Long silence.

Meichao adjusted his sitting posture, put his hands on the table, tapped lightly with his index finger, and made a clattering sound, trying his best to make no rush, waiting for Shisui to slowly digest the impact with a smile.

Shisui's ambition is far stronger than an ordinary person.

After ten seconds, he barely recovered his calm and captured another important point.

He said... Ordinary Mangekyo Sharingan?

Has he seen another pair of Mangekyo?

In Uchiha Clan's record, the last person who started Mangekyo Sharingan was the ancestor of Uchiha Madara. The ancestor of Uchiha Madara has passed away for nearly 50 years. If he has ever seen it, he is at least a character of the same generation as Third Hokage!

Which Ninja World senior might this be?

The more Shisui thought about it, the more he felt that the mysterious person in front of him was bottomless, so he could not help but changed to the honorific title: "senior, how should I call you?"

Meichao stopped tapping his fingers on the desktop. With a chuckle: "Call me... Touch the shadow."

Touch the shadow? Touch the shadow of Ninja Village?

Shisui feels weird, but I have to think about it because of this name. I have never heard of touching Ninja Village. Is it established on an overseas island? This means that Moying senior has an influence? Then it is even more necessary to find out his abilities and true body!

All kinds of thoughts flashed, Shisui asked tentatively: "senior, what ability can be rated as Level 10 by you?" Like this Space Ninjutsu in front of you?

"This is Level 8 information, do you want to exchange it with your Mangekyo Sharingan?" Meichao's voice seemed to add a bit of expectation.

Shisui was shocked: "no! Don't change!"

He immediately thought that this might be a warning, a warning to his temptation! At present, he is controlled by others. It is very easy for the senior to take away his eyes, so he must proceed with caution!

However, the eyes can be taken away. What if I replace them with my Body Flicker Jutsu and Taijutsu? How can these things be used to exchange answers to questions?

As if to see through what he thought, Meichao explained first: "In my duel arena, everything is fair traded. If your other things are traded in return, they will naturally be lost.

If you don't want to lose, I can help you reproduce them, but correspondingly, the worth of the reproduced product will be reduced by one level."

Will you lose it? Will I forget them?

How is re-engraving?

Should you take the risk to find out?

Shisui's heart was ups and downs, and after considering it for a long time, he said again: "If I want to ask: What I want to do, can I be worthy of my clan and Konoha at the same time, what should I do?"

He has hidden temptations here, and he didn't explain what he wanted to do.

"This is Level 4 information." Meichao replied that his voice still didn't fluctuate, as if he hadn't heard his temptation, more like he didn't care.

Shisui's eyes move slightly, Level 4 information?

"My Taijutsu ability is Level 5, I don't want to lose it, and I can reach Level 4 when I repeat it, right?"

"That's right," Meichao said.

What kind of reproduction method is it? Does he want to read all my memories of Taijutsu training and fighting?

Shisui's body becomes tighter.

This is a danger, but it is also an opportunity!

Maybe...you can take a risk!

He doesn't believe that Mangekyo Sharingan can't even prevent others from prying into memory! When the memory is read, you may find a chance to fight back and expose the true face of this touching senior!

"Then please...make a copy."

"Okay, the deal is done."

Da, da, da. Meichao's fingers tapped on the table again, and the sound seemed to buckle into Shisui's heart, causing his heart to jump uneasy, almost jumping out... No, it really jumped out!

A pure white ball of light squeezed out of Shisui's chest and floated up, flying higher and higher, until it sank into the dome of this room!

'Come back! return! '

Shisui shouted in his heart and tried hard, but he could only watch the ball of light leave, and Mangekyo Sharingan failed again! He knew that it might be the so-called Taijutsu reissue, but he couldn't even simply raise his hand to stop it! There is sense in the dark, and he understands that this is by no means Genjutsu's blindfold!

That ball of light really recorded all his Taijutsu skills and experience! What is this ability? !

"Okay." Meichao's voice remained the same.

Shisui stretched taut's body was vented.

Not a rank at all!

When the four words of the deal fell, his inability seemed to be a foregone conclusion!

What mysterious power is this? Mangekyo Sharingan Level 8, is this weird ability to be rated as Level 10?

Meichao ignored Shisui’s confusion, and immediately began to answer the question he asked: "You want to use your Mangekyo Sharingan Genjutsu Kotoamatsukami to change the thinking of Uchiha Clan Leader, so that he will not initiate the coupon-d'état , Bring peace to Konoha, don't you?"

Shisui acquiesced weakly.

