Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 932: Digging the heart of the Queen Heart! Competition!

"Fu Jun, the magic spirit you brought, the age is very amazing." Wu Mo Weaving: "There can be two pieces of magical fog, two pieces of magical black armor, even more powerful than this one." ""

Yangding said: "Are you already done?"

"Do a good job." Wu Mo woven a flat mouth: "You are a big love, who are you going to give?"

Then, she muttered softly: "You have given you a gift from Ximen Milk, and no other sisters. Don't think we don't know, eccentric."

Yang Ding suddenly reached out and pinched on her mountain: "You are no better than her."

"Eccentric ghosts, eccentric ghosts..." Wu Mozhi constantly complained.

Yangding reluctantly said: "Next, I have to do a very magical ring, the first one will give you, okay?"

“Really?” Wu Mo Weaving.

"Really." Yangding Road.

Wu Mozhi showed a charming smile, and put out his tongue and licked it on the lips of Yangding. He said: "You have a conscience."

Then, she took out the already made magical fog coat and the magical black armor, saying: "Get it and take it, please take it to please other women."

Then, Mo Zhi and the color said: "Fu Jun, this magical black armor, can be much better than what you wear, can resist and resolve very much damage, why not change it?"

Yangding said: "This magical fog coat and magical black armor is for the demon glass, to the snake king empire to carry out dangerous missions, the safer the better."

"She?" Wu Mo Weaving said: "She and Song Chunhua are somewhat like, they have been loyal to follow you, so you don't want to get her to go to bed, let us have one more competitor."

Yangding is completely speechless, and Wu Mozhi is like this. Like Song Chunhua's pursuit of Yangding for her ideals, her attitude is relatively cold. Will not be able to make a relationship, and will not do everything possible to marry her into the house. Only the emperor released the woman who didn't care about anything. She wanted to pull it as a helper, so she tried every means to put the emperor's side on the bed of the sun.

This stunner is really snobbish.


Yangding went to the demon glass and went to the east to the grassland. Perform secret missions.

Of course, the so-called secret mission is basically to help the rebel army of the Snake Empire to get out of trouble, to find the phoenix language, and to find the heart of the former poisonous queen of the Queen who was exiled by the Queen of the Sea.

In the final analysis, it is still holding the Queen of the Sea Heart, so that she should not focus on the South Barbarians.

"Remember, if you encounter repairs that are similar to you, don't fight. Be safe." Yangding said.

The demon glass nodded and said: "Yes, I know. With the magical fog coat and the magical black armor, unless the Queen of the Seas is in person, no one in the Snake Empire can stop me."

Yang nodded and said: "That's hard."

There is nothing more in the demon glass, but instead riding a konjac directly, flying directly toward the east in the direction of the grassland.


With the order of the Bright Council, the war machine of the entire human kingdom. They all turn up quickly.

Just two times, the South Central Asian Army. And the Pazhou Army Corps, all of which have been assembled, are rushing toward Nanbanzhou.

Moreover, all the colors are from the express ship to the Clippers. Large ships, more than a thousand ships.

The first and second legion of Zhongjing. All of them have already been assembled and went straight south.

All the services are added together, and nearly two million troops, like giant beasts, must completely surround the entire Nan Manzhou.

The assembly speed of Nanbanzhou is relatively fast. However, the assembly of the troops in Xizhou will be much slower. Because the army was drawn from the four-five-go-go zone, although it was not assembled in one place, the total strength involved was as much as eight million. A few miles between the several regiments is a huge military exercise. It takes a long time from assembly to departure.

But even so, the Queen of the Sea Heart did not seem to be affected, she made the reaction that Yangding did not want to see, and swayed to Nanbanzhou!

The new master of the Lingbi Palace has no way, with the largest array, the largest specifications, to come to meet the Queen of the Sea.

Moreover, in the Queen's New Town in Nanmanzhou, the relevant lease agreement was publicly signed, and Nanmanzhou was leased to the Snake Empire for more than three thousand miles.

If it is placed in the era of the earth, there is no doubt that this lease agreement will be cast aside, because it means the loss of power. But at this time most people in the Lingbi Palace did not have this concept, although they have always regarded Nanmanzhou as their sphere of influence. However, this area is a savage and a wild beast. It is difficult for the people of the Lingbi Palace to feel that this is a sacred and inviolable territory.

