"Following me all the time."

"I value Karin very much, and even the small requirements of my unemployed Karin tutor are approachable Satisfaction."

"Then why is Anime Lifangna still sucked to death like a fish? Let mother and daughter be a blood bag together. Doesn't it fragrant?"

Meichao lives When I entered the hotel, I ordered a simple dinner, and ate with some discomfort. While eating, I recounted tonight's affairs in my heart, and found a lot of details that I didn't care about at the time.

There is also the invisible confrontation between Anbu and the guards. He almost swallowed his ordinary Genin. Hidden Grass Village, Small Ninja Village, is not peaceful at all, and it is more dangerous than the five major villages. , A lot of conflicts are placed on the surface!

Gudu Gudu drank the very ordinary miso soup, Meichao simply tidied up, sat on the bed, Refining Chakra.

Ninja World is still the key to strength!


In the Hidden Grass Village Barbecue Shop private room, the atmosphere between Dakong and Takehara is deadly silent.

Da Kong’s forehead was scorched by the charcoal fire, so sweat oozes out. What's the matter, why didn’t Yuanzaki come to me? Haven't seen the silhouette till now? !

He said with difficulty: "Sama, it seems that I am going to the Kushinin Hospital myself."

Takehara didn't lift his eyelids.

Da Kong knew this was dissatisfaction with himself, clenched the teeth bowed deeply, and he hurriedly checked out and left.

Barbecue Shop is not far from the hospital, and it moved quickly and arrived in front of the hospital some minutes later.

Just as he was about to go in, suddenly a medical Chunin appeared and stopped him: "Is it Dakong? Tourist sama asked me to wait for you here."

Tourist sama? Vice-section Head of Medical Department?

Dakong was shocked, and my heart felt cold again. This is a major event. He quickly asked: "Excuse me, tourist sama, what's the order?"

Medical Chunin repeats the visitor Da Kong's face became paler and paler, and he didn't know how he left the Kushinin Hospital in the end.

The loser of Yuan Qi! Can't even handle this little thing? ! Meichao is also loser! Why not go to hell directly? ! Those Anbu guys are even loser! Can only do sneaky things? !

loser! loser! It's all loser!

He cursed, until he saw Takehara, he slowly squeezed out a sneer: sama, I am loser.

Takehara's body exudes a heavy low pressure, and he stares at Dakong fiercely: "Idiot! This time tourist sama saved your life. Our guard owes the medical department a favor. If you become Anbu, attack our guards. I can’t save you from the army’s handle! Hurry up and follow the instructions of the tourist Sama to restore the Genin’s house!"

"Yes! Yes!"

Dakong staggered He left to get Meichao's savings and housing information book. He wanted to restore Meichao's home to its original appearance overnight.

This is a shame to him!

"Meichao this little demon......"


Time goes by, and after 12 o'clock tickly, I sit in the hotel room Refining Meichao of Chakra opened his eyes suddenly.

The sound of music rang in my ears again.

'We are in the duel field of the bond trial, go to fight to fight to contest...'

You can enter the duel field again!

He didn't enter immediately, instead he stood up and paced in the room, adjusted his state, thinking in his heart how to communicate with Shisui next.

Of course, the premise is that Shisui is okay.

The number of invitations to the duel are increased once every 48 hours, and a maximum of 10 times is accumulated. That is to say, if Shisui has an accident, Meichao will either only practice Taijutsu and wait for the next invitation to see luck, or just Take the risk to communicate with Danzo that rigorous schemes and deep foresight guy, the success rate is much lower.

After about ten minutes of calculations, Meichao sat back on the bed and chakra moved towards the brain.

Sit back to the position of the master of the duel again!

After his vision was clear, he immediately turned off the background music and looked towards the two chairs of Shisui and Danzo. The numbers on those two chairs were still green, and they did not change back to red, and the letter A was there!

Very good, Shisui is fine!

Unfortunately, Danzo is fine.

