Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 844: Naga wakes up! Evolution again! Shocked!

Killing nowhere, is Yangdingtian bragging?

You must know that there is no way to be a semi-sacred strongman. With the cultivation of Yangdingtian, it is far from his opponent.

And the most important thing is that he has second-class evil spirits, which are completely immortal.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian said that it is ridiculous to kill and have no words. It is bragging.

However, Yangdingtian is not bragging! He really has a certain degree of control and no way to kill, but it is very expensive.

What should I do to kill nowhere?

No way to say, go to the soil of the extreme south to find the soft underbelly of Yangdingtian. By then he will find the huge volcano and discover the astronomical treasures and spar inside.

Therefore, he will definitely enter the depths of the mine to investigate and destroy, thus forcing Yangdingtian.

Then, Yangdingtian uses the special position of this crater as a place to kill half-sacred.

Yangding Tian will evacuate everyone from the mine, transform the crater, and then re-freeze the frozen water at the crater.

In this way, the entire crater will be turned into an unfrozen pool.

At the deepest point of this non-freezing pool, the temperature is incredibly low.

Yangdingtian’s Jiuyang Xuanmai can survive, and even if others are semi-holy, they may not be able to live.

Of course, relying solely on non-freezing pools is not enough, and perhaps there is no way to make it.

Yangdingtian needs to send another killer!

Tens of thousands of years of ice monsters, magical demon!

Yangdingtian placed it at the bottom of the non-freezing pool!

This illusion demon is an ice-based beast that has been brewing for tens of thousands of years. It releases the cold energy of the ice, and the semi-level is also unbearable.

And Yangdingtian has the energy field protection of Naga Frost, and it can resist its terrible ice energy.

At that time, Yangdingtian lurks in the unfrozen pool. As a battlefield with no way.

At that time, as long as there is no way to sneak into the non-freezing pool, it will be trapped by the ice energy of the magical demon, and then Naga frost will be immediately wrapped up.

In the extreme ice cold energy, the half holy holy road will be trapped by the Naga frost.

Of course, because there is a second-class evil spirit. Therefore, Naga Frost may not be able to kill this semi-classified innocent.

But at that time, Yangdingtian would summon a hollow fire, create a space door, bring the innocent and the magical demon, and the Naga frost to the dark world, and then freeze it without a word. At the time, throw him directly into the endless abyssal border.

The so-called abyss border is the place where the dead continent continues to devour the vitality of the mainland, which is the place where the whole world dies.

Where is the energy. It is full of absolute devastating, even the enchanting smashed bones, the gray smoke disappeared, let alone the district has no way. At that time, even if there is an evil spirit, there is no use at all, and it will definitely die.

At that time, he will die even a little bit of ashes.

and so. Yangdingtian is definitely not bragging! He said that if you want to kill the innocent, there is really a way.

only. The price is really big. The stoppage of the mine was at the very least, and then the Naga frost was exposed. Finally, the space door made by the hollow flame was randomly transmitted to any part of the dark world.

In case of bad luck, the location of tens of thousands of times of gravity, the Yangdingtian may also collapse directly. The smoke flew out and died together.

In short, Yangdingtian has a great grasp of killing no way, but he also has to take huge risks, even the danger of life.


See Yangdingtian walk straight away. No way to face a slight cold road: "Yangdingtian, don't pretend to be a man, Ling Rabbit is just a woman in a district for you, the only thing that hurts you is the dignity, you don't have to desperately die."

Yang Dingtian turned and said: "I am still the same sentence, you don't stop, you are dead. Do not believe, you try!"

"Ha ha ha, big words, I have to give it a try." No way to laugh.

Yangdingtian has no more mouths, and people who have no way, it is useless to spit. If you can't make it, you can only do it.


After leaving the Lonely Mountain, Yangdingtian flew directly to the Lishui Mountain Villa in the northwest Qincheng, and went to the lake there to re-take the magical demon.

After a few hours, he has already descended on the water villa.

Last time, Ning Wuming used the meter to let Yang Dingtian get the magical demon, and the result was not used.

