Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 767: Lingbi, you pay for sleep and change!

He has planned it for a long time. After defeating Wu Ning, he is ready to destroy the Lingbi Palace. —.

"Shantou, do you say that Yang Dingtian is coming to this time, or is it fake?" asked Wu Lingzi.

The coffin shook his head and said: "I don't know, I have lost my ability to judge him."

"Do you think that he has the ability to destroy the Lingbi Palace?" Wu Lingzi asked: "Is the thousands of large missiles he displayed, is it true? There are tens of thousands of small crystals Stone bomb, is it true?"

"I don't know." Lingbi shook his head. "But I know that he still has the most powerful killer weapon, not taken out."

"What?" asked the innocent.

"Do you remember the blood pool in front of Yunxiao City? The blood pool that can corrode everything, flying quickly, swallowed hundreds of miles of land in just a few days, and soon swallowed the entire Yunyuncheng." Lingbi said: "This is called a biochemical weapon inside Yunxiao City. Yangdingtian used it to instantly kill Ning Wuming's 30,000 **** magic army, that is, from that time, Ning Wuming lost. The army was interrupted by the waist and could only rely on Zhu Qingzhu and Wu Ning."

"Biochemical weapons?" Wu Lingzi said: "It is that Wu Ningming also thought of getting, I wish the Qing Lord also want to get the venom. Let the spread, may be enough to devour the venom of the entire northwestern continent?"

"Yes." Lingbi said: "In addition to dealing with Ning Wuming and Qin Qiqi, Yang Dingtian has never used this kind of biological weapon. Wu Ningming once speculated with me, saying that it may be a variant of deep sea mystery. ""

"Deep sea mystery? Naga's things?" The innocent suddenly horrified: "So why is Yangdingtian not used? If this weapon is used, is it easier to eliminate the army of Zhu Qing?" Biochemical weapons, is it easier to eliminate the Black Scorpion?"

"I have speculated that this kind of poisonous spar arrow, just one arrow. You can turn a black scorpion into a group of pus."

Wuzizi said: "The reason why Yangdingtian does not use this deadly biological weapon is because this weapon is too vicious, so he only uses it on the demon road. And Zhu Qingzhu, he regards it as between Tiandaomeng. Civil war. Even to my Lingbi Palace, he is currently regarded as the civil war of the Heavenly Alliance, so I don't want to use such vicious weapons. Will we kill them?"

Lingbi said: "I thought for a long time, it should be like this. Just like Yang Dingtian before accepting Song Wei, and accepting Qin Huaiyu, perhaps he also wants to conquer our black army and become the main force of the future war."

"Dream, dream, do his dreams of spring and autumn." Wu Lingzi sneered: "I and his enemies, do not share the sky, I can't wait to smash him. I want the Black Scorpion to use it for him. Purely Daydreaming!"

Lingbi said: "But if he is forced to have no way, he will really kill our Black Knights. Because only by destroying our Black Army, he can safely rectify Zhongzhou."

The innocent suddenly fell silent.

After a long time, he asked: "Shantou, what do you say about this battle with Yang Dingtian?"

Lingbi thought for a while: "Negative, face! Actually. Our Lingbi Palace and him are indeed opposites between life and death. But it is not in the army, but between you and Yangdingtian." Our key is to kill the sun, not to destroy his army."

No spirits nodded hard: "Right, our purpose is to kill Yang Tiantian. As for how many troops to destroy him, how many sites to occupy. It does not mean to us, really defeated the army of Yangdingtian, can only be cheaper. Zhongzhou looks at the lively bastard. Now, Wu Youming does not know how to live and die, I am still trying to fight and work hard and Yangdingtian!

"Yes. The key to us is to kill the sun. The army of the bright parliament has nothing to do with us. Even if we eliminate one million and ten million, it doesn't make much sense."

"Well, you and her are also a friendship, you go to talk to him, the two sides will stop fighting." Wu Lingzi.

Lingbi said: "I don't want to go."

"This time, you have to go." Wu Lingzi said: "Because, only you and him, have a certain relationship, when necessary, can make some means."

The spirit of the cockroach changed: "What you said is, do I use color temptation?"

"I didn't say that I just said that I can act cheaply and know that I can achieve the purpose of the armistice."

The coffin bite his teeth and said, "Okay, I am going!"


The five-way army of Yangdingtian, with a full four million, is still approaching Nanzhongzhou from the sea and on the land, approaching Nanbanzhou.

