Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 939: Ling rabbit decided! Devotion to the spirit!

Seeing that the Guangming parliamentary army began to land in Nanbanzhou, the innocent suddenly became anxious, and went forward: "Yangdingtian, you have helped to destroy the invading army of the Snake Empire. I am very grateful. Oh, then The matter should be handed over to my Lingbi Palace."

Yang Dingtian fainted him and said: "The army of the Snake Empire has been largely wiped out. But the Snake Empire is not only a Queen's New Town in Nanmanzhou, but also many other castles, towns. There are still There are quite a few semi-human army, and there are countless semi-human slaves. How can I let go of this, of course, thoroughly thoroughly clean the forces of the Snake Empire in Nanmanzhou."

Wuzizi said: "This kind of thing can be given to us."

Yangding Tiandao: "Give it to you, will you start with the army of the Snake Empire?"

"Of course." Wu Lingzi said: "As long as you withdraw, I will definitely find a way to completely eliminate the military power of the Snake Empire."

Yangding Tiandeng said: "Well, you have this ambition very very good!"

Then, Yang Dingtian went directly to the army of the Black Skull Legion of the Lingbi Palace and pointed to one of the Lingbi Palace masters: "You are called Lingzhonghe?"

This is a middle-aged man, and suddenly he said: "Yes, I am the crane!"

This person Yang Dingtian knows that in the intelligence of the Bright Parliament, the importance of this person is highlighted.

First, his fiancee had been taken away by the sorcerer, and he was interrupted by the right arm. Therefore, this person has more resentment against the innocent.

Moreover, at that time, after he was interrupted by the rhinoceros, he was directly expelled from the position of the third commander of the Black Skull Legion, and exiled to Nanmanzhou to catch the savages, which is extremely desolate.

So at an early age. The people of the Bright Council have already begun to contact him and are ready to attack him.

However, the work of rebellion has not really begun, and there is no way to go up.

After the absence of the word, the cleaning was carried out, and the haters and opponents who reused the innocence were greatly promoted. And this Lingzhong crane is directly in the first few lists, and of course he is loyal to the innocent in the first time. So he served as the third commander of the Black Skull Legion, and he was in charge of the 10,000-strong army.

After the resurgence of the spirit of the crane, he repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction with the coffin, and the innocent, and the high-ranking military officers who were dissatisfied with the innocent.

Therefore, whether it is a spiritless or a coffin, he hates him.

This time, no way to finish, no spirits regain power. He must be retaliated against and attacked. He basically can't live.

Since there is no spirit to destroy him, then Yangdingtian will protect him.

Yang Dingtian patted his shoulder and said: "The innocent old palace owner said that to help the bright parliamentary army to destroy the remnant energy of the snakeman empire, I think you are suitable, lead your 10,000 black army, help the light The parliament together annihilated the remnants of the Snake Empire."

The spirit of the crane, and immediately understand that this is the best chance to save his life, but also the only opportunity. Then he immediately nodded loudly: "Yes!"

"Return to the team." Yangding Tiandao.

With Yang Dingtian’s order, this Lingzhong crane led his 10,000 black dragons. Immediately flew toward the battlefield.

The innocent spirit suddenly trembled, too much, it was too deceiving. Yang Dingtian actually dug up the corner under the eyes of the public. He suddenly said: "Who dares to go? Who can dare to go without my order? Stop all, dare to go forward. Immediately execute!"

Yangdingtian eyes shrink, and slowly toward the innocent child: "No spirit, you are not the master of the Lingbi Palace now. And even if it is to return to politics, it is also to give the Lingzhu Palace to the Lingchuzi. ”

Then, Yangdingtian raised the master token of the Lingbi Palace in his hand. In the spirit of the crane road: "You enter the battlefield."

Lingzhong crane is not a fool. He knows that even if he stops at this time, it is also a dead end. Suddenly gnashing his teeth, he led the army of black scorpions and directly joined the Guangming Parliamentary Corps.

