Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 648: Letter! Kill the sword and the ghosts! Protoss baby!

"Youth brother, when you see this letter, your plan to seek the Lord of the Hidden Sect should have failed!"

"For this day, you have been planning for a long time, it is not easy... In order to get the electric system, you will harden the secrets of the Five Elements Temple, and you will be violently slamming against the lightning. You are really enough to fight!"

"I think about it, it's not enough for the electric system to be a metaphor. You should go to see a sorcerer, and then scream and shout a master, and record it with a shadow jade, and then show it in the hall as evidence. !"

"What plague attack, what the leader of the conference disappeared, all are smoke bombs! You deliberately pretended to stop the convening of the Tiandao League conference, so that I spent all my hard work to eliminate all difficulties, and finally let the Tiandao League conference be held. As a result, you came over. Take away everything, let me lose my name, you want me to fall to **** at the peak, it is better to die!"

"Unfortunately, after the first meeting with Ling Dance! I finally know your purpose. Your purpose is to torture me. So everything you have to do can be easily guessed."

"Exactly, I will take your skin off in front of countless people!"

"You are nothing more than a sorrowful brother! Perhaps your ability is just to seduce the two dancers who think they are not smart enough?"

"The fascinating tricks of the world, tearing off the skin and revealing it!"

"Finally, in order to thank the Nether Brother for your love for me, I will give you a picture!"

In front of Yang Dingtian's letter, Wu Ning was so angry that his heart was hit hard, but he had not yet reached the point where he vomited blood.

All the keys are on the last picture!

This picture is absolutely yellow and violent!

A man, all over. It is straight and big and powerful.

Then, a woman kneels under him!

There are a few words on the side of the picture: I am yang, the sky! Borrow, find me!

All the anger of Wu Youming, all the defeats. Instantly erupt!

Smashing the sword and slashing, slashing everything in the room. He yanked off the jade crown on his head, suddenly draped his head, his face twisted, tearing the letter into pieces.



Wu Ning's sword is arrogant and destroys everything in the room!

The taro is sweet, and another blood spurts out.

Because Lingbi and Ling Dance are still outside, his roaring screams can't be heard, only under the throat.

but. The outside Lingbi still heard a little movement and asked: "Frank, what happened to you?"

"Ah, nothing!" Wu Ningming’s face was twisted, but she said the gentlest words in the light and light tone.

Then the sleeves jerked, and suddenly the interior of the mess was turned into a powder, all the wolves could not be seen!

"Yangdingtian. I will let you survive, you can't die!"


"Sovereign. You should not agree to compete with Wu Youming." Qin Wanqiu said: "At the time, he was very cunning, but it has clearly fallen into the wind."

"No way, I need to hold him!" Yangding Tiandao: "Otherwise, once the East Heaven League has really been established, then the civil war will continue! At present, our strength can not withstand the Netherland and the Lingzong. So I must give him a hope, let him feel that if I kill me after one year, I can rob everything! Then in this year, we can fully rectify Zhongzhou and Dongzhou! Otherwise, if you tear your face, maybe After the Ming Dynasty, the war will break out!"

"This is true, but Wu Youxiao is unfathomable. It is hard to break through the masters. After one year, the duel and his duel are really difficult." Qin Wanqiu said.

"I have a plan." Yangding Tiandao: "There are two things that can directly let me break through the Grand Master."

"What?" Qin Wanqiu said.

"The first one, the fourth step of the killing of the sword, the second, the ghost of the Nether!" Yangding Tiandao: "The original ghost fire is to give the coffin, now it seems that there is no waste! This mysterious Fire, I got it!"

"We will do our utmost to help the lord get these two things." Qin Wanqiu said: "But it is not enough to break through the big masters, not enough!"

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath: "The next step is to see other encounters!"

"There is more than four months from the bloom of the Nether's WISP! During this time, the most important thing is to kill the fourth step of the Swordsmanship. How should we plan?"

Yangding Tiandao: "In this world, there are two sets of the fourth stage of the killing sword sword!"

"Two sets?" The East Nirvana was surprised.

