Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 830; Yangdingtian defeats peony! Spiritual pleading!

Stayed in the head hall for three days.

Within these three days, there were no accidents in the cultivation of the 14 members of the Guangming Parliament. It was just getting harder and getting tired.

Because, in the illusion, it has been half a month.

However, more than a dozen groups have entered a stable period of cultivation, and basically no surprises will occur until they enter the next world.

Moreover, even if there is an accident, the demon spirit and the shadowless will be the first time to rescue.

Therefore, Yangdingtian is ready to leave first and return to Zhongjing.

When it was nearly half a month, when the 14 groups were all ready to enter the second level, Yangdingtian returned to the head hall.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian used his lips to tell his intentions.

Then, the green door of the human kingdom opened, and Lingbi came in again.

The konjac king's claws and Yangdingtian quickly flew out of the gate and left the head hall.

After flying away from the void world of the head hall, he came to the sky above the taboo of the mainland. At this time, Wu Ningming’s figure has not been seen.

The Yangding Tianchao konjac king's claw touched the neck: "Then I am gone, I will hand it over to you."

A claw licked the body of the sun, and used a paw to draw an ok shape.

Then, Yangdingtian runs the mysterious air and rides on one of the spare konjades waiting for the wind* on the sea, and flies toward Zhongjing.

After two days and one night, Yangding genius returned to Zhongjing. Just entering the Guangming Parliament headquarters, I saw where Zhu Hongxue and so on, the beard was full of life, his face was full of eyes and his eyes were red.

During the Yangding period, the heart was stunned. Obviously, Zhu Hongxue was caught in a great entanglement.

I saw Yangdingtian coming in. I wish Red Snow immediately get up and said: "The Sovereign, you are back."

"Yeah." Yangding Tiandao: "Do you have something to look for?"

"Yes." Wishing red snow.

"Well, come inside and say, eat something by the way." Yangding Tiandao.


Drink while drinking.

"Ice. Come to me." Zhu Hongxue said.

Yang Dingtian glanced at him and nodded. "I guess, there are five second-class evil spirits in her hands. The first one gives cold pride, and the second one should want to give you."

Zhu Hongxue said: "She told me a lot, I can't figure out some things, so I want to ask you."

Yangding Tiandao: "You said."

I wish Hong Xuedao: "First, do you think there is no **** in this world? Is there a **** of chaos?"

Yangding Tiandao: "There is something called the **** of chaos."

Zhu Hongxue said: "After the Great World, the martial arts civilization has flourished again. Every two hundred years, there must be a war of extinction, as if it were a reincarnation. Every time, Tiandao League is a bizarre and mysterious victory. Every time there are countless deaths. You said, is this the so-called fate, is it the manipulation of the **** of chaos?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "Yes, I think so."

Zhu Hongxue said: "Then Yang Zongzhu you. Is it a chess piece selected by the God of Chaos, and this time the chaos **** is white. The last round. The selected piece is the devil king, but he is black. ""

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, I was somewhat confused before, and at this time I know that I am the so-called spokesperson of God."

I wish the red snow face trembled fiercely, said: "Ice Ling said. We seem to be helping justice, the world is helping the **** of chaos to help." She said that the demon king asked them to lead them, challenge the **** of chaos, is the highest justice, what do you think? ?"

Yangding Tiandao: "She. Convince you?"

Zhu Hongxue said: "At least, I can't find rebuttals."

Yangding Tiandao: "Why didn't you accept his second-class evil spirits?"

I wish Hong Xuedao: "I want to hear your opinion on this matter. Since I have listened to the Oriental Ice Ling, I should listen to what you said and make a judgment."

Yangding Tiandao: "Do you want me to convince you?"

I wish Red Snow nodded: "Yes."

Yang Dingtian stared at Zhu Hongxue: "If this is the case, then I am very disappointed, and I don't intend to say anything. If a person's heart still needs to be determined by someone else's language, then this person is a forever coward."

I wish the red snow face trembled fiercely, loudly: "I am not afraid of sacrifice, not afraid of death, but I am afraid that my sacrifice is meaningless."

