Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 892: The 3rd world, swallowing 1 cut!

The first dark field and the second dark field are somewhat similar in some way.

At night, it is hard as a steel floor. During the day, it is the land that melts completely.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian thinks that the third dark field is also like this, but the degree is much more serious.

However, in fact, seeing this scene, Yang Dingtian can't describe his feelings at all.

The world you see in front of you is exactly like an absolute mirror.

That's right, some are like yin and yang mirrors.

But the surface of the yin and yang mirror is a layer of clear water, and the bottom is similar to ice.

The third dark field is exactly like a layer of mercury. Yes, it is mercury. Not just the surface, but the whole world, all of them are rich in mercury. (Of course, it's not really mercury, it looks like mercury)

Because Yangdingtian stepped on the top, it continued to fall.

The whole world has become something like mercury. Absolutely smooth and flat, as long as there is a little bit of light, the entire third dark field becomes the largest and most flat mirror.

At this point, the fissure fire began to condense into a transparent fire, violently entering the sea of ​​Yangdingtian.

"Boom!" His sea of ​​air swelled to the extreme, blasting open.

Then, the whole person fell into a complete nothingness, he broke through the fourteenth five products.

For this result, Yangding Tianzheng did not think of it. Every time the fissure fire swallows up the energy of the abyss border, it will grow stronger, but when it brought a breakthrough to Yangdingtian, Yangdingtian is still very low, this time it can bring a breakthrough, it is completely meaning. I can't think of it.

But just in the Yangdingtian breakthrough, the whole person fell into a moment of complete loss of consciousness, his body flew quickly and quickly.

Wait until you wake up.

Yang Dingtian was horrified to discover that this mercury-like liquid in the third dark field is consuming its own vitality, consuming its own energy, and actually wanting to live and melt itself into a part of it.

Suddenly, Yangding slammed the mysterious fire and rushed to the sky.

Then, I found that the place that was submerged by mercury-like things turned black.

This, this ghost place is terrible!

Yangdingtian couldn't help but study the "mercury" of the world. No doubt this is definitely not mercury.

Here is the third dark field, and this strange solution should be the product of the second dark field after numerous fission.

The dark field is constantly fissile, fissile, and then exposed to the sun for two days, begins to collapse, begins to be attacked by dark energy, and becomes a mercury-like solution.

The whole world is completely melted.

At this time, the world should not have completely died. By the time these solutions begin to solidify, it means that they have completely died.

Yang Dingtian took out a metal dagger and dipped some terrible solution.

"Wow, it’s so heavy, it’s so heavy...” The weight of these strange solutions is far more than imagined. The solution of less than half a glass in front of the eyes is actually more than ten kilograms. This density is too scary. It is.

It can be seen that the whole world has collapsed into what it looks like.

However, Yang Dingtian just expressed surprise, and the dagger in his hand actually melted.

Yes, it melted completely and was melted by this terrible solution.

Yangdingtian is extremely shocking!

This dagger, but the **** gold dagger, incomparably precious. Of course, this is not the most important. The key is that it is extremely sharp and hard, and it will not be corroded by any liquid.

In front of me, it was actually alive and melted.

And in just a few seconds, it was melted. But just being drowned, it took a few seconds. Why is it only black, not melted?

Yangding Tianxin is puzzled.

However, he did not know what to do? Is this always the case, directly squirting the black fire energy, let the body float on the surface?

Then, it is important to find a place to sit down and restore mystery?

Moreover, the world still does not have any air, so the acrobatic flight is also impossible, can only use the Xuanhuo recoil, in order to let yourself fly.

In this way, the consumption of mysterious energy is completely uncalculated.

But now, Yangdingtian can't land, because as long as you touch these terrible solutions, the energy and vitality of the body will be swallowed up by the rapid erosion.

Yangdingtian can only calculate the mysterious atmosphere, and use the Xuanhuo to spray and fly to observe the world.

The gravity multiplier here is too large, at least tens of times. Therefore, the flying speed of Yangdingtian is difficult to reach the extreme. It can only last for less than 200 miles per hour. If the speed is faster, the consumption of Xuanqi is exactly like the collapse of urine.

After spraying with Xuanhuo, Yangdingtian has been flying towards the third dark field and flying.

One hundred miles.

Two hundred miles.

Three hundred miles.

Four hundred miles.