"Yes, because the fourth-order cheats, the emptiness-free predecessors were written in the Sea Snake Empire and the Mermaid Empire. They used their martial arts and materials, so they must leave a set of backups for them." Yangding Tiandao: " So now there is a set in the chaotic world, and another set of martial arts in the mermaid empire!"

"But after the ancient Geng Nie, the sea and the sky, the heavens and the earth have changed dramatically! The mermaid empire of the sea, I don’t know what has become, even if there is no change, no one knows where the mermaid empire is." The East Nirvana: "So the center of gravity Probably still in the chaotic world!"

"Master, there is a very very strange person." Yangding Tiandao: "I was the one who put the fourth step of the killing sword sword in the auction of the Magic City Shang Palace! I thought he was a demon person, auction pig The fourth stage of the sword method was to introduce me, so I did not participate in the auction, and passed the cheats! Now it seems that no matter whether he is a demon or not, he will take the cheats out of the auction and have a purpose. And that purpose must be me!"


"If his purpose is me, if he has the fourth step of killing the sword, he will come to me." Yangding Tiandao.

Everyone nodded!

"So, we are divided into two ends! One, I went to the Magic City Shang Palace to see if he had auctioned the fourth-order volume again. On the other hand, in the name of the Guangming Parliament, we rewarded the world with the sword and the sword. Order, at any cost!" Yangding Tiandao.

"Well, we immediately issued a reward order to the world." Qin Wanqiu said: "But in that case, Wu Youming will know that we are looking for the fourth step of the killing of the sword. They will definitely destroy and stop!"

"They already know that we are desperately searching for the fourth-order roll, and they will desperately destroy it whether it is public or not." Yangding Tiandao: "But this is good, let them focus on destroying my search for cheats, don't let In the destruction of the rectification of the Tiandao League!"

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "Master. Qin Shishu Zhongzhou here first handed over to you, I want to go back to Yunxiao City! The enchanting is produced in these days, and there is no news yet. You also know that she That child is very special, I have to go back!"

"Yes! Sovereign!" Qin Wanqiu said.


After coming out of the Zhongjing Hall, Yangdingtian directly rode on the konjac king and flew toward Xizhou.

After seven hours, Yangdingtian came to the sky above Yunxiao City! Suddenly felt an incomparably strong atmosphere over the entire Yunxiao Castle.

It is a solitary, Yang Dingtian let the enchanting go to ask him to help protect Yunxiao City. He really came!

"Small Xiaoyang tops the sky, meet the great man of Yuezhang!"

"Hey!" The solitary golden figure appeared in front of Yangdingtian!

"Your son has been born, and the matter has been settled in Zhongzhou?" asked Duo.

"Well, it’s over for a while." Yangding Tiandao.

“How is the result?”

"Wu Ningming tried to usurp the lord of the patriarchal, but failed." Yangding Tiandao: "So I will make a contest next year!"

The solitary brow slightly wrinkled, said: "Next year and today! At that time, although he can not kill you, but your face is still very small!"

"Winning or losing is not important." Yangding Tiandao: "I just want to use this year. Thoroughly rectify the Heavenly Alliance and prepare for the evil demon!"

Solitary said: "Don't forget. A big demon of the demon road is standing in front of you! You are so straightforward to say that we want to destroy us, so okay?"

"Yuezhang is a person with great wisdom, able to resist the temptation of the Temple of the Soul, how can it be divided by the evil demon, or the Heavenly Alliance?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Oh, do you know this thing too?" Du Guxiao smiled and said: "I wish you a good surprise."

"It’s just an accident, it’s scared to fly away." Yangding Tiandao: "I thought that the six great masters were invincible to the six great masters. I didn’t think that the wish would be so strong. To the point! One person killed the four masters of the Demon Road, more than 30 masters! If it is not his men’s mercy, willing to accept the loss, I am afraid that we are killed by him except the ancient giant beast. It!"

Suddenly, Yangding Tianxin shook his head in awkward way: "I will never forget this scene. I didn't think that after I wished the Qing and the evil demon, we couldn't win. Finally, we completely relied on the nature of Zhu Qing. Only get the so-called victory!"

