Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 643: Confucianism, Wu Ningming, revealing the skin! Clown show!


Almost a moment, all eyes looked at the sound.

It is the spirit of the Lingbi Palace!

The East Nirvana: "The representative of the Lingbi Palace, what is your dissent?"

Lingxu said: "Prepare for the evil demon, the establishment of the Bright Parliament, I have no opinions in the Lingbi Palace, but also fully support! But the final signer, should be the Lord of the Hidden."

The East Nirvana: "Yes! Lord Yang Dingtian, is the new owner of the patriarchal!"

“Is it?” said the rhinoceros: “What can be proved that Lord Yang Dingtian is the Lord of the Hidden?”

The East Nirvana: "Electric system mystery, hidden sect ancient sword, mother-in-law cross the robbery sword!"

When the words came out, everyone nodded.

Yes, if there is only one or two pieces, it is impossible to prove that Yangdingtian is the owner of the patriarchal, and the three pieces together are enough to prove.

"Then I am strange." Ling Xu said: "This Yangdingtian is your disciple, how has it become a patriarch? Whose disciple is he?"

The Eastern Nirvana has to open again, Yang Ding Tianqi said: "I am a disciple of the master of the East, and I will always be! I am a descendant of the ancestors from two points. The first point, I learned the method of killing the sword. It is the highest martial art of the sect of the sect. He was created by the ancient savior of the savior. After the ancient ghath, the vain family passed down from generation to generation and created the patriarchal!"

Yang Dingtian’s words came out and the whole audience shook!

The sect is the most mysterious force in the world, and almost no one knows the origin! Today, the Emperor Yangzong of the Sundang is created by the ancient savior, a secret that no one knows.

"The second point, I believe that everyone in the field has heard of the change of yin and yang mirror! This secret is not open, but many people know it! The last generation of the lord of the sacred sect is turned into a sorcerer! Before, pass the word of the sect to me!"

Then, Yang Dingtian took out the crystal, which was given to her by the emptiness of the phoenix. "This is the arrow, which is the emptiness of the lord of the last generation. I believe many people know it!"

Yangdingtian input Xuanqi.

Suddenly in the crystal sword, gradually drifting out of a shadow, the world is fascinating, and the world is ruined. It is the lord of the last generation, the emptiness is zero!

Lingxu said: "According to your meaning, are you temporarily designated as the heir by the emptiness of the lord?"

"Yes!" Yangding Tiandao.

"So it is strange, why do you need to make you an heir temporarily? She is already over 200 years old. Within these two hundred, the heirs should be set early, why do they need such a hasty."

Yang Dingtian's face twitched, which digs up the most painful part of his heart, he is not willing to face, but has to face!

"Her original heir is the Oriental Ice Ling." Yangding Tiandao.

When the words came out, there was another exclamation in the presence.

However, I feel that I should be reasonable and not too surprised.

Why? Because the Oriental Ice Ling is too high because of the martial arts grades of cultivation, it has not been in the way until the time of his teens. Her talent is almost the highest person in the entire chaotic world, but she did not make any breakthroughs in her teens, so she was humiliated in the Yin and Yang dynasties, and then she left home and disappeared into the world.

When it reappeared, the Oriental Ice Ling has become the star of the 璀璨, becoming the nine-day mysterious girl, the world 嫡仙!

Therefore, the Oriental Ice Ling is a descendant of the emptiness and emptiness. Although everyone is shocked, it is still not unexpected!

"Why is it passed to you temporarily?" asked the rhinoceros.

"Because, the Oriental Ice Ling was planted by the Soul Eater, which activated the first-class evil spirits in the body, and turned into a princess peony." Yangding Tiandao.

When this was said, it was really like a nuclear bomb dropped into the venue, and everyone was completely shaken.

Nothing is ecstasy, and the East Ice is magical. This is not a secret to Tiandao's top power, but it is still an absolute secret for most people.

