Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 824: Ji Ya abuses away! Will be secluded!

"Roll...human!" Ji Ya said one word.

The east continued to move forward, slowly releasing the breath of dark Xuanhuo.

After feeling the darkness of the atmosphere, Ji Ya’s heart suddenly slammed, and a blush of anger on the beautiful face, the temperature of the whole body also increased a lot.

East immediately felt this, and suddenly he was ecstatic and continued to go forward: "Miss Ji Ya, don't you want to breed a demigod? I can give you this opportunity."

"You?" Ji Ya smiled coldly.

"Of course, you have already moved, aren't you?" Dong left to Ji Ya's side and smiled: "Just holding on to hinder you, why not let your heart guide your body? I will give Your unforgettable experience."

The darkness of the Xuanhuo in the east brings more stimulation to the females of the demon foxes than the snakes.

However, it is nothing more than that, and it is still far from estrus.

Even when the East is close, Ji Ya’s dislike of him exceeds the special feeling brought by the Dark Xuan Fire.

"Roll, human!" Ji Ya said in one sentence: "I don't care what you are, what is the relationship with the president of Yongshe? But, don't make trouble for yourself, my mood is not good."

East is not so anxious to risk, but recently he has been hit hard, too hope to make a breakthrough in the demon fox, and this time Ji Ya is still a woman of Yang Dingtian, plus her kind of feminine and feminine atmosphere Let him lose some reason.

"Ha ha ha, wait for you to be grateful to me." After that, the East will directly rush to the top, and the overlord will be **** the bow.

Because in his memory, Ji Ya is practicing art rather than martial arts, so he should be hand-in-hand when he is away from the east.

although. Her father is the Shadowgo patriarch. But I believe that if a woman is sleeping by him, she will be as compliant as a person. This has seen too many examples.

Ji Ya frowned in disgust, and then instantly disappeared from the original place.

Away from the east, he smiled and said: "Interesting, even repaired is good. Then let's have fun!"

Then, the East used the upper body method and flew toward Ji Ya, both hands grasping her chest and one grasping her lower abdomen.

Yes, the East is such a sloppy person. When he first saw Wu Mozhi, he said that he was very incomprehensible. If he didn't save his life, Wu Mozhi could only find a way to death.

Ji Ya's figure flashed again. Cold channel: "Humans can be one or two. If you are offended for the third time, don't blame me."

East smiled and said: "You're welcome, well, I like women to be rude to me. The more powerful the horse, the more I ride!"

Then he uses his body. Like lightning, rushing toward Ji Ya.

Ji Yamei is a cold. One hand grabbed the lower abdomen, another palm, slammed.

Her jade palm, white and tender, delicate and beautiful, does not seem to have any strength.

The east is not in the eye. Still rushing toward her beautiful jade and soft body.

"Oh..." Ji Ya’s palm slammed on the chest away from the east.

A sharp heartbreaking pain, and then the body of the mysterious veins, as if torn by an inch.

"Oh..." A blood spurt like a sharp arrow.

East away from the body. Like straw, flying directly out of tens of meters, slamming on the ground, life and death do not know.

This man, at this time, was completely stunned by the anger, and he did not know that Ji Ya’s cultivation was far beyond the peak of her sister’s enchanting. At that time, when the Yangding Tianqixingjiu and other great masters were made, she was unable to move, and then gave the overlord a hard bow.

If the East is fully committed, it can barely support it. Under such a light enemy situation, it is just looking for death.

Ji Ya actually didn't want to do it because she knew the complexity of the silver palace at this time, and she also knew the shadow of Yongshe's bottomlessness, but she had to do it.

At this point, innocent comes slowly.

Ji Ya bent slightly and saluted him.

I don’t have a look at the east, lying on the ground, I don’t know, and I’m going to Ji Yadao: “I’m sorry, have you scared you?”

"I am fine, thank you Mrs." Ji Yadao: "If the lady has nothing else, I will leave."

Nothing says: "Well, be careful."

Ji Ya left Hongyelin and returned to her palace.

In the days of the Silver Palace, not as good as imagined, it is more like another penance.

When the enchanting is in, she is completely like a duck. Because the enchanting gave her unparalleled trust, although she is not a enchanting wife, she is still half master in the silver palace.

