Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 954: Going to hell? Stunned Ling Dance!

Although Li Ming was limping, the speed was quite fast, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The Yangding stood in the same place and did not move for a long time.

This time is finally coming!

Two things, the first one is Li Ming and the parents of the East. The second one, the end of the world war.

Although, at this time, the ice spirit has been controlled by the evil spirits in front of it, no matter what is done is not his intention, but Yangding absolutely does not allow her to happen with Li Mingcheng.

Moreover, the Oriental Ice Ling and Yangding have already visited each other. Although there are no guests, but there is a formal marriage contract, and the worship of the land, is definitely a real husband and wife.

Let your wife marry someone else? Even if Yangding is dead, it will not let this happen.

Even if you do the most crazy things, even if you have big consequences, Yangding will stop it.

All this is really a bit sudden.

Originally, it should be given to Yangding for a while. After letting him completely solve the Lingbi Palace and the Snake Empire, the end of the World War is the most appropriate time.

Today, the Lingbi Palace only solves 80%, and the Snake Empire only saved more than 100,000 rebel forces. The rest of the killing of the Queen of the Sea, the disintegration of the Snake Empire, has not really begun!

Now, since the end of the World War, it is coming so soon, and as the third hand of the demon road, Prince Li Ming once again appeared.

Yangding stood in place for a long time, until the sun hit his eyes, he was awake. It is wrong to stand here in a daze. If even his leader shows a confused look, then the morale of the Bright Council will be completely ruined.

So, the top of the sun took off and rode the konjac king's claws. Fly towards Yunxiao City.


Then, in the conference room of Yunxiaocheng, Yangding directly held the meeting of the command of the Guangming Parliament.

"The third character of the demon road, the prince Li Ming appeared." Yang Dingdao.

When the words came out, some people trembled at the place.

Come, there are people at the place. Only Zhuo Qingji and Qin Wanqiu and Li Ming had direct contact. The rest of the people are only smelling their names and not seeing them.

However, everyone knows clearly what kind of horror is there.

How terrible and horrible a person is, sometimes there are times when it is not necessary to see what he did?

Before the Nanhai Ningzu, the husband of Qin Qiqi, Ning Wuming, was amazing? That strategy is completely chilling. If you have not encountered the strength of the military against the Qing. Just one Ning no sound, it is possible to destroy the entire Guangming Parliament.

And this Ning no sound, just a running dog.

Wu Ningmo is amazing enough? In the status of the demon road, it is still in the fierce.

In the human kingdom, almost all of the demon stalks are secretly lurking, and the power distribution of the demon road is all done by Li Ming.

Not only that, the Yin Yang mirror incident. It is even more difficult to plan.

Yangding was played by him in the applause, and he set a trap. Let Yangding step on it without choice. It led to the demonization of the Eastern Ice Ling, the demonization of the Devil.

The demon in the Tao, the prince Li Ming is the person who truly inherited the devil to ask questions. Therefore, he is also the next master of the Temple of Destruction.

Therefore, for this horror person, the presence of many high-level officials is completely clear.

Yang Ding continued: "He has two things. The first thing is to tell me that the World Corps has been formed. The war of the world should break out during the year!"

"The second thing, he specially sent me a wedding invitation. He wants to have a wedding with Oriental Ice Ling and invites me to attend."

After the end, the eyes of the Eastern Nirvana trembled fiercely.

Then, the whole hall was silent.

Or Qin Wanqiu spoke up, saying: "You have been a lord. At that time, the prince Li Ming was going to let the Eastern Ice Ling fight with you after killing you. After completely defeating the League, he took the whole world as a dowry and then married her. of."

Yang appointed and nodded: "Yes, he used to say this."

Qin Wanqiu said: "So, why did he change his mouth at this time? Is he a person who will easily change his mouth?"

Yangding was silent for a long time, saying: "He is determined to be a sinister, like a fox, as if it is not such a person who can easily change his mouth."

Qin Wanqiu said: "So, since he changed his mind, there should be a reason. And the Oriental Ice Ling has been suppressed by the will at this time, so it will definitely not be her reason. Does that mean that it is your reason? ......"

