Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 871: Undead feast! Crazy harvest!

This is the luck of Yangdingtian, and there is really no way to describe it. (].

Either it's so good, or it's back to the extreme.

The demon cold group digs the cave to avoid the big taboo day, and even dig directly into the cave of Yangdingtian. With such a probability, you can directly buy the lottery ticket.

The front price of the other party is first to stay, then reveals ecstasy, loudly: "Less master, the demon glass is here."

Then, hey, the dozens of people behind him, all violently pulled out the sword.

Just waiting for the demon to make a cold order, immediately put Yang Dingtian everyone in the body and smashed the body.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ..." In a hundred meters away, suddenly came to the devil's cold and maddening laughter: "There is no way to go in heaven, there is no door to hell, you are biased in."

"Go!" Yang Ding Tian is holding the demon cold and still talking. Suddenly the whole person has become a flash, the left hand is holding the demon glass, the right hand is holding the demon purple, and the rope is quickly flying to Burlu, Awen, Awu. The three men jerked a bundle.

"Oh..." Then use the magical fog coat to flash, and quickly escape to the ground along the cave.

There is no way, only to escape to the ground.

And the devil's smug laughter over there is not over yet, cold channel: "The demon glass, the last time I was alone, you will kill you first, this time is all of us, will kill you first and then kill... Hahaha."

"Less master, they, they have already ran." Suddenly, there is a voice.

"What?" The demon sighed: "How could it run away?"

The humanity said: "We are waiting for your order, and they suddenly screamed and suddenly disappeared."

The demon is cold: "The human yang is top, right, that human yang dingtian, they are a group!"

then. The cold voice suddenly became sharp and pointed: "Chong up, rush up, grab them, I want them to taste the taste of hell, I want them to survive, not to die."

"Yes!" So. Twenty masters rushed to the ground along the cave.


Yangdingtian was holding two people, tied with three people, and flashed to the ground.

At this time, two incomparably huge moons suddenly rose into the sky.

"Wow, it's so cold!" Demon purple couldn't help but touch his arm.

It’s so cold, the temperature here is definitely a few tens of degrees below zero.

Yangdingtian and the demon glass helplessly look at each other. Although it is decided that the big taboo day will not come to the ground for adventure, but it is still going to the ground.

At this time, a horrible scene appeared.

I saw only one ghost, one by one, and suddenly climbed out from the ground.

More and more, more and more.

At the same time, the master of the Moro. Also quickly chased out from the cave.

"On the other side, grab them." A Moro master.

then. Hundreds of undeads turned back and looked at them.

Suddenly, the Moro masters, almost all of them erected.

At this time, between them and Yang Dingtian, there are at least hundreds of undead.

What is the undead? Except for any damage to the immune system. I want to catch the sky. It is necessary to pass through these hundreds of undead.

Think about this, the Moro master is shuddering.

Anyway, anyway, the monk is surrounded by countless undead, and has already died.

So, the master of the Moro did not happen anything. Turn around and walk carefully into the cave.

"Oh..." In a blink of an eye, all the Moro masters disappeared without a trace, and then a special energy stone was used to seal the cave.

In a twinkling of an eye, all the Moro masters fled to the ground without a trace.

Then, Yang Dingtian was not easy to dig out the four-bedroom, two-bedroom, two-bedroom boutique suites, and was detained for the enjoyment.


At this time, Yang Dingtian and others are being watched by countless undead and inhumane.

How to do? How to do?

It is a pity that Wu Mozhi is not there, or else the Wu Ling Master can protect everyone from undead attacks.

There are more and more undead souls around Yang Diantian, all kinds of grades, and the light in the eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

They have not launched an attack because they have just woke up from the endless sleep, and they have not fully recovered yet, and they are in a state of chaos.

When the recovery is complete, countless undead will be swarmed up, and Yang Dingtian and others will be completely smashed.

In the presence, there are thousands of undead, all kinds of grades. If they attack, then Yangdingtian is dead than death.

Yangdingtian summons the Nether Ghost Emperor: "Ghost Emperor, there are so many undead here, you come out to swallow."