Yangding Tiandao: "I only ask you, if you say, all this is God's manipulation? The so-called help justice is a joke, then who is the most sad person?"

I wish Red Snow suddenly trembled and looked at Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, it is you."

"Yes, it is me." Yang Dingtian sighed: "The one who is the most sad of me is, because the person of the chess piece is me, the most should be doubtful, the one who should shake the most is me. I am fucking. I didn't waver, I didn't have any doubts about my mother. I didn't feel sad about my mother. What do you wish the red snow hurts?

Then, Yangdingtian drank a glass of wine and stared at Zhu Hongxue: "How do you feel so ruthless? I also put down the important tasks of Beizhongzhou, stay here waiting for me to come back, wait for me to explain to you, give you a firm will, you How old are you? Or are you still yelling at you, giving you stewed chicken soup? I have no time, you have two choices now, the first one will immediately roll back to Beizhong and do your thing. Second you Going to the peony now, accepting her second-class evil spirits? Want to get an explanation from me, get persuaded? No!"

Then, Yang Dingtian turned and left, returned to his room and began to deal with a huge amount of business.


Until the next day, when Yangdingtian came out, I saw Zhu Hongxue again.

His hair was messy, his eyes were more red, and he sat still there.

When he saw Yang Dingtian coming out, he immediately stood up and said: "I, I don't want you to convince me, I, I just have some ideas to report to you, do you think I am right?"

Yangding Tiandao: "You said."

Zhu Hongxue said: "First of all, no matter what she said, the **** of chaos is the highest justice. However, once the war of extinction is opened, if we do not stand up, the whole world will fall into the demon road, and the whole world will be dark. The sky finally defeated the **** of chaos, and everything lost its meaning. Right?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "Yes!"

I wish Hong Xuedao: "I understand, but... I, I want you to tell me a word, just a word, okay? Say anything."

Yangdingtian thought for a while and said: "First. Asking the sky is not to defeat the **** of chaos. He wants to go to the end and pull the whole chaotic world as a burial. Secondly, if you want to ask me, everything we do now is Isn't it the manipulation of the **** of chaos, is it the so-called help? I can only tell you, sorry... we are not qualified to think about it."

I wish Red Snow a glimpse.

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, I am not qualified to think about it. The World War has not yet won. Most people in this world have not yet saved. You have the qualification to consider the so-called fate, the so-called God's manipulation? Just like, if you are trapped in a cell, you will be killed by a wolf inside. Are you killing this wolf first, or wondering how to get out of this prison?"

Of course, kill the wolf first, survive first, and then consider things going out of prison.

At last. Yang Dingtian pointed to the heart of Zhu Hongxue, one word at a time: "People. Don't be too emotional!"

"Yes, the lord!" Zhu Hongxue bent down and bowed, then turned and walked out, heading for the direction of Beizhongzhou.


Less than two hours after returning to Beizhongzhou, Zhu Hongxue saw Princess Peony again.

"You want to reject me? Is it?" Peony asked.

"Yes." Wishing red snow.

Peony said: "So, I might kill you. Unless. You have a very reasonable reason, Yangdingtian is how to convince you. It must be that his theory has defeated my theory and really defeated my theory. I am convinced that I will not kill you. If his theory does not convince me, then I will kill you."

Zhu Hongxue looked at Peony Road: "The Sovereest only asked me, is the task at hand done? Challenge the God of Chaos is the highest justice. We are now qualified to think about it? First win the battle of the world, then pull other things."

Peony suddenly glimpsed, the beautiful face twitched slightly, then floated away.


After a few hours, the peony appeared in front of Yangdingtian.

"You persuaded Zhu Hongxue, very sharp and true persuasion." Peony said: "Now, it is your turn to convince me."

Yangding Tiandao: "I have nothing to convince you about."

Peony said: "You have convinced me that I will not be loyal to you in the future, and will not give them second-class evil spirits. If you do not convince me, I will continue."

Yangding Tiandao: "Is this the theoretical battle between the two of us?"

"Yes." Peony Road.

