"Konoha No. 43 practice grounds."

"The distance is probably..."

"The time to walk is probably..."

"Reconsidering leaving the downtown area, Kakashi and Guy may take a quick ride."

Back home, Meichao did not give up the opportunity to recruit Might Guy, facing the clock , Calculated in my heart for a while...It's now!

Enter the duel arena and recruit randomly!

The letter of black, C.

Withdraw from the duel arena, Meichao waits for something, and then enters the duel arena and recruits randomly!

The letter of black, C.

We recruited two more times in the above-mentioned way, and all we got were C-Rank recruitment, but Meichao had no choice but to give up.

There are still recruitment times, and there are even five times left. This kind of random recruitment can accumulate up to ten times at a time. Meichao has been stuck on the number of nine times recently, especially after knowing the news of the joint Chunin Exams.

Maybe he can wait until he needs the chance of ten consecutive miracles, speaking of which, Meichao has never used ten consecutive recruits so far.

The lesson that Deva Path'entered' Jiraiya almost vomited blood after the follow-up change made him sensibly not continuing to draw.

Maybe Kakashi and Guy are punching?

As for things with the past, Meichao is thick-skinned, but neither of those two can.

Four times of C-Rank recruitment, the right to accumulate characters.

With the recruitment of Deva Path, Meichao feels that the duel is very fond of cracking a joke with him. Maybe tonight’s privileged recruitment will be able to recruit the past Kakashi and Guy duel!

Yes, today is October 21st, and Meichao was promoted to B-Rank ninja on June 22nd.

Privilege recruitment was activated at that time, accumulating once every four months. If nothing else, Meichao will be able to recruit another privilege tonight!

Compared with the huge pool of randomly recruited cards, any cat and dog will appear, and the privileged recruitment that only recruits classic battles in the past is more valued by Meichao.

The last time we recruited for privileges, we recruited Naruto to paint the battle of Hokage Rock, and recruited Naruto and Iruka. Nine-Tails chakra once became Meichao’s trump card, so this time Meichao hopes to be more powerful That's awesome!

In the afternoon in the normal training day after day, Meichao was not affected by the emotion of suffering and loss. He behaved as before, except that he took a long time to take a shower after training.

Cooking with Hanna in the evening, the cooking skills he bought have been basically digested by Meichao, and his skillful movements are not inferior to Hanna.

When Karin returned home, Karin sensei Tsunade came over to eat on time. After the meal, he took Karin to Konoha Hospital to practice Curing Jutsu, who had already mastered Level 3, and went home to gamble late at night.

The difference from the past is that Meichao joined the three women's bet this time, and followed Tsunade every time to bet!

Naturally, after losing all night, Tsunade was shocked. It was the first time I saw such an iron baby, and was even a little moved by Meichao's belief.

Meichao only thinks:

Accumulate character, accumulate character, accumulate character!

Xuan Ke change the wrong! I can change my life!

Night, 11:36.

Meichao remembers that it was such a time when he was promoted to B-Rank ninja. He entered the duel.

Privilege recruitment is really refreshed!

'Would you like to wait for two days to smoke? Pick an auspicious day? Even after waiting for four months, maybe I have a little chance to get promoted to S-Rank ninja? When the time comes, you can recruit past A-Rank ninja. '

When things came, Meichao still had distracting thoughts flashing in his mind. He slapped his hands on the table, emptied his brain with the sound, and concentrated.

If you decide on a good thing long ago, you don’t need to hesitate!

Just today, right now!

"Use privileges to recruit!"

The front screen suddenly lights up.

Meichao prays: "B-Rank, B-Rank!"

Although the past B-Rank ninja and the past C-Rank ninja may not be stronger now, it is recruited B-Rank will at least eliminate the classic battle of Naruto hero saving the beauty Hinata!

'Ninja World calendar at 23:36:13 on October 22, 1000, B-Rank'

The text that appeared on the screen made Meichao Lilu ecstatic, and then waited for that When the number of 13 seconds went backwards, Meichao prayed silently again:

"Retreat more, retreat more!"

Don't be like three days before the last time.

The more you retreat, the more time ninja will grow up after that classic battle, and the more likely it is to become A-Rank ninja or even S-Rank ninja!

I saw that the time on the screen really went backwards very fast, from one second to one second, to day by day, to year after year!

Under Meichao's surprised gaze, the time gradually freezes:'Ninja World, May 27, 990, 8:47:51! '

"Ten years ago!"

"That is, Konoha Year 45!"

"Kakashi is eleven years old, Guy is twelve years old, is it true Could it be them?!"

Meichao clasped his hands around the corner of the table, and saw the picture change, and a bright smile of a blond youth who was even more handsome than him appeared.

"Bring me forever?!"

Meichao stood up instantly.

How is this possible?

The picture on the screen is zoomed out.

Meichao only saw the whole picture.

Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato raised high with a right arm, as if she was about to announce something, her mouth half open, a cute girl with oil paint on her face, clenched her hands in her chest, as if she was ready Prepared to keep it up.

The two sides of the screen, the left and right sides.

They are the cold youngster with silver-white hair wearing a face mask, and the second youngster with a big toad mirror and a clamoring look at him.

Meichao feels this is extremely outrageous.

"Is it so...sexy?"

Meichao sat back on the chair, not knowing whether he should be surprised or at a loss, sinking into contemplation.


Kakashi's house.

Tonight’s Kakashi was a little tossing and turning for some reason. He picked up the newly bought Icha Icha Paradise and looked through it several times, but still couldn’t sleep.

Perhaps it was a day's rush, coupled with the fight with Guy, caused you to be too tired?

With a helpless sigh, Kakashi got up and turned on the light, walked a few steps out of bed, stopped in front of a desk, and walked over to turn over a photo with his back on the desk.

In the photo, Obito and Rin are standing side by side with him. Obito looks a bit disgusted with making faces. Rin has a sweet smile and a cold expression.

Behind them, Fourth Hokage's expression somewhat helpless, a hand pressed Obito's head, a hand pressed his head, and smiled.


Land of Fire border. , Confirming that the Hidden Sand Village team that participated in the joint Chunin Exams has settled in the Land of Fire. There will be no more accidents. Obito sitting on the top of the towering building in an Akatsuki robe is blowing the night breeze, and he is also not in the mood to sleep.

He took a photo from his arms.

The photo and Kakashi's house were developed from the same negative, but Obito kept the one on her body. I used scissors to cut off the part of Kakashi and also cut off the head of Fourth Hokage.

"Rin..." He murmured in the direction of the gazed Hidden Leaf Village.

Neither Madara’s use of deception nor First Hokage’s powerful enemy can stop me and create a world with you!

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