"Come on, go slowly."

"Yes, step by step..."

"Well, chakra outputs smoothly."

Karin's small face stretched taut is walking on a big tree in a 90-degree vertical manner, and the chakra is steadily output on the foot surface, adsorbing the tree trunk.

Cutious and solemn walked to the top of the tree, she hugged a thick branch in both hands, rolled over and rode up, sighed in relief, then showed a smile and looked down towards Meichao below.

It’s easy to succeed once!

I am not as stupid as a tourist!

"Well, yes, it's almost like me."

In the duel field practice mode with Shisui possessed, it took me ten minutes to practice Karin's first Tree Climbing level Meichao. So commented.

Seeing Karin's proud look, he suddenly said with a smile: "You come down!"

Go down? Karin startled, the color of her small face gradually changes, good, good, so tall!

In fact, it is not very high, only seven or eight meters, but going up and down are definitely two concepts.

She was a little panicked, hugged and rode tightly on the branch, the little girl's lovely face reflected Moon's soft light, weak, pitiful, and helpless.

"Meichao big brother..."

Meichao pretended not to hear, pondered, and each minding their own business said: "Well, I should go buy medicine. Aunt's The body is almost recovered. I will buy the last medicine tonight. Buy more. We will leave tomorrow and go to the Land of Fire border. Hidden Grass Village will no longer find us."

When he said that he turned and walked out of the courtyard, Karin's eyes widened: "Meichao big brother! Hey! Meichao big brother! I...I can't go down..." Seeing Meichao leave without looking back , Karin angry little fist clenched tightly, fiercely hammered the branch, his face wrinkled with pain.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she tentatively slid her feet to the tree trunk and chakra attracted.

But he is always determined to let go.

"Let it go!" Suddenly, there was a shout from below, which made Karin tremble with fright.


The split second of Karin's brain was completely blank. After a few seconds, he didn't feel any pain before he realized that he was caught.

"Meichao big brother!" She is not as shy as she is used to being hugged, angry gnashing one's teeth.

Meichao is in deadly earnest: "I will give you a bit of memory. You are not allowed to practice Tree Climbing when I am not around, at least not for a short time."

...it turns out Is that so?

Karin's anger a little less, and feels a bit wrong, are you using me as a tourist to deceive?

"Okay, come down, the past few days you have gained at least two or three catties." Meichao put Karin on the ground: "Use your sense ability."

"Sense?" Karin shifted his attention.

"Well, the sentence I said just before leaving is a bit wrong, you can get the sense."

After catching the last medicine and flying away and fighting this battle, Is it a bit like getting married? No matter how you look at it, they are all standard flag sentences.

Karin feels that Meichao is talking about God, but he still listens to his words to form a sense of unprintedness and closes his eyes.

Soon, she opened her eyes in surprise, her eyes looking towards Meichao were full of admiration: "There are really other ninja chakra reactions!"

Really? ! Meichao was shocked.

Karin stretched out her hand and pointed to the west: "In that direction, there are not many three people and Chakra Reserves, and the most seem to be a little less than me!"

She is not nervous, Ninja World doesn’t fully use Chakra Reserves to discuss strengths and weaknesses, but before Jonin Level, excluding ninjas with special bloodlines, the number of chakras still reflects the strengths and weaknesses of ninjas, and... "It seems, it seems that they are not for us, they all stay It didn’t move there. Hey, someone released Ninjutsu!"

Meichao frowned, feet on the ground, and one sprang up on the branch that Karin was holding, looking at what Karin was pointing at. The orientation.

On the west side of the small town, a ray of fire gradually turned red into the night! Fire-Style? Burned the house?

Langren came to the small town to rob?

A stern cry sounded: "It's on fire! The granary! The granary is on fire! Fight the fire!"

"...The granary?"


To the west of the small town, the three ninjas who set fire did not leave, but guarded outside the burning granary. Two of them held the ninja sword and chopped down several small town residents who came to extinguish the fire in panic. !

Blood is even more red than fire!

The ruthless killing of split second stunned the rest of the residents who came from the river.

Someone shuddered and said: "You, you are the ninja of Hidden Grass Village? Why, why do you want to burn down the food reserves in the small town?!"

The one who didn't take action The famous leader Chunin said in a strong voice: "You need to be obedient to the war and you won’t be hungry! Now, everyone will go home to me and pass on the news. You can only leave food for five days and everything else. I will bring it and burn it, otherwise..."


"Even my own food..."

