Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 952: The Lingbi Palace is destroyed! Li Ming returns!

In fact, the brain of the innocent is smart, knowing that the power of the bright parliament is on the side, waiting for the shackles of the Lingbi Palace. ≤, therefore, he is temporarily unable to clean. But many times, knowing what to do and how to do it is totally different.

He endured very hard and did not clean it. Instead, he plucked the top of the Lingbi Palace.

Of course, these high-rises of the Lingbi Palace are also half-pushing, and they are arguing for a snake, ready to ride the wall between Wuzi and Yangdingtian, and benefit from both sides. I didn’t know this in my heart, but I also recognized my nose and prepared to use the yin to clean it slowly.

But it is clear that the coffin is not as patient. After finding an opportunity, she immediately started to kill the woman who had been speechless.

However, this woman is a small high-ranking monk in the Lingbi Palace.

Therefore, the top level went to question the innocent, and learned that it was the spirit of the priest, and immediately asked the innocent to punish the coffin.

Of course, the innocent is extremely angry, just kicking the ball.

As a result, the top level began to connect in tandem, and it was more open and brightly lit up by the Parliament.

The coffin is constantly fanning in the ears of the innocent, saying that even if you are generous and generous, people still go to Yangdingtian, why not take advantage of Yangding’s absence, do not do it, and continue to do it. Cleaned up.

The innocent spirit was originally suffocating, and the patience was not very strong. I suddenly felt that the coffin was very reasonable.

So, his big cleaning began.

This person is not a spirit, and at this age, personality is very flawed. It’s not easy to pinch your nose and endure anger before, but now it’s broken out.

In the evening, I took my own confidant. And personally shot, directly killing the Lingbi Palace into a river.

The high-rises of the Lingbi Palace are also dead, and they are stunned by the incompetence and retreat of the innocent. They feel that there is a bright parliament, and no one should dare to take what they are, and the alert is gradually relaxed.

result. All the high-rises that had been centrifuged in the evening, were killed seven or seven, and there was not much left.

The remaining high-rises suddenly flew away and escaped from the Lingbi Palace overnight to seek protection in the territory of the Guangming Parliament.

The original state of the Lingbi Palace was not stabilized, and it was completely destroyed by the killing of the innocent.

Next, it was completely heart-wrenching, and countless people fled.

The Bright Council took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. So many people who are clearly not on the list of innocent cleansing have died inexplicably.

In short, people suddenly die every day.

Then, all the crimes were planted on the head of the innocent. Even later, the innocent people clearly did not kill people, but more and more people died, more and more, and later even the innocent of the family began to die. then. It is against the counterattack of the innocent forces.

In this way, the Lingbi Palace was completely messed up into a pot of porridge. Between each other, kill and kill.

Almost everyone inside has no sense of security, except for a very small number, anyone can suddenly lose.

The ignorance really wants to spurt blood, Grandma's. The death of so many people is obviously not my business, why all the crimes are planted on my head. But no matter what, he is all yellow mud into the pants, not awkward. Moreover, he is a man who loves his face very much. It is simply disdainful to explain.

So, it was impossible to wash into the Yellow River.

Such confusion and killings have been maintained for half a month.


The middle and senior warriors of the entire Lingbi Palace died 60%, nearly 10,000 people!

The senior commander of the Black Skull Legion also inexplicably died hundreds of people.

Almost all the warriors of the Lingbi Palace fled and escaped the whirlpool of this killing.

The commander of the Black Skull Corps also completely lost their sense of security and led the Black Squad to defect!

According to the latest data, the entire Black Skull Legion, the data that has been defected, has exceeded 150,000. In addition, there are three or four thousand black scorpions, who want to defect to the snake empire.

As a result, it was intercepted by the Bright Parliament, and after a small battle, all the black squadrons who defected to the Snake Empire were taken down.

In this way, more than 90% of the most important black corps of the entire Lingbi Palace has entered the embrace of the Guangming Parliament.

Within the Lingbi Palace, there were tens of thousands of warriors. At present, at most, there are at most two, and all of them are the most incompetent.

This change really makes Yang Tiantian extremely unexpected.

