Hidden Grass Village southwest, an anonymous village.

In the middle of the night, it was extremely quiet, only the occasional cock and dog barking sounded.

Outside an extremely dilapidated small courtyard that has not been inhabited for a long time, four silhouettes appear silently, surrounding it.

The leader is 30 years old, with a fierce face with small eyes and aquiline nose, and he raises his hand lightly to the other three people. The four people acted at the same time, jumped over the courtyard wall, smashed the windows and doors, and rushed into the bungalow!

They either hold a knife or a kunai, they are about to launch a thunder offensive, but the empty room makes them stagnate at the same time.

On the half-collapsed Kang, there were only two dirty clothes stacked on top of each other. Aquiline nose waved, and Takehara stepped forward and picked it up with a short blade, and shook the shaking ones head.

"There is no trap, Mitaka sama."

"This should be the coat of Hanna’s mother and daughter, is it misleading?" Mitaka's expression remained unchanged, and he stepped forward and picked up the two. Sniff the dirty clothes.

"No body temperature, it takes at least 20 minutes to take it off, eh? What's the smell?"

both of his hands shook his clothes vigorously, and two gray and black socks playfully moved from The cuffs of the clothes came off, exuding an intoxicating fragrance.

Mitaka's forehead jumped and slammed two coats to the ground: "scoundrel! Jiuwen, don't let me catch you! Shuiyan, find someone!"

The guard force Special-Jonin Shuiyan called by him immediately bit his finger and formed an Indian style:

'Summoning Justu! 'A big white-haired dog, half human tall, appeared with the smoke.


Meichao at this time had already hung Karin and Fang Nai who had changed two ordinary coarse cloth clothes on his body, and turned to escape.

The geographical location of Land-of-Grass is special, and it is fully adjacent to five countries. There is Land of Rain in the north, Land-of-Birds in the west, and the Three-Great Country borders on the northwest, southwest, and southeast respectively.

Fangnai’s home is located in the southwest of Hidden Grass Village. If you keep walking in this direction, you will be able to reach the border-line of Land-of-Wind in a day. The environment there is bad. Meichao said it was too unfriendly to drive, and simple straight-line actions were too conducive to chasing troops.

When communicating with Shisui in the duel arena, he asked Shisui to go to Luyecheng in the southeast of Kushinin and made a bold decision.

He no longer stays away from Hidden Grass Village.

Rather, with Hidden Grass Village as the center and a radius of 40 kilometers, it runs counterclockwise around Hidden Grass Village and transfers from the southwest of Hidden Grass Village to the southeast!

I made some small arrangements before turning, but Meichao hopes that the chasing soldiers will not be able to find those things. If they find it, it means that the opponent has a sense of smell tracking such as Ninken, which is difficult to get rid of.

There is only one life, so everything has to be predicted at the worst. Meichao meets the mountain and the forest, and he ties a torn attire to the rabbit’s leg and sticks to the bear. Wrestling.

Unfortunately, the number and types of Meichao Ninja Tool, Genin of the Medical Department, are really limited. Even Kunai is only the one picked up, and there will be no Explosive Tag. Otherwise, there will be a few traps.

In this way, the three people have completed the transfer of more than 100 kilometers and gradually approached Luye City, both happy and worried.

Fortunately, there are no chasing soldiers within Karin's sense range to chase them, but worry is that Hannah's physical condition is gradually becoming poor.

Her face is gradually sallow, from running for an hour from Meichao’s back every three hours, to just running for ten minutes, then she starts to stagger, until now she coughs weakly and has no energy anymore. Meichao's back comes down!

This is also normal, one day one night traveling through the wilderness, even Meichao is deeply tired, and Hana, whose body has been deflated, is supporting it all with one breath.

After a few more hours, Meichao gently put Hannah down by the tree, gasp for breath and asked: "Are you okay, Hannah Aunt?"

"I No...cough cough...It's okay."

Karin, who has been hanging on Meichao's body, is in a much better state. At this time, he pulls his mother's damn it sleeve with a worried look and keeps quietly obediently.

Meichao looked Fang Nai's state is a bit heavy, did the chasing soldiers get rid of it? If he keeps running like this, Hunai's body will collapse first, and at least he will suffer a serious illness.

He considered for a moment, he reached out and pointed at the stars in the distance, and said: "We have to rest tonight and live in that town!"

