worshipped.

Duo Xiaoxiao said: "If you are well-informed, you should know that my daughter and Yangdingtian have a fate. So barely count, I am his father-in-law."

"That's just a slap in the face." Zhu Qing said: "Besides, my son is also under the zenith, becoming a brother of righteousness. But this does not prevent me from putting Yangdingtian to death!"

"Yangdingtian, can't kill."

Zhu Qing said: "I can't kill, I don't know if I can't kill the singer. The prince of Li Ming ordered the world, Yang Dingtian can't die. I certainly don't dare to violate it, but in the position of the temple, the solitary brother is the real one. Under the 10,000 people. You can ignore the command of Li Ming.

Du Guzhen shook his head and said: "I am now only waiting for the resurrection of the demon king, and I will ignore it. Besides, you said that I have to divide the Xizhou, what do I want to use? The three thousand miles of the Wanxue Palace, and now Two thousand miles are ruins. What is the use of so many land?"

"The demon road is because of the lack of population, but the land of Xizhou is different. The population is large and prosperous." Zhu Qing said: "The messy land of more than 3,000 miles today has been taken care of by Yangdingtian. Article, once we defeated Yangdingtian. The three thousand miles of chaos that has been cured, and a thousand miles of Yuncheng City territory, plus five thousand miles of the Northland, are all Wanmei Palace."

The solitary stunned, said: "I wish you brother, you are really generous. In this way, the land of my blood palace is more than 10,000 miles."

"I wish the Green Lord always come, and they are very generous." Zhu Qing said.

"Unfortunately, the clothes on my body. The hats on my head are clearly written, and the evil demon is in the blood palace." Duo said: "So it is okay to use the identity of the demon road to control the chaos, but want to govern Yunxiao City and the Northland World Conference, that is dreaming. The demon road rushed out of the chaos, which means the opening of the World War."

Zhu Qing said: "You don't have to rule in person, but you can do it behind the scenes. These territories can still be justified in the name of Yunxiao City. At that time, Yangdingtian will be imprisoned. Take him as a hostage and persecute. It’s not difficult for Yang Peipei and Yunxiaocheng to sell for you. Moreover, I remember that you still have a grandson, who is also the son of Yangdingtian. The future devil, you must be unified in the world, you should not give your relatives Leaving a big foundation?"

Duo said: "It seems that your message is much more flexible than I thought."

"You have not deliberately concealed it." Zhu Qing said.

"I have deliberately concealed it. It is your eyes and ears that are too smart."

"What is the meaning of the solitary brother?" Zhu Qing said.

"I am out of the way." Du Gu faintly said: "I said. I will never betray the Devil's Majesty. But Yang Dingtian is the father of my grandson, and I will not kill him with you."

"That's good, you can't do it with Yang Dingtian, help kill Qin Wanqiu, you can." Zhu Qing said: "If you are there, you can save the sun and die. Maybe I know the Lord of Joy. Yangdingtian can be described as hateful, so he must be very happy to kill Yangdingtian!"

"Forget it, let's go." Duo said: "If Yangdingtian is slaughtered like this. That is what he deserves. Although I am his cheap Yuzhang, I will not mix it for him. Things are not people inside and outside."

"Thank you for being alone." Zhu Qingzhu worshipped.

Du Guqian gently shook his head: "You come to me, not let me play, but let me not help Yang Tiantian, right?"

"Hey." Zhu Qing said.

"You have more heart, I will not betray the devil to ask the sky." Duo said: "But I will tell him your actions. This is not too much."

Zhu Qing’s main face is a twist, but helplessly said: "The solitary brother, it is really bright and upright."

"Well, then go to the Happy Palace, the distance is still far away. I will go to Yuntiange." Duo said: "Right, Yangdingtian is in Yuntiange."

"Yes." Zhu Qing is speechless.

Finally, Zhu Qingzhu finally couldn't help but say: "What exactly can you let you go to Yangding?"

"It's very simple. When the devil screams, I will go." Duo said: "In fact, once he is resurrected, you and I have no will to resist. At that time, your own will, he gave you It's yours. He doesn't give you, you and I are walking dead."

Zhu Qingzhu reluctantly said: "The solitary brother is still so direct. Then, he will leave."

"Well, let's go together." Duo said: "We are going to the northeast and one to the southeast."

Then, two people went out together with the Palace of the Blood.

Zhu Qingzhu, flying in the northeast direction, and going 10,000 miles ahead, is the Palace of Joy.

The Happy Palace is more than 10,000 miles north of the Wanxue Palace. It is a large island deep in the frozen sea. Its west side is the yin and yang mirror, the southeast side is the magic field, and the northeast side is the ice and snow.

So to say that it is remote, the Palace of Joy is also the most remote place. Moreover, its geographical environment is also unprecedentedly complex.