Now that everyone has turned it out, everyone is really shocked! Even the masters and descendants of the previous generation of the patriarchs have become evil devils. What hope is there in this battle of destruction?

Before, everyone had great hopes for Yangdingtian to the Bright Parliament. Because, Yang Dingtian defeated Qin Qiqi, defeated Zhu Qingzhu, defeated Ning Wuming, and even destroyed the Ning and Happy Palace. Nowadays, the power of the evil demon in the chaotic mainland has been wiped out, so everyone has great hopes for the victory of Yangdingtian.

As for the devil, the day is of course powerful, but everyone is skeptical about his resurrection.

Nowadays, I heard that even the former Hidden Lord and the Oriental Ice Ling have all been demonized, and there is still hope for this war. Suddenly, countless people are low.

"What about the evidence?" said the rhythm: "You said that the emptiness of the lord before the demonization passed the lord of the patriarch to you, the evidence? Just rely on a crystal sword, but not! The picture at the time can be returned Shadow jade recorded?"

"No!" Yangding Tiandao.

Lingxiu smiled slightly: "No! Then I will sort it out. You said that you are the lord of the patriarchal sect and gave a few pieces of evidence. The first one, your method of killing the sword is the creation of the ancestors of the ancestors. You are the only learner. The second one, you have the hidden sword, and the crystal sword of the emptiness of the lord. In the third, you will cross the sword. The fourth, before the magic of the vain, Pass the position of the Sovereign to you. The fifth and most important one, you have the talent of the electric system, you will be the electric system! I am right!"

"Yes, except for the order." Yangding Tiandao.

Lingxu said: "Well, then I will refute you one by one. The first article, the killing of the sword is the creation of the ancestors of the ancestors. Are you evidence?"

Yangding Tiandao: "No!"

The consonant smiled slightly: "The second article, the hidden sacred sword, the emptiness of the crystal sword, is true! But in the last battle of the world, the private possessions of the patriarchs gave a lot of heaven and earth to the war, so there are A considerable amount is in the world!"

Yangdingtian nodded.

Lingxu said: "The third article, you will cross the sword, as far as I know, there are many ways to achieve the special effect of the mother-in-law to cross the sword, I will. You need me to show it again?"

"No, I believe you can show it." Yangding Tiandao.

Yang Dingtian shook his head: "The fourth article, the vain and sorrow of the lord to pass you the position of the lord, is what you said, there is no evidence, right?"

"Yes!" Yangding Tiandao.

"The fifth article is also the most important one! Anything else can be faked, but only the electrician talent can not be faked. The talent of the electric system is not one in the billion. So, the talent of the electric system has become The signs of the patriarchs of the past dynasties! You will be the power of the mysterious skills, so no one has any doubts about your identity of the hidden ancestor!" Lingxi smiled: "But I remember correctly, you have been to the Five Elements Hall, where The final level is the lightning of the sky. As long as the customs clearance, will reward the electric system Xuan Fu, as long as you swallow the electric system Xuan Fu, you can have the electric talent, so your electric talent is from the secret of the Five Elements Hall. Instead of coming from yourself! After getting the electric system, you will be ambitious, and you will pretend to be the idea of ​​a patriarchal sect. So you pretend to be a sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sinister sect. Nothing wrong!"

Then, the consonant does not wait for Yang Dingtian to speak, loudly: "Do you dare let me pass on the witnesses? Do you dare let me uncover your paintings in the face of the members of the Tiandao League?"

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao.

"Ha ha ha..." The singer laughed: "You dare not! The most important witness is Ling Dance! In Xizhou, you try to get rid of her, but I am greedy for her beauty, so she will be under house arrest and later she will be her I ran away. But I did not expect that after she fled to Zhongzhou, you used conspiracy to let Zhu Qingzhu and Ning Wuming kill each other. He used the conspiracy to defeat the Zhu Qing master and took control of Zhongzhou! She still did not escape your claws. Because she has mastered your fatal secret, so you arrested her again in the last few days and imprisoned it! Unfortunately, I have saved her!"

