Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 791: enchanting worship! Xu match Ji Ya!

What is the most worrying thing about the enchanting now? What is the most problematic problem?

If Yangdingtian is not from the modern earth, then it must be answered incorrectly.

From the perspective of anyone, the biggest problem facing the enchanting now is his controversy, and many forces do not agree with him. Of course, these things come down to the conclusion, that is, how to sit down and hold the position of Speaker.

If you switch to someone else, you will give this answer.

However, Yangdingtian knows very clearly that the problem that the enchanting most cares about is not this, but the future of Xiaoxitian.

That's right, it's the future of Xiaoxitian.

In the past few days, Yang Dingtian clearly felt that for the upper world of Xiaoxitian, there is much happiness than the human kingdom.

They have almost no danger, unlike the human kingdom, they also face the threat of a war.

In the whole world, it seems that there is nothing that can threaten Xiaoxitian.

And the fact is true. Whether it is the Snake Empire or the Demon Road, there is no way to threaten the Little West World in the long, long-term future.

Well, this is the biggest problem.

Born in sorrow, died of happiness.

The Little West World has no threats and has a life span of thousands of years. Therefore, I have completely lost my mind and completely lost my future goals.

Perhaps once, they thought about trying to dominate all the planes of a chaotic world. Restore the glory of the Naga Empire, and even go further, to become the true race of God, the peak of the universe.

However, batch after batch of female foxes went to the human kingdom, without exception, all failed.

And the long years have wiped out most of the fighting spirit and ideals.

Everyone. Duan is enjoying the status quo.

Look at the nobles of the City of Shadow City, how fine the food is. How gorgeous is the costume. How luxurious is life, and even a sculpture on the side of the road is also exhausted.

and. There are already many high blood vessels, and they do not practice martial arts.

Why not cultivate? Because Xiao Xitian has rarely used force to resolve disputes since the establishment of the Tribal Union Council. I haven’t been fighting for a long time, and most of the time, I use political means to solve the problem.

Since it is not fighting, the force will lose its room for play. Those who are high-educated may not be admired and loved. Therefore, more and more people are pursuing art. Pursue philosophy.

This is actually a good thing. But Xiaoxitian, some are too sick.

For example, Yang Dingtian, a counterfeit non-language, did not show any extraordinary talents, did not write anything immortal, did not publish any amazing macro theory, and there was no art work.

However, almost the entire city of Shadow City is madly chasing him. The reason is simply because he is not a language family. He has the highest blood dragon blood.

So, he doesn't care what he does. Can be the frontier of fashion.

His stuttering words can become a popular trend, and countless people imitate.

This is already morbid. At this time, the small western world is really like a fire.

The demon fox who lost the target will eventually become dying.


"Answer, if the answer is correct, it means that you are indeed a wise man. If you answer the mistake, then you are a virtual watch, and you will not be able to leave you." The enchanting said: "Now the world is small. A flashy idol."

Yangdingtian looked at the enchanting, and wrote in one sentence: "The biggest problem you face. Oh no, the biggest problem facing the whole small western world is that most people lose their direction, as if they have entered the forever drunkenness. In the middle, only a few awake people have been unable to lead them to change. If it is longer than three hundred years, or five hundred years, the small western world will self-destruct."

The enchanting suddenly trembled.

Yang Dingtian ignored his words and continued to write: "In fact, there is a more realistic problem. I have rarely seen children of higher aristocracy, because there is almost infinite life, so the nobles of the foxes We don’t want to have children, because it will affect their blood. Moreover, I see that there are many aristocratic couples, just like passers-by, and they have countless lovers, and the private life of Shadow City. Extremely chaotic."

In the end, Yang Dingtian wrote in plain and simple style: "Now Xiaoxitian is in the most embarrassing time, but it is also the most decadent time, so in the next few hundred years, it will face the end of the millennium!"

The enchanting look at the above words, looking at Yang Dingtian unbelievably, his entire face, the entire eyelids, are shaking.

For the first time, someone spoke to the depths of his soul, even more clearly than he worried, and to be clear.

Many people think that he will be very proud after he is the speaker. I don't know that he is hard to sleep all night. He looks at the upper level of Xiaoxitian so drunk and dreams, completely in a hurry.

After a long time, he first bowed and said: "Mr. Jiang Shang, please be ignorant and rude before the next! Please forgive me for being jealous and doubting your wisdom."

