This is something unexpected.

The yellow-haired Temari suddenly said that she has Uzumaki Clan's bloodline? Hard to build a relationship?

No, not so much.

Meichao thought about it for a moment, and felt that the probability of this incident was not small.

Ninja World is so big, maybe everyone has been a family for thousands of years.

Temari's hair is indeed yellow, but it is the mother who followed her. Her father Rasa has reddish-brown hair, and Gaara is even red.

From the perspective of the original work plot, Gaara, who has lost Shukaku, can still catch up with Naruto Sasuke at the age of sixteen or seven, and has the ability to mobilize hiding the sky and covering the earth. The dusty Chakra Reserves is rarely lacking in blue, and it is also similar to Uzumaki's physique.

Land-of-Wind has established diplomatic relations with Land of Fire for a long time. If there is a marriage with Uzumaki Clan among the elders, it is very reasonable and fair.

So after a little silence, Toss who touched the shadow and looked at Temari with a look of surprise, smiled and said: "Uzumaki Clan has had many marriages with foreigners in hundreds of years. Warring States Period The clansman living outside is even more incalculable.

Fourth-Kage Mizukage Yagura in Hidden Mist Village, Akimichi Choza in Hidden Leaf Village, and even Missing-nin Sasori of the Red Sand in Hidden Sand Village are all conspicuous. Some of the red-haired, I confirm that I have something to do with Uzumaki Clan, some I don’t, but when calculating Uzumaki Clan clansman, I didn’t count anyone."

He clicked and left it blank. Seat No. 006, said: “Hehe, as a Konoha Great Clan, Shimura clan was mostly married to my Uzumaki Clan’s ancestors. Perhaps Shimura Danzo has a part of Uzumaki Clan’s blood flowing in his body, but should I take him too Counted as clansman?"

"In the three and a half Uzumaki clansman, I did not even count Konoha Sannin Tsunade, because it is too much to be investigated, and even I can have tens of thousands of clansman .

Of course I noticed the color of Fourth-Kazekage Rasa’s hair, but I don’t like his character, so I haven’t even traced it."

I don’t like father’s character. ? Temari was silent, she didn't actually like it either.

"But you have said so, then I tentatively believe that you are indeed related to my Uzumaki Clan, it may not be too far away. Besides, although I do not like your father, but your mother She is a nice woman."


"As a distant relative, I will not give you any extra care, but I can give you a piece of information-One-Tails Shukaku Jinchuriki, you shouldn’t have the ability to automatically protect against sand, your younger brother That kind of ability comes from your mother."


"ruthless! Are you distracted?!"

Zabuza’s Kubikiribocho slammed Meichao Zhanfei, coldly snorted dissatisfied in his nose, figure concealed in the mist, and his voice faintly said: "If there is another time, I won't remind you again!"

Meichao holds a long knife and looks around. Thick fog, said with a smile: "I finally had a chance to beat me, but you gave up? That's it, you have to be killed again this time."

Law. Zabuza is concealed in the mist without revealing aura, double and double 欻欻欻欻 formed four seals, a huge water dragon suddenly rises, and the loud dragon roar resounds through the duel arena!

"Water-Style: Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu!"

Reducing this 44 seal technique to four seals is one of the biggest gains of Zabuza duel training training ! The rank of Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu has also been upgraded from Level 5 to Level 6 by Zabuza. The scale of formidable power has been significantly improved compared to before. The huge and winding water dragon is extremely realistic, if there is life!

Apart from this, Zabuza’s Great Waterfall Jutsu has also been promoted to level 6, and other Water-Styles have also been improved more or less. The value of Hidden Mist assassination has increased from more than 3,000 gold coins to more than 4,000. Steadily marching towards the level 7 level, Taijutsu and chakra's control has also steadily improved. Murderous aura has fallen from 8000gold coin to 7000gold coin, steadily regressing...

Well, ignore the last point. He has made great progress in his face. Not to mention that he can fight two of his own, at least one and a half, but what annoys him is... he can't beat Meichao, who has improved faster, and he doesn't need to do his best in Meichao. Under the circumstances, it is difficult for him to win Meichao once in ten battles!

But he still doesn't believe in this evil!

The huge water dragon hit the earth-style barrier of tenacious and was blocked from the way. After breaking halfway, it finally shattered the earth wall, but Meichao behind the earth wall was long gone.

Zabuza had already shifted his position after releasing the make concessions, but was still captured by Meichao. A tentatively thrown pathfinder kunai collided with Zabuza Kubikiribocho. The next moment, Zabuza then predicted the instantaneous slash of Parry Meichao with a reflexive horizontal knife.

In the past, Meichao had the same Heaven and Earth gap with Zabuza in strength. Now Meichao doesn't have to fight with him brute force, but he can ding ding dong dong in a short period of time in close combat with no disadvantage.