"Password witness!" shouted loudly.

Zhuo Qingji and Oriental Nirvana are about to stop!

This is really naked and shameless! Wu Ningming and Lingbi Palace had to carry out a terrorist attack on Zhongzhou, so Yangdingtian had to put Lingsha under house arrest because she was very close to Wu Ning. Here, it became the secret of Yang Dingtian's fear that Ling Dance would reveal Yang Tiantian, and she was greedy for her beauty and could not kill, so she was imprisoned.

Ling Wu was rescued, and was protected by the master of the Lingbi Palace, slowly coming in.

Moreover, there is more than one witness, there is also an acquaintance, and Ximen fear also came in as a witness! He really is not dead and strong, Ning no sound is over, he is not dead! Turned to turn to Lingbi Palace and Wu Ningming!

"In order to keep the Ling dance secret, the Yangding Tiandi has repeatedly used the glory of wealth and wealth to seduce. For example, she is a servant, such as giving a castle and giving a large territory. But Miss Ling Dance is upright and noble, all refused, and abandoned the Xizhou. Ronghua Fugui fled to Zhongzhou, only to make clothes for a living!" Lingxiao sighed: "Here, please let me represent the world, and express my greatest respect to Ms. Ling Dance!"

After all, the spirits got up and went deep into the dance.

Ling dance's face trembled fiercely, his eyes blurred.

"Miss Ling Wu, are you willing to be responsible for the next words?" asked the rhinoceros.

Ling Dance hesitated for a moment, biting his teeth: "I am willing!"

Lingxu said: "On the day of the fire island, did you meet Yangdingtian and rescue him! And when you met him, was he practicing the electric system? And coincidentally, the five elements of the temple are just right. In the fiery island!"

Yangding Tianmu is expressionless and looks at Ling Dance.

In the dungeon, he once said a word to Ling Dance: "You may still stick to integrity and justice now, but you hate me. Once you have the opportunity to retaliate, you will definitely break through your bottom line and turn black and white. Refers to the deer as a horse!"

So in a short time, Ling Dance is white and cold. At that time, she still felt dismissive. Now Yang Dingtian’s words at the time are like the same arrow.

In the words of the rhinoceros, there are many traps!

For example, it is Ling Dance that takes Yangdingtian away from the fire island, and the consonance says it is to save! When Ling Wu met Yang Dingtian, he practiced Xuanqi at the bottom of the water. He said that he was practicing the electric system.

Ling Xudao: "Miss Ling Wu, please answer me is it or not?"

Yangdingtian still looks at Ling Dance!

The ending of this woman will be completely decided at this time! Is completely destroyed by the abyss, or a hand climbing on the cliff!

Ling dance is shaking all over the body, almost the whole brain is blank!

"Miss Ling Wu, you can tell the truth, no one can hurt you."

"Yes, I am the sun-top sky found on the fire island!" Ling Wu gritted her teeth, and then she repeatedly told her in her heart: "I did not lie, I did not refer to the deer as a horse upside down black and white, I did meet the sun on the fire island. day!"

However, this kind of deception to yourself is sad and ridiculous! Yes, she did not lie on the surface, but it did match the rhythm.

"That specific, when?" asked the rhinoceros.

"The third day of May of the previous year!" Ling dance.

"Thank you, Miss Ling Dance." Spirit said: "Thank you for your honesty and integrity!"

Confucius said: "It is very coincidental that on May 25th, the hidden ancestors stopped the punishment of the Northwest Tiandao League against Yunxiao City, and took the third method of killing the sword from Yang Yan, the elder of Yunxiao City. Order!"

Lingxiu eyes glared toward Ximen, saying: "Witness of the witness Ximen! At that time, the hidden ancestor was unknown. Did you take the third step of killing the sword from the Yangyan, the elder of the Yunxiao City?"

"I was not in Yunxiao City at the time, but the elder Yang Yan did say that the third stage of the killing of the sword was taken away by the unknown." Simon feared.

