Thousands of years ago, after sealing Otsutsuki Kaguya to the moon, Sage of Six-Paths stayed in Ninja World to establish Ninja World, and his younger brother Otsutsuki Hamura led clansman to move to moon and guard the Ten -Tails body.

Intermarriage from generation to generation may be due to the inability to control the ratio of men to women. There are fewer and fewer clansman in this part of the moon life. Today, in Konoha 60 years, there is only a 15-year-old youngster —— Otsutsuki Toneri still lives in the moon.

His father took him to Earth once before his death to clan inheritance and choose his future wife, and finally fell in love with Hinata.

In a few years, he will fight fiercely for Hinata and Naruto, and eventually lose to lose. Instead, he will provide an assist for Naruto Hinata's determination.

At that time, Shiren was able to face off against Naruto, the strongest state, and he absolutely possessed SSS-Rank strength!

But the 15-year-old is still very tender now, only slightly better than the same 15-year-old Kimimaro, and he can enter the S-Rank level... This innate talent is also called the Jonin world. strongest.

After entering the 3rd Stage of Touching Shadow, being able to overcome the gravitational pull with brute force, and fly straight into the moon, Meichao began to make his mind.

Although his bloodline is more biased towards Otsutsuki Hamura, and Meichao's goal is obviously stronger Sage of Six-Paths, there will always be reference value.

But it points to the recruitment that Meichao left Uchiha Madara to Uchiha Madara, and I don't want to use it on him, so I can only use random recruitment to pull him into the duel.

After Meichao was promoted to SS-Rank, he was able to randomly recruit SS-Rank ninja. Correspondingly, the burst rate of S-Rank has been increased to a certain extent, from 1% in the early period to 4 today. %.

He has been on the moon twice before, and he has spent 19 random recruitments on the dormitory.

But it didn't.

This is the third time.

Otsutsuki Toneri, who lives alone in the moon and has nothing to do with Hinata's boredom, expressed a warm welcome to Meichao's arrival.

"It's your scoundrel again?!"

A green ball of light flew towards Meichao like a bullet, and was easily avoided by Meichao.

Meichao was very happy to be invited to play together with the Sheren. He gathered Rasengan backhand, and used exaggerated chakra manipulation skills to make Rasengan more tightly structured, so that he would never leave.

Threw it to Sheren too.

The 15-year-old Otsutsuki Toneri is extremely handsome, with pale skin and blue and white long hair, eyebrows like willow leaves, wearing white clothed, and the whole figure seems to have come out of the Idol drama, but with Meichao When playing, he was able to throw away the burden of Idol.

both of his hands waved frantically, one by one green balls of light shot out at Meichao, colliding with Meichao's Rasengan, swallowing each other and disappearing.

10, 20, 50.

His face gradually became a little unnatural, showing some tiredness, he no longer confronted Meichao, dodged and waved, countless Puppets who did not need Chakra Threads to be involved rushed towards Meichao!

Meichao slap, a kid.

Soon Puppet fragments scattered all over the place.

I gasp for breath, and my heart aches.

Stand still.

Here again! The remade Puppet in the past ten days has been destroyed again, for the third time!

He is really tired and doesn't want to resist anymore. It's useless to resist. Let this guy do whatever he wants.

"A few days ago, I saw Sage of Six-Paths." Meichao's words made his numb expression move, surprised: "Who?"

"Sage of After the death of Six-Paths, a chakra remained in Great Toad Sage's body.

I saw him, and now we have joined forces to fight Otsutsuki Clan. There is no need to stay at the moon anymore, Otsutsuki Toneri, follow me back to Ninja World and do something."

Otsutsuki Toneri was silent for a moment, said with a snort:

"God is already on the way, Ninja World will surely Destruction, your resistance is meaningless, even if you add Otsutsuki Hagoromo ancestors. Only my way can let Ninja World stay alive!"

Otsutsuki Hamura this lineage In the thousand-year inheritance, the will has been Distortion, what Sheren calls his way, is extremely outrageous.

He wants to Awakening Tenseigan through the eyes of Hyuga Hanabi, allowing Ninja World to be destroyed by Otsutsuki Clan’s visitors, only bringing Hinata to the moon, and sleeping together in reincarnation for countless years, and then using Tenseigan. Shape Ninja World, recreate human beings with Hinata, and rebirth Ninja World, and he and Hinata will become the creators of Ninja World together!

I just want to fart.

So Meichao could only shake one's head, and instantly kicked Otsutsuki Toneri's ass.

This child still reserves a beating.

It seems that even if he is successfully recruited, he must be educated and educated every time.

With a rumble, the flying out Sheren planted on the ground and writhed up angrily, but suddenly felt that the surrounding environment changed and sat in a strange place.

Not far away came a familiar voice.

"Welcome to the duel of Ninja World."

Yes, in the previous battle, Meichao used up 9 random recruitments accumulated and used 28 times in total. S was finally recruited randomly.

Recruited to the Sheren to enter!

For the Ninja World duel, the Sheren who has been monitoring Ninja World in a special way is not completely ignorant. He observes all around and said: " fought with me three times, just to bring me here? What do you want to do to me?!"

I want to study your body. Meichao smiled without saying a word, and checked the information about the Sheren.

[Otsutsuki Toneri (S)]

[fighting strength :14523566]

[bloodline composition:

Otsutsuki Toneri bloodline 97.3%

Unknown bloodline 2.7%]

This is the most special bloodline composition among all players in the duel. He did not mix High Level, Medium, and Inferior bloodlines. The overwhelming majority in his body is Otsutsuki Toneri bloodline named after him!

But Meichao is not too surprised.

He had long expected that with so many generations of inheritance, Otsutsuki Hamura’s bloodline impossible would be perfectly inherited. Otsutsuki Toneri’s bloodline should be between Otsutsuki Clan and Hyuga Clan. Kind, unique and unmatched.

As for the 2.7% unknown bloodline, it is probably the mutation and impurities in his inheritance. If it can be eliminated, his innate talent will definitely be higher.

However, in addition to the Meichao and Yin-Yang-Style man-made lives of Bloodline Transformation Jutsu who have used the duel field, even Otsutsuki Kaguya himself, the bloodline is impossible to 100% pure.

"I'll take you to familiarize yourself with the Ninja World duel. I will bring you into training here every day for the next period of time. I hope you can bring me a little surprise when I fight next time."

Sheren was shocked, and then he was full of vigilance. He didn't believe that Meichao was out of good intentions.

So when Meichao introduced him to the duel arena function, he would repeatedly consider every point, for fear of any pitfalls.

In fact, Meichao is just leaving a trail.

He does not have the slightest certainty to defeat the big barrel tree, and he does not know whether Uchiha Madara and Sage of Six-Paths are reliable. In case Ninja World really collapses and loses, Meichao only Those who can take the closest to the moon.

The reincarnations, after countless years of sleep, wake up and fight again. When it comes to compelled by circumstances, it is indeed an option that can be included.

But the Creator is not Hinata.

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