Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 841: Amazing treasure! Into the hole!

Two people, all floating in the air sitting in the air, adjusting their hands and recovering from injury, without saying a word!

Yang Dingtian has not taken the holy water medicinal herbs, but has taken out the medicinal herbs of the Xiaoxitian demon fox family. (23w[x]

Then, swallow Xuan Xuan, restore the mysterious.

The injury on his body looked very scary, but as soon as he recovered his sigh, he would soon recover.


After a full day and a night, Yangding Tianyi opened his eyes, and his mysterious body has recovered.

"You, really is the spokesperson of God's choice." Wu Ningming suddenly said, this is his first initiative.

Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "Wu brother, are you still looking for the meaning of life?"

Wu Ningming nodded and said: "But it seems that it is not big enough."

Yangding Tiandao: "The purpose of your demon king is to challenge the fate and challenge the **** of chaos. Very tall and very righteous, are you not tempted by this purpose?"

Wu Ning said: "In the past few years, I have struggled for this purpose. As a spokesperson of God, it is my fate. When I defeat you, I will overcome the so-called fate. But I failed, you are better than me. When I was weak, I still failed, so for me, the challenge of fate has failed."

After that, Wu Ning gave a stall.

Yangding Tiandao: "What about the **** of chaos?"

Wu Ningqi said: "It is nothing more than to destroy the world and destroy the world. It is too difficult to let me ignite passion and fighting spirit in this matter."

Yangding Tiandao: "Then you will continue to do nothing."

Wu Ning said: "What advice do you have as the biggest enemy ever?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Pity the world."

Wu Ning thought for a while and shook his head. "I am sorry, I can't do it. I can't care about the fate of the world."

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, you have always been high. I am a civilian, so I will care about the fate of the world. But the secluded brother, Ling Dance is also one of the world, she was also an ordinary woman. Although it is beautiful, it is an ordinary woman. Now, she has become your most important person."

Wu Youxiao was silent, and Yang Dingtian was right.

Yangding Tiandao: "So, as long as you invest in it, you will gradually have feelings and have pity. We often say that you are not as good as a pig or a dog in my heart. But a woman raises a pig. In the year, she grew up from the piglet, and when she was going to kill in the New Year. She was very upset and didn’t dare to go to see it. The dog was even worse. It’s like a family.

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "So the Nether Brother, you are born to be isolated from the world, Cliff is proud, and only struggles for one goal in life. After this goal is over, of course, can not find the meaning of life. Then, I am against you. The suggestion is that you have been to the life of ordinary people. Of course, it may be difficult for you to live an ordinary person. Then you should try to observe the life of ordinary people."

"Well, thank you for your advice." Wu Ningming did not know why, but completely lost the interest of speech, and slowly closed his eyes!

Yangdingtian got up. Flying towards the depths of the taboo mainland.

After flying a thousand miles.

Yangdingtian directly entered the taboo of the mainland.

Then use the fastest time, get out of the fantasy, and enter the head hall!


Within the hall of the skull, everything is still normal.

However, dozens of people have lost weight. Including Wu Mozhi.

The only thing that has not lost weight is the emperor's release.

It’s been more than half a month since they were practicing in the Second World Magma.

If there is no accident, it will take about half a month.

In reality, it takes a month to work hard, and in the illusion, it is almost a year.

Although it is a fantasy, it is exactly the same as the real, so it is absolutely a bitter.

Therefore, the tiredness of each person's face is almost numb, and it is as deep as a picture.

Even if the fox is like a fox, the beautiful face is full of painful look.

This kind of indiscriminate hardship is the most devastating.


After Yang Diantian stayed in the head hall for a long time, after seeing everything was normal, he left the hall directly.

About half a month later, after Emperor Shibian and Wu Mozhi passed the second world of penance, he returned.

Because, when Yangdingtian saw that there was no way to leave, he was still full of unwillingness. Yang Dingtian feared that after he returned to the human kingdom, he would continue to lick the moth and force the compromise of Yangdingtian.

Yang Dingtian sees it, this innocent heart, and stubborn, is a very difficult Lord.

With the flying mystery, plus the flash of the magical fog, after a day and night, Yangdingtian returned to Xijing.

Nothing happened and everything was ok.

Qin Meng said that after the absence of the Taoist, he never came to find the Spirit Rabbit again.

Yangdingtian put down his heart a little and stayed in Xijing for another day. After nothing, he returned to Zhongjing to deal with the incomparable affairs.

After all, the reorganization of Zhongzhou has now entered the most substantive stage.

Just returned to Zhongjing, Yunjun slave gave Yangdingtian a good news.