"No, it is not a so-called victory." Duo said: "You defeat the Zhu Qing master is justified, is the real victory! Although you repaired him a hundred times worse, but that victory is a higher level of victory! Because of this, I am disheartened and give up everything!"

"Have he seen you?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Well, he wants to go far away from the sky, look for the answer in his heart, and of course he will come to see my old friend."

Yang Dingtian seems to think of something, suddenly smiled: "Yuezhang, I heard that you can be more powerful than Zhu Qingzhu! Help me to kill the innocent?"

"I am not his opponent." Duo 逍 逍 逍 : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ !"

"Ximen Shishu?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes!" Duo said: "If he is not framed by Zhu Qingzhu! Now he, Zhu Qingzhu and I are no longer opponents. Within three or five years, he will be able to break through the semi-holy! Seeing that you are being bullied, you can carry a sword directly and take the innocent dog's head!"

Yang Dingtian imagined that picture, could not help but fascinated!

"Don't think that he won't do that." Duo said: "Your father-in-law, but a hot person! Killing people, no one is softer than Zhu Qing's master. In Yunxiao City, he completely kills people! You don't I know that Qin Wanqiu had to change to a different place every night. No one knows where he will live. He is worried that your father-in-law will pick up the sword one day and kill him directly!"

Yangding Tiangu tongue, did not expect that there is such a past!

"Yuezhang. One thing I am very surprised is why each of you said that Ximen Shishu is strong. I remember that three years ago, his cultivation was worse than that of my master. It was weaker than you." Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes. Three years ago, he was probably a seven- and eight-star master. It was worse than us. But you know, how old is he to break through?" asked Duo.

Yangdingtian shook his head.

"Your master, I, Zhu Qingzhu three, are the masters who broke through when they were less than forty years old." Du Gudao said: "And when you were at the age of 50, you broke through the Grand Master! But at the age of 52 At the time, we broke through the seven or eight star masters! We spent more than ten years, he only spent two years. His momentum is completely unstoppable like a storm! If he is not framed, it will be very It's possible! Because he chose the hardest and most difficult road, once he got through, he couldn't stop it! Unfortunately, it's a pity!"

Yangdingtian once again screams!

The momentum of Ximen Shishu is completely no less than himself!

At this time, it is almost a year since Yangdingtian broke through the master! This year, we must add the fourth-order volume of the killing sword. He broke through five stars and nine in total!

And Simon has no boundaries for two years, and he has broken through from the Grand Master to the Eight Star Grand Master.

Yangdingtian is open. And Simon is boundless, completely cultivated by himself!

No wonder, everyone is arrogant to Simon!

And the soul of the soul that has been brewing for more than ten years, is also used in the West Gate!

Yangdingtian always wanted to save the West Gate! But at present, it seems impossible to achieve it before I crack the energy of evil spirits!

"Okay. Go see your son! I am leaving!"

Then, he instantly disappeared in front of Yangdingtian!


Why does Yangdingtian ask for independence? Not to guard against the enemy's sneak attack, but to guard against the enchanting madness!

Since leaving the prison of energy, the enchanting is to rely on pregnancy to maintain the human form! Once the enchanting madness, it is extremely powerful and terrible! and so. Yangding genius needs to be alone in the town!

However, the enchanting is not demonized! Because there are no traces of fighting in the valley!

Of course, the enchanting is also afraid that she will hurt others, especially to her own children, so she chooses to give birth in the energy prison!

However, after the baby was born, she did not demonize!

When Yangdingtian saw her, she was lying in bed, and she was full of white plump to feed her baby!

Seeing that Yangdingtian came in, she looked up and glanced at her dissatisfaction, and then continued to lick the little song to feed her baby! Shi Niang is sitting on the edge of the bed, embroidering small shoes!

"Small day, you are coming, hurry to hug the child, I have never seen such a strong baby." Shi Niang suddenly surprised.

Before the top of the sky, I picked up the baby!

Sure enough, the start is completely heavy. It seems that the size of the head is similar to that of other babies, but it is twice as large as other babies.

As soon as I left my mother's grandmother, my baby suddenly wowed and cried!

