Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 903: The Battle of Wangcheng!

After unloading the complicated robe, Lancome’s expression did not change. She still chatted with Yangdingtian and played playing cards, as if nothing had happened. [.,

"You are not worried?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Queen Lancome said: "Hello, God, have you encountered something similar?"

"Many times." Yangding Tiandao.

Queen Lancome said: "What is the result?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The insurance is for the benefit."

Queen Lancome said: "Why is it going to save you?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Because we have specific rules, and I have crossed these rules and won the final victory. And, because of the so-called chaotic god."

"You are very modest and have no reason to say your own." Queen Lancome said: "That is, you can create miracles again and again?"

Yangding Tiandao: "It can only be under certain certain conditions. I would like to ask, will there be a miracle this time?"

Queen Lancome said: "I don't know, I have to think about what the members of the new Naga Empire think. If you think about the same as Bu Yi, then there is no miracle. If you want to be like me, then there is a miracle. ""

Yangding Tiandao: "Then you are not going to fight for their position?"

Queen Lancome shook her head: "The Lord Yang Dingtian is useless. Our position has gradually formed over thousands of years and cannot be changed."

Yangding Tiandao: "What can we do before the arrival of Bu Yi?"

Queen Lancome said: "Do nothing, play chess, read books."

Then, in the next time, the Queen Lancome really did, as he said, playing chess. Read the book when reading. I didn’t go to lobby the patriarchs of the Naga family at all, and there was no military preparation at all, as if nothing had happened halfway.

In this way, time passes by day by day.

Bu Yi Khao is obviously a very impatient person, and does not have much patience, just less than a month. It is already here.

Leading hundreds of thousands of Naga army, the soldiers came under the city, surrounded the entire king of the Naga Empire.

Yang Dingtian and Lancome Queen embarked on the brilliant Wangcheng City Wall.

Suddenly seeing the wilderness outside the city, the army of the Nazars of the sea snakes is overwhelming, and the birds are difficult to cross.

The power of Bu Yi Kao is completely out of the nest.

The entire New Naga Empire has a total of more than two million. Because the sea snakes are prostitutes, so there are more descendants of the reproduction, so the whole Naga of the sea snakes is about 1.5 million, and the mermaid Naga is only less than 900,000.

Yang Dingtian can see clearly that in the Naga army of hundreds of thousands of sea snakes, the real human form is only a few thousand. There are half of the people, only tens of thousands. Most of them are completely uninhabited. It is a fierce sea snake. It looks like it is not much different from the snake king empire sea snake of the Queen of Poison, but it is slightly larger.

Moreover, these sea snakes come in a variety of colors, red. Blue, white, transparent, and even sea snakes with wings.

Yangdingtian sighs again, this world is apart from the one-of-a-kind cream. There really is no real Naga.

The Queen Lancome and Bu Yi Kao are the next generation of Naga, and the remaining third generation, the fourth generation is not even a Naga.

But even so, this force is still extremely powerful, Yang Dingtian asked the Queen Lancome, at this time the repair of the new Naga Empire.

As a result, the level that Lancome Queen said was incomprehensible by Yangdingtian.

The martial arts repair is a grade, the human kingdom is divided into one division, and the Xiaoxitian is divided again. When it comes to the Naga, it is another division.

However, Yang Dingtian probably knows that in Xiaoxitian, it was only when he reached the rank of the Grand Master. In the New Naga Empire, it seems as if it is the equivalent of a semi-holy level.

As for how high the Lancome Queen’s cultivation is, Yangdingtian is not clear.

In short, the beautiful and weak maids around Yang Dingtian and Lancome Queen tried it a little bit, and then generally knew what their cultivation was, and what level was in the New Naga Empire.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian is even more convinced that the imprisonment space of the New Naga Empire must not be opened, otherwise it will be a complete catastrophe for the entire chaotic world. Xiaoxitian can't keep it, and the human kingdom can't keep it.


The royal palace of the New Naga Empire is large, covering an area of ​​several tens of square kilometers.


The palace is the king city. Therefore, the king city of the New Naga Empire is very small.

Moreover, this king city is without people. All the people are scattered among the families of the empire.

Therefore, there is no one under the rule of Lancôme, only the army guarding the king city, and her own maid, wise man, and so on.

In short, the entire king city adds up, there are less than 80,000 Naga. (Or pseudo-Naga, because there is only one real Naga in the whole world.)

In other words, the power that Queen Lancome can command is only 80,000.

But Bu Yi test is full of 100,000 troops, a full ten times.