Of course, the scope of his own power, the life of the Snake Empire is inserted into the hand, and most people in the Lingbi Palace are still uncomfortable. However, the blood of the Lingbi Palace has long been castrated by the innocent. There is not much reaction to this agreement.

In the Queen's New Town, the Innocent will be worthless, and the two million troops that have been approaching the Alliance will be described as sturdy and completely unintentional.

Moreover, it has been publicly announced in front of the Snake People's Empire and the Lingbi Palace. After a few days, the Yangding is already dead. At this time, the Yangding is completely crazy before death, and it can be regarded as the dead bone in the tomb.


"There is no way for the Lord to have something to do. Yangding never confessed. Since he agreed to compete with you, he knew that he had certain certainty." Queen Haixin said: "So, we must do a good job, especially no. The spirit is over there."

"The Queen is more worried." Nothing to drink a sip of wine: "I only ask one sentence, Her Majesty the Queen can hear it. In just over two years, can you break through the semi-sacred from the Grand Master of Jiuxing and Jiu?"

Queen Haixin shook her head: "No, not for twenty years."

"That's it." No way: "In addition, in the past two years, my cultivation has also been greatly improved. Under the guidance of Princess Peony, I also spent a long period of cultivation in the mainland. The top is blinding my eyes, I will find me a match, and I am completely looking for a dead end."

The Queen of the Sea Heart brows slightly, but in fact, this innocent is not a good alliance, his arrogance and arrogance, even the Queen of the Sea is hard to bear. Compared to it. The innocent is greedy and fearful of death. Although it is guilty, it is easier to grasp some.

This innocent, almost one-of-a-kind, is very tough. If it is not necessary for him to suppress the sun, and the evil demon behind this person is too strong. The Queen of the Sea is still very disgusted with this person.

Therefore, she endured her patience: "No way, your lord Wu Ningming was once full of confidence, but the result was defeated."

Suddenly, no way to look at the face, said: "Is the Queen's Majesty feel that I will repeat the mistakes of Wu Ningming's incompetent?"

Queen Haixin said: "I just let your heart, don't underestimate the sun."

No way to sneer: "Wu Ningming's defeat is completely self-defeating. At that time, he was already an infinite master. It was more than a hundred times more than the Yangding. The result was to pursue the gorgeous effect, using the so-called dark mysterious fire, the result Instead, it is swallowed up by some of the energy in the Yangding. But it happens that some kind of energy in the Yangding body can only devour the dark mysterious fire, and the other is nothing. But when he uses other methods, even the most stupid and stupid way, Yangding is at this time. It’s also a pile of rot, it’s really stupid.”

The Queen of the Sea is completely speechless. Her patience is also limited, and I don't like this person without a word. Seeing that he was so mad, he felt even less speculative. So, after a few more words, no way to return to the Lingbi Palace.

However, in order to avoid letting the sun rise, the Queen of the Sea is still in the Queen's New Town in Nanbanzhou. The guard is here, half of which is to protect the base of the Snake Empire, and to protect the Palace of the Spirit.

As long as she is sitting here, the army of Yangding will not dare to do anything. As for the eight million troops assembled in Xizhou, the Queen of the Seas thinks that it is completely a trick to beat the West.


"Grandpa. You don't want to compete with Yangding, okay?" Ling Rabbit said: "Even, we don't want to be the master of this Lingbi Palace. We go to a remote place, no one knows, I am and Grandpa and two people live together, I cook for you, isn’t that good?”

No way the eyes are full of pity, but the voice is very cold: "Hey granddaughter, you also saw it, not my grandfather, I am looking for something, it is Yangding who is looking for a dead end."

Ling Rabbit said: "If you are not in alliance with the Snake Empire, and you are an enemy everywhere, how can he become your enemy."

No way to anger: "You are my granddaughter, the future descendant of the Lingbi Palace, but do you have to stand on the top of the Yangding? Is it in your mind, is the status of Grandpa not as good as Yangding?"

"No, granddaughter is not standing on the top of the sun, but standing on the side of the Taoist League, standing on the side of justice."

