Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 896: There is no trace of ecstasy!

"The third person?" Yang Dingtian could not help but move, so who are the first two people who came here?

Therefore, Yang Dingtian could not help but ask his own answer. ----

A figure into the hall, suddenly the magnificent palace, completely lost the brilliance, as if all the light, all condensed on this woman.

This is another woman who is as beautiful as Naga Frost, definitely a woman with a beautiful pyramid in this world.

Whether it is the appearance or the body, it has reached the limit.

Even Yang Dingming clearly sees her face, but still feels incomprehensible and feels awkward and mysterious.

As if, this beauty has reached its limit, beyond your imagination, so it is difficult to form a very complete and clear image in your mind.

This woman is the master here.

"Premier, I am very willing to answer your question, but I am very sorry that this issue involves other people, I have no right to make decisions instead of them." The hostess said: "But if you ask me what I can answer I will definitely answer the question."

Yang Dingtian thought for a while: "Would you ask, is this the third dark field?"

"The third dark field?" The hostess of the country has revealed doubts: "Excuse me, what is this term?"

Yangding Tianyi, and then understand, the so-called third dark field, just a noun for reprocessing on Xiaoxitian nouns, others can not understand.

Yang Dingtian asked: "Excuse me, where is this place?"

"Of course it is the Naga Empire." The hostess said.

Yangding Tianyi said: "But isn't the Naga Empire already dying?"

The hostess was shocked: "Who told you that the Naga Empire has perished?"

Yangdingtian is a meal, right, who told me that the Naga Empire has perished? No one told him that the Naga Empire had perished. But almost everyone has this concept in their minds, the Naga empire has perished, and the reason for the death of the ancients is that Naga's power has lost its balance.

When I heard that the Naga Empire was not destroyed, the impact on Yangdingtian was enormous.

After a long time, Yangding genius reacted from this shocking news, saying: "But. Ten thousand years ago, the world was destroyed. It seems that all the worlds are destroyed."

The hostess of the Allure of the Country smiled and said: "Yes, 10,000 years ago, the world was a big catastrophe. If there is any race that can escape this catastrophe, there is no doubt that it is the Naga."

Yangding Tiansheng said: "Don't you, in the Great Nirvana, the Naga Empire did not perish, but hid in the past?"

The hostess said: "Most of them have not escaped. Most of the Naga is destroyed. Only a very small number of them survived?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Is the most powerful part, have you survived?"

The hostess shook her head: "No, it should be said that the weakest part survived, or that we were not Naga at the time, and it was not really born."

Yangding Tiandao: "We call the world after the Great Nirvana as a dark field. Then, is your Naga Empire in this dark field?"

The hostess of this dumping country nodded: "The Naga Empire was very, very large. It was hundreds of thousands of miles. But now, there is only a small part."

Yang Dingtian asked: "Excuse me. How big is this small part?"

The hostess said: "It should be less than 10,000 miles."

Yangding Tiandao: "That is still very big, then how many people are there in the Naga Empire?"

The hostess said: "The real Naga, eight thousand five hundred and eighty eight. The second generation of Naga, fifty-three thousand eight hundred and eight. The third generation of Naga. More than 390,000, the fourth generation of two hundred Tens of thousands."

"This, so much?" Yangdingtian is almost stunned.

The hostess said: "In fact, the real Naga people are less than 10,000. Since the second generation, the generation has become weaker than the first generation."

Yang Dingtian was silent for a while. Road: "Well, how did the Queen's people escape from the ancient era?"

"Please don't call me Queen." The hostess said: "Although we are still called the Naga Empire, we have no queens, no aggressiveness, just a quiet and peaceful race. So we are already new Naga. Empire."

Her words brought a huge impact to Yang Dingtian.

Naga was no longer aggressive, and it was peaceful.

Then, the woman said: "My name is Lancome, you can call me like this. About you ask me, how did we escape the ancient ghettos? It is because the ancient Naga empire understood, precisely because of their madness. Devouring, their power far exceeds the world's ability to withstand, because the Naga Empire destroyed all the seabed races, which led to the reversal of the chaotic world, resulting in a great Nirvana. So at the end of the day, all the Naga Exhausting all the energy, sacrificing one's own life, protecting us, protecting this little world, and allowing the Naga and Naga empire to continue."