Ghost Emperor said: "I, I seem a little uncomfortable, I will not come out first, you are busy!"

Yangdingtian is speechless!

In the face of so many undead postures, the Nether Ghost Emperor did not dare to come out.

Yang Dingtian discovered that the persuasion of the glass is absolutely correct. In the big taboo day, I want to come out to hunt down the undead, it is purely looking for death.

The undead after the long sleep are still recovering. After they are completely restored, it is the death of Yang Dingtian and others.

At this time, I never knew fear, even if I faced the evil purple who was threatened by violence, I also knew that I was afraid for the first time. My face was white and I hugged the arm of Yangdingtian and shivered.

There is no blood color on the face of the demon glass.

Even Bolu’s legs trembled slightly.

There is no way to face the countless undead, who really wants to pee.

It is no less than a ghostly place, where the undead is very low-level. The undead here is really powerful and boundless.

How to do? How to do? How to do?

Yangdingtian brain quickly turns, and must immediately come up with a solution before the undead recovers.

Run away? It is impossible.

Because, the surrounding has been surrounded by the undead. And where can you go, here are the undead everywhere.

Stealth is useless, the undead can still be seen, and even every time the sun is invisible, it will cause even more crazy attacks by the undead.

Yangdingtian is extremely nervous, nervous to almost suffocate.

We must find a way, we must find a way, otherwise it will die.

suddenly. Yangdingtian brain suddenly slammed.

In the ghostly land, after they hunted the undead, they got Hell's magic crystal, and then stuffed the **** magic crystal into the body, which would temporarily become a dead soul. In this way, it will not be attacked by the undead.

but. That is in the ghostly land, I don’t know if I can?

But, can you do it? Because these undead will soon wake up from a complete stun.

"Call!" Yang Dingtian summoned the spirit of the chaos of the chaos.

"Call!" summoned the magical demon fire of chaotic attributes.

Almost all of the mysterious gas is injected into it.

"Hey!" Then, two black fires flew into the air like a meteor.

Finally, slammed into it.


In an instant, the dark areas within a few hundred miles. It is as bright as white.

Like a nuclear bomb explosion.

An incomparable lightning bolt, slammed down.


More than half of the holy lightning, bursting out.

Demon glass, demon purple, etc., completely look at it!

This, this attack has been more than half of the holy, more than fifteen orders many.

A ten-order warrior can release a fifteenth-order attack. Too bad.


Then, the ground seems to have been swept directly.

Countless undead within a square. The fly is gone. All the undeads below the tenth order are all gone.

Yes, Yangdingtian is a fierce fire attack of fifteenth order or more, but the attack surface is too wide, so it can only kill the undead below the tenth order.

The tenth-order or more undead is suddenly corona. It is trembled fiercely.

Within a few kilometers of the square, there are still dozens of undead standing in the same place, these are all eleventh-order.

At the same time, there are thousands of **** magic crystals floating in the air, all of which are left behind by the smog.

"Hey..." Yangding Tian used flashing. Quickly collect Hell Magic Crystal.

Then, give the tenth-order **** magic crystal to one no one.

Use the fastest speed: "Enter the gods into this **** magic crystal, and then press into the heart."

After that, Yangding Tianfei quickly inputes the gods, and then presses the **** magic crystal into the heart.

Then Yangdingtian keeps praying, hopes to be feasible, hopes to be feasible, and hopes to be able to transform into a dead soul.

At the same time, the undead outside the kilometer has been completely awakened, showing the bloodthirsty light, madly rushing to the top of the sun and so on.

"Hey!" Yangding suddenly turned into a direct, from human, into a ten-order undead.

And the demon and other people have no time to be astonished, but also quickly do it, input the gods into the **** magic crystal, and then press into the heart.


Five people, all in one, turned into a ten-order undead.

And the innumerable rushing souls are about to tear Yang Dingtian and others into pieces. Suddenly I found that the target disappeared directly.

They blindly looked around and continued to wander aimlessly.

Yangding Tianzhu lived in the heart of the pain and sat down on the ground.

Grandma, the soul must be scared off half a line.

It really can be, really really.