It is the secret resource department, and the top secret information sent up. The password above can only be read by Yang Dingtian.

As reported above, they encountered a forbidden place when they explored the South China Sea. The guide of the Nanhai Ningzu said that there was a huge volcano that could destroy all life. No one dared to go. Just a few years ago, the volcano erupted fiercely and destroyed a small town hundreds of miles away.

However, after hearing the news, the Warlock of the Resource Department was full of expectations. Because the fire energy of this volcano is definitely huge, it is possible to have blood Wujin. Once there is blood, there will be associated spar.

Thus, the prospecting team consisting of more than a dozen Wu Zun, hundreds of Wu Xuan, and thousands of ordinary warriors decided to risk their lives and enter the crater for research.

As a result, after the crater, it is not a pressing hot, but a bitter ice.

The entire huge crater is already a huge lake, and inside the lake. It is an astronomical number of non-freezing water.

Suddenly, the prospecting team was ecstatic!

If there is no frozen water, it means that there is a possibility that there is a blood-gold mine, which means that there is a companion spar.

Therefore, the prospecting team immediately blocked the entire crater for the first time.

Then dispatched a dozen people. Riding the konjac, passing this information to Zhongjing!

Yesterday, this intelligence came to the hands of Yunjun slaves. If within three days, Yangdingtian is still not coming back, Yunjun slaves must hand this information to Qin Wanqiu, the supreme commander of the stay, and then the members of the prospecting team must disclose the password of this information.

But now that Yangdingtian is back, this matter must be ordered by him.

At this time, the entire southern land. It is already in the territory of the Bright Parliament.

The son of Yangdingtian and Wumozhi has become the next patriarch of the Ning. The Nanhai Ningzu also became a member of the Guangming Parliament, but Yangdingtian did not let it join the list of three ninth and twenty-seven factions of the Tiandao League.

Wu Mozhi, also temporarily became the highest commander of the extremely difficult land defense zone. However, she has not been there for a long time, so the southwestern mainland has basically been settled after the bright parliamentary command. He transferred Duan Duan to the southernmost continent and served as the highest military commander in this zone.

Because the South China mainland is too far away. Therefore, large-scale military is difficult to enter.

For more than two years, the Bright Council used the konjac to transport less than 50,000 troops into the most difficult places. The remaining 100,000 troops were selected from the Ning and the desert tribes.

Finally, the extreme south of the defense zone. A first-line army of 300,000 in total has also been set up.

The headquarters is not built in Ningcheng. It is too luxurious and is not suitable for the headquarters of the Guangming Parliament. Instead, in a oasis, a city was rebuilt. After more than two years of construction, the city has grown in size.

Even this area, there is a large number of navies, of course, built on the original navy of the Ning people.

In the reorganization of all regions, the southernmost land is almost the smoothest.

The people here do not even know what is resistance. They have surrendered to the Ning people for thousands of years and let them obey all orders. Even when the people of the Ning people almost died, they still tribute to the Ning people every month.

The same is true of the servants and old families of the Ning people. Those who belonged to Ning Wuming’s higher military, the elders who were transformed, all died. The entire Ning family has left a loyal family.

After Ning Wuming died, they instinctively loyal to Wu Mozhi. In fact, for them, they were originally loyal to Wu Mozhi over Ning Wuming.

Because Ning Yu is not there, the patriarch's wife is the highest. Ning Wuming is only the brother of the patriarch.

Therefore, with the cooperation of Wu Mozhi, the rectification of the extremely south land is very very smooth.

On the contrary, Wu Mozhi's maiden family, the Xue family, repeatedly rejected Yang Dingtian's invitation, did not join the Bright Parliament, but was willing to appear as a semi-alliance.

Therefore, now the polar south of the defense zone has become the full source of the Shizuo life items. In exchange, the Xue people will provide a large number of precious ice crystals, ice ores and so on.


After getting this information, Yangdingtian was very excited.

Blood Wujin accompanied by spar, now almost become the first strategic resource of the Guangming Parliament.

Because it not only allows the power of explosives to multiply, it is not only the most important source of power for missiles. Even the Warlocks group placed it on the torpedo, even in some spar dynamic reaction arrays.

In short, many spar energy arrays, any spar reactor, as long as the addition of this blood Wujin associated spar, the efficiency and power are all improved a lot.

Therefore, this kind of spar that was originally no one wants to be a material that is much more precious than the blood of Wujin.

However, the number of it is really scarce.

The Bright Parliament has dispatched nearly 100,000 people to search for this spar.

But now, the output per month has only increased from 30 pounds to 50 pounds.

