Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 638: The Eastern Nirvana, the king returns! Zhongzhou, Dongzhou Ding!

After three days and three nights, Yangdingtian returned to Zhongzhou.

Not surprisingly, many leaders have been very successful in lobbying for Zhongzhou.

Seven days ago, Zhu Qingzhu once again appeared and publicly announced that he officially resigned as the leader of Xuantian, and Zhuo Qing ruled to be the master of Xuantian.

Then, Zhu Qingzhu disappeared completely and did not know where to go.

The declaration of Zhu Qingzhu, like a nuclear bomb explosion, shocked the entire Zhongzhou.

Almost all the amnesty, everyone is completely horrified.

It has been almost twenty years since Zhu Qingzhu was the master of Xuantian. He has been covering the sky above Zhongzhou for more than ten years. This is a person with a strong desire for power. How can he be willing to go?

What happened in Yuntiange?

Of course, there is no fool in the world. Yang Dingtian snatched the Yuntiange and the Dicheng from the mouth of Zhu Qing, and wished the Qing master to be angry and angered, and colluded with the demon road to wipe out the bright parliament. Although this matter is very secret, as long as people who have reached a certain identity, most of them know that even if there is no evidence, they can guess.

Moreover, there were hundreds of demons who flew down from the north, and many people saw it.

Even the heads of some forces in Zhongzhou have accurately digitized the masters of both sides to single digits.

So although I can't see it, almost everyone in Zhongzhou is paying attention to this battle.

But everyone thinks that Yangdingtian hopes little. Because Yangdingtian has only two big masters, and the yin and yang dynasty has failed. (Of course, this is what the Zhongzhou forces think so, and their sources of information are limited)

The combination of Xuan Tianzong and Demon Road, the masters of the Grand Masters are six or seven, and I wish the Green Lord is so powerful.

Therefore, under the martial arts battle, Yangdingtian should be completely finished.

and so. All the forces in Zhongzhou erect their ears, waiting for the news of the demise of the sun, and then painfully watching the darkness of Zhu Qingzhu once again covering Zhongzhou.

But who knows, I have waited for this news.

Zhu Qingzhu abdicated, Zhuo Qing ruler as the master of Xuantian.

Moreover, the Yangdingtian and Guangming Parliaments are safe and sound.

Then. The Bright Parliament also announced that the evil spirits represented by Ning Wuming and Wuhuan Palace had shamelessly attacked Yuntiange. However, it was eliminated by the Guangming Parliament and Xuan Tianzong. The Ning and the Happy Palace were united, and the whole army was annihilated. Ning Wuming and Lonely Alien, dying!

This announcement by the Bright Parliament once again won the whole world.

What happened to this world? How did Xuan Tianzong partner with the Bright Parliament? And killing the Ning and the Happy Palace all?

However, in this case, why do you wish the Qing Dynasty to abdicate? Countless people are really puzzling.

But no matter what. Yang Dingtian, which should have been destroyed, actually won again. All the forces in Zhongzhou, suddenly peaked in the mountains.

Just as they were still stunned by the two news, Xuan Tianzong Zhuo Qing ruled again the third shocking news.

From today, Xuan Tianzong joined the Bright Council!

This time, Zhongzhou people are almost crazy!

This, what is going on? Some time ago, I was killed and killed. How suddenly. Xuan Tianzong joined the Bright Council?

Then many versions of the rumors spread, saying that the bright council of Yangdingtian is very, very mysterious and powerful. The Devil Road and Xuan Tianzong were defeated on the same day. Originally, I wished the Qing master to die. Later, because I wished the red snow to plead, I spared a death. However, Xuantianzong needs to be fully committed, and the Qingzhu must be punished. The Ning and Happy Palace were not so lucky, and they were killed.

After the rumors of this version came out. Everyone believes in the first place.

Reasonable, it is also in line with reality. In this way, everything is explained, why the Qing Dynasty is abdicated, why Xuan Tianzong joined the Bright Council. Why did the demon road die?

The only thing that can't be explained is that Yangding is so innocent? Although Yang Dingtian is very powerful, it is not as good as this level.

Then someone once again brain, the last sea battle, is not an ancient seabed behemoth listening to Yang Dingtian command to help? That time, there was a stronger and stronger ancient master who listened to Yang Dingtian’s orders, so he only defeated the Zhu Qing and the Demon Road.

As for why Yang Dingtian can command these ancient masters? Very simple, because he is the new owner of the patriarch.