Suddenly, the whole chaotic world is completely full of mountains and rains!

Everyone, hold your breath and wait for the outbreak of the war!

What is strange is that for everything in front of you, the Netherland completely banned the voice and did not express any attitude. However, they are still in the South China Capital, there is no evacuation.

One day later, the coffin rode on the black scorpion and entered Zhongjing, seeking to see Yangdingtian.

"Yangdingtian, I know that you are dealing with my Lingbi Palace is a fake, rectifying Zhongzhou is true." Lingbi slowly said: "In front of smart people, do not tell lies, keep Nanfu, put back my mother By cutting off Nanzhongzhou, you can stop fighting!"

Yangding Tian looked at the coffin stunnedly. After a long time, he said a word, "Are your brain broken? You have eliminated the Black Skull Legion. I can clean up Zhongzhou at any time. I don't want to kill you." What are so many small spar missiles?"

Lingbi said: "Who knows that your spar missiles are real, are they just some empty shells?"

Under the shackles, the truth is said.

Yang Dingtian bowed his head and said: "Jun slave, send Miss Ling to go out."

Then, the negotiations were rejected directly.

Yunjun slave came forward and used the unwelcome attitude to directly drive away the coffin.

The coffin was furious and cold: "Yunjun slave, what qualification do you have to say to me, don't forget that I am the hostess of Nanfu, you are just a slave."

Yunjun slave looked at the coffin and sneered: "Don't you read the newspaper? Your husband has become one of the few masters of the demon road. It is already notorious. You don't draw a line with him. We will arrest you at any time. And executed."

"Do you dare?" The spirit snorted: "Yunjun slaves, you dare to talk to me like this, be careful one day. Cross the street."

"Jun slave, palm her mouth!" Yangding Tianxia ordered.

"Hey!" Yunjun slave slaps a slap in the face.

The coffin wanted to escape, but it was trapped by the energy of Yangdingtian, and it did not move.

Suddenly a crisp, delicate face. Directly fanned red, the whole body was fanned out.

Then, she suddenly showed her incomparable grievances and wanted to speak out.

"You dare to threaten, I will kill you immediately." Yangdingtian faintly said: "Don't forget, your old animal is half-sacred, and the master of Yunjun slave is also semi-holy."

Suddenly, the coffin was extremely shameful and walked out with great resentment.

After going outside. Lingbi loudly said: "Yangdingtian, all of your missiles are bluffing, don't think I don't know. I tell you, you are not allowed to stop fighting today, and you want to ask us to stop fighting in the coming days. It's late."

Then, the coffin angered out.


"In these few days, our small spar missiles. How many new ones have been created?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Yunjun slave said: "The 30,000 prospecting teams that we sent out have already returned four. A total of forty-seven pounds of blood Wujin accompanied by spar, which is the result of the previous one and a half months. A total of one hundred and ten Five phoenix spar missiles."

Yangding Tiandao: "All used, sent a konjac squad, sneak attack on the camp of the Black Skull Legion."

"Yes!" Yunjun slave said again: "Right, Mrs. Mo Zhi provided a corpse poison to the warlock ancestor. I have created more than fifty ghost-level missiles. Do you want to use them?"

Yangdingtian knows this corpse poison, of course, far less than the deep sea mystery. But it is also extracted from countless corpses, which is still something left by Ning Wuming. When making a **** demon army, only one of the ten can become a **** demon army. The rest will be tragic, and then refining into corpse poison, these corpse drugs will become the blood of the **** demon army.

But for normal creatures, these corpses are a nightmare. Although it will not die, but the body will gradually fester, and this thing is still contagious.

"Use ten pieces, and then these corpse bombs are all sealed up, and don't build them again." Yangding Tiandao: "This black scorpion army, we need it later, we can't kill all."

"Yes!" Yunjun slave.

Then she drafted the order, Yang Dingtian signed.

The sneak attack mission was handed over to Song Chunhua.


Song Chunhua, who received the order, immediately selected the most elite one hundred black scorpions.

In the darkness, it was lifted to more than 10,000 meters, and under the cover of the night, flew south.

At this time, you can't fly directly to Nanzhongzhou, otherwise it is easy to find the air patrol of the Black Knights. You must know that at the height of the flight, the Black Scorpion Army is not much worse than the konjac army. At this time, at least the entire Nanzhongzhou, there are tens of thousands of black scorpions being monitored and patrolling.

