At noon on June 20, bright sun and a gentle breeze.

Fana’s high fever basically subsided. Meichao and Karin fed her some porridge and medicine together. Although she was still not awake, her eyes looked stable and she was out of danger.

Meichao, who had been sleepless for more than two days, slept beautifully all afternoon. Karin also climbed onto Hanna’s bed and slept soundly with Hanna’s arms.

It's a pity that Hannah didn't wake up until the evening, and he agreed to pass Karin's birthday.

Meichao went to buy a copy of Karin’s favorite Hao Miyaki, and gave Karin a simple but unforgettable seventh birthday. Unfortunately, Fana’s high fever rose again at night. Meichao and Karin took care of them for half the night.

On June 21st, sun shone brightly.

The tourists came to treat Fang Nai again, thinking that they were brilliant and brushing Karin's favorability, and after receiving a few words of gratitude, they left with joy.

Fana finally woke up at noon. After learning of Meichao's deeds, he turned pale in fright and strongly demanded immediate leave. Meichao persuaded him for a long time.

On June 22, the dust was extremely heavy.

The tourists did not come. Through Shisui, Meichao learned that Caohualiu ushered in a large-scale counterattack by the Hidden Grass Village rebels, and both sides suffered heavy casualties.

However, through the nourishment of medicine ingredient and three days of recuperation, Hannah’s physical condition has improved a lot and he can walk freely on the ground.

All the misery finally passed, and the days were getting better every day, little Karin smiled more and more, and Meichao was also pleasantly surprised to get a big gain-he has upgraded!

From C-Rank ninja to B-Rank ninja!

Plenty of accumulation and thin hair, one day one night desperate escape plus two life and death battles, after two days of recuperation and duel training, Meichao has made great achievements in all aspects. Progress!

First of all, Chakra Reserves, which can be clearly reflected from the duel field time, directly increased from 70 minutes to 80 minutes, which is exactly twice as good as the 40 minutes when it was just transmigrated.

Transmigrated for 21 days and three weeks, he doubled the Chakra Reserves that had been growing slowly in the past few years!

Of course, the growth of chakra is mainly due to the enhancement of physique. At the same time, Meichao's Taijutsu rank must also be improved. If it is subdivided in Level 4, it will probably increase from the original Level 4 10% to Around 40%.

Compared to Taijutsu, who is limited to physique and who can experience Shisui and Danzo’s Level 5 Taijutsu experience at the same time, it’s far from reaching Level 5. Also refer to Shisui Danzo’s experience The chakra control skills are not far from Level 5.

Meichao checked his current glittering jewels to delight the eye skill list through the duel field mall. Compared with the pitiful and lonely level 1 murderous aura when it was just transmigrated, Meichao is completely worthy of the word gorgeous!

Level 3 Body Flicker Jutsu (Equipment, Level 5)

Level 4 chakra manipulation skills (90%)

Level 4 Taijutsu (40%)


Level 2 Moving Earth Core (Equipment, Level 4)

Level 3 Rock Pillar Spears (Equipment, Level 4)

Level 1 Earth Substitution (Equipment, Level 4 )

Level 3 earth pillar explosion, barrier, earth flow gun

Level 3 Konoha Assassination Team special training skills

Level 3 murderous aura (just upgraded)

Level 2 Water Prison Technique, Hidden Mist Jutsu, Water Shockwave (from the scroll trading with Zabuza)

Level 2 Throwing Technique, Three-Style Jutsu

Level 1 Sound escape basics!

Compared with the dead cash machine, the original No. 005, B-Rank player Puppy, this list of skills is basically not bad, Puppy is not the lower limit of B-Rank ninja, Meichao is promoted to B-ninja. normal.

Meichao’s ability to control the duel field was enhanced when he was promoted from'D-nin' to C-nin. The duel field, which could only be entered once a day, became an arbitrary number of times within a limited time.

After being promoted from C ninja to B ninja, Meichao also felt that he was more closely connected with the duel field. At the same time, Meichao was surprised to activate a new function of the duel field.

Privilege recruitment!

[Every four months, you can get a privileged recruitment opportunity. Privileged recruitment can capture the [classic battle] that has happened in the past and recruit non-current versions of ninja. ]

[Note 1: Times cannot be accumulated]

[Note 2: Privileged recruitment of ninja rank is limited to the main rank of the duel, and currently only captures the non-current version of C- Rank classic battle]

Good guys, looking at the first stage almost didn't make Meichao excited, what is the classic battle that happened? The battle of any cat and dog is ashamed to be a classic? How come you have to write pen and ink in anime and have a certain influence, right?