Of course, no one knows that the Demon Road Alliance is being killed by Zhu Qingzhu. No one knows that Yang Dingtian and his six masters are not together, and they are not the opponents of Zhu Qingzhu. But the truth is too horrified, and no one believes it.


In this way, the lobbying work of many large councils in the Bright Council has become extremely simple.

Basically just as soon as the opening, the other party immediately agreed, and vowed, will owe allegiance to the bright parliament, loyalty to Yang Dingtian, and fight against the demon road.

At the beginning, Qin Wanqiu and others also took the initiative to visit and lobby. Later, it was the leader of the Zhongzhou forces, who took the initiative to find the door to join the Bright Parliament.

No one is a fool, Xuan Tianzong has joined. If you don't join, just wait for it to be beaten.

In the event that Yang Dingtian sends the next third killing order, you will be destroyed, and you will not find the grave. In the past, there was Xuan Tianzong Zhu Qingzhu, and even Xuan Tianzong was smashed. We, these little fish and shrimps, don’t hurry up.

The size of Zhongzhou was originally expected to be a month of lobbying, and it was almost completed in less than ten days. Because in the back, almost everyone took the initiative to come to the door.


"The entire Zhongzhou, Tiandao League forces 25, Tiandao League affiliated forces 273. Among them, Tiandao League 23, promised to join the Bright Council, preparing for the demon road. The affiliated forces of 265, promised to join the Bright Council "Zhu Qing's feet.

"The Tiandao League forces, in addition to the Lingzong sect, which one did not join the Bright Council?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Qiu Xiufang!" Zhuo Qing feet.

It is no wonder that Gongsun Sanniang is now the servant of Wu Ningming, so Qixiufang will certainly not stand on the side of Yangdingtian.

"During the period of lobbying, have you been obstructed by some kind of mysterious power?" Yang Dingtian asked: "For example, Ling Lingzong, or is the Netherland?"

"No, not at all." Zhuo Qing said.

"Yes, the whole process is very smooth." Qin Wanqiu said: "To the Sovereign. For Zhongzhou, how do you plan to rectify it, is it the same as Xizhou?"

"It is impossible to go to Xizhou." Yangdingtian sighed: "The West China forces are much simpler. The world will be, Qincheng and Shenbing Villa must be, the entire Xizhou will be completely settled, and it can be rectified. Zhongzhou too It is complicated. The land is too wide, the population is too large, and there are too many prosperous cities. If this rectification will hurt many people's interests, there will be countless man-made counters. In Xizhou, we can suppress the rebellion, but the dead people Not much. In Zhongzhou, if it is rebellious, it is a tens of thousands of casualties. This is too much damage to Tiandaomeng."

Qin Wanqiu and others nodded in agreement.

Big chaos can cure Dazhi!

"So. Zhongzhou can only invisibly rectify from the top down!" The East Nirvana said: "Start from two aspects, the first aspect, let some of the leaders of Zhongzhou enter the highest level of the Guangming Parliament. But more importantly, Prepare to build the Zhongzhou Guangming Parliament, let the most loyal to Xuantianzong's forces, master the greatest power, and change the power structure within the scope of Zhongzhou. The second aspect is to build Tianqi College and gather large-scale high-ranking warriors."

Speaking of it. The Eastern Nervans sighed: "It is a pity that the Qing Master is gone, otherwise he will rectify Zhongzhou and do more with less."

"Yeah, my prestige and shock are far from enough." Zhuo Qing sighed.

"That is the division of the defense zone, the formation of the bright parliamentary legion of these two major events? Still do not do?" Qin Wanqiu said.

"Do. But take it slowly." Yangding Tiandao: "However, Zhongzhou has a large number of mature naval soldiers who can transfer to Xizhou to form a new navy. In short, rectifying Zhongzhou is a very slow and long-term process."

The East Nirvana: "Yes. But the entry of Zhongzhou into the Bright Parliament is a huge victory in itself. If the Yin and Yang dynasty led the Dongzhou forces to join the Guangming Parliament, it would be a tremendous boost and stimulation for the rectification of Xizhou!"

Everyone nodded.

Nowadays, the influence of Zhongzhou is far greater than that of Xizhou. It is difficult to control Zhongzhou with Xizhou. But if Dongzhou and Xizhou are combined, then reorganizing Zhongzhou will become much simpler.