Lingxiu smiled: "That's weird! Why did the hidden patriarchs have a special liking for Yunxiao City? Why did they specialize in saving Yunxiao City? The only way to kill pigs and swords is to practice Yangdingtian. Take the third step of killing the sword. It is even more ridiculous that the whole method of killing the sword is only one set. It is obviously in the hands of the unknown. Finally, Yangdingtian learned to kill the third stage of the sword. Prove that one thing, the so-called hidden ancestor is unknown, that is, Yangdingtian fake!"

When this is said, it is like a thunder blow, stabbing to the sun!

Everyone in the hall, all eyes condensed in the sun, waiting for his defense!

"Yangdingtian, this place is fair and selfless, you can justify it."

"No, I still don't justify, don't interrupt your rhythm, you go on." Yangding Tiandao.

This is, the spirit of the glimpse of a glimpse, the eyes tremble, Yang Dingtian's reaction is too calm!

"You don't justify, I have to summarize the words, you don't regret, don't say that I didn't give you a chance."

"It doesn't matter, you will continue." Yangding Tiandao.

"That's good!" The consonant shouted: "My conclusion is that everything you said is fake! You are not a hidden sect! What is the killing of the sword is the creation of the ancestors of the ancestors, all of you Your fascination is based on the electric system of the Five Elements Hall. Your hidden sacred sword, as well as the so-called mother-in-law, is a fake, learned from the Du Gu Feng Dance. Everyone knows that with special effects, fake people will cross the sword, many people will, especially the devils!"

"You have five pieces of evidence to prove that you are the lord of the sacred sect. Now, my evidence is totally worthy of my refutation. I let you argue that you can't find any excuse." Lingxi said: "I have another The two most important people's cards! All this proves that you are not the Lord of the Emperor! You are just an ambitious person, you deceive the whole world, you try to usurp the supreme power of the entire Heavenly Alliance, you are guilty Forgive, when Ling is dead!"

When the words came out, the audience was shocked!

A sneer at the corner of the rhinoceros! This is reminiscent of the words that Wu Ningming said to Yang Dingtian: You are not going to hold the Tiandao League Conference, otherwise you will regret it for life!

"Yangdingtian, what else do you have to say?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Your last words have not been finished, you continue!"

The rhinoceros changed his face and said: "Yes, I still have the last words to say! In this world, there is indeed a secret patriarch, a pro-disciple of the emptiness of the lord! Only that person is not you, but the Netherland Lord Wu Ning!"

After all, the rhythm loudly said: "There is a true hidden lord, Wu Ningming!"

In an instant, the door of the main hall, slowly open!

Beautiful and unparalleled, like the immortal Wu Ning, white wins the snow, slowly enter!

Even at this time, he also took the wife's hand, as if walking into the main hall of Beijing, but walking into a hotel.

Many people in the room were the first to see Wu Ning, and they could not help but be completely impressed by his style!

Wu Ningming and Lingbi walked to the center of the main hall. He said softly to the spirits: "You, go to sit on the side for a while, and I will say a few words with your Yangdingtian brother."

"Well! You are careful with him." Lingbi said: "Don't be too honest and kind, that can only make people bully!"

Wu Ningming is at the first level, picking up the stairs and going to the center of the main hall.

"Yangding Tianxiong, you come, we will talk for a while." Wu Ning said.

"Good." Yang Dingtian smiled, then got up from the position and walked to Wu Ningming.

Wu Ningming, this person, is really a speculation.

The two men stood together, no matter the appearance or the grace, it was completely in the sky and the earth. All of a sudden, people feel that Wu Ningming's demeanor is worthy of the title of the patriarch, and the image of Yangdingtian is too general. It is not like a look!

"Yang brother! In this world, if you want to find someone I admire, there must be you there." Wu Ningming and Yang Dingtian stand side by side, smiling: "Your talent, your wisdom, I admire !"