Meichao continued: "It's a pity, Uchiha Clan is not Uchiha Clan Leader's clan alone. In several decades, Uchiha Clansman has accumulated too much dissatisfaction. The conflict will never be caused by one person. Change and eliminate you, coup-d'état may be late, but will never be absent!"

Shisui's mood is even more depressed.

This is the method he discussed with Third Hokage, but first Danzo said that he was naive and wanted to grab his eyes, and then the horrible senior who had the strength in front of him also said that he could not do it, is it really impossible? ? This dispute must break out of civil strife?

The successive blows made him extremely depressed, and there was a vague flash of inspiration.

Yes! As if he had found some treasure, he lifted the head abruptly and said: "senior! If I want a way for Uchiha Clan and Konoha to live in peace, what do I have to do?"

"hehe." Meichao He laughed lowly again, and said: "It’s the answer you don’t want to know. The simple attempt is over, see you next time. Oh, as the first visitor to my duel arena, thank you for accompany me to finish this time. Try, I will give you another sentence for free."

"Live, everything has its own hope!"

I don't want to know? In other words...is there a way? Wait, see you next time? !

Why are you so anxious all of a sudden? Shisui still wanted to ask, but seeing the touch of the shadow senior in front of him waved his arm, his silhouette quickly faded away!

Consciousness is expelled!

The duel was still for a second.

In the next moment, senior Meichao, who was still full of style just now, jumped up from his seat!

Chakra is passing by every minute and every second, I don’t know how long the duel can be opened, there is not much time left for him! How can you delay it any more?

He opened the list of the duel arena mall, and an item has been added to the blank list. As the master of the duel, he can buy it for free!

Buy: Taijutsu Level 5 (pseudo)!

"Enter practice mode!" he said.

The picture in front of him was distorted and changed. When Meichao returned to his senses, he was already standing in a special venue.

This is a semi-circular enclosed building. The venue is small. The layout is a bit like the Chunin Exams venue in Hidden Leaf Village. On one side of the venue, there are many banners with some words written on it.

There are'victory','genitality','Ninja World on top of battle','forbearance' and so on.

On the top of the middle, there is the largest banner hanging on the book'Ninja World Arena'!

In the enlightenment-like feeling, Meichao closed his eyes and quickly digested this Level 5 Taijutsu.

All products with (pseudo) in the duel store can only be used in the duel.

Meichao must digest Shisui's Level 5 Taijutsu skills into his own skills as soon as possible.

Shisui will definitely not know that his Taijutsu is simply an irreplaceable treasure in the eyes of the senior Meichao! Senior Meichao is a weak chicken with only one level 1 murderous aura skill!

Taijutsu at Level 5 brought Meichao a superb insight, and his own Taijutsu ability has risen rapidly just by experiencing it in his head.

Up to level 1 after two minutes!

The level that normal Genin should have!

Meichao opened his eyes and tentatively threw his fist forward. For an ordinary person, throwing a fist in a fight is to instinctively use the maximum force.

But in the eyes of Meichao, who purchased Shisui Taijutsu equipped with Shisui Taijutsu, this simple straight punch is very different. He has knowledge about how to use the waist and hips, how to swing his arms, and even fist speed. .

Punch after punch, fine adjustments.

The same body, the same strength.

Meichao's tenth punch is at least 10% more powerful than First Fist! And it's still increasing!

He is not limited to punching.

Left forward kick, right whip leg, left jab.

Stroke style, one after another experience.

Soon there was a senseless parry.

And roll and dodge for no apparent reason.

Toss and toss, silhouette to fly!

Five minutes, ten minutes.

His Taijutsu has been upgraded again, reaching Level 2!

Meichao, who was immersed in practice, suddenly distorted the picture in front of him, and suddenly sat up from the bed!

Time is up!

The chakra in the body was not emptied, but left him with about one-fifth of it, which must be his body's self-protection mechanism.

"About 40 minutes?" Meichao murmured softly.

He turned over and got out of bed, closed the door of the ward, and returned to the bed to recover the chakra. At the same time, his body swayed slightly. He quickly confirmed that the exercises in the duel field could not exercise his own physical fitness. It is true and true!

The Taijutsu of Level 2 is not high, but it gives him a sense of security. Because the total amount is small, chakra recovers very quickly, recovering more than half in ten minutes.

Time to go! Those guys who go out to eat may drink, and it will be very troublesome to be blocked by them. As long as they leave first, even if they are really bored to investigate where they live, it will probably be tomorrow's day to find themselves.

After early morning, he will be able to enter the duel arena again! This rough calculation of about 40 minutes can give him another leap forward!

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