Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 858: Breakthrough, breakthrough! The second dark field!

Then, this elemental behemoth suddenly opened his mouth.

How big is this mouth? A large mouth nearly ten meters wide, with a blue lightning inside, is brewing.

Through the light of this lightning, Yang Dingtian saw his terrible teeth, and then he was extremely incomparably huge.

How big is this body, about seventy to eighty meters long and thirty meters high.

The whole shape is very familiar, and it is the night beast that Yang Dingtian once saw.

The back is covered with barbs, the body is long and thin, the wings are huge, and the claws are like a knife.

Yang Dingtian suddenly fell down, it turned out to be a nightingale! This thing, I killed a full foot, surrendered a head, completely nothing.

However, in the mysterious city of the desperate city, the five people were the most cultivated, and they were only masters. They also wiped out a thousand-night nightingale.

Of course, the millennium nightingale was trapped in the first trial room and could not be pursued. But now Yang Dingtian has been an infinite master, and it is no problem to deal with a nightingale.

At this point, the nightingale in front of the eyes has been brewed, directly toward the Yangdingtian, screaming a huge ball lightning.

However, its lightning has just spit out, and Yangdingtian has already flashed in an instant, jumping directly to the nightingale.

For **** the nightingale, Yangdingtian has become clearer.

Jumping on its huge head, the hand of the Emperor of the Soul, slammed into its eye socket.

Killing the night owl, the first thing to do is to stab its eyes.

Moreover, the millennium night is too big, so it is relatively inflexible.

And Yangdingtian has a magical fog coat, so it can easily stab its eyes.


It has no reaction, no sharpness, no screams. It seems that there is no feeling.

Yangdingtian violently stirred, and the Millennium Nightingale still had no painful performance.

At this time, the spherical lightning in its mouth, like an energy missile, was directly ejected hundreds of miles away and then hit the ground. Burst open.

In an instant, hundreds of miles of darkness shimmered.

The night sky of hundreds of miles is filled with countless tiny lightnings.

"What happened?" Yang Dingtian found that his eyes pierced the night, and there was no use at all.

But soon he found out that although this monster is a nightingale, it is definitely not the nightingale that Yangdingtian has seen.

This nightingale is also an elemental life.

Its eyes are just a mass of energy. It is simply stabbing.

Then, Yang Dingtian discovered that the body of this night is all metal, not flesh.

The two millennium night owls that Yang Dingtian had seen before, although the outer shell is harder than steel, but it is definitely, you also have blood.

This one is in front of you. In addition to steel, it seems to be energy.

and. It is also not at the level of semi-holy, although it is much stronger than Yang Dingtian, but it is not semi-sacred, but also the cultivation of the infinite master.

Because, the energy level of the lightning ball that it spits out is not as good as the Xuanhuo lightning made by Yangdingtian.

The infinite master is an infinite master. Its energy essence is definitely very good.

Yangding Tian suddenly picked up the soul sword of the emperor and slammed it toward the head of the nightingale.

This night, the whole body is all metal, hard to the extreme, even the ordinary blood Wujin sword is difficult to stab.

But for Yang Dingtian's near-Emperor Soul Sword, it is not a problem.

Despite some hard work. But he still slammed a sword and stabbed the soul sword into the head of the nightingale.

At this time, the nightingale, who was struggling with madness, suddenly stopped suddenly and stood still.

Just when Yangdingtian thought that he had already succeeded, suddenly the nightingale continued to struggle wildly, as if the sword had nothing for it.

Yangding is really insane, and it has been pierced into the head. There is still nothing at all. This is the life of the element.

So, Yangding Tian rides on its neck, crazy and mammoth.

Suddenly, the Emperor's soul sword on the head of the nightingale, pulled out countless deep scars.

But this element is a nightingale, as if there is no pain.

However, he still angered him, it began to violent, and then frantically rolled on the ground, desperately flapping the top of the head with his wings.

Trying to use physical methods to directly kill Yangdingtian.

However, Yangdingtian has a magical fog coat, which flashes quickly, and the body of the nightingale, wanting to hit Yangdingtian, is purely a dream.

As a result, the nightingale changed the tactics and spurred lightning.

However, in the face of the mad flash of Yangding Tianmu Lingwuyi, its lightning can not even hit.

Yangdingtian is like a ghost, and it continually beats and shuttles on its huge body.

The nightingale ran wildly and frantically rolled, and there was no way to get Yangdingtian up.

Thus, the nightingale cast his most powerful attack.

"Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa……"

Unlimited lightning wall.

