
The cry of a woman.

The cry contains some pain, some helplessness, and some unexplainable things.

Meichao realized that he...

Wait, I have an impression of this paragraph!

Meichao struggling to open his eyes, it turned out that there was a white arm full of tooth marks in front of him, and he was biting heavily on it, very hard.

What does this mean? It's not over yet?

He wanted to do the opposite and tried to bite off a piece of her meat, but he couldn't make it out. Just about to let go, that arm suddenly pressed against his mouth, and at the same time a hand lightly pressed on his head.

"Bite me, don't let go."

The gentle voice sounded in my ears, accompanied by Angela Chang's passionate singing voice echoing in my mind.

I'm still in Japanese, but I can understand it.

The plot is different from last time.

Meichao's heart suddenly hangs.

He turned his gaze and put it on Fang Nai's face.

Because one arm is placed in Meichao’s mouth and the other hand is on his head, Hanna is very close, Meichao can even see the pores on her face and feel her slightly There is rapid breathing.

Real terrifying!

With a gentle smile on her tired face, she endured the pain and looked at Meichao encouragingly.

"Okay, your injury is no longer in the way, just rest for a while."

She took her arm away, and a fresh tooth mark still stained with saliva Eye-catching and dazzling, extremely skillfully wiped with the other sleeve gently, turned around and saw the tourists, her gentle smile disappeared little by little, and a trace of panic flashed under her eyes.

Fang Nai, who has a special Kekkei Genkai as a medical tool in Hidden Grass Village, has already experienced the ruthlessness of Hidden Grass Village ninja.

When every wounded bit her, he never cared about her screaming in pain, and never cared whether she was sick or tired, especially those serious injury personnel, as if biting her harder, the injury would be more serious. The faster you can recover, the harder you will bite!

No one has ever thanked her for being treated by her.

Not to mention apologizing for biting her!

Sinking in hell for a long time, a very cheap tenderness touched her a little. When she was treating Meichao just now, she couldn’t help ignoring the identity of Meichao Ninja and treating him simply as a ninja. Injured child.

She seems to have returned to the happy time in the mountain village before coming to Hidden Grass Village.

Seeing the tourist's face that had never smiled before, she realized that her performance just now was a little offbeat. She didn't worry about herself, but was afraid that it would cause trouble to the child in the hospital bed.

Fortunately, the visitors just looked at her, and then looked at Meichao for a few seconds. Without saying a word, they took Fang Nai out of the ward.

Meichao is the only one left in the ward.

The pain on the body has gone away, leaving only a deep sense of exhaustion. Meichao is lying on his back, gazed by the white ceiling, a little dazed.

"It's really transmigrated..."

The confusion in my mind is no longer, and there is no painful interference. The memory of 14 years is vivid, and a dream can not be woven. Such a detailed experience!

He really became an ordinary Genin in Naruto World Land-of-Grass Hidden Grass Village!

This Genin's situation is still very bad.

Both parents died at the age of seven, no one to rely on.

I just left the team privately, overestimate one's capabilities to receive the mission alone, and then messed up.

Small Captain Yuan Qi came to the door and was stunned by him. Yuan Qi’s superior Chunin Dakong was originally Meichao’s superior. He would have been dissatisfied with Meichao’s actions to leave the team privately. Most of this time. Will target the super double.

Now it's safe in the hospital...

bang! The sound of the door being slammed open suddenly sounded. Meichao subconscious closed his eyes and heard several sharp sounds echoing at the door of the ward.

"Is this little demon?"

"Oh, it's him!"

"Apologize to that woman Hanna?"

"He slept soundly?"

"hahaha, let him sleep, this may be his last peaceful sleep."

"hmph, cowardly little Demon might as well die out of the village! After dinner, we have to come back and teach him how to make a qualified grass hidden ninja!"

"Good idea, haha!"

Noisy The noise and cold laughter fade away.

They didn't bring the door, and a cold wind blew in from outside the corridor, making Meichao feel a little cold.

He remembered the grinning and grinning faces he saw when he first awakened!

I really didn't mean to apologize.

Besides, isn’t her treatment worthy of thanks? These people are obviously the wounded who were just healed by her, and apologized for biting and hurting her.

Oh, this is Hidden Grass Village?

That's all right.

Alas, the hospital is not safe anymore.

Why is Laozi transmigrated?

I don't know if it is the memory influence of the predecessor legacy or the exciting music in my mind, Meichao didn't get lost for long, so he tried to think about countermeasures.

Ah, the exciting music in your mind?

Meichao was taken aback and listened carefully.

'Stroke, arm, scar, recalling every fight, pain, eventually, scab~'

The sound of music is very clear.

If it weren't for it, Meichao would not have misunderstood that he was having a real dream before!

