Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 936: Shock! No spirits scare!

Yangding Tian won.

Although, at the place, no one saw clearly how he won.

Even at this level of combat, most people are already unable to understand.

However, this does not hinder the cheering of people at the venue, the madness of all.

Their leader, Yang Dingtian, only spent more than two years, broke through the semi-holy, and defeated another half-level powerhouse.

This is a miracle, no, this is a miracle!

How can they not be completely crazy?

"Long live, long live ... Long live the patriarch of Yangding."

The entire Tianqi Academy, the entire Xijing, has become a sea of ​​fanaticism.

After the victory, Yang Dingtian did not make any speech. He only stared at all the students of Apocalypse College, then flew directly into the air and flew in the direction of Nanbanzhou.

The high-level parliamentary leaders, such as the Eastern Nirvana, also rode on the konjac and flew in the direction of Zhongjing.

This evening, Tianqi College and Xijing will definitely have a banquet for the celebration. However, Yangdingtian has no time to participate, and the Eastern Nirvana and others have no time to participate.


At this time, Nanbanzhou has entered the most dangerous stage.

Thousands of warships in the Bright Parliament, as well as tens of thousands of air units equipped with small-scale missiles, have surrounded the eastern part of Nanbanzhou, especially the bases and cities built by the Snake Empire.

The army of the Snake Empire did not retreat.

A full-fledged half-human army, all stationed behind various lines of defense.

The high-ranking priests of the Lingbi Palace, who are loyal to the innocent, also directly led the 200,000 black scorpion regiments, crushing them in the air, and confronting the bright parliament army.

The command of nowhere is very clear, as long as the Light Council fires a cannonball or shoots a smashing arrow, it is considered a war. The Black Skull Legion of the Lingbi Palace will fully and completely counterattack, without any retreat.

Therefore, the commander of this war, Zhuo Qingji, has been nervous to the extreme, constantly ordering all the troops, be careful and careful, do not check the guns.

Everyone is waiting for the arrival of the Daqi Academy. Waiting for the last order of Yangdingtian.

If Yangdingtian wins, then start playing directly.

If Yangding loses, then withdraw directly.

Suddenly, all the troops in the bright parliament were completely disregarded by the mad humiliation and provocation of the Snake Warrior, and they remained motionless.

"What are you waiting for this group of low-lying human beings? Going to war, going to war?"

"When you wait for Yang Dingtian? Yang Dingtian is dead, and no one will send his head in a while."

"Yangdingtian is dead, even his beautiful wife, is about to be finished?"

"Really? Then we hurry to go, maybe we can grab one or two. I heard that they are all beautiful women. After sleeping and tired of sleep, they will be slaughtered again, and they will be cooked and eaten to ensure that they are tender. Hahahaha..."

"What? You are still willing to cook and eat, I promise that I will not be tired for a hundred days..."

The semi-human race of the Snake Empire, especially the Werewolf, and Yang Dingtian have deep hatred and hatred, and the words are extremely vicious.

The army of the bright parliament suddenly trembled and could not wait to immediately blow the animals into meat. However, under the command of Zhuo Qingji, everyone is motionless and ready to go to war, but there must be no fire.


"I don't know if the contest has ended yet?" Ling couldn't help but ask.

"What if the end is not over? Anyway, the results are the same. Yangdingtian will lose no doubt." Wulingzi faintly said: "You don't want to dream, Yangdingtian thief can't be an old thief opponent."

Lingbi said: "Do you think that Yangdingtian will die?"

Wu Lingzi sneered: "How? Still can't bear him?"

"No." Lingbi said: "He is better to win. If he can't win, then die."

Wu Lingzi sneered: "You will be disappointed, Yang Dingtian must not beat the Tao, but certainly will not die, his life is very big."

The coffin silenced for a moment: "Don't there be a little chance of winning? In case, if he wins, what are you going to do?"

"I never thought about it, because this is impossible. Even Yang Dingtian never thought about winning." Wu Lingzi said: "This is just a strategic blackmail of Yangdingtian. His biggest purpose is to leave me. And no way, I want to seduce me to shoot and kill without a word. However, his stupid strategy will not succeed, but will be defeated, and a big blow in front of the world."

