The second floor of Hidden Grass Village Hospital.

The tourists didn’t even realize that the catastrophe was imminent. They were a little surprised to see Meichao who came in a hurry: "Is there anything important to come to me so late?"

Meichao said "That’s it, sama. The day after tomorrow is Karin’s birthday. I would like to ask you for your instructions. I will stay at Karin’s house to celebrate her birthday with Hannah. Stay late, you see..."

The visitors snorted: "You really don't want to miss a chance. The mother and daughter are about to treat you as a family, hahaha..."

Meichao also laughed: "Yes, sama So after this birthday banquet, I am going to start telling Karin stories. I can read all the stories you collected here."

Visitors applauded nodded: "Yes. This will happen in the future." Don’t ask me about the trivial matters, you can decide for yourself about the big meddlesome of Hanna’s mother and daughter!"

"Yes, sama." Meichao bowed slightly and said goodbye, and suddenly there was a slight hesitation on his face. Let visitors catch it.

"Why, there's something else? Just tell me."

"Uh, sama." Meichao cautious and solemn said: "Just on the street, I accidentally heard a ninja talk about Grass flower flow ninja, it is said that because they want to investigate the defect of the former Anbu Commander who secretly learned the art of burning prison, they will return to the village tomorrow, which made me suddenly think of something strange.

You said 12 Days ago, even if the former Anbu Commander’s strategy was successful and you and Minister Sama were deceived by him, how should he deal with the chase of the ninja?"

The tourist startled, Weilu thinks That makes sense, Yokota...unfathomable mystery.

"Our medical department will definitely not help him to excuse the Caohualiu, will it? The scientific research department is even more mind your own business. Can the guards help him?"

" Said." Tourist shaking ones head, Qiu Ye can't wait to kill Yokota, how could he help him? Speaking of which is a bit strange. He didn't understand it for a while, and waved his hand: "Probably he was forced to do it by Qiu Ye. These are not what you should worry about as a Genin. Get ready for the Chunin Exams after half a month. , Do your mission well."

"Yes, sama."

Meichao is leaving. He can only say so much. If you say more, you can’t explain clearly. Brings great danger to oneself.

In the office, visitors continued to review documents, but soon threw away their pens. What Meichao said just now kept tumbling in his mind, and it made him feel a little bit weird.

He took a few steps in the room and thought for a few minutes. Suddenly, a breeze blew from the window, and the closed window was opened!

His eyes Suddenly, he looked towards the more people in the office, and said in surprise: "Yokota, how dare you come back and find me?!"

The visitor is Osamu Yokota, he is stealth black clothed and looked. The visitor said: "Why can't I come back? Visitors, let's talk, are you really willing to let the Guarding Department dominate the whole family and make Qiu Ye a recognized grass shadow? He has coveted the two tools of your medical department! "

Sure enough, I came back to lobby, let Qiu Ye say it! The tourists were about to secretly hand seal, calling Qiu Ye to come over and leave Yokota Haru together, but suddenly, a joke that Meichao just said came to mind:'Could it be that the Guard can help him? '

His nose moved slightly, and he faintly smelled a bloody smell on Yokota Ji's body. It was very light, but he could not hide from him who always worked in the hospital!

His heart suddenly hangs!


At this time, Meichao has come to a more fringe place in Hidden Grass Village, probably at the center of his own home and Karin's home.

He gazed away in the direction of Cao Ninja Hospital.

If visitors can react in time and lead the medical department and scientific research department to resist together, Hidden Grass Village will fall into turmoil, and Meichao will immediately go to Fangnai’s house to find a chance to escape!

And if the tourist is assassinated and no disturbances arise, Meichao will go home first, waiting for the guards to persuade them to surrender and solicit, and then wait for the ninja troops to arrive, and the civil war will break out, and the power to guard Karin’s house will be weakened. , And then wait for an opportunity to act.

Original work Hannah was injured by a large number of bites first, and then he was killed. It will not happen immediately tomorrow. He built a man for 17 days in Hidden Grass Village. Suppose, what he got in exchange was only a chance, no one should be missed!

He waited anxiously for a few minutes, and suddenly a dirt mountain rumbled up in the distance.

On the earth mountain, the shouts of tourists are blessed by chakra, resounding through a half of Hidden Grass Village!

"Qiu Ye and Zhizhi Yokota murdered two heads of the Scientific Research Department of the Medical Department! Minister Little Dog and Minister Sanglin have been killed! Medical Department! Assemble!"

"Visitors!!!" Then To keep up, Qiu Ye yelled somewhat flustered and exasperated.

Meichao's eyes lit up, and he hid in the dark for half a minute, until one place after another rumble sounds and screams bloomed in Hidden Grass Village, he figure flashed and rushed to Karin's house.

His movements are very careful. The level 4 chakra manipulation skills and the Level 4 Taijutsu help him to suppress the sound of action. At the same time, he is also trying to find out if there is a ninja hidden nearby in the night.

Shortly out of two kilometers, Meichao is a little surprised. It's okay here?

As soon as his thoughts turned, he showed a figure, zoomed in and panicked, and was quickly stopped by a silhouette, asking: "Meichao? Why are you here so late? What happened in the village?"


This person is Special-Jonin, the medical department responsible for guarding Karin's mother and daughter. Because it was really remote, he could only hear faint movements, but could not discern what was happening inside Hidden Grass Village.

"Sama!" Meichao said anxiously: "I don't know the specifics. I only heard the tourist sama shouting that Minister Qiu Ye colluded with the ninja. Yokota Sneak attack assassinated our medical department and scientific research department. Minister, the Minister of Scientific Research seems to have been killed, and now Hidden Grass Village is in a mess!"

"What?!" Special-Jonin Jiuwen was startled, and Minister Qiu Ye colluded with Osamu Yokota?

"Sama, go and support the tourist sama, I will guard here!" Meichao said again.

Jiuwen hurriedly nodded, and suddenly got stuck.

"Minister Dog has been killed? If you attack the Vice-section Head of the visitor, I am afraid that Sama will already...not work!" He solemnly said, "The guards and Anbu are better than our medical department and scientific research department. The department is stronger. They work together, and there are still mental arithmetic and unintentional. It will not help me to support it!"

"Visitor Vice-section Head also needs to escape from the siege, and we should protect him with the tools of our medical department. !" His eyes flashed fiercely.

Meichao frowned: "Sama?"

"Hana is weak and heavy, so he can't take it away. You can't leave it to them! Meichao, you come to comfort you and walk away. Little demon, we flee from the mountainside as soon as possible, first leave Hidden Grass Village, and then find a way to gather with the breakout tourists sama and them!"

He turned and started to act, Meichao pulled him down in a panic, "Sama, what do you mean if you can't take it away? You want to kill Hanna? Then my previous hard work will be wasted..."

"When is it all!" Jiuwen threw away impatiently Meichao, jump into action.

However, as soon as he stepped out of seven or eight meters, a sharp rock suddenly protruded in front of Jiuwen, which directly penetrated him who was caught off guard!

He hung on the stone thorns, vomiting a big mouthful of blood, turning his head in disbelief:


Meichao hand seals again, and then slaps the ground with both hands:'Earth-Style: Moving Earth Core! '

A huge crack swallowed the desperate Jiuwen and stone thorns, and immediately closed, eliminating all traces of the existence of Jiuwen!

"I originally wanted you to help delay some time. I owe the assassination stuff." Meichao cursed and quickly turned to Karin's house.

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