Yangding said: "I am a bit confused, Qin Shishu, please."

Qin Wanqiu said: "Yes, your performance has greatly exceeded the phenomenon of Li Ming. And our bright parliamentary army has shown an incredible fighting power. And you have also shown amazing repairs. Moreover, we must completely solve the Lingbi Palace. Even Wu Youming completely gave up against you. This development is more and more unfavorable to the evil demon. So he must disrupt your rhythm, so he performed such a The field is going to be a protagonist."

Yang Ding said: "But now, the advantage of the devil is very big, and the power he has in his hands is far more than ours."

"Yes." Qin Wanqiu said: "But it is far from being thirsty. You have, and Yongshe has already become the speaker of the West, but in that place, the so-called democratic system is carried out. As the speaker, it cannot Directly master all the power. The true direct power is in the hands of the major tribes. The Nether Empire, the soul of the question, has become a ghost of the Nether, the master of the semi-holy, the holy level, in total, countless However, they were completely blocked in the Netherland and could not enter the human kingdom. As for the soul of the New Naga Empire, it is even more impossible to leave the imprisoned space of the New Naga Empire."

When the words came out, everyone could not help but nod.

Qin Wanqiu continued: "So, the power of the demon king is very, very ten, ten times ours! But it is to deal with the **** of chaos, not against the bright parliament. Even the direct question of the devil The opponent is not you. Because of the failure of Wu Ningming. The failure of the East has led to the appearance of Prince Li, and he wants to defeat you, he must rely on his ingenuity, and his demise. And we can predict In fact, his annihilation army is still not mature yet, but it lacks the most crucial link. But time is extremely urgent. After you completely solve the Lingbi Palace and the Snake Empire, you will completely unify the entire continent. Coupled with our incomparably strong Bright Parliamentary Legion, he felt that there was no chance of winning. Therefore, he had to take the shot ahead."

In the end, Qin Wanqiu said: "And the so-called marriage between him and the Oriental Peony is only part of his tricks, just to disrupt our rhythm. Because then, whether it is the Lingbi Palace or the Snake Empire, it is the sovereign. You have to do it yourself. No one of us can do it."

Yangding fell into silence.

Qin Wanqiu makes a lot of sense, this possibility is very, very big!

If this is the case, Yangding should completely ignore the actions of Li Ming, solve the problem of the Lingbi Palace with all his heart and the problem of the Snake Empire. As for the wedding of Li Ming and Oriental Peony, it is considered as part of the strategy.

Moreover, Li Ming is still joking. She is jealous of oriental peony, not oriental ice.

but. Let Yangding ignore this matter and concentrate on dealing with the Lingbi Palace and the Snake Empire. He can't do it.

Even if you know that it may be a trick, Yangding can't sit still. It is absolutely impossible for the East Ice Ling to marry Li Ming, even if it is only a possibility.

it is good. So what do he do if he assumes that the sun is not sitting?

Go to the Temple of Destroy to directly marry?

First of all, is his repair enough? Secondly, the will of the Oriental Ice Ling was completely suppressed, even if Yangding went to grab it. What can I do? He still can't untie the entanglement of evil spirits.

And the most important thing is that everyone knows that the Hell Sea is in the extreme west, and the Temple of Destruction is also in the west.

The last World War, the World Corps was swept out of the Hell Sea.

But where is the **** sea? No one has been there before, and no one knows the problem except the core of the demon road.


At the same time, the sturdy prince of Li Ming has already appeared in the Palace of the Blood!

"Li Ming, see the owner of the solitary palace." Li Ming bent down and saluted.

However, when he is alone, he is deeply envious and completely worships: "The Lord of the Blood Palace is alone, and sees the Lord of the Dead!"

Li Wei smiled bitterly: "Why do you want so many courtesy?"

Duo smiled, but no words.

Li Mingdao: "The World War is just around the corner, can the Almighty Palace be ready?"

Duo said: "There is nothing to prepare, just prepare for death."