Therefore, it is necessary to circumvent the sea, avoid patrolling black scorpions, and sneak into the sneak attack from the back of Nanzhongzhou.

Not only that, but also to send the konjac king to attack, and when necessary, to attract the black patrol.

The konjac king and the sneak attack squad, one east and one west, circled more than 10,000 miles and suddenly came to the south of Nanzhongzhou.

Then, Kwai Ching drove the king of the konjac and rushed into the South Central Asia.

After rushing into a few hundred miles, he was immediately discovered by the black patrol patrol. Then, countless black patrol patrols, desperately blowing the horn of the enemy.

Suddenly, hundreds of miles around, thousands of miles of black patrols, all frantically chasing.

The black scorpion regiment on the ground, like the enemy, has taken off.

But soon, it was discovered that there was only one konjac. Only this konjac, the speed of flight has reached an astonishing four thousand miles every hour. It is more than four times that of black cockroaches, and it can't catch up.

In this way, one of the konjac kings, holding hundreds of thousands of black cockroaches in the air, not to mention not catching, even the shadows can not catch.

Suddenly, the spirit of the palace was smashed.

At this time, the black scorpion led by Song Chunhua sneaked into the squad and lurked in the sea.

The konjac king attracted all the patrolling black scorpions within a thousand miles, and threw them in the air to death, after two hours. The Lingbi Palace finally gave up and was confined.

In the black camp, the reply was calm.

However, the patrol order was completely disrupted and it was necessary to reclassify the patrol mission.

So, the entire black camp was over the camp. There was a brief patrol hole and confusion.

At this time, the sneak attack squad led by Song Chunhua, like an arrow, slammed into the air.

With the fastest and fastest speed, almost an hour and a thousand, madly plunged into the interior of South China.

The black camp of the Lingbi Palace. A hundred miles away from the south, the sea is seven hundred miles away.

In less than an hour, the konjac sneaked into the detachment and reached the sky above the battalion.

Without any hesitation, directly aim at the ground camp.

Ignite, launch!

In an instant, more than a hundred phoenix-sized missiles and five corpse bombs roared down in the air.


Spar power. Coupled with the acceleration of gravity, the missiles that have been shot from a height of 10,000 meters, when entering the low-altitude two kilometers, the speed is incredibly amazing, with three or four times the speed of sound.

At this time, the black squad camp did not say that the airlift intercepted, after seeing these missiles shot down.

Just shouted out the enemy, the enemy! The missile has already entered the five-kilometer air.

Then, the master of the Lingbi Palace ordered the opening of the large spar. It’s too late to shoot in the air. Because as long as the winding is going to consume spar energy, it is less than wartime. It is not winding. Occasionally, the large spar is strong and strong at the moment, but at this time, I want to shoot the missile, which is completely idiotic.


More than a hundred missiles roared and slammed into the ground at a speed of kilometers per second.

"Booming and banging..."

More than one hundred missiles. Like a torrential rain, it attacked a black squad camp for more than a dozen miles.

In an instant, a hundred meters of flame broke out.

The entire night sky was completely illuminated.

Countless black scorpions, samurai warriors. Instantly broken bones.

And some of the missiles, after the explosion, did not see the fire, only the sky is green smoke.

Then, whether it is black cockroaches or people, as long as they stick to these green smog, they only see the flesh of the body, and they begin to fester, which is extremely disgusting.

The konjac sneak attack team led by Song Chunhua, after launching the missile, did not even watch the game, and immediately took off and flew west.

Yes, it is flying west, not directly north. Because of the north, there will always be a blackout interception. Going west, with the speed of the konjac, the Black Scorpion is simply impossible to catch up.

The sneak squad of the Black Scorpion, in addition to desperately chasing the sneaking konjac corps, could not counterattack against China and Beijing, and could only report to the Lingbi Palace without a spirit, waiting for orders.

Because of the soul, there is no power.


When the innocent received the information, the body shivered.

This sneak attack killed nearly 1,000 black scorpions and injured more than a thousand. This casualty number is nothing, but it is very significant.

Forefoot, Lingbi just said that Yangdingtian is a bluff, these spar missiles are fake. On the hind legs, people shot more than a hundred and killed you more than a thousand.

This is not a big deal. The most terrible thing is the black poison bomb in the report. Although there was no black cockroach death after the explosion, no matter whether it was a human or a black cockroach, after the poison, it continued to fester and was still contagious.