The Lancome Queen faintly glanced at the overwhelming rebel forces outside, and then looked at the wilderness farther, without any reinforcements. Then he turned to the sun and said: "Have you seen it? The people of the New Naga Empire are not willing to be imprisoned in this space, and they want to go out."

Yangding Tiandao: "Do you send people to the major family territories for help?"

"No!" Queen Lancome said: "You don't need to ask for help. When Wangcheng is attacked, all the families must be the soldiers. This is clearly written on the treaty. Now Buyi is under the city and there is no one." It shows their attitude."

Even the mermaid, Naga, did not come to the Qin.

Yangding Tiandao: "With the mermaid, do you not intend to be a king? Are you not the patriarch of the mermaid?"

Queen Lancome smiled and said: "I have no mating, no breeding, how can I be a patriarch? I am only the master of this king city."

Of course, Bu Yi Kao is not likely to breed hundreds of thousands because he is not married. There are more than thirty grandfathers in the sea snakes, and they are basically ambitious. However, Bu Yi Kao did not get married, and the strongest force, so he became the highest leader of the Nazi people of the sea snake.


Ninety thousand to 80,000, ten times disparity, how to fight this battle, Yang Dingtian really do not know. Moreover, this is not a war he can understand. Although it is a fake Naga, this level is not something humans can touch.

The rebel leader Bu Yi Kao, out of the crowd, slowly walked to the front of Wang Cheng, kneeling down, said: "Queen Lancome, I am in the face of nearly a million troops, in front of Wang Cheng, officially You are proposing marriage, please accept my love, and breed with me."

"No." Lancome Queen is straightforward. She has always been like this. She basically does not hesitate and does not think. It is straightforward.

Bu Yi’s body trembled and said: “In this case, Bu Yi’s test has something to start.”

"You said." Queen Lancome said.

Bu Yi said: "Your Majesty, you have also seen that the exploration of the spiritual field in the New Naga Empire wise has stopped for three thousand years, and there is no hope at all. And our fourth generation is completely unable to reproduce. Descendants. If we are still trapped in this imprisoned space, the world's demigods, the hegemon of the chaotic world, will be completely extinct in our hands. Please marry the Queen for the continuation of race and pity for our descendants. Open the Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures and let the Naga people rush out of the imprisonment and be liberated."

After all, Bu Yi took all his knees and kneel down, facing the Queen Lancome, deeply beheading and worshiping.

At this time, Yang Dingtian felt that this Buyi test was rebellious, and it was really not deliberate. It was helpless and unavoidable. Perhaps he really did not want to take away the throne of Queen Lancome. He was truly admired by her. . However, the thoughts of the two are completely opposite.

Otherwise, Bu Yi can really rebel early.

"No." Queen Lancome is still so decisive.

Bu Yi test face violently twitching, tears falling, said: "Your Majesty, you may think that I am trying to compete for the throne, ambitious. But as long as you promise me to open the Tibetan Classics, save the Naga Empire, I Bu Yi test immediately comes to you."

"No." Lancome is still smashing the railroad.

At this time, Yang Dingtian felt that the beautiful beauty of Lancome Queen was a cold and hard person. The iron-and-white Bu Yi test became a weak person.

Deeply sighed, Bu Yi said: "Lan Lan, I know that you are determined. Why don't you think about it, is it really only you are right? Yin is your love, his ideals and me. In the same way, just to save the Naga, but you are denounced as betrayal and speculation, let him be heartbroken, broke into the end of the world, completely disappeared into this world. Then look around the king city, is there a family to come to the king? No, it’s not that you are rebellious. You are a queen we admire and admire. Even if you have not driven any power, you have not issued a command to any family. However, I ask you to reflect on your thinking and doubt your own. Right, okay?"

"No." The Queen Lancome is still the two words.

Bu Yi test crouched on the ground for a long time, then raised his head and said: "Lan Lan, don't blame me."

Then, he slowly stood up, the tears in his eyes instantly turned into nothing, and the face re-emerged as a knife-cutting loudly shouted: "Flock!"


In an instant, nearly a million pseudo-Naga army, suddenly formed into a five-star array, surrounded the entire king city.

Then, countless fake Naga, like a meteor, flew into the sky, densely distributed above each coordinate.

In just a quarter of an hour, the entire king city was surrounded by the air. Not only the ground, but also the air is completely surrounded.

Wang Cheng suddenly stunned, and even the sun could not shine.

"Attack!" Bu Yi test slammed.

Nearly a million fake Naga army's energy, instantly rushed out and blasted to Wangcheng.


Note: Please ask for the bottom ticket, thank you. (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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