A huge lightning of several thousand square meters slammed into the sky and made an indiscriminate attack on this area.

And Yangdingtian, immediately lifted the magic spirit demon fire energy cover.

The nightingale in front of me, although very very close to the semi-holy, but after all, is less than half holy.

If it is directly spit in by its lightning, Yang Dingtian can't stand it. But this kind of indiscriminate attack, thousands of square meters of lightning wall, the energy is scattered very powerful, was hit, at most the equivalent of the level of the nine-star and nine major masters, Yang Dingtian's magic spirit demon fire energy cover, It can be easily blocked.

Sure enough, the endless lightning wall was beaten down, and under the constant support of Yangding Tianxuanqi, it was impossible to penetrate the magic spirit demon energy cover.

After madly smashing the wall of lightning for a quarter of an hour, Yangdingtian is still safe and sound.

And this nightingale, spit up thousands of lightnings, and the energy in the body is almost consumed.

So, it was almost violent, continued to roll crazy, desperately flapping with wings.

However, there is no way to take the sun.

However, there is no way for Yangding to take him.

Yang Dingtian does not know what method to use to kill it? Its entire body, at least by the top of the sky, cut thousands of swords, and the scars are tired. However, there is no use at all.

This element is a nightingale. As if there is no way to kill the general.

In time, Yangdingtian had a thought.

Just do it.

He jumped from the nightingale and stood directly in front of it, motionless.

Element night stunned!

I just tossed up in the middle of the night, and it used up all the means. This abominable little thing is still not on the body. Now I have taken the initiative.

It suddenly snarled and slowly opened his mouth.


"Call!" A magical demon fire.

Then, Yangdingtian constantly enters Xuanqi into the two Xuanhuo.

The elemental nightingale is also constantly condensing and condensing lightning energy. It is necessary to release a fatal blow to Yangdingtian.

Xuan Huo lightning is awesome, but it is such a trouble, too time-consuming.

After half a minute, Yangdingtian finally injected 80% of the Xuanqi energy into two Xuanhuo.

And this time. The elemental nightingale also almost condenses the spherical lightning inside the belly.

This should also be its last blow, condensing all the energy.

This should be its greatest energy as an infinite master class nightingale.


Two mysterious fires of chaotic nature slammed into the mouth of the nightingale and flew directly into its belly.

At the same time, the huge spherical lightning inside the element of the nightingale, suddenly bombarded.

The two Xuanhuo controlled by Yangdingtian. In the belly of the element nightingale, slammed into it.

"Boom!" Very incomparably powerful and powerful Xuanhuo lightning. Burst out.

At the same time, the spherical lightning of the elemental nightingale also violently collided with the Xuanhuo lightning of Yangdingtian.

"Booming and banging..."

And Yangdingtian, before the bombardment, used the flashing technique to leave quickly.

Really like a nuclear bomb explosion.

The darkness of the whole world. It was violently torn.

The night sky of hundreds of miles is as bright as white.

The huge body of the whole element of the nightingale was blasted open.

Then, nothing can be seen, everything. They are all flooded with countless bright spots.

When Yang Dingtian was still a great master of nine stars and nine, his Xuanhuo lightning, even the half-sacred can not hold.

Because of the power of Xuanhuo lightning, it is a hundred times more than the magic sky cracking lightning.

At this time, Yangdingtian has broken through three infinite masters, so this Xuanhuo lightning has only 80% of the mysterious energy, but the power is only more than the one that bombards the innocent.

The element of the night, in front of me, should not be able to hold back.


After the shocking big bang.

Yangdingtian quickly rushed over. Found a few kilometers around the ground, as if baked by fire, all red.

And that element nightingale is dead!

The huge body has been burnt red and twisted into a ball.

Then, then a blue-violet energy essence floats in the air!

Yangding Tianzhan holds in his hand and immediately feels extremely powerful energy!

Although this element night owl has not reached the semi-san level, it is still much higher than its own energy level.

Yang Dingtian has taken out several other master-level energy essences. Can you try to integrate them?

It can be integrated, even easy.

Yang Dingtian blended the energy essences of the seven masters, and suddenly became a larger energy essence.

However, it is still not comparable to the energy essence of this element nightingale, even half of it is not.

Yang Dingtian merged it with the energy essence of the elemental nightingale, and suddenly formed a slightly larger energy essence, but it was only less than one inch in diameter.

Then Yangding Tianzhan holds in his hand, sits down, opens the entrance of the Xuanmai of the whole body, and begins to devour energy.