After a few hours, Yun Tiange ushered in a guest, and suddenly the entire Yuntian Pavilion was on the verge of enemies, but the fear of Yang Dingtian and Qin Wanqi did not change much.

Because only these two people have had a deal with Du Gu, and the Song Yu level is not enough, let alone other people.

"Qin Wanqiu, please come out and tell!" Du Guzhen actually let Qin Wanqiu come out to see him, not Yangdingtian.

Qin Wanqiu flew out of the hundred miles and met the lonely loneliness in the sea.

"Solo brother, you really hurt your son-in-law, afraid that others will feel tainted with the demon, so let me come out to see you." Qin Wanqiu said.

"It didn't matter before, now it is the head of the Bright Parliament, or be careful."

"Then my reputation is not a reputation?" Qin Wanqiu said helplessly.

"You Qin Wanqiu has two sides and three knives. Everyone is very clear, it doesn't matter."

"You are still so straightforward when you are alone." Qin Wanqiu said.

"I wish the Lord also said so."

"I wish the Qingzhu to find you?" Qin Wanqiu said.

Duo said: "Yes, look for me, find the Happy Palace. Probably add the Nanhai Ning."

"First use the demon road to destroy Yuntiange and Lishicheng, kill all the masters of the Guangming Parliament. Then defeat the Demon Road with the banner of Tiandaomeng and accept two places. From then on, in Xizhou and Zhongzhou, the world is invincible. Good calculation." Qin Wanqiu said.

"I can't talk about a good calculation. It's because you have no way to go." Duo said: "Well, things are such a thing, I will go back."

Then, the solitary singer went straight north and returned to the Wanxue Palace. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace.


"The Zhuqing Lord will unite the Happy Palace and the Nanhai Ningzu and use the martial arts to destroy us." Yangding Tiandao: "Qin Shishu, there are several masters and several masters in the Happy Palace."

"Wanxue Palace. Two great masters, two masters of the Happy Palace, the master is unknown, but should not be less than ten." Qin Wanqiu said.

"In addition to the solitary scorpion, there is a big master in the Wanxue Palace?" Yang Dingtian was shocked and never heard of it.

"In every sect, there are some people who are more than 100 years old." Qin Wanqiu said: "Wan Wan Palace is so spurred by the blood pool, but it does not last long. But every generation of the blood palace There is a blood pool in the middle. There was one in the previous generation. Living and killing his opponents, he also turned himself into a great master. Of course, this generation of loneliness has also quit the blood pool. Still entered the Grand Master early."

"The Lord of the Palace of Joy is lonely and alien, how is it cultivated. How is it compared with Du Gu?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Abandoning the innocent, innocent, the devil is dead, the devil is asking the four people, today's world's first master, barely should be the Qingzhu." Qin Wanqiu said: "But in addition to just breaking through the master The remaining masters of these great masters are not much different. I wish the youngest master is the strongest, the eight-star master, I am barely the seven-star master, the lonely alien is similar to me, the solitary should be stronger than me, maybe I wish the Lord, I want to be stronger."

Suddenly, Yangding Tianda was awkward and said: "Is it more powerful than Zhu Qing?"

"I just guessed." Qin Wanqiu said: "The talent of Xuanmai is not necessarily higher, but the understanding of martial arts wisdom is more profound."

"According to this, plus the two great masters of the Happy Palace, Zhu Qingzhu has a full six masters, more than forty masters." Yangding Tiandao.

Xuantianzong family, there are more than 20 masters, plus the happy palace, plus the South China Sea Ning, full of forty.

Of course, the Xizhou Guangming Parliament, the Jiadi City, and the Yuntian Pavilion, even if they are dissatisfied with forty masters, there is little difference.

But the number of big masters on both sides is too great.

The other side has six big masters, and the Yangdingtian side has only three districts. Of course, Zhu Qingzhu thinks that there is only two big masters in the Yangdingtian side.

But even if there are three, compared with six, it is still too disparity.

By the time the two sides really fight, it is completely devastating.

Judging from the current power comparison, the gap is a bit big. Once you have done your best, you are afraid that all the masters of Xizhou will die, and the masters can barely escape.

Qin Wanqiu looked to Yangding Tiandao: "The sovereign, you probably need to go to the mountains."

Yes, you must go to the Yin and Yang dynasty of the Great Wuliang Mountain.

The yin and yang sects are the first in the world except for the sects. Before that, there were four great masters. The Eastern Nirvana disappeared, and the cold blue dust disappeared. However, the Yin and Yang dynasties still have two great masters.

As long as you come to these two great masters, Yang Dingtian, there are five big masters. Although they are still in the disadvantage, they can barely fight.

After five hours, Qin Wanqiu returned to Xizhou and defended Xijing. The Eastern Nirvana rushed to Yuntiange, and then immediately followed the Yangdingtian ride on the konjac king, flying towards the Yinyangzong.


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