The plan has not been disrupted, so let's look at fate and see which skill is related to Shisui.

"Invite player 001 to log in."

As Meichao's voice fell, Shisui's silhouette quickly appeared on the seat. His face was a little pale and seemed to be hurt.

But I still have my eyes!

Meichao gently said: "How is the injury?"

Shisui's confusion disappeared for a moment, and he reacted: "Thanks Senior for your care!"

Compared with the vigilance and temptation the last time, Shisui who entered the palace was a little more grateful.

If it weren't for the senior's wake-up, and he was still confused when facing Danzo and Root's siege, perhaps he had been killed at this time, so even if he was worried about Clan and Konoha, it would be of no avail.

But the defense is still to be prepared, Shisui asked after a while: "What time is it now? Why did senior bring me here again?"

Meichao casually said: "Time? Probably. It’s just after early morning. I just tried to invite the second player. Before going to bed, I will pay attention to your situation by the way."

The second player? Shisui immediately turned his gaze to seat 002, and asked: "He has left? Who is he?"

"Don't worry, and the others have more and more fun, and you will meet. See you. Of course, whether you want to reveal your identity at that time is entirely up to you voluntarily." Meichao said with a smile.

He continued to ask: "How is your situation? Are you out of danger?"

Shisui was surprised: "Don't you know?"

Meichao Hehe smiled: "Everything in the world is so complicated, who can know everything? I just happen to know something you want to know."

"You don't know my situation, how did you bring me to From here?"

"You have left imprint in my duel." Meichao said concisely.

imprint ……Shisui looked thoughtful.

He pondered replied: "As you can see, I got some injuries and was rescued by my companions and hid in the mountains. There are Danzo's men who are searching for me outside, which is not completely out of danger. "

His physical stamina and Chakra Reserves did not allow him to open Susanoo for too long. Shimura Danzo is not an ordinary ninja, so in the end it was a fight for both sides suffer. Danzo was injured more severely than him. , But there are too many people who can't stand Root.

"Companion? Uchiha Itachi?"

"...Do you know him?"

Meichao chuckled softly: "He is an innate talent no less than Your Uchiha Clan youngster, I have chosen between you and him. Have you told him about me and this duel?"

so that's how it is. Wait, why are they all from our Uchiha Clan? Shisui's body was slightly taut, and apologized: "Sorry, senior, I did tell him everything."

"Really? Don't be nervous, I never asked you not to disclose this. information."

Meichao indifferently shook the shaking ones head: "How does Uchiha Itachi evaluate me here?"

Shisui became more nervous about something.

Itachi asked me to use Kotoamatsukami as appropriate.

Can this be said?

After a long while, Shisui changed the subject abruptly and said: "The last time you came here, the question you finally asked you said I didn’t want to know. Can you tell me now? What is the price?"

"How to make Uchiha Clan and Konoha live in peace?" Meichao said: "It doesn't have to be a price, you actually know the answer."

I know? Shisui was silent.

Meichao continued: "When conflicts cannot be mediated by words, in Ninja World, the best way is to force martial power. If you are strong enough to hold Uchiha Clan alone, you are ruthless enough to let Konoha dare not move lightly, so he can naturally get along with each other and adjust the relationship slowly."

Shisui smiled wryly: "I can't do it."

He doesn't have enough strength, and he doesn't. Get down.

"You can't do it, what about your companion?"

Shisui startled: "You said Itachi? Itachi's ninja talent is really not under me, but he is three years younger than me. Years old, strength is also..."

Meichao laughed: "If he has the same eyes as you, will he work with you?"

"The same...Mangekyo?" Shisui was very surprised. I quickly realized the meaning of Meichao’s words, and was shocked: "Do you have a way...to help Itachi turn on Mangekyo Sharingan?!"

As soon as these words came out, Shisui suddenly guessed the touch of the shadow senior club. How to answer.

Sure enough, Meichao said lightly again: "It's just a pair of Mangekyo."

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