"Small day, the overall situation of Zhongzhou has been set, and in the afternoon you will go with me to Yin and Yangzong! In the shortest time, we will let Yin and Yang dynasty enter the Guangming Parliament, then lead the entire Dongzhou and enter the Guangming Parliament." The East Nirvana: "Ten days After ten days of fighting, we will hold the Tiandao League Conference in Zhongjing, reunite the world, reorganize the Bright Parliament as a wartime organization, and prepare for the upcoming war of extinction!"

"Okay, Master!"


in the afternoon!

Yangdingtian, the East Nirvana, rather than die, into a big sad, no shadow!

Five people, riding a konjac, went to Yin Yangzong!


After two days and one night!

Five people once again came to the east of Yunzhou, and landed directly in front of the Yinyang Zongshan Gate!

All four people are among the white cloaks, only the sun top reveals their faces.

At this time, there are still hundreds of people waiting in line in Yin and Yangzong.

Before the top of Yangding, the disciple of the guardian gate said: "Yangdingtian rate visits all the people, please all members of the Yinyangzong Presbyterian Church, come out to meet!"

The guardian disciple stunned and then said: "Yes, I will go to obituary!"

Then he quickly left.

After two quarters of an hour, cold arrogance appeared in front of Yangdingtian.

"Yangcheng Lord, you are a big prestige! But you remember, there is a prestige, don't play in front of the Yin and Yang Dynasties, no matter what your identity is outside, in front of the Yin and Yang Dynasties, you are just a sinister of the Yin and Yang Dynasties. Even if The identity of Yunzhucheng’s lord is just a traitor in front of the Yinyang dynasty.” Cold arrogantly said: “I still want all of my yin and yang ancestors to greet them. Yangdingtian is too worthy of your own. Today Yinyangzong does not welcome you. Please leave!"

"Oh..." Ning is not dead and coldly said: "Is this the most outstanding young disciple of Yin and Yangzong today? Is it so stupid to sit here?"

Rather than slamming the cloak.

Cold and arrogant face change, and then bent down and said: "The disciple is cold and proud, and meets the uncle!"

"I ask you, your answer is." Ning does not die.

"Teacher's lesson, the disciple can only obey. However, the disciple feels that he did not make a mistake. Yangding Tianben is the abandonment of my Yin and Yang dynasty, no matter how high his identity is, he is re-high, in front of Yin and Yangzong, only Can be abandon. The mighty can't be bent. I will never become humble and charming because of his strength and identity change." Cold and awesome: "Want to let all members of the Yin and Yangzong Presbyterian Church come out to meet, he is still in the sky." Not worth it! Even if you are, it does not meet the rules!"

"This is not something I want to play the prestige, not even the top of the sky to play the prestige!" Ning does not die: "The lord is driving, isn't the Yin and Yang dynasty all welcome?"

"The Lord is coming, we should of course welcome all. But the Lord is dead." Cold and proud.

"Who said that I am dead?" The East was cold and then slammed into the cloak.

After the big sadness, all the shadows went to the cloak.

Cold arrogant to see the East Nirvana, suddenly the body trembled, the whole person was completely stiff there, and could not breathe in an instant.

After a long time, he slammed down.

"The disciple is cold and proud, and welcomes the return of the sovereign!"

After squatting under the hoe, Leng Ao quickly returned to the Yin and Yang dynasties.

After half an hour. Yin and Yangzong Presbyterians, all the valleys of Yin and Yangzong, the leaders of all the pavilions, a total of hundreds of people, all out of the mountain gate, kneeling down the platform before the mountain gate.

"Yin and Yangzong up and down, welcome the return of the sovereign!"


In this way, the East Nirvana is easy to enter the Yin and Yang dynasty. In the first time, I got the power of Yin and Yang.

He has been away for more than 13 years, and the Yin and Yangzong Presbyterian Church. Will anyone be distracted? Someone is ambitious?

Of course!

Before the death of the Eastern Nirvana came, the yin and yang sects were not all sad, but also hijacked. Otherwise, no one will be so slow to be cold and cold.

Even this return of the Eastern Nirvana is for some people. No less than a Thunder strike!

However, rather than die, become a big sorrow, no shadow of the three great masters, standing faithfully behind the Nemi. Is it enough to suppress any disagreement? Can make anyone dare not jump to the wall!

Not to mention, the Eastern Nirvana has an apprentice who has the right to pour the world.

