Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 900: Go to sleep Queen Lancome, burst!

Suddenly, Yangding Tiandao: "Ask the sky, I suddenly feel that we are two people, do not have to be self-employed as a person of the earth, you are asking the sky, I am Yangdingtian, this point has not changed."

Asked the smile on the face of the sky also suddenly received.

Yangding Tiandao: "Actually, there are some things I can't figure out. Where do you come from such a big hatred, such as here to deliberately destroy the world? As if, there is no need? Just because you feel being teased? Just because of the chaos of God Get your destiny?"

Asked the day to silence, asked: "Yangdingtian, are you in the chaotic world, have a wife? Have children?"

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao: "More than one wife, more than one child."

"If someone taints your wife and someone kills your child, what would you do?" asked Heaven.

Yangding Tiandao: "Killing his whole family, breaking his grandson, excavating the ancestral graves, and smashing the bones."

"Okay, well said." Yangding Tiandao: "What will happen to you?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Abandon most of the life, there is no love."

"Speaking very well." Asked Tiandao: "My four wives were raped and killed, and all my children were killed."

Suddenly, Yangding suddenly twitched and then trembled: "When."

Ask Tiandao: "Before I have not become a demon, I have just passed through. Before I first missed my wife on the earth and the unborn child, it was not long before I began to accept everything in the chaotic world. Because, I won This body has become a genius, I became the most outstanding young man in the demon road. I have four most beautiful and lovely wife, is your wife cute?"

"Very, very, very." Yangding Tiandao.

Ask Tiandao: "My wife is also the same, very very very beautiful. Cute. And I also became the rumored disciple of the last demon king, I am proud of the spring. You know, how bad it was after the demon road passed a big defeat. You can only be in the vicinity of the demon domain, and the water you drink is polluted by the river. You may not know. Within the territory of the demon, every three children born, three are not normal, and there are four or five. It will be aborted, only two or three will finally survive. And the people in the territory have an average life expectancy of more than forty. So you know how much we are eager for the land outside?"

Yangdingtian fell into silence.

Asked the day to continue: "Master's life is painstaking, and Tiandao League intrigues and bears the burden. With the division of Tiandao League itself, the demon sects can survive. Even if I witness such a tragic situation, I have never thought of going up and down. The battle of the world. The ideal of my master's life is to take back less than a thousand miles of the temple that belongs to the Temple of Destruction, so that the people of the Demon Road can be proud of themselves. However, the demon road at that time experienced the time four hundred years ago. After the defeat, it was completely divided."

For this history, Yangdingtian is completely completely ignorant.

Asked Tian Tiandao: "Master was already over a hundred years old. It is very difficult to complete this task, so I can only put all my hopes on me. At the time, I was fascinated by my reform in the territory. And with his wife and children, live a happy life. The struggle against Tiandao League is not too focused on it. Until the master’s temper..."

"Irritable?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Yes, violent, not normal death." Asked Tiandao: "So. I became the new lord of the Temple of Dim. The demon sect is divided, and I was so young, how could I become the Lord of the Temple of Desolation?" So, at that time, I accepted the temple of annihilation and looked at the demon road that was torn apart. Looking at the people who humiliated and lived, how difficult it was for me. I had to let go of my family’s family fun and join the cause of the Temple of Destruction. However, it is difficult for the mortal temple to be convinced, to look around, to be helpless, and to be repeatedly bullied."

Yang Dingtian brain conceived that picture, which is very similar to his own encounter. After Simon's endless destruction, he became the nominal owner of the city. But at that time, Ximen feared that Yang Yan put himself in his eyes and forced himself to a dead end several times. How hard it was during that time.

Ask Tiandao: "The most sinister and evil is your Heavenly Alliance, especially the Yin and Yang dynasty and Xuantianzong. It is completely crushed like a pig and a dog. Today we want this, tomorrow we want that, as long as we find minerals on our territory, I will let me cede immediately. Not only that, but also let me destroy the temple as their secret beater, and exclude the dissidents in the Heavenly League. I certainly refused these things, so everyone in the Tiandao League felt that I was very bad, not a big deal. The right Lord of the Temple of the Immortals. So... just collaborate with the traitors in the Temple of Destroy, to murder me and take away the position of the Lord of the Temple."

