Where is the secret of qualifying?

At the end of the duel rally, Tos opened his eyes, and the expression in his eyes was slightly confused. Suddenly seeing Orochimaru and Meichao looking at himself, he quickly stood up and said: "Today’s rally Ranked matches have added a random matching function. We can use it for random combination matches. If a player comes out independently, he will encounter an opponent named "simple man-machine". This opponent will randomly select three players Using Ninjutsu, other...nothing."

"Random match? Simple man-machine?"

Orochimaru repeated hoarsely, and quickly licked the corner of his mouth playfully, looking towards Meichao.

Meichao is Pico browse knit.

The two have just finished discussing the profound mystery of cells here, and they seem to have begun to explore the shadows. Is it a coincidence? Or is it a warning, a reminder, or a temptation?

It’s very obvious, so Orochimaru doesn’t produce shadows. It’s Meichao’s bold idea, and Meichao are both looked and thoughtful. In the end, they are very tacit understanding and nodded to each other. It seems that everything is in place. It goes without saying.

Toss can see in the mist.

"Okay, this time, many thanks Orochimaru senior to help me understand. I won't bother me much. I will hurry back and finish my business. Karin is about to celebrate his birthday. I can't miss it."

"Meichao is leaving now?" Orochimaru said unexpectedly: "You only saw a corner of my research results, there are more things... Isn't Meichao curious about the source of curse-seal?"

"You should not be curious or not curious. This trip as far as I'm concerned has enough gains. The more you know, the harder it will be to endure the temptation." Meichao said with a smile: "Orochimaru senior still thinks Let me join Hidden Sound Village?"

"Not joining, but cooperation." Orochimaru said hoarsely: "As long as I can get the help of the Ninja World duel, I can definitely complete the cell evolution. One day, Maybe Ninjutsu that changes Ninja World can be created. By then, everyone can be First Hokage and Uchiha Madara, and even everyone can be...Sage of Six-Paths!"

Put Ninja World Become another Otsutsuki Clan? Meichao said: "Then one day, Orochimaru senior will join the Ninja World duel."

Also, let me join, why did Moying refuse to let me in? Speaking of this, Orochimaru remembered the frustration in Konoha six months ago. It was like a scientific research fanatic who found that the funds were not enough to use 20 million equipment and could only use a pile of junk of 20,000 yuan.

"Well, I wish Mr. Meichao a smooth trip. Toss, you take Mr. Meichao to get a bounty order of Hidden Sound Village replica, Mr. Meichao should be able to use it on this trip." Orochimaru road.

Toss: "Yes!"

"many thanks Orochimaru senior."

Watching Meichao leave, Kimimaro who was lying on the bed hesitated slightly. He wrinkled his brows slightly, and the red dot became more eye-catching. He looked at Orochimaru tangledly, but finally shut up.

Orochimaru can naturally see that his Kaguya's belligerent bloodline is burning. Kimimaro and Meichao were in the losing end of the match half a year ago, but later he was knocked out by Jiraiya, so he obviously didn’t treat Meichao. Not too convinced.

"Kimimaro, your body cannot support a high-intensity battle. The most important thing is to cure Kekkei Genkai's disease first. Meichao-san is not an enemy."

I heard about Orochimaru' Care', Kimimaro trembled in his heart and moved: "Yes!"

Yakushi Kabuto knew in his heart that Orochimaru just said, "You absolutely can't win, don't overestimate one's capabilities". . He pushed his glasses, there seemed to be an obscure rays of light flashing in the lenses, and continued to manipulate the medical equipment.

Suddenly he had another meal, remembering the look of Meichao after wearing Toss glasses before...

I seem to be unconsciously again...

He took a glance Looking at Orochimaru, seeing Orochimaru licking the corner of his mouth, keep quiet out of fear.

This expression seems really obvious.


Another side, Toss took Meichao out of the laboratory and walked towards the center of the village, with some regrets in his expression.

Didn't expect Meichao to leave so soon, if I can stay in my own home for one night...How many training problems can I solve for myself?

Compared to Orochimaru-sama, who makes him awe, Meichao is even more...No, how can I unconsciously have the illusion of being ruthless?

He glanced at Meichao, and secretly said that this handsome and gentle face is too deceptive, the ruthless of the village, if someone provokes him, maybe he will be more terrifying than Orochimaru-sama...

"Toss, who is this guy? I haven't seen it in the village. Are you a newcomer who just joined our Hidden Sound Village? You are one of the four pillars of dignified Otoninu, and you personally guide him?"

At this moment, a somewhat joking voice came, causing Toss complexion to slightly changed.

Hey guys, here comes the one who provokes Meichao!

On the opposite side stood a young man, about eighteen-nineteen years old, wearing black sunglasses, and covering the lower half of his face with a piece of black cloth.

The person named Akado Yoroi was one of the Hidden Sound Village spy from Konoha withdraw after the Hidden Leaf Village incident half a year ago and participated in the rescue of Kimimaro.

It was originally the small high level of Hidden Sound Village, and even the direct boss of Yakushi Kabuto.

He has always been upset that Yakushi Kabuto surpassed himself. He was even more dissatisfied with Toss instead of himself in the four pillars of Otonin, and he often asked Toss secretly.

After all, Orochimaru followed Orochimaru's contribution'veteran' when Orochimaru did not defect to Konoha. Toss is not too careless, didn't expect to jump out so accidentally today.

However, Toss dare not use Meichao to remove dissidents, and hastily proactively explained: "Akado Yoroi, don't be rude, Meichao is a guest of Orochimaru-sama!"

A guest of Orochimaru-sama? Akado Yoroi was really hesitant for a while, but Yu Guang noticed several children in Ninja Village nearby peeping, and then observing Meichao's age, and he was settled.

Is it another youngster genius from Orochimaru-sama? guest? Are you not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth yet to join Ninja Village? Orochimaru-sama is always too tolerant to such a guy!

He joked: "Is that so? But this is not delaying Tossama's study? I will take him wherever the newcomer wants to go. By the way, let him... understand the rules of Otoninu! "

Yin-Yang is weird. Toss understands that the other party wants to'retire'. He has some headaches. This is your own courting death, Akado Yoroi.

He raised his head and looked towards Meichao.


Here comes! Among the children in the distance are Zakon, Jirobo and Tayuya three people.

Seeing the conflict, the three children held their breath, and Tayuya stopped speaking.

Bounty's 50 million S-Rank Missing-nin is not worse than Orochimaru-sama's bounty. Kidomaru was easily fainted by his Genjutsu, and he stomped Let the earth crack, Orochimaru-sama will have to meet him in person...

How strong will it be?

Akado Yoroi sama is not weak...

It’s time to start...Huh? Move your mouth?

"Look at what I am doing, Toss, can you bear this?" Meichao's voice came out, "The four patrolling children who just entered the village refused to accept you, and now he is also provoking you. You are not Otonin Four Pillars Is it?

The dignity is played out, come on, squeeze him, Orochimaru senior will not blame you."

Akado Yoroi's eyes flashed with absurdity under the sunglasses. , Let’s not say whether Toss is my opponent, Orochimaru-sama will not blame it? No, the point is that you, a newcomer, are bewitching Toss?

Though is a nerd, but he is not a complete idiot!

He looked at Meichao and Toss playfully, waiting for Toss to see through and annoyed, but saw Toss hesitating for a second, and said: "Yes!"

Huh? Yes?

Akado Yoroi suddenly felt that something was wrong.

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