Fana was anxious for a while, hand I was about to stand up on the ground, but I didn’t succeed for several times. After all, I couldn’t say the phrase “I can still”. I rubbed Karin’s face with red eyes: “Mother is really disappointing, it’s a drag on you.”


"It's okay, the chasing soldiers should have been gone for a long time, and I'm tired too, so I have to take a good rest."

Meichao reaches out to help Fang Chennai put her on her back again: "Go, find a place to live!"

At the same time, more than ten kilometers away.

"woof! woof! wu wu wu!"

"damned! It's a little trick!"

Mitaka cursed and killed his head The brown bear with the taste of Meichao and Fang Nai changed directions and chased.


The three people entered the small town southeast of Hidden Grass Village, which belongs to Luye City. It is about the same size as Hidden Grass Village and is not prosperous.

Naturally, I can’t live in any inn. Meichao simply searched and found a compound where the Master was not at home, and went straight into it.

Place Hannah on the bed and lie down, Meichao went to find the kettle, boiled the pot of hot water, found a basin and towels, and brought in a basin of warm water.

"Karin, wipe mother."

"Hmm!" Karin took it quickly.

Fang Nai stretched out his hand and pushed it, somewhat unnaturally: "Can I trouble you to come? Meichao."

What? Karin's eyes widened suddenly.

Meichao startedled and turned around and walked out.

"It's not very convenient, it's all over."

It's all over...Funai gazed closed the bedroom door, and sighed complicatedly, no longer resisting Karin to unlock her clothing.

Meichao sat in the hall to rest and recover, and soon heard Karin's low cry of depression. She obviously saw the tooth marks Hannah had been hiding from her, Hannah. He kept repeating comforting: "It's all over, it's over."

Ten minutes later, Karin came out with red eyes, "Thank you, Meichao big brother."

Meichao shaking ones head, when I wanted to reply, you’re welcome, suddenly there was a sound of music in my ears.

'We are trying out the bondage...'

Is it another day? June 20th!

So Meichao rerouted and blessed: "Happy birthday, Karin, you are seven years old."

Birthday? Karin was stunned.

"Happy birthday, Karin." Fang Nai's weak voice also came from the bedroom.

"Make a wish?" Meichao said again.

Little Karin hummed blankly, closed her eyes for a few seconds, and her little face solemnly acquiesced to her wish.

"I guess your wish is to restore Aunt Aunt to health. Is there me? I wish Meichao big brother all the best and take you far and high?"

"I won’t say it. Spirited up." Karin chuckled, feeling a little better, and went to pour water.

There seems to be me. Meichao laughed too, chakra flooded into his mind and opened today's duel field!

In addition to understanding Danzo's anti-tracking experience during the duel field yesterday, Meichao threw it all on another technique that is like a chicken rib for him now, but it is also necessary to master.

Level 4 Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu (pseudo)!

Today's duel field time is still mainly placed on it. Meichao does not have Wind Attribute chakra, and Danzo's Wind-Style is slow to master and has low formidable power.

To put it back.

But before that...

"Do you want to draw the single draw directly?"

Single draw is accumulated every 48 hours, this is Meichao transmigrated On the 19th day, at around 6 o'clock in the evening yesterday, Meichao got another single draw opportunity to invite a player.

Meichao believes in metaphysics. The little birthday star Karin just made a wish and blessed him.

It's useless to save up. Meichao hasn't tried a late night invitation, so I use it whenever I feel like it.

"Invite players!"

The front screen lights up with the sound.

Meichao looked over, his eyes gradually lost focus.

silver's letter A is eye-catching and dazzling!


A-Rank with 4% probability. Meichao thought that he who had never been a Luck Emperor could only have Shisui and Danzo two guarantees for a short time. Rank players!

The picture on the screen changes, and a silhouette that Meichao is familiar with appears. Meichao suddenly wants to run out of the duel and kiss Karin. Isn’t the blessing too strong?


One minute ago, the Land of Water Hidden Mist Village, Mizukage building rumble was blown to pieces by the monstrous water waves!

Anbu's exclamation resounded through the sleeping village:

"enemy attack?!"

"Someone assassinated Mizukage-sama!"


"no, not an enemy attack!"

"Yes, yes, a ghost?!"

One The man with short black hair and no eyebrows held a door-like Greatsword and was rushed out by the water waves.

"Hey, I failed."

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