Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 876: Counting harvest, crazy breakthrough!

Just when Yangdingtian wants to harvest his own achievements, then...

A flash of lightning flashed in front of him, suddenly a new undead, suddenly appeared in front of Yangdingtian.

Yangding Tianshou is a glimpse, hey, I just finished playing all the time, how come I ran over?

However, when he blinked and saw it, he almost disappeared.

Because, because of this undead body, it emits a colorless light!

That's right, it's colorless!

This only means one thing, this undead is a 20th-level holy soul!

Yang Dingtian’s body can’t move at all.

It, it should be the undead overlord in this area, Yangdingtian should be infringing its territory, so it is to maintain its authority.

This holy undead monarch, transparent and colorless eyes, stared at Yangdingtian.

After a long time, it did not say anything, slowly raised the sword in his hand.

This sword is a sacred sword, and the scorpion has released a breath of incomparable horror.

It seems that this is a very silent undead monarch!

Yang Dingtian’s mysterious atmosphere at this time was almost completely clean. Of course, even if he is full of sinfulness, it will be useless, and he will be swayed by the other side, and he will surely die.

In front of the 18th-order powerhouse, he is extremely weak, not to mention the 20th-order sage.

Before, when Yang Dingtian entered this field of undead, he had thought about this question and would not anger the undead overlord in this area.

But thinking, I am faster, and the undead overlord should only care about those high-level undead. Yangdingtian is only a dead soul in the periphery, it should not mind. As a result, this undead monarch minded.

Looking at the sword raised by the undead monarch, Yang Dingtian suddenly said: "Hello, can you know that there is no smoldering? I, I am his descendant!"

When Yang Dingtian said this sentence again, he had the feeling that the ground cracked a gap and then got into it.

It’s a shame, pulling the tiger’s skin and pulling the flag.

But after listening to Yang Dingtian, this undead monarch did not have any figures.

Still, slamming a sword.

My life is resting!

At this time, it is useless to release the Naga frost. Still can only bring a brief horror to the undead monarch in front of him, although he has no way to kill Naga, but still kill Yang Dingtian.

Just when Yangdingtian directly wants to be broken.

Suddenly, the huge two months, slammed down.

The bones of the undead monarch squatting toward the sun, suddenly disappeared.

Then, this undead monarch, also disappeared with an inch, turned into endless darkness.

And Yangding is too late to marvel, with the last mysterious, quickly collecting the **** of the magic crystal, even before it is too late to install the energy jade box, but directly into the soul of the ring. Because, with the end of the big taboo day, the energy field in the dark field will change, and when the energy crystallizes, it will be turned into nothing.

In just a few seconds, Yangdingtian flashed for dozens of miles and collected most of Hell's magic crystals.

At this time, the Nether Ghost Emperor suddenly shouted: "Full, full, can't get in..."

It turns out that the soul ring is full, and the **** magic crystal is too much.

It’s too late, Yangding Tianfei quickly poured the rest of Hell’s magic crystal into the space ring!

This is an absolutely isolated space, and has a very limited volume, so the **** magic crystal can not be evaporated inside, can be preserved for a long time.


Finally, the big taboo day is completely over.

The two months have disappeared completely, and the strong negative energy filled in the dark field has disappeared.

The two days in the east, after a while, will rise again.

Although the speed of Yangdingtian is almost at its peak, there is still a small part of Hell's magic crystal, which is directly extinguished in the air, disbanded into a glimpse of death energy, and scattered in the dark field.

Yang Dingtian sighed and said: "There is no perfect thing in the world. It has been extremely rich this evening. A little bit of regret is perhaps the best result."

At this point, the Nether Ghost Emperor suddenly said loudly: "Fast, put your 18th-order **** magic crystal out!"

"How to retire?"

Nethered Ghost Emperor: "Small yourself with a slight lightning!"

Yangding Tianfei quickly used the magic sky to split the lightning and directly beat him.

Suddenly, a chill was slammed, and the whole body was separated from the shadow of the 18th-order undead overlord.

Then, the figure of the 18th-order undead, quickly condensed into an 18th-order Hell's magic crystal, and soon it will soon be completely wiped out.

And Yangdingtian almost uses lightning speed to directly put it into the soul ring!

The Nether Ghost Emperor just swallowed up a lot of his own **** magic crystal, this 18th-order Hell Magic Crystal, safely entered the soul ring.

However, its energy is still a little bit defective.


Yangding is too late to take stock, because the last wave of Hell's magic crystal is really rich. The Nether Ghost Emperor devours and purifies it takes a while to complete.