"Wow! Great strength!" Yang Dingtian was amazed, I am afraid that children of four or five years old may not have this strength.

"Isn't it." The teacher smiled and said: "When I was holding it, I almost couldn't hold it. I just got so strong when I was born, and I got it later!"

"Why don't you wear clothes for your baby?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Your son is not willing to wear it." The enchanting said: "When you wear a shirt, you will cry, your hands and feet will be chaotic!"

Yangdingtian touches the baby's hands and feet, but it is full of sturdy energy!

"Wow, you are like Dad, it is also Jiuyang Xuanmai!" Yangdingtian will hold the baby in front of him.

The baby didn't even cry, and even stared at the **** eyes, and Yang Dingtian looked at each other. No, he is staring at Yangdingtian.

Yes, the newborn baby will have this gaze!

"The baby's eyes are bright!" Yangding Tiandao.

No! The baby's eyes are brighter and brighter. It is just like a gem-like eyelid. It has a near-substantial light. This kind of radiant sun is only visible in the eyes of Naga proud.

"You look at your baby's ears again?"

Yangding Tianyi looked, suddenly a glimpse!

The baby's ears are not the same as humans. It is accurate to say that the lower part is the same, but the upper part is very pointed, somewhat similar to the ear of the elf in the movie. Moreover, there is a golden hair on the ear!

This ear looks like awesome and gorgeous!

However, the teacher was worried, saying: "After growing up, bring the helmet, you can't see it!"

"Don't wear it, how beautiful our ears are, how proud the wind!" Yang Dingtian laughed.

"Hero, baby should not think of you, have a tail!" Yang Dingtian hurry to see the baby's ass.

No tail! But the position of the tail vertebrae has a golden yellow pattern!

Look closely, the baby's forehead has the same golden yellow pattern.

This pattern is looming, mysterious and gorgeous.

Yangdingtian was shocked and secret, I, what kind of baby did I have?

"Hero, you, have you succeeded?" Yangding Tiandao.

The enchanting came to the chaotic continent from another space, in order to breed a new perfect race!

At the moment, the baby looks as if everything is different, it looks mysterious and unbeatable!

"Well, you talk, I go to see the stewed soup." Shi Niang, then she went out.

Yangdingtian holds the baby and sits on the edge of the bed.

"The enchanting, after the baby is born, you are not mad." Yangding Tiandao.

"Do you still want me to be mad?" The enchanting sneer said: "I don't worry, I also called a strong man who is near the holy level to live with me."

Yangdingtian gently touches the enchanting and unparalleled face.

"Small day, I originally planned to give birth to the baby, and immediately left with the baby, completely disappeared."

"No." Yangding Tiandao: "You are not allowed to do that!"

"Don't worry, I can't go now." The enchanting beauty stared at Yangdingtian, softly said: "French, I am afraid that I can only be a human woman by your side in the future. I can't make it." The fox is gone, I will never change again."

"So, isn't it?" Yangdingtian instinctively said, then quickly asked: "What happened?"

The enchanting said: "The energy of all the nine-tailed foxes in my body has disappeared. I originally had two seas, one is a fox, the other is a human, and the fox has completely disappeared."

Yangding Tiandeng will look at the baby.

"Yes, all the energy of my demon fox family, all transferred to the baby."

Yangdingtian was completely shocked.

When the enchanting as a nine-tailed fox, how powerful is it? A few large masters, dozens of masters, took her when she was the weakest.

It can be said that the enchanting form of the monster form can be regarded as the strongest in the world. Nowadays, all the energy is on the baby.

"Wow! We have a super baby." Yang Dingtian holds the baby's face and said: "I will fight with my brother and sister after that, not too hard!"

"Stab!" The enchanting grunts: "You will talk nonsense!"

Then, the enchanting beauty is charming and fascinating: "The life and death of the little girl can be in your hands, you have to pity!"

"You fox!" Yangding Tiandao.

The enchanting cockroach suddenly put on a small red mouth and kissed Yang Dingtian deeply.

"Right, as compensation, I suddenly broke through to the nine-star master."

Yangding Tian was shocked!


Note: The first one is sent, I will write the second one! (To be continued.)

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