"Konoha-Style Kenjutsu ·Oborozukiyo!"

Suddenly, Meichao silhouette jumped up and brandished a long knife. Under the blessing of chakra, the blade created an afterimage like a full moon! Countless afterimages made Zabuza unable to distinguish between reality and reality, and then Meichao suddenly rushed to Zabuza and launched a slash!

This is a kind of Secret Art Kenjutsu that Uzuki Yugao has just developed. She only masters Level 3, which is generally not available, but Meichao deduces it to Level 4 and a half, becoming Kenjutsu's killer move!

Zabuza has long experience in dealing with it, retreats with a knife and slashes, Kubikiribocho is alive and well.

Meichao then used Crescent Moon Dance and various Konoha-Style Kenjutsu took turns.

The only goal of the two people's current battle is not to kill each other. There are countless active feeding tricks in the battle.

After a while, Meichao suddenly stopped moving, and some muttered said: "Zabuza, I may have a battle soon, so I want to test my general strength level. I will turn on curse-seal, You are ready."

"Fighting?" Zabuza frowned without eyebrows. Aren't you in Konoha?

He said with a snort lightly: "It's up to you."

So Meichao released the seal of the curse-seal, ka-cha, the back split open and grew fleshy wings.

Zabuza's eyes are solemn, concentrated attention completely, but half a minute later, he still hangs on the wall with a rumble, and Aura is depressed.

"Hey, too soon..."

He spit out a mouthful of blood.


The curse-seal's blessing of physical fitness allows Meichao's Body Flicker Jutsu, which has just increased to the value of 2000gold coin, to soar to 5000gold coin, and it also comes with flying-ability. , It is indeed a phantom.

But in the practice grounds next door, there is a faster silhouette flashing back and forth in it, and the afterimage is almost full of practice grounds every corner!

Shisui Body Flicker Jutsu has been promoted to level 7. The more basic and common things, the more value represents strength, unlike those A-Rank S-Rank Ninjutsu, which can be directly rated by their own rarity Level 5, Level 6, Body Flicker Jutsu, but ordinary Chunin can master it, and can be improved from level 1 a little bit!

In the past two months of practice, Shisui has also been strengthened in all aspects. Various Fire-Styles have been promoted from level 6 to level 7, and they are moving towards Deva Path. The second place S- Rank ninja steadily moving forward!

Next door to practice grounds, Wenya is also a hand-seal summoned mountain, and is working hard to train First Type 7 Earth-Style.

The same goes for Danzo Wind-Style.

Red, Yugao, Samui and others have made great progress. Of course, their improvement speed can't compare with Meichao, and under Meichao, the fastest improvement is probably... …


“Wind-Style’s formidable power is good, and there is a special Summoned Beast hidden, but unfortunately you don’t have much experience in the battle, so it’s all empty.”

Toss was a little uncomfortable with the role and explained to Temari: "I took your things and witnessed by touching the shadow sama. In the next four days, I will carefully guide you on the three duels.

Now your regular duels are still barely, but in a ranked duel where Ninjutsu’s release timing and hit rate are more needed, Uzumaki Naruto can easily defeat you, and you have no chance of winning."

Temari sat slumped on the ground, holding his bleeding ears in pain, staring at Toss who looked at him and talked in front of him, a little unbelievable.

I have been specially trained by Chiyo Elder in the past 11 days and practiced on practice grounds. Now I am ten times stronger than I was 11 days ago! Other mature ninjas are incomparable, but the 7-year-old Uzumaki Naruto, who is a head shorter than her, and the 9-year-old Tos, who is half a head shorter than her, does not think she will lose when she really fights.

At most, because I am not familiar with the rules of the qualifying field, I lose a few games there.

didn't expect ... completely crushed!

Her heart calmed down for a moment, forgetting the information touched by Moying just now, and forgetting the little self-satisfaction of this period of time...This is not good!

We must work harder!

Toss pushed his glasses, very satisfied with Temari's demeanor. Because this period of time is a desperate effort, night and day, day and night, without wasting a little time! It's okay for others to lose, he is eliminated...maybe die!

Then he reacted, with some surprise and absurdity, he could be a sensei for others? This female ninja, can you beat me 5 before I enter the duel?

Sure enough, the opportunity must be seized! I don't know how far I am now than Kimimaro.

In a little awkward feeling, he imitated Orochimaru's hoarse tone and said: "Let’s go, let’s go to the equalized duel field and play once."

After finishing he found that Temari hadn’t moved. .

Fucked his eyebrows in dissatisfaction, he repeated:

"Let’s go to the equalizing duel."

Temari looked up, very loudly said: "You are here What are you talking about! I can’t hear you! The ears can be restored in the duel! What to do!"

Toss: "...return to the assembly room!"

Of pointing.

It's all in vain.

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