After listening to it, Yangdingtian fell into deeper and deeper silence.

Naga really does not lose money is a family of demigods. In the Great Nirvana, it is still possible to protect the world of nearly a thousand miles. Although, it is your own life.

However, Yangding is very, very, very much want to know how the Naga people came.

The third dark field environment is so bad that Yangdingtian is clear. How did this beautiful Naga empire survive in this hell?

Then, Yangdingtian remembered another question.

The central vortex of the third dark field is undoubtedly the entrance to the Naga Empire. So, is this Naga empire nearly 10,000 miles in the center of the third dark field? Is it only protected by a powerful energy cover?

In the ancient world, countless Naga sacrificed their lives, built a huge energy cover, protected the Naga Empire, which has been nearly 10,000 miles, and survived?

But if that is the case, why no one in the ancient Naga lived! Isn’t all the nagas so selfless and generous? This is very difficult, or impossible. In any race, there will be selfish examples.

However, even an ancient Naga has not survived. Can it only prove that this protected Naga empire is not suitable for the survival of the ancient Naga?

Moreover, Yang Dingtian feels that it is very difficult for a simple energy cover to completely protect the entire Naga empire of nearly 10,000 miles. Because the whole world is dying, it seems that it is difficult to be alone in the space of thousands of miles.

Yangding Tiandao: "Lord Lancome, may I ask the ancient Naga, how did it protect this new Naga empire? Is it an energy protection cover with life?"

Lancome was silent for a moment.

Yangding Tiandao: "Of course, if you find it inconvenient, you can not answer me."

Lancome shook his head and said: "It is not an energy shield. Although this was once one of the ideas, it was discovered that the energy cover could not withstand the invasion of the world's death force. Therefore, only another way can be used."

Yang Dingtian thought for a while and suddenly said: "Isolation of space, stealing the space of the new Naga Empire, which is nearly 10,000 miles, and then put it into another space word. This way, the Naga Empire that is about to be destroyed is no longer a Within the space, you can escape the destiny of destruction."

Lan Lan looked at Yang Dingtian with horror, and dared not set the channel: "You, you are really smart, are you human beings so smart? No wonder, Naga's ancestors want to vaccinate humans, no wonder the ancients will be destroyed. At that time, the Naga Empire needed a human help to remember this way of isolating the space. Only by completely separating this space and cutting off the relationship with this chaotic world can we completely protect us."

Yangding Tiandeng was amazed by this picture in this brain.

Actually, a space of nearly 10,000 miles was completely stolen, and then isolated to become an independent world.

In other words, at this time, Yangdingtian entered, it is completely another space. Although its entrance is in the third dark field, it is no longer in the third dark field.

Its volume in the third dark field, perhaps only an infinitely small dust.

At this point, Yang Dingtian brain can not help but emerge a word. The ultimate fantasy is science fiction.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Dingtian’s brain recalled what Lancome had just said. The ancient Naga was inspired by a human being and remembered the way to protect the space. So, will this human being be vain?

In terms of time, it makes perfect sense. Before the end of the last days, nothingness has been looking for Naga, to find a way to save the world.

Yangding Tianqian was excited and asked: "The man who came up with the isolation space and saved the Naga was also the first human to visit the Naga Empire. Is it called nothing?"

Lancome Meiliang said: "Yes? How did you know?"

Yang Dingtian was almost unable to excite himself, and the blood seemed to boil.

There is really a feeling of breaking through the iron shoes, and it takes no time to work. The murderous traces of the vain that he worked so hard to find, and the remains of the Naga empire, and even the fifth stage of the killing of the sword, all of a sudden fell.

Yangding Tiandeng was very excited: "Is there nothing in the Naga Empire, that is, there are some books, or some scrolls?"

Lancome nodded and said: "Of course! He stayed in the Naga Empire for ten years. He spent most of his time debating, thinking, and thinking and exploding and communicating with the ancient Naga. A scroll. This method of isolating space is the result of the exchange between Mr. and the Naga."

Found it, found it! Yangding Tiandeng is extremely excited! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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