Li Mingdao: "Listen to your tone, as if there is some depression, why is it so pessimistic?"

"It is not pessimistic."

Li Ming was silent for a moment, then said: "In that year, a few people entered the temple of the soul, you are the only one who does not want anything. So, you have become the most detached person. However, I seem to know that you are not what Nothing is needed."

Duo said: "The time is too long, some do not remember."

Li Mingdao: "I didn't know it, but I heard it from the Queen of the Sea. Listening to your daughter is not a birth, but a hug. Is it from the soul temple?"

Duo said: "The Lord is, that is."

Li Mingdao: "Listen, in addition to the solitary phoenix dance, there is a daughter who looks very strange and looks like a scale. I don't know where to make love, can you please let me see it?"

Du Guzheng said sadly: "Unfortunately, a few years ago, she could not figure out, she did it!"

Li Ming jumped and said: "Oh? When was it?"

Duo said: "I just changed the face of Du Gu Feng Wu, washed her memory, sent her to the Rose Master. Oh, the era of the Rose is the Queen of the Sea Heart? Of course, I seem to have seen the wrong person. I thought she was a foreigner."

Li Mingdao: "Oh, that's really unfortunate. But, are you sure she didn't escape, or was it stolen by some people? For example, Yangding?"

Duo said: "Of course not. If she is next to Yangding, then I will not only know, I believe that the younger master will know."

Li Ming fell into a short silence. Then, he smiled and said: "You also know that the first-class evil spirits have a quota besides the four of us. Do you know if you are interested?"

Du Gu swayed and shook his head: "It is too wasteful to give me, I don't need it."

Li Ming smiled and said: "I understand."

Then, he took out a wedding message: "This is an invitation for you. After more than two months, in the Hell of the Dead, I will go to the temple with the Oriental Peony. It will be played before the World War. Please be sure to do so. Come!"

Duo said: "I want to go, I don't know where the Hell Sea is."

Li Ming laughed: "At that time, of course, someone will take you to the Hell Sea."

"That's good, I must go."

Li Mingdao: "Well, then I will leave, goodbye."

"Do not send."

Then, Li Ming left the Wanxue Palace and went to the next place!


After one, Prince Li Ming left the Happy Palace.

Then, fly at full speed towards the Lingbi Palace!

After one night, he entered Nanbanzhou and entered the Lingbi Palace.

From beginning to end, every time he goes to a place, there will be a source of intelligence coming to Yunxiao City.

For the arrival of Li Ming, the reaction of the innocent and the coffin is completely shocking and ecstasy!

No spirits directly rushed out, and the two words did not directly bow down, said: "The old slaves have no spirits, and see the few masters! Yangding is too deceiving, and hope that the masters are the masters!"


The meeting of the Bright Council has no results!

Of course, there will be no results! Because, this decision can only be done by a single person.

As long as he decides, there will be results!

Therefore, Yangding next, stayed in Yunxiao City, did nothing, is to accompany his children, trying to find their own heart.

After a few passes, Yangding still did not make a decision!

Do you want to go to Hell? Do you want to go to the so-called wedding of Li Ming?

What should I do in the face of the situation of the Snake Empire and the Lingbi Palace?

At this time, the snake tail suddenly entered the valley, saying: "The sovereign, Ling dance sister, come to visit."

Yang Ding suddenly shocked, Ling dance? She, how could she come?

Then, he asked: "Is she alone still with Wu Ningming?"

Snaketail Jiaodao: "I am a dancer!"

Yangding is even more puzzled. At this time, she will not be separated from Wu Ning, why she came alone!

So, he put down his daughter in his arms and said to Yang Yichen: "There is something wrong with the righteous father. Are you playing chess with your father and sister?"

Yang Yichen is an adult, and he got up and said: "Yes, righteous father!"

Then, Yangding walked out of Yunxiao Castle, and at the peak not far away, I saw Ling Dance!

She really does not dare to recognize each other.


Note: At the end of the month, please ask for a ticket. To be continued. .



(Enlightenment Book Network)

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