Of course, the 10,000-strong black army under his command did not have a choice to enter the battlefield, but stayed in the air.

However, Yangdingtian has not cared, and the Lingzhong Crane is only an example.

You know, after you have no way to go to the top, you have cleaned the entire Lingbi Palace, and in the key position, all replaced.

Therefore, after this innocent regains power, it must be cleaned again. When everyone is in danger, Yangdingtian will become a lifeline for these people.

No way, suddenly, he was so angry that he shivered and pointed at the top of the sun. "You, don't deceive too much."

Yang Dingtian turned and never minded the innocent.

With such a great victory, who else can block the landing of the bright parliament army? It’s impossible at all, I want to stop it, unless there is no spirit to order the All Blacks to attack.

But is there no spirit to dare? Don't dare to give ten courage. And even if there is no spirit to dare, these officers of the Black Skull Legion do not dare, completely looking for a dead end.

On the contrary, the officers of the Black Skull Corps, who were originally at risk, were born with a fluke in their hearts. The bright parliamentary army stationed in Nanmanzhou was probably a good thing. Oh no, this is definitely a good thing.


The landing of the million-strong army is going to last for a long time.

In the 2 million army on the battlefield, except for the first legion of the Beijing-Beijing team to return to Zhongjing, others will be stationed in Nanbanzhou.

In particular, the army of Nanzhongzhou, including the fleet, will choose to be the resident in Nanmanzhou.

Because of the establishment of the Nanzhongzhou defense zone at that time, there was only one purpose, that is, Nanbanzhou. Once South Barbarians arrives, then South China has no meaning, because there are no enemies in the south.

Yang Dingtian did not leave Nanzhongzhou to return to Zhongjing, but entered the Lingbi Palace again.

Because he is going to preside over the chaos in the Lingbi Palace. With the grand ceremony, return the position of the Lord of the Lingbi Palace to the Lingchuzi. Of course, no matter whether it is a spiritless or a spiritual child, Yang Dingtian is not welcome to preside over this ceremony, because they are following the demon road, not the Yangdingtian.

However, the token of the Lord of the Ghosts is in the hands of Yangding, and there is no such token. The name is not right. Therefore, this hall can only hold the nose and let Yang Dingtian host it. Moreover, the innocent is the inner weak, and under the strong pressure, everything is half-pushing.

Of course, the token of the Lingbi Palace has been destroyed in the battle between Yangdingtian and Wudaozi. This is fake in the hands of Yang Dingtian, but it can also be completely fake.

The Bright Council had a long time to plan the Lingbi Palace, so the Warlock team had already produced many fake tokens for the Lingbi Palace. In fact, this token is very difficult to imitate. The team of hundreds of warlocks used countless spar and means. I don’t know how many treasures were scrapped. Until recently, I was forced to make tokens that could be faked. Still can't be 100% consistent.

However, in the case where the true token has been destroyed. This 99.9 percent token is true.

Moreover, the heart of the innocent villain, but also worried that Yangding Tianwan, the owner of the Lingbi Palace, is handed over to the Spirit Rabbit, then it is troublesome.


So, above the ceremony, the whole process seems a bit funny and weird.

Ling Chuzi has no enthusiasm for this position. Because even if he sits on the head of the Lingbi Palace, it is completely awkward.

It’s a little excited to have no spirits. The power of the Lingbi Palace has finally returned to its hands. However, this grand ceremony actually allowed Yang Dingtian to host, which really made him very tired.

I want to know what happened to Yang Dingtian in the past. He can kill him with one finger, and he won’t even look at the characters. Now, even five people and six people climbed onto their heads.

But this does not interfere with the enthusiasm of Yangdingtian.

In this homing ceremony. The Bright Council gave the face of Tianda.