Although Wu Ningming’s voice is not big, everyone can hear it.

However, in his stomach, there was a voice, only Yang Dingtian could hear it, and his other voice sneered: "Yangdingtian, I told you. Let you never hold The Tiandao League Conference, otherwise the consequences are very tragic, you will regret life, and you will not listen, and now you finally know."

Yang Dingtian smiled and nodded.

"I am a gentleman, and the power is not in my heart. So I don't care too much about the position of the Lord of the Hidden Emperor." Wu Ningming used the voice that everyone could hear: "So before a long time ago, You are doing things with the signboard of the Hidden Lord. I am not very happy, but I feel that you are not easy, so I have not debunked you, because I don't care about this position!"

"Hey, Yangdingtian." Wu Youning's other voice is full of infinite coldness: "I will let you climb to the peak, and then let you fall, it hurts, it is very miserable! I still have the world before, after There is nothing in one moment, and you are defeated!"

Yangdingtian still smiles and listens to Wu Ningming’s words!

Wu Younmi continued to sigh: "But, today I can't stand up! Yang brother, your ambition is too big. You take away the lord who belongs to me. There is nothing, but you can't usurp the supreme power of the Heavenly Alliance. I can't take the entire Tiandao League into the abyss! So, I have to stand up, sorry!"

"Ha ha ha, Yang Dingtian, yes, you are the lord of the patriarchal, and I am not." Wu Ning's cold voice continued to sound in the Yangding Tianyue: "But I can easily reverse the black and white, I can take Take your everything! A dozen plague attacks, robbery of 19 participants, this series is fake, it is a blind eye! I just let you think that you won, successfully held the Tiandao League, and then I won Take care of everything that belongs to you! Love you before Ling Dance, I can wash her brain easily, let her betray you, let her slap a knife to your heart. Before the genius admire you, and you, and you I am fascinated by your brothers and sisters, but I am fascinated by her. Now she is even more contemptuous of you! Yangdingtian, people and people are incomparable. I have already said that I am Hawthorn, and you are like ants on the ground. I almost disdain to talk to you, because we are too far apart! I can easily crush you with a finger. But that makes you too comfortable, I want to play It’s better to die than to play!”

Yang Dingtian once asked Wu Ningming exactly what purpose he wanted and what he wanted.

Later, after seeing Ling Dance for the first time, he understood. Although this result is ridiculous, the result is correct. The purpose of Wu Ningming is to trample on Yangdingtian, just to torture Yangdingtian!

After thinking about this, then what he wants to do, everything becomes clear!

So, about a few days ago, Yangdingtian thought of everything that would happen at this time!


Yang Dingtian did not react to Wu Ningming's words, and the following Song dynasty was as violent as fire. The Kwai Si is trembling and his face is blue. In particular, Kwai Si, for the false hypocrisy of Wu Youming, has long been known clearly.

"Wu Ningming, you keep saying that you are the lord of the sacred sect, you have any evidence ~ Say it, don't fart there!" Song screamed: "Don't come to the performance of this head dog face I am sick of disgusting!"

Wu Ningming showed a trace of pain in her eyes. "I really don't want to show evidence to prove myself. It will make me feel like a monkey! But today, I am a shame!"

Wu Ningwu faintly said: "The most important evidence of the Lord of the Hidden Sect, how many? Song Huizhu, you talk about it."

Song Weidao: "Electricity talent, hidden sacred swordsmanship, evidence of the inheritance of the former sect of the patriarch, the sovereign trust!"

Wu Ningwu faintly said: "The evidence of the inheritance of the former Emperor Zongzong, Yangdingtian is not without you demanding, but you want to ask me, is this fair?"

"No way, I admire Yangding Tianzong, I hate you, it is as simple as that." Song Wei straightforward!

"That's okay!" Wu Ning said: "I will humiliately show me the evidence of the Lord of the Hidden Emperor!"

Then, Wu Youxiao slowly pulled out the sword! RS


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