"Transmigrated bonus BGM?"

Consciousness went deep into his mind, Meichao instinctively mobilized the chakra in his body, wanting to find out if the song is'stored' in his brain Can you turn it off?

Singing all the time will kill you. As a result, when his chakra seemed to touch the music, there was a black hole in the depths of his brain, so he swished into his chakra!

Then Meichao's consciousness suddenly sank, and in the weightlessness of the elevator falling, he came to a dimly lit secret room!

Meichao's consciousness forms an entity, forms another himself, sitting on a chair.

In front of me is an arrangement similar to Conference Hall, with a large round table in front of me. There is a circle of chairs around the round table. The table body is dark, but the chairs are pure white. They are entirely different. He sits on the main chair in the east of the round table.

There is also a red number on the chair.

He has 001 on his left and 002 on his right, and descends in turn until he faces 011 and 012, plus the one he is sitting on, making a total of 13 seats.

There is a large screen hanging on the wall directly opposite. On the left and right sides of the screen, there is a closed door that leads to nowhere. The BGM is in this room. Played.

Some information appeared in Meichao's mind. He knew a lot of information about this room.

This is a'Ninja World Arena'!

Meichao's Naruto mobile game duel field was transmigrated with him for unknown reasons!

The function of the duel arena is not complicated.

Compared with the original appearance of the mobile game, it can be called a super omitted super enhanced version.

As the master of the Ninja World duel, Meichao can invite other ninjas to enter here, let them become duel players, spar with them here, and practice their ninja skills!

You can also trade skills with other ninja through the duel arena mall, training become-stronger!

"My head, my happiness!" Meichao sat upright, and the familiar things dilute the strangeness of transmigrated, and his head almost laughed.

Until he discovered that the energy that activates the duel is his own chakra, and currently he can only open the duel once a day, and then thinking about the situation outside, Meichao quickly calmed down.

As Hidden Grass Village Genin, Meichao’s Chakra Reserves are so pitiful, I am afraid that there is no way to open the duel for too long. He must do something within a limited time to live and be happy!

With a movement of consciousness, the endless cycle of BGM finally stopped, and a virtual menu appeared in front of Meichao, which was the list of the duel arena mall.

The list is currently blank, and there are no products in it. This is a mall that provides players’ skill information transactions and needs to be filled by players.

In the mall, the rank of skill information is divided into 1 to 10, and after testing by the mall, Meichao currently has only one valuable skill.

Murderous aura level 1!

All other ninja skills, regardless of Taijutsu or Three-Style Jutsu, Meichao even do not even have a level 1 rating, which shows how weak the ninja foundation of Hidden Grass Village Genin is.

They can only kill people, they can only fight desperately.

Meichao understands that the next thing he needs to do is to invite a ninja with enough strength into the duel, and'convince' the opponent to sell some of his high-level skills into the duel mall. For the owner of this duel field to buy and use!

And inviting players can't be invited out of thin air. The duel field is the main battle. You can only invite the ninja who is in combat at the moment Meichao enters here, and there are some other trivial rules.

For example, if ninja is classified into four ranks of SABC, there is a corresponding invitation "burst rate", and the corresponding number of times is limited, but the first invitation can ignore everything and invite directly to the current period of time. The strongest ninja!

legendary's novice gift pack!

Meichao rubbed his hands, Luck Emperor bless!

Send forbearance to the Lord! Uh, if you want to convince the other party to sell skills, you have to come to a familiar S-Rank ninja. Come on, Jiraiya!

Let’s see if I look like the son of destiny?

"Invite players!"

As Meichao's voice fell, the 001 and 002 labels on the left and right chairs of his seat quickly changed from red to green, and at the same time, they all appeared above the labels. A silver'A' letter.

"Double A?" Meichao understood in a second, half-disappointed and half-expectedly looked, two illusory shadows gradually emerged.

The chair numbered 001 is a fifteen or sixteen-year-old youngster with black hair and a Konoha headband. In 002's chair, there is a fierce old man with a whole body wrapped in bandages.

"...Ah this?" Meichao was taken aback.

"Die to the Lord!" In the next instant, he suddenly jumped up, kicked the illusory shadow of the old man No.002, kicked the illusory shadow away, and removed him with the authority of the GM in the duel. Network cable!

It turned out to be this old man! This old man is one of the most difficult guys in Naruto World, and there is no time to talk to him for the time being! Meichao breathes deeply, sat back in his seat, looked towards the youngster of seat 001 with satisfaction, and used GM permissions to add a layer of mosaic to himself.

This is okay, it's Gate of Opening red!

youngster’s illusory shadow quickly took shape.

He opened his eyes vigilantly, and three blood color tomoes were spinning fast in his eyes!

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