All the top leaders, sovereigns, and city leaders of the Bright Parliamentary Command are present. A full dozen people, completely accounted for half of the people present.

and. These high-level parliamentary high-level attitudes are very enthusiastic. Almost everyone has pulled the hands of the top of the Lingbi Palace and expressed infinite closeness. The meaning of the words is very clear. They are all family members, all working in the Bright Parliament. Don't give birth.

In Yang Diantian’s speech, it was even naked to pull the Lingbi Palace into the highest level of the Guangming Parliament.

Moreover, once again, it is emphasized that Ling Chuzi’s position in the commanding department of the Guangming Parliament is second only to Yangdingtian, the Eastern Nirvana, and the Zhuoqing ruler, ranking directly in the fourth place, the fourth largest in the world.

Moreover, Yangdingtian also handed over many key positions very generously. For example, the Nanbanzhou defense zone to be re-adjusted, the highest commander of the fate, is a great elder of the Lingbi Palace. There are also many key positions in Zhongjing, Xizhou, etc., which were handed over to some of the top management of the Lingbi Palace. Half of the key positions in the Nanbanzhou defense zone were handed over to the top of the Lingbi Palace.

For a long time, the top executives of these Lingbi Palaces were surprised and happy.

Surprised, of course, because of the divergence of Yangdingtian. This is undoubtedly a divergence, especially the innocent mind is so narrow. And not long ago, these people also abandoned the innocent, loyal to the innocent. Therefore, this divergence will certainly succeed.

Hi, of course, because these positions given by Yangdingtian are very very weighty.

Previously, because of the closed policy of the innocent, the high-rise of the Lingbi Palace was basically empty and the range of activities was no more than a few hundred miles from the Lingbi Palace. There were not many people under the command, so there was no power. .

Now, Yangdingtian has a big stroke, and everyone has at least a hundred thousand troops, hundreds of miles of territory, and a million people.

Yes, Yang Dingtian also directly said a policy in the ceremony, that is, the naturalization policy.

It’s a pity that the land of Nanbanzhou is thousands of miles away. Therefore, for the surviving barbarians, they must be protected and can no longer be used to feed black scorpions. They must be cultivated and returned to the embrace of civilization.

Not only that, but also more than 10 million immigrants from Zhongzhou entered Nanbanzhou.

Be sure to build Nanmanzhou into a rich and prosperous land. Explain that the Lingbi Palace will truly have thousands of miles of territory, thousands of people, dozens of cities, and endless wealth.

Yang Dingtian’s words completely swayed the high-level of the Lingbi Palace.

Rely on, each of them is a city owner, who is in charge of 100,000 troops and millions of people. Now, the elders of the Lingbi Palace, what do you mean, there are no more than a few thousand people.

The mind-thinking person immediately thought that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Don't give the opportunity to clean the innocent, just think about the light of the parliament.

Of course, Wu Lingzi and others are bent on relying on the demon road. Fear of the demon road, I feel that the dynasty of the world will be lost.

However, the average high-level of the Lingbi Palace can not understand so much. They only saw how terrifying the fighting power of the Bright Parliament was in the Battle of Nanbanzhou. It is completely invincible and invincible.

In the face of Yang Dingtian's separation, draw and dig the wall, the heartless heart completely hated the extreme, but still resisted.

Hey, your Yangdingtian always has the day to leave. When you leave, it is time for me to lift the butcher knife and clean it.

and so. The banquet was still not halfway through, and the ignorant left the body without physical discomfort.

When he was absent, the squad and buy-out of the bright parliament became more naked. Directly let the high-level parliamentary high-level, make the tide.

Ling Chuzi did not react to all of this.

Yang Dingtian did not do any tying to him, and the person’s heart was completely dark. There is nothing that can cause his blood. This person has basically been scrapped. of course. Such a talent is doing a good job. Since it can be a shackle of innocence, it is also a good idea to be a leader of the Bright Parliament.


The banquet has been running until late at night.

In the whole process, Yangdingtian has always been concerned about a person, of course, it is a spiritual rabbit.

