
Mount Myōboku, Katsuyu Sage looked at the picture in the crystal ball, cheering girlishly.

The white snake Sage also showed joy.

Great Toad Sage and the increasingly illusory figure of Sage of Six-Paths remained silent, and gradually attracted the other two Sages to look at them, and the depressive atmosphere spread again.

"dont tell me..... …Is this not enough?"

Sage of Six-Paths sighed: "Otsutsuki Clan’s physiques are all extremely powerful. As far as I know, for For mother, even if the head is crushed, there is a chance to recover."

Katsuyu Sage complexion slightly changed: "But...the current Otsuki Yishi has not undergone a complete reincarnation, and Ten-Tails gave him The old injury caused should still be there, can it really be recovered?"

"It was probably not possible originally." Great Toad Sage Wen Tun said: "But he absorbed a large amount of Natural Energy that we gave... "

The air was silent for a moment.

For a long time, Sage of Six-Paths helplessly said: "There was a problem with communication. I didn't expect Meichao and Might Guy to be able to burst out such power.

Be prepared. Even if you don’t die, there won’t be much power left. If the experts of Ninja World still can’t win, I can only use the last resort...Huh?"

He said suddenly. , Staring at the crystal ball and happily said: "He still has reservations?!"

The three Great Sage's eyes turned together.



Might Guy didn't see the'his brother' bloodline transforming back to Meichao, so confused and relieved, the blood fire went out and fell to the ground.

His body seemed to have been severely burned, it was scorched black, and there were many flesh and blood cracks, which seemed to be broken into pieces at any time.

The flame in the heart is like a candle in the wind.

It may go out at any time.

Compared to him, Meichao's condition is much better. The powerful Sage Body allows Meichao to violate the Eight-Gates law of death, but it will still lose strength and require a good rest period.

He came to Might Guy in an instant.

Although you can be resurrected in the future if you die, you can survive or not.

Confirming that physique is stronger now, Guy’s feet have not been carbonized and Meichao is pinched into a printed style.

Blood steam is all around the body, you don’t need to bite your fingers when you use Summoning Justu, peng sound white smoke rises, and a fluorescent stone appears in front of Meichao——Land-of-Bears Stars!

This is his last trump card!

Earth Grudge Fear tentacle came out of the body, the chest opened, and the stars were caught in the body. The bloodline turned and fine-tuned, approaching Otsutsuki Toneri by two points.

Added the unknown bloodline that Otsutsuki Toneri is affected by the radiation of the Ten-Tails body because of living in the moon, unnoticeable influence!

This kind of unknown bloodline is extremely close to the power of the stars, and together changes the chakra of Meichao to a purer and stronger direction.

The blood color flame on the body surface converges.

Meichao's appearance has changed again.

At the shoulder blades and neck all directions, each gave birth to an upward white raised skeleton, and two white horns appeared on the forehead, the skin turned white, and the hair turned white, as if joining a big tube of wood!

This was named the wrong evolution of bloodline Transformation Jutsu fourth stage by Meichao.

Through the influence of stars and bloodline, coupled with the transformation of half of the Nine-Tails in the body, Meichao took the initiative to change his chakra to the direction of Ten-Tails Jinchuriki, disguising himself as Ten-Tails Jinchuriki!

Get unstable, but stronger power!

Mechao fighting strength in this state has already exceeded 200 million. Combining skills and various bonuses, it may not be weaker than the one, but the maintenance time is limited. Therefore, when the strength of the one is beyond expectation, it has not been Take it out.

Replaced the killer move with Lei Lin of Gate of Death.

Now I just use it to save lives.

Becoming a pseudo-Ten-Tails Jinchuriki, Meichao’s Gate of Death shadow has slowed down a lot.

With heavy gasp for breath, he concentrated the chakra on his palm and pressed it to the back of Might Guy.

bang bang!

The power influx similar to Ten-Tails.

Guy's heart beat instantly became stronger and his life stabilized. Meichao breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down on the ground, restoring his physical strength.

He didn't take out the star. With his current state, if he took out the star, he would immediately lie down and lose the ability to move.

At least wait for Tsunade Nagato...


At this moment, Meichao's Mangekyo Sharingan suddenly shrank, and caught a palm on the edge of the bottomless abyss struck by two Lei Lin strikes in the distance! A palm sticking out from below, tightly clasped on the edge of the abyss!

"No way?" Meichao murmured: "My head was kicked and my body was basically completely shattered by me. I am still alive?!"

Don't look at their sages. The self-healing ability of the body is amazing, the injuries of piercing injuries, broken arms and legs can be easily healed, even if the heart is broken, it is just a little more physical strength.

But the head is different.

The brain is the center of everything.

If the head is blown, people will lose the ability to think. Even if the body is still active, it is no different from death. Even if it is Hidan, if he chops his head into meat sauce, he will die!

Unless people like Sasori and Bufeng, use Forbidden Jutsu in advance to change the center of thinking.

The one mind center is still the brain.

At least Meichao has tried it. Even in this pseudo-Ten-Tails Jinchuriki state, his head will explode and he will slowly die.

There will never be a second head!

But common sense has failed in eating numerous large barrels of chakra fruits that have gathered the vitality of the planet.

First grab the edge of the abyss with one hand.

The second hand came up again.

Datongmu Yishi climbed up in a very difficult situation, and after climbing on the flat ground, he rolled in disregard of the image.

But the difficult situation belongs to the difficult situation, but he has a good head again. The injuries on his body are still there, but he is also slowly recovering.

Aura is getting stronger and stronger.

gazed in a clear sky, his voice passed out: "Desperate? You were almost completely killed by you, container!"

He has called Meichao Change the container and determine that Meichao, who has used Gate of Death and has not killed him, will no longer have the ability to resist, hehe said with a smile: "I really want to thank your three Great Sages. If it weren't for them, I would definitely die. You guys are more capable than I thought..."


As he was smiling, his sight towards the sky was suddenly blocked by a face-Meichao's face .

Only then did he discover Meichao's change, and he was taken aback: "You..."

bang! !

Meichao lifted his foot and stepped on his chest!

earth cracked and shattered! With blood spurting in his mouth, both eyes are full of incredible.

Why do you still have this power? !

Is it over? !

The broken rock will take him and Meichao down into the abyss together. Meichao grabbed his collar and led him to the distance, breathing heavily and hitting his face heavily with an uppercut. superior!

The face of the newborn is very tender and feels good.

"scoundrel!" In response, the right hand stuck out the black receivers and pierced Meichao's chest.

Meichao grabbed with his left hand and broke directly!

Then he kicked his right foot and kicked him into the air, making him roll over a hundred meters!

After taking a few breaths in the same place, Meichao blinked to Otsuki again, without giving him more time to recover! Yi Shi climbed up without secretly recovering more underground, obviously eager to brand Meichao, eager to body possession!

Based on his previous words, Meichao can judge that there is not much lifespan left!

Datongmu knew the situation and found that Meichao still had power after opening Gate of Death, and his heart collapsed in despair. If he didn't want to fight with Meichao for longer, he had to get in when he opened the space channel.

But before that, Meichao was caught in the hind legs and pulled back!

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