The coffin sneered: "Do you hope that there is no way to win?"

"No, I hope he will die. I am the most hopeful person in the world. But this is impossible." Wu Lingzi said: "I want to let Yangding win, unless the sun goes out, the sea is back. Waiting, no way will come back soon, the millions of troops in Yangdingtian will soon retreat!"

At this time, there was a sudden whistling sound of a fast flight outside, which was the sound of the fastest sound.

Immediately afterwards, there was a very familiar voice outside, loudly: "The main lord of the patriarchal ancestors, come to worship the Lord of the Lingbi Palace, and come out to meet!"

After the sound of Yangdingtian fell.

The innocent did not come out, and the other people in the Lingbi Palace came out with a probe.

Although there is no suspense in the results of all the people in the Lingbi Palace, they feel that Yangdingtian will lose. However, they are still very concerned about the results. At the very least, make sure that no one has won.

When the Yangding Tiansheng sounded, everyone in the Lingbi Palace was shocked. How was it that the sound of Yangdingtian sounded, did he win?

Impossible, absolutely impossible! At most, Yangdingtian is only an infinite master. It is far from semi-holy. Without decades, it is impossible to break through the semi-sanctification. Moreover, their innocent lords, more than half of the sacred repairs, plus his evil spirits, Yang Dingtian is not only must be lost, it is absolutely dead.

However, the outside is really the voice of Yangdingtian.

The first one that came out was not someone else, it was the Spirit Rabbit.

The moment she rushed out was full of joy. She is really very worried that Yangdingtian will die. She really hopes that Yangdingtian will win and can stop her ambitious grandfather.

But after rushing out, she first saw Yangdingtian, and the second one saw her **** head.

Suddenly, the rabbit in the eyes of the spirit rabbit turned black and turned around, and suddenly he was completely unconscious.

The two middle-aged women in the back quickly hugged her up.

Although Yang Dingtian felt that he was guilty, he did not come forward.

Gradually, from the various peaks, more and more people flew out of the various pavilions, and finally almost all the masters of the Lingbi Palace flew out.

Hundreds of masters, this is the highest level of the Lingbi Palace, all here.

They also saw the innocent Yangdingtian, and the **** head in his hand.

That's right, this is a no-brainer's head, and it's still lifelike and powerful. It's completely chilling.

Then, the people of the entire Lingbi Palace shuddered!

How is this possible? Yangding innocently defeated the semi-classist and had no way, and also killed him.

This is totally impossible, even if the sun is out, it is impossible to happen.

However, the facts have happened. Really everyone is completely completely shocked.

All the masters of the Lingbi Palace only felt that their heads were exploding, and they could hardly think about it for a while, and they lost their proper response.

Before the prestige, the world is invincible, no way, forcing the ancestors of the ancestors of the innocent, and now it is so dead, the head has been cut off.

This, this is completely related to their life. You must know that many people present have rebelled against the innocent, but they all have nowhere to go.

There is no way now, then, does that mean that it will be liquidated?


Finally, the innocent finally came out, and he and the coffin came out together.

When I saw Yang Dingtian, I saw the head in his hand, and the facts were in front of him. He still dared not, and shook his head hard, as if to make himself awake.

God, how is this possible? He just said that unless the sun goes out of the sea, Yangding will win.

However, now Yangding is really innocent.

For a while, the innocent has almost lost the ability to speak.

And the coffin is completely immersed in ecstasy. For Yang Dingtian to defeat the innocent, although she is curious, but does not care, she only cares about the result.

No way to die, great, great! Now, the Lingbi Palace has returned to her grandfather's hands, that is, back to her hands.

She can also call for the rain in the Lingbi Palace. She had offended her before, and she had to be revenged for her revenge. She must be liquidated.

The rabbit of the spirit rabbit has to change from phoenix to pheasant.

The coffin was so excited that the blood in the body seemed to be boiling, and there was even a feeling of fluttering.

This feeling is so good, great.

My coffin is back, I will retaliate, I will retaliate, I will not let go.