Nearly a year has passed, and the Guangming Parliament has only discovered less than six hundred kilograms of associated spar, and has also used two hundred kilograms on various studies.

The remaining four hundred pounds is not enough to fight a big fight.

From the intelligence point of view, the amount of unfrozen water in the crater of the southernmost land is several times that of Yangdingtian in the magic silver mine.

So, perhaps there is a huge **** gold mine, which means there are a considerable number of associated spar.

This matter is too important to send a large division to guard. In the shortest time, all the blood Wujin and associated spar inside will be excavated.

Then, Yangdingtian began to think about who to send.

It turned out that one of the big masters who stayed behind could not leave, and everyone had practical priorities.

And the only relatively free person. Only Yangdingtian himself.

After a while, Yangdingtian decided, go on your own!

In the shortest and shortest time, all the blood Wujin and associated spar are handed.

Before leaving, Yangding had an order.

In the end, this special spar was renamed again and changed directly to x spar, indicating the extreme attention to this strategic substance.


After the announcement with Qin Wanqiu, the commander of the left behind, Yang Dingtian was riding a konjac. Fly towards the far south.

More than sixty-seven thousand miles away, flying and stopping, for three days and three nights, Yangding genius reached the desert in the southernmost land.

When he rushed to a huge volcano, it has become a huge military camp.

There are tens of thousands of troops, guarding here, and all the entrances and exits are surrounded by water.

This is really a huge volcano. The span of the mountain is a few hundred miles.

Duan Yu has been sitting in the town personally, because Wu Mo has banned the mainland to practice. She must stay here.

"The Sovereign, everything is ready!" Duan said: "Special spar pipes, special barrels with unfrozen water, have all been properly. With a single order, all the non-freezing water in the crater can be guided. Flow out."

Yang Ding Tian and Duan Yu two. Fly directly to the crater.

At this time, there are hundreds of people around the crater.

All the work is in place.

Three spar pipes that can withstand ultra-low temperatures, and countless huge special barrels. The interior of this wooden barrel. Passing a special layer of energy spar, you can get the terrible low temperature of unfrozen water.

The entire crater, about a few hundred meters in diameter, flew a few laps in the crater, then landed and reached out to touch the top of the frozen water.

It’s about minus sixty or seventy degrees.

This is only the top temperature, so you can conclude. The energy level of this non-freezing lake is probably more than ten times that of Yangdingtian in the magic silver mine.

In the magic silver mine hole discovered by Yangdingtian, it is possible to excavate 999 million years of blood Wujin, plus 1200 kilograms of associated spar (x spar).

That time, the number of x-spars in the volcano underground is completely worth looking forward to.

"Do not put frozen water." Yang Dingtian made a sound.

Suddenly, the long special spar pipe of the crater was suddenly inserted into the non-frozen pool.

Because of the gap, countless unfrozen waters, far from knowing to flow out of the crater, poured into a huge special wooden barrel.

After filling, completely closed, and then a huge flying ride, directly transport these barrels to the military camp under the mountain.

In this way, transporting over and over again, each of the giant barrels is more than one kilogram.

From the morning, until the evening, and then to the next morning.

Thousands of people, after a busy day and night, completely drained the unfrozen pool inside the crater.

A total of tens of thousands of barrels of unfrozen water was delivered, which is about 20,000 tons of unfrozen water, which is nearly twenty times the volume of the magic silver mine. However, the overall temperature of the non-freezing water here is lower, so the energy level is more than forty or fifty times that of the magic silver mine.

After all the frozen water has been drained, you can enter the mine.

Then, the prospecting team prepares the ropes and goes deep into the huge caves.

Every time you go deep into a huge cave exploration, it is more dangerous because there is a possibility that there is an abyss lord.

It is a powerful monster! The more energy-intensive places, the more likely the abyss lords will appear.

Touching the silver mine hole has a thousand-year-old abyss lord.

The energy level of this volcanic cave is not ten times as many as that of the magic silver mine. It is four or fifty times, so if there is an abyssal lord, how powerful it is, only the ghost knows. Of course, there are huge treasures below, and only God knows.

Yangding Tiandao: "You are too weak to repair, or I will go down and explore."

Duan Yan suddenly changed his face: "The sovereign, you are in danger of hundreds of millions of people, can't go on adventure, I will go!"

Yangding Tianzhu nailed the railway: "I can even tame the ancient giant beasts, the world's monsters are stronger, I am not afraid. So I went, it was set."

"I will go with you." Duan said.

"No, you are guarding it." Yangding Tiandao.

Then he flew directly into the bottomless volcanic cave. (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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