In the early morning, the morning sun is rising.

The five major villages have entered a high level of alert.

Hidden Leaf Village, within several dozen li outside the village, there are Anbu ninja and Sensor Team Ninja patrolling, and through the ability of Yamanaka Inoichi, all Sensor Ninjas are connected to share the sense.

Karin is also in the investigation team, forming a special team with Hinata Hyuga Hiashi. They are the three people that Hidden Leaf Village has explored the farthest distance, and they are also at the forefront to ensure that the enemy is found immediately.

This time Meichao didn't let Karin hide behind. Of course, he still didn't allow Karin to participate in the battlefield of Hidden Grass Village. That was pure chaos.

Karin also knows how to control himself not to let the imagination run wild and worry, and do his own job well. Karin always keeps his mind and eyes at the farthest distance, regardless of the consumption of chakra.

When she felt a little tired, she finally got a shock and stretched out her finger in one direction.


Hiashi and Hinata turned their heads simultaneously.

Byakugan! !

The range of their Byakugan is not as good as Karin's eyes. They waited one minute before seeing the silhouette of the distant mountain rushing towards Konoha.

Hinata: "1, 2...18 people!"

72 Earth Ninja people, five major villages, are Hidden Leaf Village assigned to 1/4/2022?

Hyuga Hiashi recognized the ninja identities, and soon the complexion slightly changed, saying: "Go!"

Karin and Hinata swiftly followed him. The two children don't know those people, but Hyuga Hiashi has basically seen them, and the sweat leaking makes the two children more dignified.

Who is there?

Hyuga Hiashi pointed at the temple, got in touch with Yamanaka Inoichi, and said in a deep and fast way in his mind: "Konoha 11 o'clock direction, 30 kilometers, 18 people, most of it is Konoha Ninja!

Let Anbu cancel the first wave of trap interception and withdraw as soon as possible. That is a meaningless sacrifice. There is my father in the team! A hateful guy!"

In Hidden Leaf Village, he wears a sense on his head. Amplifier Yamanaka Inoichi suddenly opened his eyes: "Tsunade-sama, Hyuga's ancestor Clan Leader Hyuga Soo is in the dirty Earth Ninja. The Anbu trap is meaningless. Hiashi asked me to tell them to withdraw."

Tsunade face changed, and said: "Who else? Number, identity, location, Inoichi!"

"Also...Adai, Akimichi Torifu, Uchiha Kagami senior...White Fang is here too?! Of 18 people, Hiashi can recognize most of them! They are all the late Jonin of our peers or parents! The location is at 11 o'clock in Hidden Leaf Village! 28 kilometers!"

White Fang? Might Duy? ! Tsunade couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Kakashi who was slightly distracted, and waved his arms, "They are all elite...have already been expected! If this is the case, proceed directly to the third plan, and then Shikaku will take the command for me!

Kakashi, don't froze, White Fang will let you deal with it, is that okay?!"

Kakashi returned to mind: "Ah, leave Uncle Might Duy to me too."

"Let's talk about it."

Tsunade left first, and behind her followed all the elites of Hidden Leaf Village, as well as the Land-of-Iron Mifune General, etc.!

As Samurai, Mifune was unable to contribute to the fight against Uchiha Madara. Known for his fast Blade Drawing Technique, he could not cut Suzuo, so he came to reinforce Konoha and replace the two brothers of Uchiha Clan to Hidden. Grass Village main battlefield.

When he heard White Fang's name, he touched the samurai knife in surprise, but looked at Kakashi's emotions, and finally remained silent, following the actions of the Konoha Ninjas and listening to Tsunade's arrangements.

On the way, they got more precise information through Yamanaka Inoichi's contact. 18 ninjas were recognized 17 and more people joined the rushing expert team.

Uzuki Yugao, Gekkou Hayate.

Konoha two gods.

Mountain Castle Aoba, Genma Shiranui.

Ebisu, and even Iruka!

When they joined the Karin team, Hinata and Karin continued to retreat and Hiashi joined.

Waiting for some bell in place.

Finally encountered 18 filthy Earth Ninja!

They are all experts of their parents, and many of them are Legendary, but the Konoha ninjas unexpectedly find that they are very calm in their hearts. The training in the Ninja World duel field gave them confidence. They believe that the ninja of this era is the strongest!

The 18 ninjas who stopped on the opposite side were also observing them. Starting from the early morning, Uchiha Madara only controlled their actions and did not suppress their thoughts and communication.

No one understands what is going on.

As they approached Konoha, they also became worried, but seeing the ninja troops assembled on the opposite side, it seemed that they were well prepared.

"Is this...Kakashi? You are so old, and many years have passed." Hatake Sakumo said: "What's the matter? Who brought us dead back to life?"


Kakashi: "father."

"Uchiha Clan’s youngster looks like Izuna sama...well, is it Fugaku?" Uchiha Kagami whispered: "Fugaku!"

Uchiha Fugaku: "Mirror sama."

Akimichi Torifu: "And Choza?"

Akimichi Choza: "Torifu sama."

Hyuga Zongfu also asked: "Hiashi, it really is you, what's going on?"

Hyuga Hiashi: "father."

Split second has almost become a confession meeting.

Tsunade solemnly replied: "Uchiha Madara is resurrected. He used the Forbidden Jutsu Impure World Reincarnation of Second-Kage grandfather to call the dead to fight for him and want to destroy the five villages! You are used by him to attack Konoha! Sakumo, Adai, and the ancestors, we must seal you, we are offended!"

"Sure enough, it's not a good thing." Sakumo whispered, "Tsunade, have you become Hokage? Kakashi, What's wrong with your eyes?"

Uchiha Madara is resurrected? Uchiha Kagami and the others sank in their hearts, why? !

"Eyes, this is a long story. Father, I have a lot of things I want to talk to you. This seems to be able to do so."

Reached out and touched the White Fang's Blade, and threw the other saber that he was carrying with him: "After all, it's a war, I can only take advantage of you."

Hatake Sakumo took the knife and froze for two seconds. A smile appeared on his face: "Yeah, didn't expect there is still a chance to fight against you who grew up, it's not bad.

Tsunade! Don't pay attention to the few of us, the team is still There is a very difficult guy! Even though we don't know him, he is not willing to communicate with us!"

Tsunade looked sideways.

She had already noticed that among the 18 filthy Earth Ninjas, one was standing in the middle and didn't say a word from beginning to end. She knows the other 17 people, either familiar or unfamiliar, but this one, she has never seen before, but has several points of familiar!

"Who are you?"

His face is about 40, without a headband, only a white turban, short black hair, and a capable and serious face.

both of his hands embrace, majestic and spontaneous, open the mouth and said in a deep voice: "Seventy years have passed, Uchiha Madara? That scoundrel little demon! Are Hashirama and Tobirama dead? I What about Senju Clan?!"

After the words were over, everyone's discoloration changed!

Tsunade blurted out: "You are?!"

"My name is......Senju Hotokema!"

"It really is......Supreme Grandfather?! "

"Oh? Are you Hashirama or..."

"Senju Hashirama is my grandfather."

Tsunade said, tightening the fist.

Senju Hotokema, the father of First Hokage and Second Hokage, the Clan Leader of Senju Clan in the Warring States, the strength is not as good as First Hokage, but according to Tsunade, he must be above Second Hokage!

They are tougher enemies than Sakumo!

Sure enough, Uchiha Madara also knows the existence of the Ninja World duel, knowing that their improvement will not let Hidden Leaf Village easily solve the battle!

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