After the Eastern Nirvana entered the main Yin and Yang dynasty, there was no hesitation. The first time was to erect the Yin and Yang ancestry. The temporary three-person group of Yin and Yangzong was directly established, and all the powers of Yin and Yangzong were received in this trio. And rather than die, become a big sad, no shadow is a member of the trio.

Next, start a thorough inventory of the Presbyterian Church, and even clean!

In the past ten years, not only the East is not. Even Lian Ning does not die, and Cheng Dao’s sorrow does not matter the yin and yang sect. Therefore, it is obvious that the Yin and Yang dynasties have been infiltrated.

However, today there are four big masters sitting in the town, no one can look down on the storm!

Moreover, the master of the Eastern Nirvana has absolute meaning, and all the middle and lower level warriors of the Yin and Yang dynasties regard him as an absolute spiritual leader.

After entering the Yin and Yang dynasty!

On the day of the Eastern Nirvana, it was announced in the eastern Yunzhou that the Yin and Yang dynasty officially joined the Tiandaomeng Guangming Parliament and made every effort to prepare for the evil demon.


Three days later, the rectification and cleaning of the Yin and Yang dynasty was almost completed!

Of course, this sort of rectification and cleaning is very rude. Anyone who may be a member of the demon stalker, anyone who may be infiltrated, is directly locked into the mysterious vein and temporarily under house arrest. Among them, it includes cold pride.

The suspicion of cold arrogance is very small. The reason for his house arrest is simply that he is hostile to the Guangming Parliament and does not have a correct understanding of the evil demon.

Of course, it’s just a house arrest, not killing people!

I want to thoroughly understand the members of the Demon Road lurkers in Dongzhou, who have been betrayed. The only way is to find the biggest lurker in Dezhou.

However, this person has never appeared, and has not acted, and has not been able to detect it.

That's right, the demon road is in Dongzhou, and there is no action for the time being. That is to say, almost all the demon stalkers, almost no wake up activation.


Three days later, the Eastern Nirvana was at the headquarters of the Tiandao League, convening all the martial forces in Dongzhou, the forces of the Tiandao League, and the extremely affiliated forces, all present!

The Eastern Nirvana did not explain anything about its resurrection and comeback.

He only said three sentences.

In the first sentence, the devil asks the sky and will soon be resurrected. Once he is resurrected, it is the day of the coming of the World War.

In the second sentence, Yin Yangzong joined the Bright Parliament and prepared for the war. In this battle of the sky, it is not a comrade-in-arms or an enemy.

The third sentence, Dongzhou forces, where to go, everyone chooses!

The area of ​​Dongzhou is not as big as that of Xizhou.

The Tiandao League has a total of 19, and the Tiandao League has more than 400 affiliated forces.

The world is the largest in the world, and Dongzhou has the smallest area, but it occupies nearly half. This is a pure martial art continent with few troops, few territories and castles. It is only the most pure martial art school.

The appeal of Yin and Yangzong in Dongzhou is more than the appeal of Xuantianzong in Zhongzhou.

In the hard words of the Eastern Nirvana, almost all the forces of Dongzhou on the same day, all promised to join the Bright Council!

And soon, Yin and Yang dynasty can enter the thorough reorganization of Dongzhou.

In Zhongzhou, rectification is very difficult and almost impossible. Because there are too many interests, too many territories, too many cities.

In Dongzhou, reorganization is much simpler. Because the benefits involved are very small.

Whether it is the formation of the Tianqi Academy, the military is practicing in the air, or forming a defense zone and forming a defense line, including the formation of a military corps. Difficulty and resistance are not too big!

Of course, these things are hard to come by.

Today Xizhou, Zhongzhou, Dongzhou, three continents, all have unified, all joined the Bright Council.

Then the rest is the Tiandao League Conference in Zhongjing!

Officially announced the unification of the world, officially announced the reorganization of the Guangming Parliament as a wartime authority, officially announced that the Chaos mainland is fully prepared for the upcoming destruction!

Today, the Destroyed Legion is still hiding! The devil asked the sky and has not yet resurrected. After the devil died, the Prince was fierce, and the princess Peony was in full force to resurrect the demon. The Palace of Joy has been completely destroyed, and the Lord of the Blood Palace is wise.

The only enemy of the Yangding Tianguangming Parliament is only the Netherland and the Lingzong.

However, once the Tiandao Alliance Conference is held, everything will be a foregone conclusion.

Even the Netherland and the Lingzong can't change. Although these two are powerful, they are still unable to fight the whole world! Can't fight the entire Tiandao League!


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one! (To be continued.)

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