Now, although it is always awkward or innocent, although she is very polite on the surface.

However, the entire silver palace seems to have an invisible net covering her, so that she does not feel even breathing, and of course there is a complete sense of loneliness.

She used to think that she enjoyed this loneliness. From small to large in the palace of the Shadow Gog, although she and the enchanting sister are sisters, but the relationship is not good, she is not willing to be with the enchanting, often like a person to stay together.

Therefore, she used to think that she enjoyed loneliness. It turns out that it is not. The so-called enjoyment of loneliness is also relative and conditional, such as the loneliness in the Shadowgo Palace, not the true loneliness in the Silver Palace.

Moreover, the enchanting she cited as an idol died. And her nominal husband, who regards her husband as an enemy, basically never goes back.

Now, in the silver palace, she is completely alone. Even, she could not go back to the Shadow Gog Palace.

Because her father, Enchanted II, hopes to release the political resources of the enchanting body on his daughter. So once you return to the Gobs, it means that the devil's pay is paid, and it will soon be cold-eyed and angry by his father.

However, she will stick to it and she feels she will not lose to anyone.


At the headquarters of the Beijing-Guangming Bright Council, Yangding Tian opened a small core meeting, only a few people participated in the district.

He thoroughly and thoroughly informed the situation of Xiao Xitian to the core members present, and immediately put great pressure on the members of the Guangming Parliament.

For the small western world, there have been many people who have heard it. Even the Eastern Nirvana and Qin Wanqiu who were present at the time participated in the pursuit of the enchanting.

But did not expect. Xiaoxitian turned out to be such an advanced and powerful civilization.

And the most terrible thing is that this plane has completely fallen into the hands of the day.

Yangding Tiandao: "The plan for asking the sky is a step to follow. At present, his strategy is half successful and half failed. Controlling the Nether Empire succeeded and controlled the Xiaoxitian plane. It was basically successful. The control of the Snake Empire failed, and the control of the human kingdom also failed."

Qin Wanqiu said: "What he failed is a small strategy. The grand strategy has been successful."

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao: "The failure of the Snake Empire and the human kingdom has little effect on the questioning of the heavens. It will not affect his strategic steps at all. Then, we must predict, the strategy of asking the sky. A few steps, the opening of the war of destruction. How long is it? It depends on the death of the queen and the prince, what exactly is it going to do?"

"Summon the Destroyed Legion and Resurrection Demon to ask the heavens."

"Yes, this is the most extensive answer." Yangding Tiandao: "It is also the most reasonable answer, so there is still a question, where is Li Ming and the devil? Can we interrupt their strategy?"

The East Nirvana: "According to your guess, I think it is very likely to ask the heavens at the Naga Empire site. But it is difficult to interrupt their strategy. Because it is Li Ming or the Queen. They are too strong."

Qin Wanqiu suddenly said: "The sovereign, because of your leadership. So this war of destruction, we are prepared to be more than ever, our strength is unprecedentedly strong. So on the battlefield, I think we have a lot But in the martial arts, we are really very vulnerable. Not to mention the Nether Empire, even the martial arts of the Snake Empire. It is far better than us, but for the Snake Empire, I believe that you have the right way? ?"

Yangding nodded and said: "For the Snake Empire, I have a certain plan. The key is Xiaoxitian. His martial arts strength is far better than the Snake Empire. Once the demon fox masters flood into the human kingdom, it is completely extinct. Therefore, it is imminent to get rid of the Lingbi Palace and the Netherland. Only by removing these two forces, can we compete for and block the door of the human kingdom, so that the masters of the small Western world cannot enter."

Everyone in the room was in silence.

In order to get rid of the Lingbi Palace and the Nether Sea, at least half of the holy cult is required, and it is not a low sacred repair.

At present, there is no one and a half holy in the entire Bright Parliament.

The martial arts power of the human kingdom is too weak. There was originally a vain drift, but unfortunately she has been demonized, and there is still a soulless, but it is an enemy.

"So, it is extremely urgent to raise the martial standards of the Bright Council on a large scale." Yangding Tiandao: "I have a plan to use the spiritual illusion of taboo on the mainland to raise the level of the martial arts of the core power of the Bright Council."

