Nine Yang Sword Saint

Chapter 67: : The biggest blood in the history

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"Hey..." Yangding rushed out of the water.

So warm, the water here! Of course, this is just the feeling of Yangdingtian. The water temperature here is still about minus ten degrees, but this temperature has already made Yangdingtian feel warm.

At the moment of rushing out of the water, Yangdingtian suddenly slammed in front of him. He was deep in a pool. The area was the same as that of the abandoned mine. The pool was also covered in a huge cave. A layer of ice, crystal clear as a crystal palace.

There is a hole in the wall of the cave. There is a passage behind the hole. The passage is covered with a variety of crystals, red, purple, dazzling and beautiful.

The structure here is almost identical to the large caves deep in the abandoned mine.

Yangding Tianxin 旷 旷 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Climbing out of the water and walking on the ice, Yangdingtian knows why he feels so strange.

I jumped off the unfrozen pool, and dive down clearly. After diving for 100 meters, the temperature of the water rises, and I am flying up quickly. I should fall down.

Look at this quiet pool surface, and this huge cave, Yang Dingtian understands one thing.

Here, is it anti-gravity?

This is under the abandoned mine, Yangdingtian dive 200 meters from the frozen pool and rushed out of the water. According to the orientation, the surface of the water turned out to be an overhang, and Yangdingtian stood at the top of the cave at this time, but did not fall.

The original non-freezing pool is not a hole-like shape, but an hourglass-like shape. As long as it sneaked through the middle of a hundred meters, it will enter the anti-gravity field and then fly up quickly.

Yangdingtian bit his teeth and took his life to fight. Not only did he survive, but he also came to this wonderful place.

"Blood Wujin." Yang Dingtian immediately thought of this thing, there are a lot of fire system veins where there is no frozen water, Zao Wou-Ki is here for blood Wujin.

Yangdingtian immediately searched for blood Wujin.

Soon, Yangdingtian found the first blood Wujin, just in the tunnel at the hole in the hole, a fiery red blood in a pile of crystals.

Yangdingtian climbed the cave wall, entered the hole and walked into the two-meter-high passage.

"Master, this blood Wujin and the one we got in the red wilderness are different." Yangding Tiandao: "The blood here is more red and red like blood."

The Eastern Nirvana seemed to be somewhat stunned. After a long time, he sighed and said: "It is a blessing in disguise, and the blessing is deep. This is the top blood Wujin, at least condensed the blood of Wujin for tens of thousands of years. Wujin, the purity is ten times higher."

"Children, are you really sent by God?" The Eastern Necropolis sighed: "Why, why this **** gold that has been condensed for thousands of years will appear in front of you."

Yang Dingtian was also a little trembling with excitement: "Master, then I will dig it out?"

"Well, be careful to dig."

Yang Dingtian took out the dagger and grabbed the blood Wujin in one hand. Regardless of the hot, carefully dig the whole blood Wujin.

He clearly felt that when the blood Wujin left the crystal wall, there was a kind of thing similar to the soul that trembled as if there was some disappointment and some cheers. Reluctantly because the crystal wall gave birth to them, cheering because they can finally leave and go to the world.

"Master, so strange, I feel that this blood Wujin seems to have life." Yangding Tiandao.

"It's not life, it's spiritual!" The Eastern Nirvana said: "The baby of tens of thousands of years must be spiritual. Such a blood-golden forged sword, the cultivation of the soul of the sword is really twice the result with half the effort, I really can't imagine, you are about to How amazing the sword will be."

Yangdingtian reluctantly put blood Wujin into a special bag and continue to move forward.

"Master, I hope this vein is not only this blood Wujin." Yangding Tiandao.

"No, since the anti-gravity field and the non-freezing pool have been created, there will be more than one, it will be a big vein, and there may be dozens of them." The East Nirvana said: "You continue to go inside."

Yangdingtian continues to go inside. There are red, purple crystal stones everywhere. The passage is not artificially excavated, but is generated by natural cracks.

"Master, are these crystals useful?" Yangding Tiandao.

"This is the most outstanding fire crystal, a crystal is worth at least a few thousand gold coins." Oriental Nirvana said: "But it is not very useful for you, you can take one or two when you leave, to make a jewelry for the flame. ”

Yangdingtian went inside for more than ten meters and searched for the next blood Wujin.

Sure enough, there are, and still two, one left and one right on the wall.

Yang Dingtian was excited and stepped forward to dig up two thousand years of blood Wujin and put it in a special bag.

Next, Yangdingtian went forward a few tens of meters, at a corner, full of five blood Wujin.