He quickly sat down and resumed the battle.

After nearly a quarter of an hour, the sigh of Yangdingtian was completely restored.

Then, with the fastest speed, go to the underground caves that are hiding from the glass and others.

With the flashing technique, after only half an hour, Yangdingtian reached a place thousands of miles away, where the glass and others were hiding.

I haven't waited until he opened the rock, and the inside of it sounded like a glass of light: "Yangdingtian is you?"

"It's me." Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, the rock broke open and the sun top flashed into the sky.

Just entering the cave, the demon purple plump body directly rushed up and said: "You are finally back, I can worry about dying you."

Then, in the gaze of the glaze, the demon purple is not willing to let go of the Yangdingtian, and then the big eyes open the way: "Mr. Yangdingtian, is it not fun, the harvest is not big?"

Yangding nodded.

Demon Purple Road: "Hey, I really shouldn't hide at the time, I should go with you."

After she finished speaking, she spit out her tongue and knew that she was ridiculous.


Because the work of the Nether Ghost Emperor to Purify Hell Magic Crystal has not been completed, Yangding Tian first picks up the sword and transforms this underground cave.

Although it is difficult to transform into the previous four-bedroom and two-bedroom layouts, it is still possible to dig the caves bigger and the six people are slightly more comfortable.

As a result, four or five hours passed.

Demon glass and others, really dig out two rooms.

Finally, the refinement and essence work of the Nether Ghost Emperor is over.

After all swallowing up the part that belongs to him, the rest of Hell's magic crystals are all refined into energy essence.

Just when Yangdingtian was going to come up with the essence of energy, the demon glass suddenly said: "Everyone, follow me to another one!"

Suddenly, all five people went to another.

Although she loves Burrow and others very much, she is worried that they will have a different mind in the face of a lot of energy essence.

And more importantly, she feels that she does not know the specific harvest of Yangdingtian, which is beneficial to both sides.

Yang Dingtian feels that this is not necessary, but the glass is still determined to do so.

Therefore, in this stone room, only Yang Dingtian is left alone for inventory.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian saw that there were more and more hands in his hands, and more and more **** magic crystals.

More and more, more and more!

Dozens, hundreds, thousands!

There are actually thousands of them.

This harvest is really crazy, too rich!

Yangdingtian is extremely happy to take stock!

The result came out, after deducting the division of the Nether Ghost Emperor, there are energy essences as follows.

Sixteenth order, two. (No purification, still exists in the soul ring)

Fifteenth, five.

Fourteenth order, eight.

Thirteenth order, forty.

Twelve orders, one hundred and fifteen.

Eleventh, three hundred and seventy-three.

Tenth order, one thousand and one hundred and twenty-three.

Nine orders, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight.

Eight orders, one thousand two hundred and thirty-five!

Of course, there are still some Hell's magic crystals, which are placed in the space ring by Yangdingtian.

Among them, there are quite a few low-level undead essences, which are directly swallowed up by the Nether Ghost Emperor.

Yang Dingtian couldn't help but ask: "Ghost Emperor, you swallowed up so many **** magic crystals, how can you break through now?"

The Nether Ghost Emperor proudly and pretentiously said: "Where more, just a quarter."

Then he said: "Now, I am already a fourteenth grade."

Yangding Tiansheng suddenly said: "You only swallowed a quarter, there are fourteen eight products, then how much will I break through?"

The Nether Ghost Emperor said: "I think you should calm down first, don't think about stepping into the sky. I am an energy body, you are a human being. After I swallowed the **** magic crystal, I can absorb most of the energy into my own cultivation. You, breaking through a certain level of sea, need ten times, dozens of times the same level of energy! So, your conversion rate, only a fraction of mine."

Yangding Tiandao: "What do you think, I will probably break through?"

"If all is swallowed up, it should be in the thirteenth order."

“How is it possible?” Yang Dingtian said with amazement: “My harvest this time is more than a hundred years!”

"Yes!" Nethered Emperor said: "But the strong West is practicing here, from the eleventh to the thirteenth, at least two hundred years. You don't know the enchanting situation."

Yangding Tianyi, yes, the enchanting or the silver moon family, the master of the dark field, twice, and finally did not break through the semi-holy.

It seems that human beings are still the most powerful and intelligent life. The time required to break through the ninth order is the shortest.

But unfortunately, human life is limited, and it seems that the capacity of the sea and the mysterious veins is limited, so it is difficult to cultivate to the holy level after the Great Nirvana.

However, humans still existed as holy powers five hundred years ago, although the number is very rare, but there are still.