Yang Dingtian smiled slightly: "Since you are so polite, then I will say a few more words."

The enchanting once again worshipped: "Please enlighten me!"

Yang Dingtian continued to write: "Before you were extremely disdainful of the non-language, it was obviously influenced by your teacher. Your teacher felt that desire is the root of the progress of the whole society. And the non-language thinks that all desires, all The pursuit is illusory, and advises your teacher to give up everything and pursue all eternity!"

The enchanting admiration said: "Yes, although the gentleman has not heard it, it is exactly what you see and hear."

Yang Dingtian wrote: "In fact, these two people are right, but they are not right. The teacher is too fearless, and the non-verbal predecessor is too pessimistic. But, ultimately, the teacher is wrong. You have to imagine more. The reason why Xiaoxitian will have today's situation is how much it is caused by the teacher."

When the words came out, the enchanting shocked.

Yang Dingtian wrote: "When the teacher was elected as the speaker, it was the time when Xiaoxitian was the most chaotic, and the dispute continued. So, it took the teacher a hundred years to guide the mainstream of Xiaoxitian from the martial arts to the art. Eliminate disputes. This kind of guidance can't be said to be wrong, but he shouldn't lead to glitz. This thing is too illusory, and there is no clear future."

Yang Dingtian continued to write: "Of course. He has also become the greatest speaker in history. But in fact, the fruit of the disaster that Xiao Xitian has planted, his behavior is like not wanting a group of beasts to beat each other, and they are put them When I became a pig, I ended up really raising a group of pigs. Just like he said, if you want to be foolish, you can play with the truth. He is too utilitarian and too clever and too mean."

In the words of Yangdingtian, in the enchanting ear, it is completely vibrating.

In fact, he also has this feeling in his heart. But that is his teacher, his biggest political backing, so he can't go deeper.

Nowadays, it was broken by Yang Dingtian, and suddenly he was covered in cold sweat.

Yes, Xiaoxitian was a constant dispute, but not lacking in vitality. But now Xiaoxitian is safe, but completely dead.

"How do I get rid of this decadent situation? Please teach me!"

Yang Dingtian sighed and said: "It is difficult to return, or it will be pushed back, or it will be a huge force. Otherwise, with your personal strength, it can no longer be saved."

"Why can't you save? Please don't underestimate my determination, even if it costs more. I have to save this situation."

Yang Dingtian wrote on the paper: "Because, the Xiaoxitian demon fox family is not a race given by heaven, nor a race born naturally, but a race that was forcibly created by a powerful species. From the moment he was born, It means the moment he was destroyed. The Naga is already the most extreme example."

The enchanting slammed his teeth and said: "That gentleman thinks that the wisdom of this world will last forever?"

"Human!" Yangding Tiandao: "At least in the visible future. Will continue to survive."

The enchanting said: "Why is it human?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Because they are too ordinary."

The enchanting slammed. Then silence without saying.

Others may not understand the words of Yang Dingtian, but he has enough wisdom to understand.

Yang Dingtian is telling the truth. But it also contains absolute private goods. There is only one meaning in his words in and out of the world, that is, let the small fox family of Xiaoxitian completely integrate into the human kingdom of the chaotic world, and let them also plop.

To say a little more, it is not broken, completely ruin all powerful and decadent high blood foxes. And the ordinary demon fox family with astronomical figures has become the mainstream of Xiaoxitian.

Yang Dingtian's private goods, of course, is a poison, let Xiaoxitian self-destruct the poison of martial arts. But it is also the truth, and it is also the truth that makes the world of Xiaoxitian last forever.

Poisons can also save people sometimes.

However, Yang Dingtian certainly does not understand the words so clearly.

However, the enchanting sings the words very clearly, and straightforwardly said: "Mr., I want to let me destroy the high blood of the fox family, let the ordinary fox family become the master of Xiaoxitian, and then completely integrate into the human kingdom. This is this. Do you mean?"

When he said this, his eyes were already cold and murderous.

He really is a king. He just leaned down and bowed, and now he has already recovered.

Yang Dingtian knows that he must have a perfect explanation, otherwise he is afraid of real life.

"It means this, but it doesn't mean this." Yangding Tiandao.

"Oh." The demon said: "Please teach me."

Yang Dingtian wrote: "In the long-term strategy, I mean this, let the high demon foxes complete their mission and then self-destruct, let the lower demon fox become the mainstream of the small West. But this long-term, at least a few hundred years The millennium. If it is applied in the short term, it is tantamount to self-destruction of martial arts and suicide.