Yangding Tiandao: "That line, let's talk."

Peony said: "Is there a **** of chaos? The tragedy of the 200-year reincarnation of this world, is he alone?"

Yangdingtian nodded.

Peony said: "That, challenge the fate, challenge the **** of chaos, is it the highest justice? Everything you do now, is to help the **** of chaos, manipulate the fate of everyone. Tell me whether it is still or not. If yes, Then you lose the theoretical battle. If not, please convince me that you can't convince me, you still lose."

Yangdingtian looked at the peony and said: "First, let's talk a little. I know that you are not my wife, Oriental Ice Ling. You are the so-called first-class evil spirit will, what is it, I have a lot of ways. ""

Peony said: "You continue."

Yangding Tiandao: "I tell you a few words. First, the devil asks Tiantian to say that he wants to challenge his fate. To challenge the **** of chaos, he wants to launch all the forces of the plane, repeat the Naga Empire, and make it again. Great Nirvana, completely destroying this world, and the so-called **** of chaos, is the same, right?"

The face of the peony twitched and said: "Yes, as long as you can win, you can do anything. Do you want to criticize us on this?"

"No, no, I only talk about justice for the righteous. For the ideal, I never talk, just as I never talked about justice with the enchanting." Yangding Tiandao: "The second point I said, the devil asks the sky." It is said that he is challenging the fate. After two hundred years ago, he began to carry out an incomparably huge layout. The Nether Empire, the Snake Empire, and the human kingdom seem to be so powerful that they are so powerful. But, how are you? Know that his behavior is not in the manipulation of the God of Chaos? How do you be so sure, what he does is not the manipulation of the **** of Chaos?"

The face of the peony was instantly white, and the whole body began to tremble with force.

Yang Dingtian continued: "There is still the third. I don't have any understanding of the so-called **** of chaos, so I won't make any opinions. Any love? I don't feel as narrow as asking the sky! You keep fighting the chaos." God, then I want to ask, do you know who the **** of chaos is? What is his surname, what is it? I don't know, what are you going to do?"

Yang Dingtian erected his finger: "Finally, the last point! No matter what the noble flag is, the thing that kills the world, the **** is stupid. It is smart, the layout is deep, it is also stupid. Tell him, stupid Word, he must understand."

Yangdingtian sat down and looked at Peony Road: "I have already finished, what do you mean? Do you think that my theory has defeated you?"

Peony jade bite, nodded, said: "Win. Everyone said, you are the capital of the sun, but in fact you are very powerful? Can completely make me speechless."

Yangding Tianyi grinned and said: "Wrong, wrong, wrong! The reason why I can win is because my heart has never changed, my will has never changed. You think, I heard that I am a god. The chess piece, so it is painful, it will be embarrassing, you must be confused? Please, don't be too emotional! Well, I am not playing the piano, you have nothing, and do not intend to kill me, let's go."

Peony looked at Yangdingtian, saying: "Farewell!"

Then she disappeared directly in front of Yangdingtian.


Two days later!

The princess peony of the demon road appears in the Lingbi Palace.

The spiritless is inspiring, with the highest etiquette, greeted the arrival of the princess peony, exhausted all means, expressed his loyalty.

Then, the coffin is directly in front of the princess Ask: "Please give me the second-class evil spirit, the Lingbi Palace will always be loyal to the demon king."

Peony looked at the coffin and said, "Why do you want second-class evil spirits?"

Lingbi said: "Because I have been planted a third-class evil spirit by Wu Mo, I want to get rid of her control over my life. And I have to be strong, add the shame of Yangdingtian to me, and repay it. Representing Demon Road and Yangdingtian in the end."

Peony looked at the spirit for a long time and said: "Yes, this time I came to the Lingbi Palace, it was really for the second-class evil spirit. But the person to be given is not you, but another person."


"The one who was imprisoned by you should have been the true master of the Lingbi Palace." Peony Road.

The Lingbi petite trembled fiercely, and the man Peony said was the grandfather of the Spirit Rabbit.


Note: The next one is still noon tomorrow, thank you! (To be continued...)()

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