He has sent a lot of people to find. As a result, no figure was found for the rabbit.

Because, this party needs her appearance. Yang Dingtian and her, when they appear as husband and wife, can make the high-level loyalty to the innocent, and have the motivation to continue allegiance.

To know. The status of Ling Rabbit in the Lingbi Palace is really like an angel.

Halfway through the banquet, Lingbi found a rabbit in a forest. She has been alone there for several hours.


Yang Dingtian saw the Ling Rabbit in the small room behind. She didn't cry, but the whole face didn't have any blood.

"In order to make your grandfather's high-level peace of mind, you and me will appear together, the result will be better." Yangding Tiandao: "Of course, all this is your will. Now you are completely free, no matter what decision, I All support."

Ling Rabbit finally raised his head and said: "Yangding Tianzong, I don't blame you, really! I can imagine that even if Grandpa loses in the duel, he will not fulfill his promise and surrender the Lord of the Lingbi Palace. Instead, he will find a way to retaliate more madly. died, perhaps the best result."

Then, Ling Rabbit finally couldn't help but tears: "But this is just a rational answer. And everyone can't be sensible forever. It's often left with emotions, so I'm really sorry. I can't be calm and accept." All this, although I don't blame you, but... but it is really difficult for me to maintain a close relationship with you. I was alone in the forest, thinking for a long time, is to persuade myself, let go of obsession, but I really can't do it..."

Taking a deep breath, Ling Rabbit said: "Of course I can appear with you to comfort the top of the Lingbi Palace. But after that, please forgive me, I... I may need to leave, leave you, leave the spirit. Palace!"

In the instinct of Yangdingtian, it is necessary to tell the Spirit Rabbit that the innocent has not died, but that it has been completely exiled to the mainland of death.

But very quickly, he immediately gave up on this idea. Because if this secret leaks out, the consequences are unimaginable. You must know that there is a hollow fire in the east, and he can also go to the mainland of death. He can take out the innocent.

Once he has no way to go, how crazy he will be, how can there be no revenge for the bottom line? I don’t know the truth, and the consequences are completely unimaginable.

This innocent is extremely paranoid, and even has some abnormalities in the heart.

Even if there is a demon command, he will kill Yang Tiantian. If he is allowed to come out of the dead continent (the first dark world), he will surely retaliate with Yang Dingtian's family with the most cruel means. With his semi-sacred level, who can stop?

Therefore, to ensure that nothing is lost, Yang Dingtian still needs to find the East, even if he can not kill him, he must be completely abolished.

Yang Dingtian knows that if the truth is that there is no dead, then the spirit rabbit can lay down and will not leave.

After taking a few deep breaths, Yang Dingtian still did not say anything, just gentle: "There is no need, don't be embarrassed to do things that you don't want. Although you are young, but very smart, I believe that you made The decision must also be smart. Therefore, I respect your decision, no matter where you go, I hope to keep my heart and pay attention to safety."

Ling rabbit tears down, nodded and said: "I will, thank you, Yangding Tianzong!"

Then she said again: "So, I want to leave now."

Yangding Tian nodded and said: " Suddenly, Lingbi came out and said: "Yang Zongzhu, I, I want to go with the rabbit. ”

Yangding Tian was amazed. I don’t know why Lingbi had this idea? However, she thought that she was uncomfortable in the Lingbi Palace, and she was actually uncomfortable in Zhongjing. So, she nodded, Lingbi repair is high, the spirit rabbit is smart, two people will be together, it will be much safer.

So, Ling Bi and Ling Rabbit, staring at the night, left the Lingbi Palace!

Then, a familiar figure came in and came to the back of Yangdingtian, such as the small hand of the snake, which reached into the clothes of Yangdingtian.

"Don't ignore them, let me be your secret lover."

This familiar voice became hoarse and tempting.


Note: The 5,000-word chapter is for support. (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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