Someone rushed forward in rage: "Scoundrel! You Hidden Grass Village ninja attacked the village for no reason. If you want to kill us, you will get retribution...Uh!"

Pu Chi, sword seals the throat!

The scene is quiet again, headed by Chunin indifferently said: "Don’t you understand?! War, now Hidden Grass Village is going on a war!"

During the war, ninja everyday All will die countless, and the commoner of this kind of remote small town simply cannot be regarded as a human in the war!

The fiery flames seem to hatch demons.

In the Third Shinobi World War, the scene of the looted materials being expropriated again and again is played back in front of the residents. They can't resist, nor dare to resist!

Any Genin, even if he doesn’t know Ninjutsu, he can easily kill dozens or hundreds of commoner brawny man. In Land-of-Grass, there is no place where they can complain about being killed by ninja. !

The commoners headed by Chunin looked gradually loosened and numb, and some even turned their heads and couldn't bear to look at the burning granary, but they were also secretly relaxed in their hearts. The order he received was to kill commoners as little as possible. If a large-scale conflict really occurred, it would be difficult for him to go back and explain.

This group of scum, really dare not...Huh?

At this moment, he suddenly found a familiar silhouette in front of the commoner team, "Are you...Meichao?"

"You are hiding here?! "

He quickly showed ecstasy: "He! He rebelled against Genin Meichao from the medical department of our Hidden Grass Village the other night! Kill him!"

Sha Hu Liang...Meichao recognized him at a glance, isn't this the medical Chunin he transmigrated that day? "Are you completely submitting to the rebels and betraying the tourist sama?"

"Betrayal?!" Shato Ryo grinned.

How do visitors treat me? ! After being injured by you, he regarded me as a loser, and even Fang Nai refused to let me bite, and let me slowly heal myself!

He also accepted you as a trusted aide subordinate, so how can I deal with myself? ! Do you dare to appear in front of me? scoundrel, go to hell!

The two guards Genin he led also knew Meichao, knew Meichao’s record of killing Chunin Dakong, and not dare careless. Hearing Shao Liang's order, they glance at each other, holding a knife on the left and the other, taking care of each other carefully.

Sato Ryo also knew that the two of them might not be Meichao opponents, so he was ready to take action, but fell into confusion at the next moment.

What is Meichao doing, hand seal?

Why can't I see the movements of his hands?

As fast as phantom.

Fake it......

'Water-Style: Water Shockwave! '

The monstrous water column gushing, easily blasted the two Genin who couldn’t react. Meichao raised his head slightly and let the water attribute chakra undergo Shape Transformation, turning the water column into a fan-shaped state and spraying it into the sky. Just like waterfall, crash-bang crashed onto the burning granary.

The naked eye of the flame goes out visibly.

Obviously, it’s just the Ninjutsu of C-Rank, but under the use of Level 5 chakra manipulation skills, it shows the unimaginable power of ordinary ninja!

Sao Ryo looked at Meichao who was under artificial rainfall, and then looked up at the top of the head flying over the waves, and his face was covered by the occasional falling water.

The expression gradually became silly.

Or the small town commoner was the first to react from the sudden change. Is the food saved?

The eyes gathered on Meichao, knowing that Meichao is also Hidden Grass Village ninja, and obviously a stronger ninja, they didn't dare to move until Meichao stopped spraying water and said, "Go save the food."

Save food? Isn't it a dream? !

"Thanks, thank you Ninja-sama!"

Soon, someone was in tears and grateful.

Some people even knelt down.

Meichao waved his hand and shot two kunai casually, making up one shot for the two Genins who were stunned by the water column, and approached Shatoliang.

"What is your mission?"

Sao Ryo is stiff.

Why is this happening?

How can he master Ninjutsu of this scale and formidable power! Obviously not like this more than twenty days ago! At that time, Meichao still used sand to sneak attack me!

No, you can’t win! I can't react to that kind of hand seal speed! I'm just medical Chunin!

Sado Ryo suddenly raised his hand and wiped his big wet face, his expression changed, and he squeezed out a little to please: "Thank you, Meichao!

The two guys It was the scoundrel sent by Qiu Ye to monitor me. I always wanted to return to the visitor sama, but you know, I’m just a medical Chunin, I can’t do it!"

"Your mission What is it?" Meichao repeated blankly.

Sha Huliang quickly replied: "Yes...It's the lunatic Qiu Ye. He told us to burn all the granaries in Luye City and nearby small towns!"

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