The magical demon mother is very important to the land around the water villa. The hundreds of miles around it have been nourished by it and turned into a beautiful oasis, unlike other places.

Therefore, after the Yuntiange war, the magical demon did not come in handy, and Yangdingtian put it back to the bottom of the water villa.

Anyway, even if you know that it is there, no one can take it away. If you have not sneaked into a hundred meters, you will freeze directly.

It’s still as beautiful as before.

This lake is still quiet and clear.

Yangdingtian gently touched the lake and instantly condensed into ice, and the whole lake condensed into ice.

Although the non-freezing water is extremely cold, it is nothing compared to the magical demon mother.

Yang Dingtian reached into the space ring and awakened the sleeping Naga frost.

In the end, the last time Frost had woke up, it was still when the Nether Empire killed a semi-Sacred Rocha. I have probably slept for nearly two years.

Of course, some people may say why not directly release the Naga frost to kill the innocent. The magical Rakshasa is semi-holy, and the innocent is also semi-holy.

At this time, Frost was still a master class, and she was able to kill the semi-classical demon. That is because the magical Luosha as a failed protoss was slaughtered by the Naga for tens of thousands of years. The fear of Naga has been deeply engraved into the genes. There is no room for Naga to resist at all.

And human beings are different. Although there is no way to see Naga frost, there will be great horror and even fear. But in the face of the killing of Naga, he will also fight to resist, and explain that he will find that the repair of this Naga is nothing more than that.

After a quarter of an hour, the Yangding genius awakened the Naga frost.

After waking up, she slammed it out of the space ring and directly wrapped the beautiful body around Yang Dingtian.

"Fu Jun, people are so sleepy." She stretched out an infinitely beautiful lazy waist. A charming fragrance, suddenly spread out from the entire body.

Then, she couldn't wait to open her mouth and kissed Yang Dingtian.

Naga, really seems to be a dead family that does not love. All the time, the love, the relatives at all times. See the look of this honey love. It is really hard to imagine that the Naga is the cruelest race in the world, once destroyed the civilization of the whole world and then destroyed the whole world.

After a quarter of an hour's kiss, Naga Frost opened the mouth of Yang Tiantian.

Yang Dingtian carefully examines the most beautiful face in the world.

I saw Ji Ya before, I saw Haixin, I always felt that it was already the most beautiful face in the world.

It seems that Naga frost is still beautiful, and her beauty is still at the tip of the pyramid of the world.

Then. Yang Dingtian was pleasantly surprised to find that the frost continued to change.

Last time, her snakeskin had already reached her hips. After sleeping for two years, her snake skin actually went down four inches.

Today, Naga's perfect buttocks are not only human, but also half of the beautiful thighs, but also human form.

As long as it has changed to the soles of the feet, it will become a human form. It can be combined with Yangdingtian, so that Yangdingtian also undergoes the transformation of Nirvana.

but. The transformation of Naga Frost seems to be much faster than imagined. The transformation of the ancient Naga, but very slow.

Of course, it must not have been changed because I slept for two years, but because she lived and swallowed a semi-classical magical Rorazo energy, so it changed.

Then. Yangdingtian went to feel the cultivation of Naga Frost.

Actually, even broke through the Grand Master, and directly passed the medium-sized master.

Yangding Tiantian is chilling!

Whether it is human, or a monster, or a demon fox. They all rely on cultivation to break through.

And Naga, actually lived by consuming the life and energy of others to break through.

It seems that the Naga of the ancient era is not such a breakthrough. Although the ancient era of Naga's energy to the world is greedy to the extreme, it does not seem to directly devour life to break through.

Isn't the Naga of this era changed?

If this is the case, it is really terrible. A protoss that rely on the devour of others' lives, for their own strength, the final outcome is likely to engulf the last life of the world, and then over the whole world, and the whole world has only one of her existence.

In other words, the Naga of this era is more greedy and direct.

Yang Dingtian glanced at Naga Frost, her beautiful face, gem-like eyes, still innocent.

