headband is a ninja logo.

Even Missing-nin, most will wear a headband, even if you draw a line on the headband, it will bring you a lot of extra trouble.

The first thing that Meichao returned was to ask for a spare Hidden Grass Village ninja headband. Doesn’t it clearly express his thoughts?

The tourist once again considered Meichao’s various behaviors in the best direction in an instant. However, many abnormal situations occurred. After all, he retained the basic guard, neither familiar nor distant and said: "You said something is wrong. What do you want to do?"

"Well, tourist sama may not know yet. Although everything is on the right track in Hidden Grass Village, there is hope to recover in a few years, but there is still a huge hidden Crisis." Meichao said.



The tourist suddenly said with a snort: "Threat Daimyo, but you gave me an idea! Do you think I don’t know that Ninja Village and Daimyo are separated from each other, which is not good for Ninja Village? I..."

Slightly paused, he looked at Meichao hesitated for two seconds, after all, he said bluntly: "I have been with Land-of a long time ago. -Grass Daimyo's Second Young Master has communicated, and when the time is right, he will solve the problem."

Yo, there is progress, no, when dealing with business affairs, visitors still have some ability.

Meichao Xin said, shaking one's head, and said: "This is not enough, I am afraid that the tourist sama is not clear. Now Land-of-Grass Daimyo is secretly training a group of ninja students and has established another secret. Ninja school! What he considered, it is likely that the time is ripe to abolish Hidden Grass Village directly, and rebuild a new grass ninja with the ninja power he cultivated!"

The tourist complexion slightly changed.

"Is there such a thing?! He... Did he secretly hire Nangren or Missing-nin? But how easy it is to train ninja students from scratch..."

"No Langren is not training ninja students from scratch." Meichao said: "It is Konoha S-Rank Missing-nin, Shimura Danzo is helping him!"

"Shimura Danzo?!"

Speaking, the visitors have naturally brought Meichao to the sofa to sit down, and said in shock: "Original Hidden Leaf Village Elder, Leader of Root Shimura Danzo?"

"Yes." Meichao said: "After Shimura Danzo defected to Hidden Leaf Village with two Root Elite Jonins, he seemed to come directly to Land-of-Grass.

Land-of-Grass Daimyo lacks power, and he lacks Ryo and territory. The two sides hit it off in an instant. Shimura Danzo is a very ambitious guy. He will not be willing to exile in Ninja World as Missing-nin for a lifetime. Some orphans and Root reserves in Hidden Leaf Village also don’t know when they will be killed. He was sent away and sent here."

"You mean...the ninja trainees currently trained by Land-of-Grass Daimyo are Root Reserves selected by Hidden Leaf Village?" The visitors were even more surprised. .

"At least part of it." Meichao nodded said: "So now the talents of Daimyo's children are likely to exceed those of Hidden Grass Village. You are waiting for the time to mature, and they are also waiting for the time to mature. You are probably not an opponent!"

The tourists are almost out of cold sweat.

Meichao this is to give him face, he has the original Hidden Grass Village Medical Vice-section Head, how can he compare with the original Hidden Leaf Village Elder Shimura Danzo?

Shimura Danzo brought out the two Jonins, any one, I am afraid they can easily kill him!

"Tourist sama, it’s also a good thing to think from another direction." Meichao exhorted: "If we win, we can also include the children cultivated by Daimyo. Those orphans will be sent back to Konoha Konoha. It’s hard to trust them, but Hidden Grass Village has no choice, we have to! When the time comes, Hidden Grass Village’s reserve power can be doubled in an instant!"

Said: "Has Konoha acquiesced? Meichao, these information were investigated by Hidden Leaf Village, right?"

"Un." Meichao nodded affirmed.

In fact, it is not at all.

If you know that Danzo and Land-of-Grass Daimyo are jointly engaged in this kind of thing, Shisui has killed someone long ago, how can Danzo slip through Ninja World?

Because of Third Hokage's connivance, Root is almost independent of the Konoha system. Only when the ninja cultivated by Root officially wears the headband, will they report to the village, even some of them are not reported, so few Ten reserve orphan students, Hidden Leaf Village is also simply not clear, the Third Shinobi World War is only eight years old, and there are too many orphans.

It was Meichao who saw something during nearly a hundred random recruitments in the past six months, plus he couldn’t find the 13th child in the 12 Xiaoqiang, Sai, only little by Little restored the above analysis of facing tourists.

The crisis of Hidden Grass Village?

It’s actually nothing.

Danzo is just borrowing Land-of-Grass Daimyo to cultivate his own subordinates. After many youngsters, it is impossible to let those children step onto the stage, and it is even more impossible to build a new Hidden Grass Village, Land -of-Grass Daimyo is either controlled or naive.

However, the visitors were convinced at this time, and the emotions in their hearts increased, and said: "So...you are back to solve the crisis in Hidden Grass Village?"

"That's right, Shimura Danzo and I also have a private feud, so it's just easy." Meichao said casually without a big deal.

The tourist's eyes flashed slightly and said: "Is it only you? Do you need my help?"

"The tourist sama only needs to be prepared to accept the children." Meichao said : "Hidden Grass Village Ninja school students may double."

There is a strong confidence in the words, as if Hidden Leaf Village was originally Elder Shimura Danzo just clay chickens and pottery dogs, but visitors were a little worried and damned. Hidden Leaf Village does not want to save battle strength and only let Meichao and defecting Elder fight to the death, right?

Unconsciously, he re-identified Meichao as Hidden Grass Village ninja, scolded Hidden Leaf Village a hundred times, and asked: "What are you going to do?"

"Um ……"Meichao pondered: "I haven't thought about how to do it, haha, after all, I can finally return to the village. I don't want to finish my work so quickly and leave. Let's stay for a few days."

I heard that Meichao's smart plan hadn't thought it through, so suddenly I felt that this matter must be very difficult for Meichao.

He clenched the teeth and said: "You cannot carry the crisis of Hidden Grass Village alone. When you act, I will be with you!"

"no no no, Tourist sama.” Meichao even hurriedly said: “I’ll do it myself. I have experienced all the dangers this year. Shimura Danzo, an old fellow from the old age, can’t help me!”

I have experienced all dangers. Now... the tourists don’t know what they’ve made up, their emotions fluctuated violently, and they were silent for a while, before some hoarse said: "Okay, I'll arrange a place for you."

"In the newly built Hidden Grass Village Didn't you reserve a new home for me?" Meichao asked.

Visitors startled, a little guilty: "Build soon, build soon!"

Meichao said with a smile: "I look forward to it!"

The tourists were nodded, and didn't say more.

Everything is unspoken.

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