Yang Dingtian is somewhat unimaginable at this time. How did the strong five hundred years ago break through the holy level?

However, it is clear that normal enthusiasm is impossible. It must be a great creation. Otherwise, normal cultivation will not break through the holy level in two or three hundred years.

However, as if there is no documentary record, how did these people break through the holy level.

Next, Yangdingtian combines the essence of energy and combines all the essences of energy into the vertices of each stage.

In the end, the eight-order nine-equivalent limit (nearly nine orders), a total of eighty.

The nine-order nine-ninth limit (near tenth order), one hundred and thirty.

Nearly eleventh-order energy essence, eighty.

Nearly twelve orders, thirty-two.

Nearly thirteen energy essences, twenty one.

More than thirteenth order, it will not be synthesized, and it will remain the same!

Sure enough, once synthesized, the harvest looks like it is not that big!


Yang Dingtian came to the outside and met with the demon and other people. He said: "I am planning this allocation."

"You don't have to say it." Demon glass said: "We absolutely will not want it. If it is, it will completely tarnish our dignity. The demon fox family will definitely not eat the food!"

Yangding Tianyi said: "But maybe I need your strength very much!"

The glazed road said: "No matter which kind of name, this is nothing to gain!"

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and said: "Devil Purple, Awen, Awu, breaking through the eleventh order, how much energy essence?"

He said: "You don't have to ask this."

Yangding Tiandao: "Tell me."

Demon Purple Road: "It takes about twenty or so near eleventh order, plus two or so nearly twelve orders, breaking through the last one."

"That is almost the same as my estimate." Yang Dingtian took out three can only count the jade box and handed it to the demon purple road: "In each box, there are twenty near eleventh order and two near twelve orders. Energy essence."

Seeing the demon glass to stand up, Yangding Tiandao: "You listen to me first."

Yangding Tiandao: "You will be difficult to break through the eleventh order, and break through to the 12th order, because this is a big order! It takes about six orders of nearly twelve, and three of thirteen! ”

Then, Yang Dingtian took out another box and said: "The essence of energy here should allow you to break through the 12th order!"

Yangding Tianmuguang looked at Boludao: "You have to break through the 12th order, and you may need more energy essence. The inside of this box should be enough for you to break through the 12th order."

As soon as this was said, Burrough’s face suddenly changed dramatically.

He is a waiter, but the demon is the master!

This time, the energy essence he scored was even more than the charm.

Awen Awu, who is also a servant, has the same energy essence, as much as the demon purple.

Suddenly, Buru and Awen, Awu felt a complete tremor from the inside out.

"Of course, my distribution this time is all allocated on demand. There is only one purpose. We have encountered the 12th-order elemental creatures and no longer turned and fled." Yangding Tiandao: "I, Burlu, the demon three Breaking through the 12th order, even I broke through higher. Then in the next time, we can not only play the 12th order, but also the 13th order, and the cultivation of us is completely leaps and bounds. Of course, this kind of on-demand distribution, This time only, I will still follow the distribution method of the glass!"

After the glaze was finished, Yang Dingtian said that he was serious and immediately refused the gift of Yangdingtian.

Yang Dingtian blocked her and said: "I am not a villain, nor a gentleman. I must say here that in the future battle of the human kingdom, I may need your help very much. I really need yours." Powerful, so I kindly ask you to accept it! Of course, there are still a lot of energy essences left, but sorry, I need to break through the semi-sacred in a short and short time!"

He said: "You said, can you leave the dark field ahead of time? Can you take us out early?"

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao: "So, I hope that by the time of the end of the World War, you can help me."

The glass was silent for a moment, then nodded: "I know!"

Then, under the leadership of the demon, the individual took away his own energy jade box.

After the end of the distribution, each person began to devour the essence of energy, breaking through the time of cultivation!

The first is the demon and the Burlu, to make a breakthrough!

Without any surprise, Yang Dingtian gave the energy essence of the two people enough to make the two break through the 12th order.

Then, the demon and the Burlu guard.

Yangdingtian, demon purple, and Awu brothers, to swallow a breakthrough!


Yangding Tian first took out nearly 12 energy essences, began to swallow, and began to break through!

"Boom!" Endless energy, frantically poured into the sea of ​​Yangdingtian.

After only half an hour and a quarter of an hour, Yang Dingtian's temperament blasted open and the whole body fell into nothingness.

Break through the eleventh order.




In this way, Yangdingtian almost madly swallowed the essence of energy and frantically broke through!


Note: Because I may not be able to go home for the New Year, my mood is a bit low, so I am sorry to be updated later today. R1152

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