No Road is still angry: "I will ask you, in your mind, is Grandpa important, or is Yangding important?"

"Of course, Grandpa is important." Ling Rabbit said: "Grandpa is my only relative, and Yangding is just a man I admire."

"He is an ugly, why do you admire him, he is a ugly one who is not self-sufficient." No words sighed: "From now on, you are not allowed to mention his name, and you are not allowed to see him."

Ling Rabbit has a tearful voice: "Well, Grandpa, I don't want to see him. So we go to a place where no one is, live for a lifetime, don't get involved in their righteousness and war, isn't it good?"

"Impossible." No way to cool the channel: "I am so hard to get back what belongs to me, how can I give up like this? I lost decades of life and live in hell. Since, let me re-create Standing between the ground, how can I be so lonely and anonymous? I want the whole world to know the name of my innocent, I want to make the Lingbi Palace stand at the top of the world, I want to make the whole Zhongzhou, your future. Playground. Just give up everything, the life of incognito, it is better to die."

Ling Rabbit looked at the face of the innocent fanatic. After a long time, he said: "Grandpa, in fact, you are not loving me now, but because of your own desire for me, you care, you only have your ambitions. It is."

"Hu Ba Dao!" No way to sigh: "Do you want to be a stupid woman? In the years of Kai Academy, I was washed away?"

Ling Rabbit said: "In the most dangerous and difficult time before, you still care about whether I am happy or not. Now, you just want to imprison me in your cage, I don't care if I am happy. ""

"What do you want to do? What I have done is not for you. I want to expand the foundation of the Lingbi Palace ten times, one hundred times. Isn't it passed on to you?" Nothing is furious.

"You are just for yourself, and you know that because of the evil spirits, plus... plus your evil secrets, when you die, you will live well." Ling Rabbit said: "So, No matter what you want to do, don't take my name."

"You shut me up." There was no anger, and a slap in the face.

However, when I just passed the fan, I regretted it and my strength was greatly weakened. But still a slap fan in the delicate and beautiful face of the spirit rabbit, suddenly her delicate half of the face is red and swollen, and the mouth is bleeding.

Then, the room fell into a dead silence. Ling Rabbit didn't cry, and there was nothing like you actually hit me, just licking his face and then bowing his head.

There was no convulsion on the face of the road, and the palm shivered. "You are here to give me a good reflection! And after the death of Yangding, you will probably wake up."

Nothing, no words, snorted, turned and went out.


In this way, time passes by.

The 2 million army of the League has basically completed the siege of Nanmanzhou.

Then, the two armies of the two sides are in confrontation.

However, the Queen of the Sea Heart is still guarded within the Queen's New Town in Nanbanzhou. As long as she is there, the army of the League cannot attack, and the army and city of the Snake Empire in Nanmanzhou cannot be eliminated, and it is even impossible to land in Nanbanzhou.

And if this situation continues, even if Yangding defeats the innocent in the competition, it is of no use, as long as there is no way to destroy. The Queen of the Sea Heart will find the innocent person for the first time and continue the previous covenant and cooperation.

Then, Yang Ding wants to completely take down the plan of the Lingbi Palace, it will completely ruin.

You must know that the demon glass at this time has been connected with the Rebels, and has begun to rescue the Queen of the Poison. Even, it has begun to assassinate the high-level of the Snake Empire.

Through the fastest and fastest kind of energy flying object, Queen Haixin got the important news of the Snake Empire, but it has been unmoved.

Until there was a snakeman empire came a message, so that the Queen of the Sea can no longer sit still.

"The body of Queen of Poison, stolen and missing!"

Suddenly, the Queen of the Sea Heart was in a state of sorrow, and then could not control the Nanmanzhou and Lingbi Palace, and immediately returned to the Snake Empire with the fastest speed.

The body of the Queen of Poison is stolen, which means that someone has to dig her heart and lungs, and she is broken.

The Queen of the Sea Heart has finally left, and the strategy of Yangding can finally continue.

Soon, the two million army completely completed the complete encirclement of the eastern part of Nanmanzhou.

And the day of the match between Yangding and Wudaozi is coming soon!

The public is enlightened. To be continued. .



(Enlightenment Book Network)

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