Yang Dingtian went directly to the innocent son and threw the head of the innocent head directly. He slowly said: "I have already killed the rebellion of the Lingbi Palace. From today, the Lingbi Palace has brought the chaos out of chaos. Become the Lord of the Lingbi Palace, you are still the Lord of the Palace of the Lingbi Palace, can you disagree?"

At this time, the innocent child wakes up and picks up the bloodless head of the innocent.

Yes, this is no way, no matter the eyes or the look, 100% no way, even if it turns into gray, he also knows.

No way is really dead, really dead!

Wu Lingzi has counted countless times to die without a word, and can not die in his own hands, and can not have any suspicion with himself, otherwise the demon road will be madly revenge.

Now, no way to die in the hands of Yang Dingtian, this is almost the perfect ending.

Immediately afterwards, the innocent heart was shocked and said: "The temple of annihilation will not think that I am colluding with Yangdingtian, and murdering no one, no, I must definitely make a clear distinction with Yangdingtian." limit."

Suddenly, the innocent face is a cold road: "If you don't have a road, you can make thousands of mistakes. It is also a person in my Lingbi Palace. You can't take care of you. You kill him now, that is, killing a column of the Lingbi Palace. I have to give me an account!"

In order to draw a line with Yang Dingtian, the innocent is really fighting, and these words are extremely strict.

Yangdingtian eyes are cold, and slowly said: "You are also a rebellious lord?"

No spirits sigh: "What do I make?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Don't forget, your Lingbi Palace is still a member of my bright parliament and accepts my leadership. Now, the millions of troops of the Snake Empire are stationed in Nanmanzhou but have not been unified by the Bright Parliament. Are you saying that this is rebellion? ”

The ignorance of the big voice: "This matter is a no-brainer."

Yangding Tiandao: "That's good, now I want to eliminate the army of the Snake Empire invading Nanbanzhou. The black scorpion of your Lingbi Palace is actually in front of you. I will ask you a word, when I beat the snakesman Do you want to do it? If you do it, it is rebellion? After I cleaned the army of the Snake Empire, I also slaughtered the Lingbi Palace."

"Do you dare? Big words." Nobody laughed.

Yang Dingtian sneered and said: "Even if there is no way to have evil spirits, they are all in my hands. You said I can do it."

Suddenly, the bones of the innocent teeth were cold and immediately snorted.

Yangding Tian cold road: "No spirit, now there are tens of thousands of cannons, thousands of large missiles, tens of thousands of phoenix missiles, aiming at your Lingbi Palace, aiming at your Black Scorpion. I will ask In a word, you want to die, or you want to live? To die, I will go out and order, killing more than 200,000 black scorpions, and completely razing the entire Lingbi Palace. Then, lead a dozen or so infinite The Grand Master, forty or fifty masters rushed into the Lingbi Palace, and used the means of martial arts to slaughter your scorpion palace and keep the chickens and dogs."

In the words of Yangdingtian, it is completely full of blood and full of naked murder.

"To die, the demon live, you choose yourself..." Yang Dingtian screamed, his voice completely like a thunder.

Suddenly, the entire Lingbi Palace was up and down, completely chilling.

Without the spirit, the face was pale and trembled. This old thief is extremely greedy and afraid of death, and he loves his face very much. In private, he can do even the next squat, but in the face of all the masters of the Lingbi Palace, it is hard to do so.

Seeing that there is no spirit to say a word, Yang Dingtian smiles coldly, and then violently releases the Yiling demon fire, the demon spirit demon fire, and the hollow fire, the chaotic attribute of the three Xuanhuo, violently flying In the air, I flew over the 10,000-meter peak that the Wuzi lived.

Then three Xuan Huo, slamming!


Like the light of a nuclear bomb explosion.

The entire sky, as if it was completely torn, completely lost its light in the two days.

More than nineteenth-order special Xuanhuo lightning, bursting open.

Even if they are tens of thousands of meters apart, all the masters feel a very powerful shock wave, and the whole person can't breathe at all.

Then, the mountain peak where the innocent people lived was directly torn and broken.

The huge mountain peaks have been flattened by a few hundred feet!

This power is completely ruined.

No spirits suddenly, completely shaken! R1152


(Enlightenment Book Network)

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