Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 894: Miracle, found it!

Either succeed or die!

Yang Dingtian with such a decisive release, released the magic spirit demon fire energy cover, and then infiltrated into the void fire, wrapped to protect the whole body, and then moved forward at full speed.

Yangdingtian marched with the fastest speed for nearly 10,000 miles, and it was dawn.

The two days rose to the sky, and the swallowing thick slurry of the whole world boiled again and boiled.

Then, completely vaporized, the whole world turned into a thick fog, endless.

Yangding Tian used flying mystery and quickly flew forward.

In just three hours, it has already flown five thousand miles.

Here, it is already the farthest distance explored before. At this point, Yang Dingtian's mysterious gas just took half, which means he can safely go back.

If you fly further, it means you can't go back.

However, Yangdingtian was completely rejected at this time. Without any hesitation, he flew directly to the front.

In a short period of time, it has already flown a thousand miles, which means that he went deep into the third dark field, which is full of 16,000 miles.

At this point, he has no chance to repent. Next, he really only has two results, either to find something successful, or to die!

Of course, there is still a possibility, that is, discover what, then die!


In this kind of demise, Yangdingtian flies quickly and flies. Exploring places that have never been seen in the past two months, but even though they have not been there, they are exactly the same. It is still endlessly swallowing dense fog, not half a day different.

Yangdingtian continues to fly and continues to fly...

Going deep into 18,000 miles.

20,000 miles,

Two thousand three thousand miles.

Two thousand five thousand miles.

Yangdingtian is constantly deepening, deepening and deepening.

However, there is still no discovery, even if it is not at all.

The whole world is still endlessly swallowing dense fog.

Going deep into 28,000 miles.

The mysteriousness of Yangdingtian will soon be exhausted.

At this point, he not only can't go back, but he can't recover his mystery at all.

However, the eyes are still engulfing the thick fog, and the miracle that Yangdingtian expects has not happened.

Deeply nearly 30,000 miles, Yangdingtian did not find anything.

The rest of the mysterious, probably can go 800 miles, or a thousand miles?

If nothing is found in the last 801, then Yangdingtian will die here, which means that the adventure of this third dark field has completely failed.

Yang Dingtian used up the last mysterious air to continue flying.

Three hundred miles.

Five hundred miles.

Eight hundred miles.

A thousand miles.

One thousand two hundred miles.

More than the imagination of the top of the sky, the last point of this mysterious, insisted on a thousand and two hundred miles.

But nothing more, there is still no miracle, everything around it is still endlessly swallowing dense fog.

The ambition of Yangdingtian was finally completely exhausted.

At this point, he really has no life-saving skills. Even the use of the emptiness of fire to open the space, the mysteriousness of going to the dark world is gone.

Because of the effect of gravity, he began to fall and fell.

Moreover, the energy hood containing the emptiness of the fire, because there is no source of mysterious input, becomes thinner and thinner, and will soon disappear completely.

Once it disappears, it swallows thick fog, and it will begin to devour the vitality and energy of Yangdingtian, and finally his body, and finally completely turn him into a thick fog.

And Yangdingtian, there is no strength to stop this.

Obviously, this gambling, he lost.

He is constantly falling, falling and falling.

Under the tens of times of gravity, the speed at which he falls is incredible.

Ten thousand meters, 50,000 meters, 100,000 meters, 500,000 meters, one million meters.

Yes, there is such a deep world, and it has not fallen to the bottom for two thousand miles?

However, Yangding Tianfei quickly fell for three thousand miles, still did not see the bottom.

Everything around is still endlessly swallowing dense fog.

In the process of falling, the energy cover of Yangdingtian finally consumes energy completely.

Then, this endless swallowing of dense fog, finally excited about the carnival, crazy devouring the energy of Yang Dingtian, swallowing his vitality.

Yangdingtian only feels that these swallowing dense fog, like countless devil's claws, go deep into each of their own entrances, madly swallowing everything.

He is still desperately falling, and the speed at which he falls is already dozens of times the speed of sound.

Yangdingtian only felt the whirlwind and felt the unprecedented illusion in front of the eyes.

Then he fainted directly.

Before fainting, he seemed to see the dark night sky, and the gloomy star river.


Yang Dingtian seems to have slept for the longest and longest, and even has a feeling that he can no longer wake up after falling asleep.

But finally, he woke up from the endless nightmare.

Fortunately, he is not dead. It is also very strange that he has not been completely swallowed up and has not completely died.

Why is he not dead? Is it because someone saved it?

No, no one saved him! Because, at this time, he is floating in the endless night sky.

Yes, he is completely in a state of weightlessness.

I don't know how deep it is, maybe it is 10,000 miles, maybe 20,000 miles, maybe tens of thousands of miles.

In short, because the third dark field was gaseous at the time, there was no bottoming. He directly fell out of the third dark field, and even directly fell out of the chaotic world and came to outer space.

Because there is still a vitality in the body, so I did not die because of the loss of oxygen, but woke up.

Yangdingtian quickly took out a vitality Dan to supplement the vitality needed by the body. Then, observe this more strange world.

It actually fell through the whole world and went directly to outer space.

Yang Dingtian even dared to imagine this picture even if the brain hole is bigger. Because, this picture looks very sci-fi, not fantasy. Of course, from a physics point of view, it is impossible to achieve this. Because when it falls to a certain extent, it will stop because the gravity is at the center of the earth.

However, the facts have happened. Yangdingtian directly fell through the entire third dark field and came to outer space.

Yang Dingtian raised his head and he saw a world of incomparably huge and incomparable.

The dome that is completely dark, oh, is flat, not round.

This should be the third dark world. It should actually be a mercury-like color, but because it doesn't have any light, it's completely black.

It is boundless and big, and you can't see where its margins are.

