Nine Yang Sword Saint

Chapter 74: : Horror Villa

In order to break through the power system, in order to break through, in order to eliminate the battle after five days. Yangdingtian, have to go!

The Millennium Nightingale of the Horror Hills is his only chance. Although this millennium nightingale is so powerful that it cannot be described in words.

Ningning gently smiled and said: "Well, my sister will accompany you. However, I have to wait a few hours, I will adjust the mysteriousness."

Yang Dingtian couldn't help but be curious at this time and asked: "Ningning sister, what level is Xuanqi now?"

"It's better than Ximen Yan, but it can't compare with your two genius little wives." Ning Ning said: "And it really started to fight, even those who saw martial arts could not beat."

The two genius little wives in her mouth are naturally Ximen Flame and Oriental Ice Ling, and Yang Dingtian suddenly smiles.


In the next few hours, Ningning was closing his eyes and adjusting his interest. Yangdingtian also took a little interest rate adjustment and took a wonderful Lingdan. The injury was completely good.

During this time, there was no one around the mine, not even a monster.

When the sky was bright, Ningning adjusted the interest rate, and the injury was almost good. Xuanqi also recovered. She loves to be very clean. The first thing after ending the adjustment is to take a bath, so I look around for a spring bath or a pond. I was very fortunate to find a hot spring on the mountain. She suddenly cheered and stripped off her clothes. Perfectly beautiful body.

Yang Dingtian sneaked a little, then turned around, and there was a plop in the back, Ningning jumped into the hot spring.

The two had washed the bath, washed the clothes, dried them with fire and put them on.

Yang Dingtian re-appeared the mask and put on the white robes, which turned into a handsome and graceful. Ximen Ningning was once again dressed as Qin Hongmian.

At this time, the sky is bright, it is almost dawn. When the two went down the mountain, they had to ride to the Horror Hills.


"Ningning sister, I still have forty-five blood Wujin buried in the mine, will it be unsafe." Before the horse, Yangdingtian suddenly said.

Ning Ning frowned and said: "It is not safe. The blood Wujin is too attractive to the golden beast. The time is long, and even the far-reaching gold beast may be attracted."

"But it is even more impossible to bring a horror mountain to the body, and not to mention that it is nearly a thousand pounds. This is heaven and earth, and it will attract other people's greed." Yangding Tiandao: "You can't send it back to Yunxiao City and then to the Horror Villa. I am afraid that there is too much time."

Ning Ning's face was slightly struggling and hesitant, and then the beauty looked to Yang Tiantian, softly said: "Small day, my sister has a secret that can't tell you now, so I won't be surprised if I give you something."

Then, Ning Ning gently pinched his index finger and gently entered a mysterious gas. Suddenly a quaint ring appeared on her white and slender jade finger. He gently handed the ring to Yang Dingtian. : "Put the blood gold into this ring."

Yangdingtian was shocked and took the ring, and suddenly felt a thick and mysterious power. How to put a full-fledged blood Wujin into this small ring? There is no space for the ring in this world. Whether it is from the mouth of the East, or a lot of books, there is no space ring.

"This is a space storage ring, probably three feet square, you can put your forty-five blood Wujin." Ning Ning softly.

Actually it was really the space ring, Yang Dingtian was surprised and said: "Ning Ning sister, is this world not without a space ring?"

Ningning directly put the ring on Yang Dingtian's finger, softly said: "There are some secrets on my sister. At some time, my sister will tell you, but I can't say it now, so you can use it."

Yangding Tiandao: "But this thing is so precious, how can I give it to me? I have forty-five blood Wujin temporarily there."

"It’s my sister who borrowed you and will return it to my sister later." Ning Ning softly said.

Yang Dingtian gently touched the ring and couldn't help but ask: "Does Ximen Shishu and Yan Yan know this ring?"

Ning Ning shook his head gently. Yangdingtian has a slight glimpse, so the identity of Ningning is really a big secret, and she is certainly not an orphan adopted by the West Gate. She must have a special purpose to come to Yunxiaocheng.

"Ningning sister, I don't care what your true identity is, I only know that you will not harm me, you are my closest relative." Yangding Tiandao.

"Hey!" Ning Ning softly, then the little hand gently touched the cheek of Yangdingtian.

Then, Yangdingtian took Ningning into the mine hole, dug out the bag of blood Wujin, and then in the astonished gaze, watching Ningning put a **** gold into the ring and disappeared.

I did not expect that this world really has a space ring, which is really unreasonable.

"Actually, these blood Wujin is not placed in the ring, but in a special space." Ning Ning softly explained: "This is, however, this ring is the medium to go to that special space."

"That said, this ring is a small time and space door." Yang Dingtian surprised the dark, suddenly he was more curious about the secret behind the world.