If you want to make her strong, it is constantly consuming.

The last time, after she killed the Luochao, she was directly violent. She even went directly to Yangdingtian. Although she stopped herself in time, it was clear that at some point, she had lost her mind.

If the second time, the third time, Yang Dingtian almost guarantees that she will completely lose the innocence of the present and directly become the most cruel creature, she will kill everything she can see.

Every time the power is strong, for Naga Frost, it seems to be the use of the sea * Luo * because of the general.

For Yang Dingtian, every time I rely on Naga Frost, this is not the case. Although the goal is achieved, the consequences may be more serious.

This time, try not to let the frost hands, especially not let her live a lifeless way, let alone let her swallow up the innocent cultivation of energy.

"Fr., what are you looking at me?" Frost twitched and shouted.

"I haven't seen you for too long, I miss you." Yangding Tiandao.

"Nonsense, I only slept for a while." Frost said.

You have been sleeping for almost two years, and Yangdingtian said in his heart.

"French, I am so hungry." Frost began.

Yang Dingtian took out the demon nucleus of a thousand-year-old monster from the space ring.

After the frost was taken over, open the small mouth, the white jade tooth bite gently, like eating rock sugar, chew the whole demon nucleus and swallow it.

Yangdingtian has to look at the hairs!

This demon nucleus, but hard to even the blood Wujin sword can not be cut, ah, the white teeth of the frost, but it is easier than chewing sugar.

Yangding Tianhua took a long time to know what the creamer likes to eat.

She just likes to eat energy. The higher the energy level, the more you like it, especially the fresh life energy.

Although the demon nucleus has a high energy level, she is only awkward.

Fortunately, Yang Dingtian is now the owner of the entire human kingdom. Otherwise, even the former Yuncheng city owner can't afford her.

Before the city of Yunxiao, I couldn’t find a few thousand-level demon nucleus.

After eating a demon nucleus, she widened her eyes and looked at Yang Dingtian pitifully. She said: "F, I want, I have not eaten yet!"

Want to let her eat, ten, one hundred are not enough.

This is just a lie to her stomach.

"The last one." Yangding Tiandao, and then took out one.

After the frost was taken over, the bite was bitten off and swallowed.

After eating, although I still looked at Yang Dingtian with pity, but after all, there was no need to open it.

Yangding Tiandao: "Froser, let's go to the jellyfish that is very iced, okay?"

"Okay..." Frost was excited. In her memory, it was a good thing to look good and have a timid jellyfish.

Jade, Yangdingtian holds the frost and jumps directly into the lake.

In an instant, the entire lake is completely solidified into ice.

However, under the protection of the frost energy field, Yangdingtian could hardly feel any ice cold.

And the illusion of the demon, is the most simple monster, once I feel the energy invasion, it does nothing, it is crazy to spit out the cold energy.

After reaching the water for nearly 10,000 meters.

Yang Dingtian once again saw this dreamy beautiful ice jellyfish.

Once again lamenting the power of the Creator, such a simple animal has survived for tens of thousands of years.

It was such a small jellyfish that nourished hundreds of miles of land.

It will only do two things, the first one, constantly swallowing, the second one, constantly spitting.

When it's okay, it continually swallows energy. When faced with danger, they desperately spit out energy to defend themselves.

It is such a small magical demon that can instantly make a huge lake solidify into ice.

Yang Dingtian took out the energy shielding box that had been prepared for a long There was a lot of special blue water in it. This magical demon seems to only like to live in this blue water. Put it in the box, it really forgets the previous uneasiness, and leisurely and leisurely in the box to survive.

"There is no way to kill this time, it depends on you." Yangding Tiandao, then closed the box and put it into the space ring.

Then, licking the frost again into the space ring to sleep.

Yangdingtian flew in the southeast with a magical demon.

If it weren’t for the madness of the innocent, Yangdingtian would not be so anxious to kill him.

But since there is no way to touch the Yangding Tiandi line, there is no way!


Note: The next one is still at noon tomorrow, thank you all! (to be continued


(Enlightenment Book Network)

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