The enchanting does not pretend to be no: "Is there any other way?"

Yangding Tiandao: "If you only want the glory of thousands of years, of course there is a way. It is to re-take the road of the Naga, to borrow from humans, to give birth to the demigods, and then to completely rule all the planes of the entire chaotic world. Then, the energy of your fox family exceeds the limit that the chaotic world can reach, and once again, the big annihilation will directly lead to the complete destruction of the chaotic world."

The enchanting eyes are bright and bright: "So, after all, it will be brilliant, isn't it?"

Yangdingtian eyes are shrinking, right, this is the hero, and the typical emperor mentality. Not the ideal home mentality. The moments of dominating the world are the most fascinating to them. The long-lasting and eternal civilization is not necessarily what they really pursue.

Yangdingtian is silent for a moment. Then said: "Yes, but unfortunately this kind of work. The Naga people have already done it. Repeating the path that others have gone through can no longer be an absolute glory."

Suddenly, the light in the enchanting eyes was slightly light, and then he laughed happily: "Well, talk to the gentleman, it is really a book that has won ten years, and the enchanting is taught! Mr. please rest, enchanting again to ask. !"

then. He went straight to leave.

Yang Dingtian could not help but sigh, because the eyes of modern earth people made him recognized by the enchanting talent. However, he did not say enchanting, and the ambitions and opinions of the two people are completely opposite.

The so-called difference is not the same.

This enchanting, still wants to take the old road of the Naga. Grow the semi-god family, and then dominate the universe.

Even with the Naga, the total destruction is not hesitating. Just like that sentence. Even a fleeting meteor, at least once burned, brilliant.

This is on a person. It seems to be good. But putting it on a race is undoubtedly a terrible thing.

In the history of the earth, there are too many races, the rise of the incomparable, almost conquered the whole world, or most of the world.

However, its glory is also booming, and its death is also neglected.

The Mongolian Empire led by Genghis Khan, in a short time. Almost half of the world has been laid. But the entire empire lasted for less than a hundred years. It has already vanished.

Nazi Germany is almost a country. Fight against most of the world. Although it is strategically defeated, it is incomparably brilliant in terms of tactics.

The burning thoughts of these races not only destroyed themselves but also created enormous disasters for the entire world.

Once the enchanting eyes are successful, the human kingdom will face a more terrible ending, even more terrible than the end of the world war.

Once these high-level demon foxes succeed in breeding offspring, and they have near-infinite life, then human beings can't be opponents at all, facing slavery or destruction.

They themselves will certainly be destroyed, but they will destroy the civilization of the world and destroy themselves.

Just as the Naga people dominated the underwater world, almost all the underwater civilizations were destroyed, and only one of them was left. Because they want to dominate the energy of the seabed, let themselves continue to be strong, and then lead to the arrival of the Great Nirvana.


In the highest loft of the palace, Enchanted II and the enchanting are talking.

"This **** still ~ ~ how?" asked the wrath.

The enchanting said: "The difference is different, the road is not right."

Enchanted Second World Road: "Then I will get rid of it, I will do it, and I will not give you any influence. I can directly blame the Yinyue people. Anyway, the enchanting sorrow is already in your hands. The relationship is not endless. Just right. Take the death of Jiang Shang, and get rid of dissidents."

The enchanting said: "But this person is my confidant. I have been talking for so long and for a long time. He said a word, I can understand the meaning of the layers behind. And I said a word. He can also understand what I mean. So confidant, big talent, so killing, it is a pity."

Then, the demon said: "If he can use it for me, it would be great."

Enchanted Second World Road: "I was because of this idea, so I stayed with him. He is not a language family and will bring you a huge political and political reputation."

The enchanting heart was somewhat disappointed with the vision of his father-in-law. He shook his head and said: "I don't care if he is not a language family, fight for it, either for my use or kill it."

"How to fight?" asked Enchanted II.

"Let me do the trick and give him Jiu Xu."

Enchanted Second World Road: "How is this going? Ji Ya is going to marry you with the enchanting, she will be your future noble."

"No, although Ji Ya is beautiful, but if I can change it to Jiang Shang, I can't ask for it." The enchanting said: "I can find a way at once, and even let Ji Ya climb his bed."


Note: The second one is sent, there are still a few days of double monthly votes? If the brothers have something, just cast it! (To be continued)

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