At present, there are hundreds of black cockroaches, contaminated with this terrible black poison, and the body has begun to fester.

Obviously, this is a warning, a warning from Yangdingtian.

He is telling the innocent child that there is indeed a more secret secret killer suspected of deep sea mystery in his hands, but he did not use it, but used a second-class poison bomb. If you really use a killer suspected of deep sea mystery, then you don't know how much blackness you have to die.

The ignorant stare at you with a cold voice: "Why, I obviously let you take the initiative to stop the war, why do you want to anger Yangdingtian?"

Lingbi gritted his teeth: "Even if there is a truce, we can't give up too much. Otherwise, it will only make the top of the sun go up. So, I am just trying to get the conditions for the Lingbi Palace!"

"What do you do now?" Wu Lingzi said: "Your rude attitude, angered Yang Dingtian, he is a person who eats soft and does not eat hard. You are most clear before. Just because of your pampering, let My black scorpion army suffered such a huge loss."

The coffin gritted his teeth and did not make a sound.

"Well, you continue to go to Zhongjing. This time, no matter what method you use, even if you are accompanying Yangding in the sky, you must let him stop fighting." Wu Lingzi said: "You have no choice, you said it yourself. Our key is to kill the sun, not to fight."

"No, I won't go." Ling Ling said sharply: "I will not suffer from his humiliation."

"You have to go." Wu Lingzi said in one sentence: "You have no choice, you must go."

Lingbi said: "No, I would rather die than go, or you kill me! Anyway, I will not go to see Yangdingtian's face again. I will never suffer from his humiliation."

Then, Ling Ling’s tears looked at the innocent child: “Dad, even if the daughter begs you, go to the Nether Sea again, you can’t stand on the side watching the movie, you must talk about her, you both go together. In Beijing, he took Yang Dingtian and forced Wu Mo to hand over her evil spirits, lest she could kill me at any time. I beg you, for your own sake, for your daughter, and work hard again."

After all, the coffin directly kneels and kneels in front of the innocent.

The ignorant face twitches and bites his teeth for a long time: "I really owe you in the last life, let me go back to her with this old face. But if this time, I still don't agree?"

Lingbi said: "Then I will go to Zhongjing, even if I sleep with Yang, I will let him stop fighting."

Without a slap in the face, it turned directly into a streamer, and once again flew toward the Nether Sea.

The army of the Guangming Parliament did not change, and it was still approaching the South Zhongzhou and Nanbanzhou according to the original speed.

The black scorpion regiment, which did not receive orders, could only desperately send air patrols to guard against the sneak attack of the bright parliament. Without order, it could not be countered, and it was really wrong.

The big encirclement of Nanmanzhou and Nanzhongzhou has been formed day by day, and the entire South China continent feels a suffocation.

Wu Lingzi rushed to the Nether Sea with the fastest speed.

After entering the Netherland, he once again saw innocent people. He came to explain that he was still invited to go to Zhongjing to deal with Yangdingtian.

Innocent has not answered for a long time, but the brilliance of the beauty is getting stronger and stronger. After a long time, she said: "Are you still the one I saw two hundred years ago? In the past few days, you said that you are going to kill Yangdingtian, why not go? Fear of death to such a half-sacred, I still only see it in my life!"

Then she left directly, did not give the opportunity to say the second sentence to the innocent, and did not promise to go to Zhongjing with the innocent.

Suddenly, the innocent spirit was ruined, and he was ashamed and angry.

Being so humiliated by your dream lover is the most painful and most unbearable thing in the world.

He really can't understand Why don't he refuse to do it again and again. Suddenly, he was more convinced in his heart, and he was not at all comfortable with himself.

So, he rushed out of the Nether Sea, and then returned to the Lingbi Palace with the fastest speed.

At this time, the millions of troops of Yangdingtian are less than a thousand miles away from Nanmanzhou and Nanzhongzhou.

At most one day, millions of troops will be surrounded by Nanmanzhou and Nanzhongzhou.

At this time, in Nanmanzhou, only the 20,000-30,000 black squadrons in the area were arching the Lingbi Palace.

After arriving at the Lingbi Palace, after seeing the coffin, the first sentence of the innocent is:

"Go, go, you go to Yangding Tiantian* bed, even if she is raped a hundred times, she must stop fighting!"


Note: The second is 5,500 words to send, today two more nearly 10,000 words, and ask for support! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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