However, this is not surprising. Because today is a big taboo day, the two months cover the earth, and the dark field is full of infinite negative energy. Therefore, the energy environment of the dark field and the secluded plane at this time becomes very similar, but it is many times stronger.

Therefore, the transformation of Yang Dingtian and others can be successful.

"Mr. Yangdingtian, you are so powerful, I decided. I will follow you wherever you go." Devil Purple was so excited that he could become a dead soul, so the terrible undead is really cool. It is.

For her words, Yangdingtian can only be regarded as not heard.

"How long does it have to be a big taboo?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"There are only twelve hours."

"Unfortunately, it's a bit short." Yangdingtian sighed: "But it's enough. It's all our feast, our hunting feast."

Definitely a feast.

Yangdingtian began to take stock of the harvest of the Xuanhuo lightning.

It turned out to be a thousand thousand **** magic crystals.

Among them, there are hundreds of them in the tenth order.

There are more than five hundred in the ninth order.

The rest are seven orders, eight orders or so.

Of course, Yangdingtian is unable to refine Hell's magic crystal, only Wu Lingshi can. There is no Wu Ling division around Yang Dingtian, but there is a ghost of the Nether.

So, the Yangding Tianpan sat down and talked with the spirit and the ghostly emperor.

"Ghost Emperor, in view of your past greed and fear of death, I decided, to reduce your share of the division, you can only divide one third of the **** magic crystal." Yangding Tiandao.

"Impossible." Nether Ghost Emperor Li said: "Say half, half. You want to reduce the division, I will not do it, I will look at it, without me, how do you refine the **** magic crystal, how to be **** Crystal purification?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I suddenly thought that the emperor had a part of the ghost of the ghost, is she able to purify it?"

"Ha ha ha ha..." Nethered Ghost Emperor laughed: "Don't say if she can do it, the key is these **** magic crystals, you can't bring out the dark field, even when the big taboo day is over, they will all disappear automatically. You want to bring to the human kingdom, it is a dream."

Yangding Tiandao: "But, I have a space ring!"

"Oh..." Suddenly, the ghost of the Nether was stunned.

"You, how can you have this thing, it, it should not appear in the world." Nethered Ghost Road.

"Do you manage it? But I just have it." Yangding Tiandao: "I am starting to count down dozens of numbers. Now your share is still one-third. When my countdown ends, your share is only four." One of the points."

"Yangdingtian, you should not be too much." Nethered ghost emperor shouted.

Yang Dingtian no matter, directly start counting down.



"Impossible, I am a ghostly emperor, absolutely impossible to compromise."



"You dream, do your big dreams in the spring and autumn, you can't make a big shot."

"Six, five, four, three..."

Yangdingtian suddenly began to speed up the countdown.

Suddenly, the ghost of the ghost is almost scared.

"Good, good, good, I promise, I promised..."

Yangding Tian smiled: "I promised early, I will not end."

The Nether Ghost Emperor said in an angry way: "Yangdingtian, your boy remembers, I have a vengeance, I have a vengeance..."

He hasn't finished yet, and Yang Dingtian has released countless Hell's magic crystals into the soul ring.

The complaints of the Nether Ghost Emperor suddenly stopped, and then made a general voice.

"Get rich, make a fortune, get rich..."

"Time is tight, hurry to work." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, the Nether Ghost Emperor quickly refines within the soul replacement.

"Oh..." The speed at which it is refined is completely speedy.

In just a few moments, directly refining a thousand infernal magic crystals.

One hundred tenth-order **** magic crystal extracted two eleventh-order nine.

Five hundred ninth-order **** magic crystals, extracted five eleventh-order primary.

There are hundreds of Hell's magic crystals below the eighth order, and five tenth grades are extracted.

Then, the Nether Ghost Emperor had to leave an eleventh-order nine, two eleventh-order primary.

In the end, he will be the infernal magic crystal of Yangdingtian, all purified into the essence of energy, and sent out.

Suddenly, the full nine can only be the essence, appearing in the palm of the hand.

This, this is crazy, just the result of a moment of hunting.

This evening, it is definitely a feast of Yangdingtian! Hunting feast, devour the feast!


Note: Boss, tickets! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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