Yangdingtian keeps going inward, the more inside, the higher the temperature, and finally it is completely like a fire.

This natural mine is really deep, Yangdingtian has already walked into more than 2,000 meters, and has already dug thirty-two blood Wujin.

Although the weight of a few hundred pounds still moves back, the speed is still slow.

But gradually, blood Wujin is getting less and less, from one tens of meters to one, only one hundred meters to one, and finally there is no one on the kilometer.

At this time, Yangdingtian has already penetrated more than 5,000 meters and dug up forty-five blood Wujin. Yangdingtian has to drag forward.

At the end of the full 1,500 meters, there is no blood Wujin, and the temperature inside the cave is already more than one hundred degrees. If it is not Yangdingtian, after three layers of washing the marrow, it will die long ago.

"Master, it seems that the front is coming to an end. There should be no blood Wujin." Yangding Tiandao.

The East Nirvana: "There may be no, the general vein, the blood Wujin number is a multiple of nine. Forty-five thousand years of blood Wujin, is already a hugely large vein."

"Then I went back?" Yangding Tiandao: "Unfortunately there are no gold beasts and ice monsters here, or the two demon nucleus destroyed by Zao Wou-Ki can make up."

Thinking of this, the excitement of Yangdingtian suddenly decreased a lot. It’s exciting to get forty-five thousand years of blood, but the main purpose of the years is to hunt the demon nucleus. Now the demon nucleus is gone, especially the ice nucleus, and the five elements of the yin and yang array after seven days cannot be carried out. Xuanqi can't break through.

Another big trouble is how should you go back?

Of course, you can go back along the non-freezing pool, but how do you bring back the blood of Wujin, which is tens of kilograms? And Zao Wou-Ki stayed there, and he couldn't get a mine hole. Also, it’s been about five hours since I entered the abandoned mine hole. The sunset outside is almost going down. It’s almost time for Ning’s appointment. If I don’t want to go out and meet her, I’m afraid she’s going to enter. It’s not good to find yourself in the mine hole, and it is likely to fall into the metamorphosis of Zao Wou-Ki.

"What is the end of this crystal mine hole? Will there be another exit?" Yangdingtian looked at the end of the crystal hole in front of the heart.

Yangdingtian hesitated whether to continue to go down to the end of the crystal mine, but the temperature in front was getting higher and higher, and it was completely unbearable.

"Try it, if there is another exit, you can escape Zao Wou-Ki, and you can avoid Ning Ning from entering the mine and encounter Zao Wou-ki." Yang Ding Tianxin’s dark road, then slammed his teeth and continued to go, even though There is no blood in Wujin.

Every meter that went next was incomparably difficult, just like walking in a fire. If it wasn't for Ningning's hair in the Yangdingtian, a hair was burned.

Ten meters.

Twenty meters.

Thirty meters!

Finally, Yangdingtian went to the end of the crystal mine.

Walking through the corner of the front is the end, because there is a very bright light, very hot.

At this time, Yangdingtian was almost dehydrated, his lips were cracked like firewood, his teeth were tight, and he finished the last few meters.

After the corner, walked to the end of the crystal mine, suddenly completely stunned.

There is no exit here, there is only one huge cave, the bottom of the cave is hot magma This is not to make Yangdingtian horrified, let him be surprised that the surrounding walls are full of blood Wujin It is full of blood and gold, like countless gorgeous fireballs on the black stone wall, looks very beautiful and beautiful.

Yangdingtian was stunned, and the Eastern Nirvana was also stunned.

"God..." The Eastern Nirvana whispered to himself: "There is still such a large **** gold vein in the world. I have seen the largest vein in my life, but only a hundred or more. This world has been recorded since The biggest blood-golden veins are only 198. How many are there?"

Yangdingtian is also completely shocked!

After ten minutes of shocking, Yang Dingtian began counting the number of blood Wujin here.

It’s too much, it looks really dazzling, and the number of days is over and over again.

In the end, the figure is that there are 954, and in the hands of Yang Dingtian, a total of ninety-nine ninety-nine are the largest blood-gold veins recorded since the record.

Yang Dingtian was instantly shocked by the incomparable happiness.

What he wants to forge is a superb sword, which requires nine hundred and ninety-nine blood. Before the Eastern Nirvana plan took a few years to find the 999 blood Wujin, now there are 999 at once, which means that his unique sword material will be there at once, and the rest will only be forged. .

Moreover, 999 million years of blood Wujin, ten times more than the ordinary blood Wujin. Therefore, the 999-year-old blood Wujin forged out is not only a splendid sword, but even higher, it may be a sword of the emperor that has never been seen before!

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