This plan, Yang Ding Tianxin has long been planning.

Taboo the mainland illusion, you can make a strong improvement in the repair of a warrior within a few months.

But there are also risks, that is, people in Xiaoxitian can enter the destruction at any time, including people in the human kingdom, and they can enter at any time.

If there is a Yangding Heavenly Protection Law, the master below the semi-class level will be destroyed. He is not afraid, but if the semi-class level comes above the destruction, it will be troublesome.

And the key is that it is a few months to practice in the taboo of the mainland. The time of Yangdingtian is very precious. It is difficult to protect the law for a long time. He has to break through the semi-sacred in the shortest time.

"Forbidden to the spiritual illusion of the mainland, I now fully understand the process of passing the first world to the fifth world." Yangding Tiandao: "Oriental ice has been cultivated here for nearly two years, and it has broken through the semi-sanctification in one fell swoop. Of course, it is impossible for us to cultivate for such a long time. In fact, cultivation to the fourth world is the quickest and most effective. Therefore, I intend to let our people enter the taboo of the mainland in a batch. The first batch of my suggestion is Wu Mozhi and Emperor Shibian and others, the konjac king's claws are very experienced in taboo mainland illusions, and each batch of cultivation will be your mount."

"Yes, husband." Wu Mo Weaving Road, the beauty of the flashing stimulating bright mans.

The East Nirvana said: "It’s just such cultivation, Xiaoxitian World and Demon Road, probably won’t sit back and watch it. Once destroyed, this kind of cultivation can’t be done.”

"Yes, the defense can't help it." Yangdingtian sighed: "The cultivation time is up to several months, and you can't hope that the enemy will not find it."

Yang Dingtian pondered deeply and said: "This way, now I will always ask the sky, I don't know that I have already seen him. So, I once again entered Xiaoxitian, directly asking for it, and our people entered the taboos on a large scale to cultivate, hope. They can understand. Then, I went to the Shadow Gob to get angry and let him help the door of the demon fox."

That's right, this method can!

Now, Yongshe asks Heaven to think that Yangding is a good friend, and he must not care too much about the power of these people in the Bright Parliament. The most important thing is that Enchanted II is the ally of Yang Dingtian, who is advancing and retreating at this time. He wants to push the future of Ji Ya to the ally of the speaker and let him hold the door of Xiao Xitian.

Then the key is the door of the human kingdom.

It is conceivable that the Lingbi Palace may not have the courage to destroy, but the Queen of the Sea of ​​the Snake Empire is not able to find a chance to force the Yangdingtian to compromise, it will be madly destroyed.

Now the entire human world can hardly find an opponent who can subdue the sea. Therefore, the door to the human kingdom is really unstoppable.

Suddenly, Wu Mo Zhimei said: "Fu Jun, in fact, there is a person who can help to hold the door of the human kingdom."

"Who?" Yangding Tiandao, but after he asked, he immediately knew the answer.

That's right, half-level powerhouse, Wu Ningming!

"This, this is not good." Yang Dingtian is speechless, let the fifth hand of the demon road, to protect the law of the Guangming Parliament, how do you think that the brain hole is a bit big.

Wumo Weaving: "In fact, we only need to pull the dance into the water, it will be fine! Let her follow us, and together with the mainland illusion cultivation, Wu Ning will not refuse."

Yangding This is really a way. But how it looks, a little mean and mean.

However, in order to strengthen the power of the Parliament, this little despicableness does not matter.

At this time, Wu Youming and Ling Wu, should still practice in the grassland in the east, and hunt for a certain level of Xuanhuo!

So the meeting was decided.

Next, the masters of the Bright Parliament immediately entered the taboo of the mainland illusion cultivation.

Enchanted II guarded the door of the demon fox family, Wu Ningming helped to hold the door of the human kingdom.

After the meeting, Yang Dingtian immediately rode the konjac king's claws, and together with Wu Mozhi, went to the east to see Wu Ningming and Ling Dance!

Oh, the change of the world is too difficult to predict.


Note: The next one is still tomorrow morning, please support! (To be continued.) ()

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