Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 802: Collusion! banquet! Ice appears!

The enchanting once again secretly summoned the East, and only the East left a person.

"East from the Lord, do you still think that Mr. Jiang Shang is Yangdingtian?" asked the enchanting smile.

East is faint: "I have lost two eyes, how about the Speaker?"

The enchanting said: "If I have not guessed wrong, you should go to my opponent camp and try to cooperate with them, for example, the Justice League headed by the Silvermooners?"

The East did not admit it, nor did it deny it. He smiled and said: "My Excellency the Lord is looking for me, isn't it for this matter?"

The enchanting said: "Of course not, I just asked you, do you still think that Mr. Jiang Shang is Yangdingtian?"

After a long silence in the east, he said: "My instinct tells me that he is, but my reason tells me that he is not!"

"No, I don't want this answer." The enchanting said: "I need you to tell me directly, is Jiang Shang is not a sun-top? Yes, or not?"

East fell into thinking, then shook his head: "He, no!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." The enchanting man suddenly laughed: "East from you, you should stick to your intuition. There are many times when intuition is more accurate than reason. Because reason is built on various appearances, and Intuition is straightforward."

The east is stunned, and the unbelievable expression has solidified on his face for a long time.

In fact, before he was dug away from the eyes, he had almost no extra expressions. It was just an unfathomable smile, as if he was laughing at all times. Because most emotions can be expressed through the eyes, he feels that the most beautiful thing is the eyes, which have now been dug up.

"How is it possible? He is obviously not a language family, and he has a very strong silver dragon blood."

The enchanting smile: "But in fact. He is Yangdingtian!"

East Road: "When did the Speaker of the Lord know?"

"It’s very early and very early.” The enchanting said: "I haven’t seen him yet, even if he hasn’t come to Xiaoxitian, I know. I was also amazed at the time, because Yinlong blood crystal can’t enter the human body, nor If it is absorbed by the body, even if it is absorbed, it will tear the person into a broken bone. However, the lord Yang Dingtian seems to be not an ordinary person."

The east has fallen into silence.

The enchanting said: "You must be angry in your heart. Since I know that he is Yangdingtian, why is it on the main hall that day, and let Yangdingtian turn black and white so that you lose your eyes?"

East sneer: "You want to use Yangdingtian, so it won't let him expose it prematurely. This is normal."

The enchanting said: "Yes, I want to use him. So after he took the dark crystal, he did not change into a silver dragon. I will also find ways to create the illusion that his body is shrinking and the energy madness is swallowed up. I can't let him be exposed."

East Road: "In this case, what does the Speaker of the Speaker also call me to do?"

The enchanting said: "It's just a deal."

East Road: "What trade?"

The enchanting said: "I want two dark crystals. If you don't trade with me, then I will go directly to the snakes and believe that they are willing to give."

East Road: "What can I get?"

The enchanting said: "I will not let Yangdingtian live away from Xiaoxitian. Of course I will not kill him, but will destroy his brain and wait for it. Only leave him a stallion function for me. Massive manufacture of demigods."

East sneer: "You have to destroy Yangdingtian. It seems that I have not got anything."

The enchanting said: "You will get the whole snake family! Because Yangdingtian can't live back, no one will rob you of the right to marry the snakes, isn't it?"

East from silence for a moment, then nodded and said: "Yes, this transaction is very reasonable?"

The enchanting stretched out his hand directly.

Dong Li took out two energy jade boxes from his arms and handed them to the enchanting.

Open it and watch it. There are two dark crystals lying inside, one big and one small.

Absolutely dark crystals, no one can fake this thing, and no one can do anything into it. If you can do this. Then he is God.

"Cooperation is pleasant." East left: "So, I will leave."

The enchanting smile: "No, no hurry! We still have room for cooperation!"

East Road: "In Xiaoxitian, you have rejected our alliance, so we have been unable to change our position."

The enchanting said: "You don't have to change your position. I am very interested in the new cooperation I propose."

East Road: "Oh, what cooperation?"

The enchanting said: "After three days, I will hold an incomparably huge banquet in the Silver Palace, which will bring all the noble foxes and nobles of Xiaoxitian. This banquet is for Yangding Day, I want him. At the time, he will be fascinated by all the foxes and nobles. Then, I will give you a chance, I can put you into the banquet, and then destroy the Yangdingtian. Of course, you must keep him. Life, especially his, the rest of the wisdom, repair, ah, all can be destroyed."

Although the East has no eyes now, the enchanting almost feels the bright light in his eye, and there is no doubt that this is what he dreams of.

If Wu Youming has no private enmity against Yang Dingtian, then it is completely private enmity.