Yangdingtian turned direction and looked up again.

On the other side is the endless night sky, and countless stars.

He is safe, he is not dead.

But in the third dark field, he also swallowed thick fog around him, and at this time, he had nothing at all, no substance, no air.

It is the vacuum of the Jedi, the absolute competition, he has left the dark world and came into space. At least there is no gravity in the third dark world.

Yangdingtian lay down in a comfortable position, then left nothing and slept.

After a few hours, Yang Dingtian was alive and awakened.

Because, the entire third dark field, turned into a very incomparably huge mirror.

Endless, endless mirrors, what the naked eye can see is the reflection of the ripples, is it tens of thousands of miles, or hundreds of thousands of miles? Only God knows.

In short, in this light, you can't imagine seeing anything because it is completely blind.

Yang Dingtian had to wear sunglasses, close his eyes and continue to float in the air to sleep.

This sleep is another ten hours. When Yang Dingtian woke up, it was already dark.

Everything around is completely dark.

The third dark field, which is endless in the top of the head, has turned into a huge black curtain, covering the sky above the head.

On the other side, it is a more endless, more vast universe.

At this time, Yangdingtian suddenly had a very boring, even ridiculous thought.

Will one of the countless stars that I see be the Earth? As long as you have enough Ju Xuan Dan and Yuan Dan, you can fly directly to the earth.

Therefore, Yangdingtian could not help but widen his eyes, looked up at the boundless starry sky, and began to look for identification. That one would be the earth, and which one would have the characteristics of the earth.

However, Yang Dingtian quickly gave up this ridiculous thought.

Because the stars on the top of the head are almost the same, they are all flashing highlights.

Yangdingtian may be able to determine that the earth is in this infinite universe, no matter which plane, but certainly in this universe.

However, Yangdingtian can't even see the solar system now, let alone the earth.

Moreover, the stars he can see with his naked eyes are all stars, and he is closest to him, perhaps hundreds of millions of kilometers.

If you want to go back to Earth, it is a dream.

Even, he, he already has some unwillingness to return to Earth. Of course, this kind of thinking is very unfilial, and he also misses his parents very much. But it must be said that the chaotic world needs Yangdingtian. He is not only the leader of a group of people, but also the husband of several women, or the father of a bunch of children.

His mission, his home, is in the chaotic world.

Yang Dingtian remembered his wife, remembered the child, and then completely abandoned the innermost loneliness and loneliness.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Dingtian took out Ju Xuan Dan from the space ring and resumed the battle.

Because it doesn't need to be too urgent, and in order to save the Ju Xuan Dan, the full two seconds of Zhong Yangding genius completely restored the battle of Xuanqi.

"Hey..." Yangdingtian went back to Xuanhuo and flew.

The speed of the moment completely scared him a big jump.

In the vacuum, and without any gravity, the slight Xuan fire is directly supersonic. This speed is too scary.

For a time, Yang Dingtian felt like Astro Boy and Iron Man. Spit fire, fast flight,

At this extreme speed, Yangdingtian began to fly faster along the bottom of the third dark world and measured how big it was.

It took a few days and nights to spend a lot of time. Yangdingtian was in outer space and measured the area of ​​the entire third dark field.

It is not a territory of the rules, but it is probably more than 130,000 miles, even more than 65,000 miles.

That is to say, Yang Dingtian tried his best to explore, but he has not reached half of it, even seems to be a quarter.

Moreover, Yangdingtian also reached the end of the third dark field, which is the abyss border.

It stands to reason that he should see the second dark field and the fourth dark field. As a result, there is nothing, the end is nothing, a group of blurred light and shadow, as if nothing, and everything seems to be hidden inside.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian discovered that the so-called second dark world, the third dark world. They are connected together, but they are connected in a certain way, not in reality. Perhaps it is time and space, or it is a connection of planes.

In short, when you see the third dark field, you will never see that there are two on his sides. The fourth dark field is like a puzzle.

Therefore, this chaotic world seems to be far more mysterious than it is in its own imagination.


However, put this aside first. The first thing that Yangdingtian has to find is the secret of the third dark world.

So, Yang Dingtian thought of one of the most stupid and stupid ways, that is to find the center of the third dark world.

Of course, this is an instinct and intuition. He always felt that there might be some secrets in the center of the third dark field.

However, the second dark field is too big and too big. It is difficult to find a center, and it is impossible to find a center without a few hundred thousand miles.

Moreover, he is an irregular shape of the map, the center is even more difficult to find.

Then, Yangdingtian needs to draw a relatively very accurate territory of the third dark Yangdingtian every day, in space, flying with Xuanhuo, carefully observe the entire third darkness The shape of the field.

It took a full half-month to see a relatively accurate shape map.

Then, Yang Dingtian calculated roughly, and got the center of the entire third dark world.

That's right, it's here! The center of the third dark field is here!


After finding the center on the shape chart, Yangdingtian resumed full battle battle, then flew with Xuanhuo, first to the southeast corner of the third dark field, flying from this point to the left (west), completely straight Flying in the ground, after flying for a total of 68,356, stopped, and then turned the direction, flying up (north) for 29,233.

Then, Yangdingtian flew to the center of the third dark field.

Yes, he found it, he found it,

Although, it is not very accurate, because this center point has to move more than 200 miles to the northwest.

However, Yangdingtian saw this central point.

This is a whirlpool, a tens of thousands of meters in diameter, looks like it is very big, but it seems to be small for the third dark field. If it is not a masculine sky, it will not be found at all.

Yangdingtian is constantly approaching, close, and close.

I suddenly saw it.

This swirling nest is completely different from the surrounding swallowing fog. It is incomparably mysterious, beautiful, and mysterious.

It can be seen at a glance, and there are endless secrets hidden in the nest.

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