Having said that, the day is completely silent!

After a long period of time, I said: "In the life of nine deaths, I survived this big conspiracy. However, I was charged with the crime of killing the master, and I was taken away from the position of the Lord of the Temple of Destruction. Tianya. Several of my wives, all of whom were abused, raped, and my children were all killed..."

In an instant, Yangdingtian felt a pain in the cone.

There is no doubt that if he suffers such a heavy blow, he will also become a demon directly, destroying everything.

Ask Tiandao: "So, I swear at that time, I want to become stronger, stronger, stronger. I want to complete the career that Master did not complete, I will send all the enemies to hell. Then, I suddenly have constant adventures. Quickly become stronger, stronger, stronger. As if there are countless cheats, precious weapons, mysterious secrets, and heavenly and earthly fires, they are coming to me. Not only that, but also a world The most beautiful woman on the top saved my dry and broken heart and regained love."

Yangdingtian certainly knows that this woman is nothing but the zero.

Asked the day to continue: "There is nothing to be done in the back. I became very strong. I broke through the semi-sanctification before the age of forty. I became a demon. I found a very mysterious place somewhere and built a Incomparably powerful and powerful corps. I want to destroy the Heavenly Alliance, I want to unify the whole world, I want to completely end the fate of a world war in every two hundred years."

Take a deep breath and ask Heaven: "However, at a certain moment. Before the World War, I found everything, as if it were manipulated by the hand of God. The woman I love most, in fact, It is my biggest enemy, the lord of the sacred sect, close to me just to be able to kill me. The emptiness of the vain kills my last conscience. And the war of destruction that I picked up is also doomed to fail. All my tragic experiences, My destiny is manipulated. All my struggles are meaningless. That **** destroys everything I have. Then I will trample me like a bed bug."

Asked Tian Tianguang to shrink: "Yangdingtian, when you think that you are the protagonist, in fact, you are just a bedbug. Some people want to make you completely become a demon. Just kill your master and kill your family. What do you do? Do you kill him? If you don't die, you will die?"

Asked the sky to flatten the mouth: "Unfortunately, this **** is too strong, I can't even see his figure. No way, then I will destroy the world, the whole chaotic world is destroyed, his **** It’s estimated that I can’t live. Everyone is doing the same, just right!”

Yangdingtian took a deep breath. Road: "How long before the end of the World War, do you know that you have been manipulated? Do you know that you will be defeated?"

“It’s not too late.” asked Tiandao: “At least let me all lay out, but it’s still rushed.”

Yangdingtian looked at the sky and said: "I know, I can't convince you anything. There is nothing in the world. It can dissolve your inner hatred."

"Yeah." The devil asked the day and nodded. "Yangdingtian, don't you think about your brain, what is the meaning of your salvation? Why is it that every thousand years, every two hundred years will be destroyed?" War. Will kill hundreds of millions of people? And every evil demon will fail. Nor is there no wise and wise leader, want to resolve the evil, let the Tiandao League and the Demon Road completely cease. But these wise leaders are all dead. For example, my master, I have repeatedly wanted to completely stop doing things with Tiandao League, to resume exchanges, and even to compromise with Tiandao League. Then he was violent."

Yang Dingtian did not answer.

The devil asked Tian Xiaoxiao: "The so-called battle of extinction is simply the game of God. His play house game, he is too boring. He plays chess with himself, his left hand is me, the right hand is you. Let you and me kill the blood into a river, faintly, so that he can relieve him. Are you so willing to be fooled, become the idiot, the bed bug?"

Yangdingtian looked at the sky and said: "My Majesty the Devil, I am not smart. You are the key to this problem. It is the biggest secret in the world and the most important secret. But I am very sorry, I have no time to think about it. A deep problem. I have to solve the difficulties at hand before I can think about such deep problems."