For example, Orochimaru defected against Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato played Hidden Cloud AB, Sannin titled battle, Moustache played Second-Tsuchikage None, First Hokage Uchiha Madara Valley of the End battle...


The more I think, the more I think, the more greedy I am, and then I put Meichao back to the prototype with a note 2.

I am a B-Rank ninja, so I can only capture C-Rank classic battles lower than myself? If it’s okay after plot start, those few games of Chunin Exams are probably all-around classic battles. Now... forgive Meichao, I really didn’t think of a few.

C-Rank ninja means weakness.

What are the weak and classic battles?

So he decided to wait and talk.

Privilege recruitment only took four months to brush Shinji, and it was promoted to A 忍rank Meichao within four months. Although I am not sure, I can try my best.

It will be much better to increase the B-Rank classic battle. At the very least, you have to collect a few ordinary recruits, give you a character, and then use precious privileges to recruit.

After counting the harvest, Meichao muttered for a while, and quickly found the next step of strength and leap breakthrough.

Chakra control skills need breakthrough Level 5!

So he needs Level 5 chakra manipulation skills including water attribute Chakra Nature Transformation to assist in acceleration, and he needs to overcome the dead face paralysis of Zabuza!

Yugao's Blade Technique can also be played back and forth.

He calmed down, tapped on the table and said:

"Invite player 005 to enter."


These two days, There have been some subtle changes in Zabuza's life.

In short, in the early morning of the second day when he defected and left Hidden Mist Village, he found a beautiful boy, Bai, on a bridge.

Of course, Zabuza has nothing to do with white bleaching. The murderous aura 7-level Zabuza is extremely sensitive to murderous aura this thing. He felt a little strange on Bai's body, and then he was accepted.

Bai’s Ice-Style capabilities surprised Zabuza, but soon regretted it a bit.

"White, use kunai, or ice blade!"

Standing with her arms beside a tree, Zabuza commanded in a deep voice. Not far ahead, his beautiful white face was full of hesitations, chakra surged, and dozens of ice crystals condensed in his hands, and then he waved his hand and shot it up ahead on the tree.

"I said kunai! Ice blade!"

Senmoto, 欻欻歘.

Zabuza’s forehead veins throbbed, and murderous aura overflowed: "Can’t you understand me?!"

White turned around nervously and wiped his sweat: "Zabuza sama, I will be more Work hard!"

Thousands of things, 欻欻歘.

Zabuza angrily snorted, turned around and left. Bai was startled and chased after him anxiously, "Zabuza sama, please don’t leave me!"

Seeing that Zabuza didn’t speak, he plopped Kneel down to intercept: "Please let me be your tool, I will try to become a qualified tool!"

Big eyes are full of pleading.

I still feel sorry for it.

But Zabuza's heart is as hard as iron.

He was very surprised that this cannibalistic Ninja World had a child as pure as snow, without even a trace of murderous aura on his body. He also understood that Bai refused to use ice kunai and ice blade because Those things can kill people, but Bingqian can't.

What is the use of tools that can't kill?

He detoured away indifferently: "Follow me again and kill you!"

Bai is not afraid, and does not give up.

The training just now caused him severe chakra and physical exhaustion, and he stumbled behind Zabuza. The road in the mountains is not easy to walk, Zabuza walks very fast, and soon he staggered and fell a covered in dirt, but still followed tenaciously.

Until there is no sound.

Zabuza frowned...oh, he doesn't have eyebrows. Zabuza frowned her forehead to look, and saw Bai slantingly planted under a soil slope, her delicate face smeared with mud, and she was in a coma with panic.

It looks like a puppy abandoned by the Master.

Zabuza cut in a low voice, walked over and picked up the thin body of Bai who was just nine years old.

Not being moved by Bai's persistence.

After all, it is Yuki Clan's ninja.

Give him a few more days of patience.

Thinking of this, he suddenly hummed, chakra gushed and resisted, but the picture was distorted and changed before his eyes, and he sat in the duel of Ninja World!

Is it him again? What do you want to do again? !

No warning, no resistance, hateful!

He indifferently looked towards the vaguely touched shadow of the face sitting in the main seat, without saying a word, and continued the cold war.

At this moment, he suddenly heard Moying's unexpected surprise, and said: "What have you encountered? Why did the level 7 murderous aura drop to level 6?"


Zabuza was stunned for a moment, remembering the explanation of touching the shadow the previous time, and his eyes widened suddenly.

damned scoundrel!

You are creating something from nothing!

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