Originally, Yang Dingtian also planned to use half a year to a year to annex the entire Black Skull Legion and swallow the fruit of victory in Nan Manzhou. Unexpectedly, the Lingbi Palace itself collapsed. For just over a month, the Lingbi Palace, once one of the most powerful martial arts ancestral gates, collapsed.

In fact, as a unified force, the Lingbi Palace has already collapsed in the moment when no way to become a new master.

Because of the incompetence and concession of the innocent, all the masters of the Lingbi Palace saw his guilty guilt. Without the word, the action is too intense, and the upper time is too short. After the upper ranks, those who are basically re-used are those who oppose the innocent, and those who have the ability, are strong, but have been reused by the innocent, do not need to.

Therefore, the Lingxiao Palace’s loyalty to the Wuzizi has collapsed, but the loyalty to the Innocent has not yet been established.

In this old power, losing the object of allegiance basically means disintegration.

Of course, this old power also includes the Bright Parliament. If the sun is dead, it is difficult for the Bright Parliament to avoid the situation of being divided.


"Sovereign, how should we face this, which has already abolished most of the Lingbi Palace?" asked the Eastern Nirvana.

Yangding Tiandao: "How many of the strong masters and above are in the Lingbi Palace, and how many masters are there?"

"The great master of the Lingbi Palace, in this civil strife, died most of the time, and the rest basically rebelled to our side. At this time, there should be only three in the Lingbi Palace. No more than thirty people." Qin Wanqiu said.

Yangding Tiandao: "They, don't you plan to come over?"

The East Nirvana said: "These people should be the most innocent of the innocent, it should be very difficult to come over."

Yangdingtian is immersed in meditation, how to deal with the innocent? This is the hardest step!

First of all, when Yang Dingtian did not kill him. Must be completely irritated, can not force him to a dead end.

Otherwise, if he kills the Bright Parliament, it will be a huge disaster.

The best result, of course, is that he joins the Bright Parliament. But this is impossible. This person has already lost any faith. It is already extremely selfish, and it is absolutely impossible to become a comrade-in-arm with Yang Dingtian.

Then, this person can't kill, and pull can't pull.

Really really very troublesome!

"The Sovereign, can't you really kill him?" The Eastern Nirvana said: "It is like dealing with no way."

Yang Dingtian shook his head and said: "The cultivation of the innocent is completely unfathomable. His cultivation is different from everyone else. I am telling you this, this is countless years. He is almost Devouring these thousands of years, countless powerful ghosts and ghosts, and using countless lives, yin and yang adjustment! In short, this person's cultivation, will be very amazing! She and the Queen of the Sea is stronger, I really do not know."

When the East Nirvana breathed a stagnation, everyone was really guilty of the innocent. There is also a lost look of the fossa. For such a person, where can I go strong? It’s exactly like waste. It’s amazing to be afraid of dying to this extent.

The East Nirvana said: "So, if, if you licked the coffin, is it possible to draw to the innocent?"

"Impossible." Yangding Tiandao: "If you can. I can bite my teeth and greet the coffin. But now the innocent child has already feared the devil to the extreme, and the first-class evil spirits are already coveted to the extreme. I can say this, for the first time evil spirits. He can do nothing, a spirit can not hold him."

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "The same is true for the coffin, let alone the evil spirits, even if it is for the second-class evil spirits, she can sell everything."

For a time, all of them are completely ignorant of the innocent.

Since there is nothing to do, put it aside. Anyway, the innocent man at this time can be called a timid thing, as long as he does not force him to a dead end, he is willing to be an ostrich, buried his head in the sand, and continues to be king in the Lingbi Palace.

Anyway, as the most important force of the Lingbi Palace, the Black Skull Legion has entered the hands of the Guangming Parliament. The next step is a long reorganization and assimilation work.

Next, the Bright Parliament began to deliberate, the establishment of the semi-human army, and day by day. Bella became the second commander of the Nanbanzhou defense zone, and the day after the Bella entered the bright parliamentary commander.

The result was very smooth. As the leader of the fox patriarch and the semi-human rebel army, Bella became a member of the Bright Parliamentary Command.