"Idiot." The devil asked Li Tian: "The first question of the revolution, who is our enemy, who is our friend. You have not even figured out the real enemy, where is the head sprinkled Blood, stupid!"

Yangding Tiandao: "I am still sorry, I am not as smart as you are. So my first thought is to save the human kingdom. I know that your annihilation army is tens of millions of Maori barbarians, completely rebuilt, like the beast demon. Maori barbarians. They will completely destroy the entire human kingdom, hundreds of millions of people will die, all families in the chaotic world, all the cultivated land, all the children, all will die."

"They die, what are you doing with you?" The devil asked coldly: "When my wife was raped and killed, when my nine children were killed, when I was betrayed by a beloved woman, someone could pity. Have you ever been?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I am still saying that the truth about the **** of chaos, I will dig. But before that, will I save the human kingdom and destroy your squadron?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." The devil asked the sky and laughed: "Who do you think you are? You killed my squadron? Do you know how powerful my corps is? You know that I am not only destroying The World Corps, I also have the Nether Empire, I still have a small West Heaven, relying on the Heavenly League of the human country of the region, want to beat me, how ridiculous? Yang Dingtian, I am more than two hundred years earlier than you, not afraid If you say something that hurts your self-esteem, I have never regarded you as an opponent. My opponent is always the **** of chaos."

"I know, so we have nothing to talk about." Yangding Tiandao.

The devil asked Tiantian to smile and said: "Lord Yangdingtian, I am coming to make a deal with you, how?"

"You said." Yangding Tiandao.

"Do you want to leave here and return to the human kingdom?" The devil asked Heaven.

"Of course." Yangding Tiandao.

The devil asked Heaven: "It is very simple. Open the Tibetan Classics and get the space scroll inside. This is nothing to do with the ancient Naga."

Yangding Tiandao: "I also want to get it. Unfortunately, Queen Lancome is absolutely impossible to open the Tibetan Classics."

The devil asked Heaven: "It is very simple to want her to open the Tibetan Classics. You open her thighs and sleep with her, and it will be fine! According to our human words, she is still a virgin."

"Oh." Yang Dingtian responded with the most perfunctory words on the Earth Network.

Of course, I don’t understand the charm inside, but I also understand the meaning of Yangdingtian. He smiled and said: “Do you think that you can’t do this? After all, you are human, she is a Naga, even if I have mercy on life, and my heart is not worthy of human beings. I can rest assured that there is a way."

Then, ask Tianzhu out of a bottle: "There is a drug in this bottle that is specially designed to deal with the Naga. It is absolutely effective. As long as the Queen Lancome smells it, I will make a big deal immediately. Then you can easily do it. I have slept with her. You also know that Naga is very specific and loyal to his partner. After you have slept with her, is it not easy to get the things in the Tibetan Classics?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Since so many benefits, why don't you do it yourself?"

Ask Tiandao: "I don't have the chance to be alone with Queen Lancome. She is very close to you, and it is not fortified, you have a chance."

Yangdingtian is about to open, but he was asked to stop it. He said, "Do not do it with Don't open your mouth. The false words of your righteous words, I heard some greasy. If only It’s okay to be hypocritical, plus the stupid truth, I can’t stand it anymore. My Earth compatriots are so stupid that it makes me unbearable.”

After all, ask the day to put the bottle on the table, and then just leave, there is no trace.

After asking the day to leave, Yang Dingtian sat down and cleaned up the messy thoughts inside.

I don't know how long it took, suddenly a figure appeared behind Yang Dingtian, Queen Lancome, she said softly: "How come I didn't go to the library this morning, I waited for a while, you didn't come, you actually sat. Here is a daze?"

Yangding was soberly awake, and it turned out that it was already bright outside, and he actually sat down for a few hours.

"Okay, I will go." Yangding Tiandao.

"Hey!" Just then, the bottle of aphrodisiac on the table suddenly exploded.

Yangding Tian was shocked! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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