Obito never thought that this trip to Konoha would be forced into such a difficult situation, let alone Shimura Danzo, who has never been considered to be able to analyze his abilities to such a detailed level .

No, that is not profiling.

Just like a prophet!

The prophet Shimura Danzo looked at Obito in his face, but he was more depressed than Obito. Even now, he is unwilling or reluctant to recognize that it is First Hokage, which means that his Hokage dream is broken and even welcome Come to First Hokage's punishment!

Under Obito’s loudly asked, he clenched the teeth made a bold test: "Of course First Hokage-sama told me that it belongs to your information!"

Who? Third Hokage's eyes widened instantly.

Sure enough! Shisui had already noticed it, and looked at Danzo with a little surprise. Lord First-Kage probably only asked me about the situation before pointing you!

Obito was startled.

"Who?! He's not dead?!"

Huh? This reaction seems... Danzo a thought flashed through the mind, scoundrel, is it really fake? Who are you, dare to play old man like this? !

However, after that blurted question, Obito's heart became uneasy.

It's not right, it's not right! Danzo said First Hokage for no reason and for no reason, and he shied away to God of Shinobi who died more than 40 years ago!

Isn't First Hokage dead?

It is possible!

Uchiha Madara can live up to eight years ago. Why can’t First Hokage, who has a terrifying life force, live up to now? Did Madara don’t know, or didn’t tell me? Was he afraid that I would not resurrect him, and specifically concealed the First Hokage news, forcing me to have to resurrect him? !

I'm afraid to think too much about everything. Obito has rarely shot in front of others in recent years. Only Black Zetsu White Zetsu can know his ability to know so much detail!

Did they deliberately or unintentionally leak my abilities to Madara’s old enemy First Hokage?

In recent years, I really did not take Madara's resurrection seriously. I was only implementing my own plan. Should they take this opportunity to give me a reminder?

It is definitely a creature created by Uchiha Madara.

Can’t believe it all!

He couldn't help but tentatively said: "hmph, there has been no news of Hashirama for a few years. I thought he was dead in old age, is he still alive?"

Danzo who just settled down I almost cocked my mouth in shock, is it true, is it true? !

His face remains unchanged, probed: "hmph, Lord First-Kage has chased you for several decades, and you are not dead yet, how could Lord First-Kage die first?!"

"Soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed!" Obito said indifferently, but his expression under the mask was almost distorted.

Hunting for several decades? Madara's scoundrel, even concealed such important news from me! Yeah, it's not right, how could a guy like Madara have lived underground for several decades and didn't do anything!

Being restricted by the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path and unable to move?

Huh! I'm worried about bumping into First Hokage!

The two of you tried to test each other, and they got news that they didn't want to admit!

Seeing Anbu disarming the Four Violet Flames Formation, Konoha's ninja troops gathered and surrounded them, but because of the content of the dialogue between the two, they did not attack for the time being. Obito knew that today was impossible.

If you delay any longer, I'm afraid I will really die here! In the future, Uchiha Madara's name can't be used indiscriminately. Fortunately, First Hokage didn't make it personally this time, or was it impossible to make it because of his old age? Anyway, run away!

'Fire-Style: Storm Dance! '

He raised his hand to seal, the Kamui distorted space created a storm, and then spewed out a huge fire snake, which snaked out at a very fast speed.

Dozens of ninjas from the ninja army stepped forward.

'Water-Style: Water Wall! '

The fire and water meet, and the hot mist diffuses, making everyone's sight blurred!

Danzo's field of view is blurred, and his mind enters the Ninja World duel again. This time, not only did his back get wet with cold sweat, but sweat oozes from his forehead, "...Lord First-Kage."

"Danzo, you are not honest."


After beating Danzo a few words, Meichao warned him to kill Uchiha Madara with all his strength, waved to expel him, and then laughed hahaha.

He really didn’t expect the identity of First Hokage to continue to be used. After all, his knowledge of First Hokage comes from anime. It’s okay to fool Shisui who hasn’t seen him before, but Danzo is familiar with First-Kage. The old thief is not easy.