It's exactly the same, all of them are mercury-like solutions, the whole world can't see the second thing at all, and Yangdingtian is the second thing in the world.

This is a world that has been completely melted, and the whole world is such a terrible phagocytic solution.

In this world, Yangding Day does not say to find the fifth stage of killing the sword, not to mention the traces of emptiness, even the place where there is no place.

Yang Dingtian suspects that even if there is a pig sword scroll, it will have been completely melted and disappeared.

Flying into the dark field, it is enough for five hundred miles. Yangdingtian must go back. If he doesn't go back, his mystery will not return enough to return to the abyss border. That means that he wants to land, and once landed, it means being completely corroded and swallowed.

You know, in this third dark field, Yangdingtian does not have a little foothold.

In desperation, Yangdingtian can only fly back, flying for five hundred miles and returning to the beginning of the third dark field.

At this point, Xuanqi is running out, Yangdingtian must find a place to restore the mystery.

In desperation, Yang Dingtian can only summon the hollow flame and release it into the abyss border.

The fissure fire split again into countless black and white fires, and then completely merged into a transparent fire, the crystal of the entire abyss border completely transparent.

Yangding sky jumped into it.

Shuttle, shuttle, shuttle...

As if in an instant, as if for a long time, Yangdingtian returned to the second dark field again.

The fissure of the abyss on the border of the abyss began to merge into one and entered the body of Yangdingtian. At this point, it is no longer possible to bring any little breakthrough to Yangdingtian.

The second dark field was originally like hell. At this time, in the Yangdingtian eyes, it turned out to be very cute.

Despite the incomparable darkness and incomparable danger, there is at least a foothold.

Yang Dingtian took out the soul sword of the Emperor, and at the end of the second dark field, he dug a deep cave and even dug a two-bedroom apartment.

Even, the table and chair benches were dug, and there were beds.

There is no way, we must prepare for a protracted war.

Before finding a way to stand in the third dark field, you can only return to the second dark field every time to restore the mystery.


Yangdingtian lay on his own stone bed, and his heart sighed.

This result is really unthinkable. I resolutely left the second dark field, and I did not expect that I would come back in vain for less than half a day.

Or, since coming to the dark field, most of what happened is not what you expected.

Especially after coming to the second dark field.

After Yang Dingtian is ready to rest for two hours, he will leave for the third dark field, because at that time it should be the daylight in the third dark field, the situation may be different, and what may be explored.

After two hours, the ambition of Yangdingtian is full.

Then, he came out of his stone room and released the fissure fire again, once again crossing the abyss border and heading to the third dark field.

Still continually falling and shuttle, I don't know how long it took, Yangdingtian crossed the abyss border and came to the third dark field.

That's right, the day is the official third dark field.

Yang Dingtian glanced at it and was completely stunned again!

He had previously suspected that the day and night of the third dark field were different, and it was not the same.

The third dark field in the night is all melted phagocytic solution.

What is the world during the day?

All, all, all are in a gaseous state!

That's right, under the madness of the two days, the temperature reached hundreds of thousands of degrees, which is completely unbearable.

Then, all the solutions all become gaseous, densely distributed throughout the space, the whole world.

Therefore, Yangdingtian can't see the two days at all, but just after the shuttle, it will be stabbed in the blink of an eye.

Imagine that the whole world does not know tens of thousands of miles. From the sky to the land, it is not a dense and smashed mercury mist, so the whole world becomes a giant cube mirror.

Then, the sun's rays shine straight down, not knowing how much reflections occur.

The brightness of the whole world is almost the same as that of the Yangding Tianxuan Xuanhuo. When you wear sunglasses, it is useless. You can hardly see anything in the field of vision.

Not enough, but there is good news.

You can use flying mystery during the day, because the whole world is all in a gaseous state.

However, Yangdingtian just flew in and immediately felt a very terrible corrosion energy. The silvery mist around it madly swallows its vitality and erodes its energy.

I can't stay for a minute.

Yangding innocent heart, really want to go crazy! The night in the third dark field is already scary enough. Did not think of the day, more crazy and terrible.

In the evening, there is just no place to stand, but at least it can float in the air.

In the daytime, there was no place for even one inch of space.

This damn, third dark field against the sky, how should we find a way to kill pigs? How to find the trace of vain and smog, how should we break through the semi-holy?


Note: I just returned home from the outside, so the evening update is late, sorry!

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