Just swallowed, Yang Dingtian felt the richness of this mixed energy essence in his hand.

It is quite quite rich.

The most direct energy, like the tide, surges out and violently enters the sea of ​​Yangdingtian.

After almost a moment, the sea of ​​Yangdingtian began to expand.

After swelling to the extreme, it blasted open.

Yang Dingtian’s body once again entered a short period of nothingness.

Once again broke through.

However, this energy essence is still not exhausted, and it is still pouring into the sea of ​​Yangdingtian.

After a quarter of an hour.

The sea of ​​Yangdingtian expanded again. Swell.

Then, blasting again, the body and the gods fell into a short void.

He broke through again!

Then, after almost two or three minutes of engulfing, the essence of this energy was completely exhausted.

Just one thing. Let Yang Dingtian break through twice.

In a word, this is the fifth breakthrough after Yang Dingtian became a master of nine stars and nine.

Of course, he is still an infinite master. His combat power should be about two or three times that of the time when he broke the nine-star nine.

but! How many times will the infinite masters break through the semi-sacred?

However, Yangdingtian is still very lamentable!

This energy essence is really against the sky.

Before Yang Dingtian devours pure and mysterious breakthroughs every time, even if the sea of ​​sea has been fully cultivated, it needs to be swallowed up for ten hours. Be enough to break through once.

Now, directly consuming the essence of energy, it can be broken in half a quarter of an hour.

And the most counterintuitive is that this energy essence, there is not much demand for the lack of Xuanmai and Qihai.

That is to say, if you get enough energy essence, you can not bring it back. To the emperor to release the side, to Mo Weaving them to improve?

But for now. The top priority of Yangdingtian is to break through the semi-sanctification.

By the time he breaks through the semi-holy, he can bring these energetic essences to the emperor to release them.

However, Yangding really wants to know how many times to break through, how many wireless master class energy essences. Is it enough for him to break through the semi-holy?

Can anyone tell him the answer?

Yang Dingtian once asked the Queen of Poison! The answer to the result is completely useless! Because she is a snake human.

Moreover, it took a total of n years for the poisonous sand to go from the Grand Master of the Nine Stars and the Nine.


Next, Yangdingtian continued the journey of hunting and cultivating.

Never sleep. One night and one night, killing about eight hundred miles.

The results of hunting are generally stable.

One day and one night, it is basically the energy essence of eight major divisions.

Sometimes, there is a little more.

But unfortunately, the elemental monsters like the infinite master class before, have never encountered it.

This dark area is closest to the life of the human kingdom, so the time to become a dark field should be the shortest. These times, as if it is not enough to breed enough powerful elemental creatures.

Therefore, the elemental creatures encountered by Yangdingtian are low.

Perhaps, the more you go inside, the better.

In this way, after two or three months, Yangdingtian has accumulated nearly a thousand master-level energy essences.

Yang Dingtian suspected that the elemental creatures in the dark fields of tens of thousands of miles had been hunted clean by him.

Just in Yangdingtian, I am going to continue to hunt down like this, one looking forward to the second, the third infinite master class element life.

A new abyss border suddenly appeared in front of him.


Yangdingtian is shocked!

The dark field of this film is so abruptly over.

Because Yangdingtian is a sweeping hunting, the area of ​​this dark field is also clear, the length is about 10,000 miles, and the width is less than 10,000 miles.

The dark field is very big and big, hundreds of billions of square kilometers.

This dark field is too small.

How many pieces are there in this dark field?

However, it seems that the next elemental creature in the dark field should be much stronger.

Perhaps, there are infinitely large elemental elemental creatures, even semi-sacred elemental creatures, that will appear.

That kind of cultivation of Yangdingtian is of course a good news, but it will certainly be dangerous many times!

At the edge of the abyss border, Yangdingtian began to combine these energy essences, and merged one thousand master-level energy essences into ten large energy essences. After swallowing the breakthrough, they crossed the abyss border and reached the new dark field. !


Of course Yangdingtian does not know!

At this time, the second dark field on the other side of the abyss border!

Thousands of demon fox masters are rushing in groups to hunt all kinds of infinite masters and semi-class elements.

Although, the colorless gate of the skull hall has been closed. However, Yangdingtian can use the hollow fire to shuttle through any abyss border.

Soon, he is about to enter this second dark field!

The good news is that he can finally know how many energy essences to devour, how many times to break through the infinite masters, can break through the semi-holy.

The bad news is that someone has robbed him.

He can't enjoy all the elemental creatures in the dark field alone. (To be continued.)



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