From beginning to end, Meichao has adhered to two principles: talk less and let Danzo talk less.

Relying on the understanding of plot, he penetrated Danzo’s psychological defensive line time and time again, and in the previous battle, four strong words and semi-mandatory re-enactment of Danzo’s seven abilities, Taking advantage of Danzo's fluctuating mind and not daring to disobey, when the actual combat situation is tense and quick action is needed, he cleaned Danzo's wool almost all at once!

At this time, it doesn’t really matter whether Danzo sees through his identity or not. At worst, he no longer pulls Danzo into the duel. How can he still find my true body? As for Shisui's side, Meichao prepared another set of rhetoric.

But he absolutely didn't expect, Danzo and Obito tried each other out, both of them were confused!

He didn't quite understand Obito's train of thought.

unintentional positive outcomes.

After laughing, Meichao feels a little sad again.

Single draw is too bad! He enters the dueling arena every two minutes to pull people. Six lottery opportunities have been used four times, but they are all useless. C?

obviously C-Rank is 80% probability.

Why is it 100% to me?

Can you still play happily?

The battle is almost over, and the remaining time in the duel is less than half an hour. Let's continue.

pondered, he said to the screen:

"C is also out this time, I understand, first suppress and then raise. Normally this is the routine, right? C out this time. Disappointed me, the last time I snapped a surprise and gave me an S, right?"

"Come on, invite C-Rank players!"

The screen lights up, Letters appear:'B'

Ouch, cheap!

Meichao is happy.

But finally it's B forbearance!

Different from the ninja grid that recruits C-ninja, the recruitment of B-Rank ninja will only show four pictures. The more upper layer the ninja is, the rarer it is. There is only this big Ninja World. Of the nine B-Rank battles, except during Shinobi World War.

The picture on the bottom left...just what Meichao wanted!

This picture is full of mist, including a lot of ninja, all wearing Anbu costumes, masked, and jointly releasing Water-Style: Water Wall.

It was Konoha's battle!

Meichao leaned forward to take a look, a little embarrassed, Anbu dressed the same, just by looking at the figure, you can’t tell who is stronger and who is weaker, who to choose?

The duel field did not screen him for the strongest ninja in the recruitment screen.

"Huh?" Suddenly, his gaze was attracted by one of Anbu, who carried a short sword like Shisui, but the style of the sword was completely different from the ordinary Anbu, which was thinner and longer.

He is not in the ninja array that releases the Water Wall. No, from the exquisite figure that Anbu's large robe can't hide, Meichao can be sure that it is a'she'. She is holding the hilt in one hand, standing behind the Anbu who released the Water Wall, ready to attack at any time!

More importantly, her long hair is not completely constrained by her clothes. Under the mist and night sky, a ray of purple rays of light is faintly reflected!

"Purple hair..."

Meichao raised her finger and walked back to her seat:

"Recruit her to become a player!"

After the recruitment fell, under Meichao's attention, the logo on seat 004 quickly changed from red to green, and a bronze B letter appeared above it.

At the same time, on the seat, a figure of a young girl quickly appeared! This girl is about sixteen or seventeen, but her figure is very mature, and her face is rarely childish. She looks dignified and beautiful with her purple hair!

This is the first female player in the duel field.

Uzuki Yugao!

Sure enough, Meichao said to herself with joy:

"This wave, not a loss."

Meichao’s Taijutsu has reached Level 4, Jonin Level, It stands to reason that the eight high levels of Hidden Grass Village are at this level, but if Meichao competes with them in Taijutsu, they will definitely lose.

The skills are the same, but the speed and power of Chakra Reserves are too far behind. Actual combat experience and murderous aura are completely incomparable. At this time, swords and other long weapons are Meichao's best choice!

But he didn't think about how to communicate with Yugao for the time being, so he waved his hand to disperse her illusory shadow. I'll talk about it tomorrow, and consider it first.

This is enough, and there is another recruitment opportunity to use it directly.

Meichao said without thinking: "Invite players!"

But didn't expect, and finally a random recruitment gave him a little surprise:'B'!

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