When Yang Dingtian holds the Queen of the Sea Heart and casually plays with her celestial bodies, the East can't wait to smash him. The biggest hatred in the world is the hatred of wives. The East has completely regarded the Queen of the Sea as a ban. I didn’t think that Yang Dingtian used it repeatedly. In addition to not actually entering, all the intimate things between men and women were done. It’s over. This makes the East unbearable!

Not to mention, this time Yang Dingtian personally dug his eyes.

"I agree." East left: "I will definitely leave Yang Dingtian with an unforgettable night."

The enchanting said: "Remember, you can only destroy his brain and repair, can not destroy his body. Otherwise, if you go to any corner of the world, I will ruin you, you know I can Make it happen."

"As you wish." East is off road.

The enchanting said: "Then, finally, ask you a question. About the hollow fire. How much do you know?"

East Road: "We know that the field of Void Fire is in the hands of the demon fox."

The enchanting smiled slightly and waved his hand.


In the past few days, Yangdingtian spent the most leisurely days in the Silver Palace.

Throughout the Silver Palace, he has almost become the most noble person. Ji Ya seems to have become a disciple of meticulousness. Serve him like an emperor, and as long as he is willing, he can possess her perfect body in any way, anytime, anywhere.

However, Yangdingtian likes a living woman instead of an inflatable doll. Even if this inflatable doll is more beautiful than any woman, it must be true.

These days, he went to see the enchanting and Yang Yi twice.

Then, most of the time was placed in the library of the Silver Palace.

In the human kingdom, there is almost no such thing as a library. The Chaos Times has almost become a rare spiritual food for the human kingdom. Because of the human kingdom at this time. Budo is still the most mainstream culture, and it suppresses other cultures without a little living space.

Xiaoxitian is different, with a large number of writers and artists. Therefore, the collection of books in the library is very rich.

The vast library is completely a sea of ​​books, even larger than any other library that Yang Dingtian sees on Earth.

In fact. This library is also a top secret for the small western world, and it is a collection of books. Only for the speaker to read.

Most of these books are about Xiao Xitian culture, and quite a part of it is about the Naga Empire. There is also a considerable part about the ancient civilization.

The exploration of ancient civilizations by the human kingdom is very very utilitarian, that is, cheats and treasures.

And Xiao Xitian pays more attention to the ancient civilization. culture. So, leaving a vast book.

There is also a race wheel about the world, geography and so on.

But unfortunately, Yang Dingtian’s words on the demon fox family cannot be fully grasped. So reading these books is also very difficult and difficult.

Therefore, he finally turned to the book area of ​​the human kingdom.

There are about tens of thousands of books about the human kingdom. Yang Dingtian does not know that the demon fox has carried out such subtle exploration and research on the human kingdom.

Moreover, some of these books are actually written in human chaos. Or, it is a chaotic lingua franca. In fact, this chaotic lingua franca is from the ancient times, and many languages ​​use it.

Yang Dingtian came to the biography of the characters, most of them were thousands of years ago.

Here Yang Dingtian saw many familiar names, such as the founder of Yin Yangzong, such as Yun Yuncheng founder Yang Yunqi.

The biography of the founder of Yin and Yangzong is probably four books, and Yang Yunqi is two books.

Next, Yang Dingtian saw a whole row of books, all of which were the names of one person.

The devil asks the heavens, and there are nine books about his biography. And there is only one copy of nothingness.

Later, there are two books in the West Gate. I wish the Qing Dynasty has one, and the Eastern Nirvana has two books.

The most unexpected thing is that Yangdingtian actually has ten books.

That's right, all the ten books are all Yangding Tianzhu.

He was shocked, and his biography was the most in his hundreds of years.

Therefore, he was grateful to take the first copy of the Yang Ding Tian Biography, read it over and over again, and his narrative was very detailed and even true. All the major events that have been experienced are all recorded.

Yangdingtian completed the first book with the fastest speed, with hundreds of thousands of words, and the content has already written that Yangdingtian defeated Wu Ning in the duel.

In the first book alone, I almost finished all the things that Yang Dingtian had experienced. What did the last nine books write?

So, Yang Dingtian opened the second book.

As a result, the second book was only a dozen pages, which was about Yangdingtian going to the Snake Empire. Then, the enchanting went to Yunxiao City, wanting to win the enchanting and Yang Yi.

The next content is all blank.

It turned out that the demon fox people thought that Yang Dingtian would become a huge figure in the future, so he left him a full share of ten books, and one more than the devil. But in fact, it may not be able to finish writing.

However, Yangdingtian still has a feeling of scalp tingling, and the demon fox is totally concerned about itself.

However, some of the contents of the book are also very interesting. For example, some paragraphs are often marked. This paragraph is taken to the seventh issue of the Chaos Times, the seventh issue and the like.

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