"Ningning sister, is there a second space ring in this world?" Yangdingtian could not help but ask.

Ning Ning shook his head and said: "I don't know, but it should be no."

After loading forty-five blood Ujin, Ningning Yu’s hand gently stroked, and the ring disappeared from Yang Dingtian’s finger.

"If you want to summon a ring, just touch the position and input a sigh of sigh, then you can feel it in your heart." Ning Ning Road.

Yang Dingtian tried it, and it was easy to summon the space ring and looked at Ningning Road: "After returning to Yunxiao City, I will give Ningning sister."

"What anxious." Ning Ning softly said: "When you wear it to you, you don't need it anymore. Although your sister has no right to give it to you, you can lend it to you indefinitely."

Then, Ningning Meijing looked at Yangdingtian, and the voice became more gentle: "Just like my sister can't marry you, I can lend you indefinitely."

Yangding is a day, then a hot heart, want to say something, but found nothing can not be said.

There are two women in this world who have deep entanglements with him. One is an oriental icicle, and the other is a beautiful man. The two are the unparalleled beauty of the world.

Oriental Ice Ling is Master's choice, and Ximen Flame is a choice for Ximen. Although he has been a man as a man, these two generations are really not the choice of Yang Dingtian.

The Ximen Ningning in front of the eyes, although the appearance is not comparable to the flames and the oriental ice. But her shame is gentle, her innocence is narrow, her tolerance and wisdom, her selflessness, deeply touched Yangdingtian.

So it can be said that Ximen Ningning is Yang Diantian's own choice. However, Yangding is not qualified to say this, so he did not say.


Yangdingtian and Ximen Ningning, riding the horse to Yining and Qin Hongmian, went to the southern terrorist hill.

The two set off in the morning, and the whole day of the trek, when the sky was dark, arrived at the notorious horror villa.

The Horror Mountain Villa is built in the depths of the Black Valley. The entire mountain village is guarded by a curved magma abyss. The width of the abyss is full of kilometers. Only a three-meter wide stone road leads directly to the village, and the husband-in-law is not open.

At this time, Yangdingtian and Ningning are at the entrance of this three-meter stone road, overlooking the entire horror villa in a layer of black fog, which is more sullen and infiltrating.

"Who is the person?" Two warriors hidden in the black cloak screamed coldly, and the black scorpion in their hands was aimed at the Yangding Day.

"Northwest Qin family, the daughter of the Red Stone Fortress, Qin Hongmian." Ningning toe high air.

The two warriors quickly put away the black scorpion and bowed to the ceremony, saying: "Miss Qin waited a little, and the villain screamed at the village."

Then, a squawk sounded from a warrior's mouth, and a crow flew away from the distance and landed in the warrior's hand. The warrior said a few words to the crow, and then the crow fluttered and flew toward the horror villa.


Ten minutes later, a team of black warriors held a red robe man out of the village, and the sun came to the top of the day, accompanied by a luxurious uncarried carriage.

"Terrorist Villa Zhao Welcome Miss Qin." The man in the red robe walked on the road: "The two are coming, my horror hills are shining, please get on the bus."

He is Zhao Mu, the lord of the Horror Villa, and he looks very handsome, his eyebrows are light and sloppy, and it really is the excessive color of the wine.

Ning Ning nodded to Zhao Mu, and proudly set foot on the expensive carriage.

"Into the village." Zhao Mu ordered, suddenly holding Yang Dingtian and Ningning two into the Horror Villa.


In the evening, Zhao Mu hosted a banquet, and he personally accompanied him.

The Horror Mountain Villa is indeed a vassal of the Qin family in the northwest. Although Qin Hongmian is a far-reaching branch of the Qin family, Zhao Mu still likes to be pleasing in the past, except for the occasional use of his eyes to smash the curves of the Ningning enchanting. Time is sitting in danger.

However, the strange thing is that during the whole process, Yangdingtian and Ningning have never seen other important members of the Horror Mountain Villa. From beginning to end, Zhao Mu alone was always on the side, as if he did not want Yangdingtian to see other people in the villa, or did not want others to know Yangdingtian.

However, Zhao Mu is really flattering about the performance of the two. On the whole table, he was shooting the two people's flattering almost all the time. First of all, what kind of Qin family is the mountain, and what is the beauty and nobleness of Qin Hongmian, and what is the lack of it. People in the dragon and phoenix.

Even if the attitude of Yangding Tiantian is cold, there is no response, and he is still very diligent. At the end of the dinner, Zhao Mu asked: "Ning Gongzi, Miss Qin, the two come here, what can I do for Zhao Mu? As long as I can do it, I will definitely not leave."

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