The entire half-human will set up a front-line army of no more than 150,000. Of course, this number of troops is actually very difficult to enter the Guangming Parliamentary Command, but after all, he represents the entire half-human.

As a member of the commanding department, the current revision of Bella's six-star master is indeed somewhat low. So next, he will go into the first dark field together with hundreds of masters and dozens of lower masters to practice.

Of course, this time Yang Dingtian is only responsible for sending them to the first dark field, which may be led by the demon glass and the demon purple.


After the meeting, Yang Dingtian once again went to Lingbi Palace to meet the innocent!

However, he was rejected and the lonely peak of the inanimate was destroyed by Yangdingtian, so he lived in the cave.

Moreover, most of the time is in retreat. At present, the entire Lingbi Palace is governed by Lingchuzi. However, Ling Chuzi itself is an extremely gray person, and does not want to pay attention to anything.

As a result, all the powers of the entire Lingbi Palace fell into the hands of the coffin.

Of course, at this time, the Lingbi Palace has no power. What is left is basically a loyal dog without a spirit, and the coffin can hardly find anyone to start.

Therefore, the entire Lingbi Palace has been completely dead. Even the daily cultivation has basically stopped.

As a regular martial art force, the Lingbi Palace is basically completely abolished.

And the last territory of the human kingdom, the fact also fell into the hands of Yang Dingtian!

Before the advent of the World War, only the Snake Empire and the Nether Sea are needed to be solved!


After the placement of the half-human, Yang Dingtian took the phoenix and Yang Dance, and returned to the big family of Yunxiao City.

When I saw the phoenix, Yangshuo did not react much, because he was still very small when he left the Duo phoenix dance. Basically, he had no memory, and the apparent appearance of Huang Yu has completely changed. However, when he saw Yang Dance, he was very surprised.

Because, this Yang dance child looks like him, although more beautiful than him.

And the phoenix saw Yangshuo, suddenly twitched and twitched, then extended his arm and said: "I hug, okay?"

Obviously, her body is responsive to impotence.

Yangshuo's attitude toward Dad is not very good, but his attitude towards his mother and aunt is really good, so he is very popular to come over and let the phoenix.

When Huang Wen hugged him, he tried very hard and even sniffed the taste of Yangshuo, as if looking for some kind of memory.

No matter what, this home is a step closer to a big reunion. Of course, the most important oriental ice icing is still lost. And Ximen Ningning, also like a mystery.

Of course, this big family is very fast, and there must be one more person.

The Eastern Nirvana, as the elder of Yangdingtian, personally went to the day. The Bela patriarch proposed to kiss the fragrant incense.

And every day. After Bella got the pro-intimacy of the Eastern Nirvana, the look suddenly became very complicated, and then sighed: "Although the fragrance is not worthy of the lord. But I also know the good intentions of the lord, the fragrant incense. Shantou is also a wish."

In addition to the Eastern Nirvana, Yan Yan also personally went to Nan Manzhou to seek the consent of Xiang Xiang.

After hearing this news, the fragrance was not only sweet, but also bitter, and then nodded, whispered: "Thank you for your wife's fulfillment."

Yan Yan said with pity: "Actually, this should have allowed the husband to personally ask for his sister. However, he felt that he did not come face to face. After all, he would have to monopolize so many sisters, even if his face is thicker, he would be embarrassed. ”

Xiangxiang grinned, Meilu was caught in awkwardness, and hey!

After three days, in Yunxiaocheng!

Held a low-key and a grand wedding.

In addition to the family of Yang Dingtian and the high-level members of the Guangming Parliament, the remaining hundreds of people are all representatives of the half-human.

Because the wedding itself is a symbol of the fusion of the half-human and the human.

Although the whole wedding is not luxurious, it is very very lively, very very warm, especially the half-human, completely into the ocean of joy.

The children of Yangdingtian, madly everywhere, drilled and laughed.

At this time, a figure appeared in front of the big clouds and the city, facing the humanity on the city gate: "Please go in and tell you the Yangding Tianzong, and say that the old man of Yinyang mirror visited!"

This person, walking limping! It’s really an unforgettable person, Prince Edward!

That's right, it's him! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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