Is this expression really comforting?

Iruka is skeptical.

It's just getting angry. Iruka doesn't intend to educate Naruto in this environment. He breathes deeply and wants to return to reason, but he coughs dryly because of the smell of paint.

Who can calm down? !

Iruka's eyes flicked, Chunin's ninja quality was reflected, a bullet body jumped up from the ground, and the right hand reached out and grabbed Naruto's collar!

Naruto was still there seriously comforting Iruka, and he panicked when he saw it, Iruka-sensei, you sneak attack me? ! It's over. Is this action going to take me to the penalty stop? !

I don't want to be punished for standing anymore! His small left arm lifted subconsciously, bang.

Block Iruka's hand.

The two were stunned at the same time.

The same speed, strength...and Taijutsu ability? Really or not, the person in front of me is Naruto, yes, not Genjutsu, so how could he have the same Taijutsu abilities as mine?

Iruka don't believe it with the other hand.

Bang is blocked by Naruto again.

Naruto blinked, hey, I'm so good?

Block, block, block, block again!

Iruka can't believe what happened before him. A seven-year-old child has played Taijutsu with his Chunin contest in a decent way?

In fact, Naruto still has disadvantages. The balanced duel field can average the players with low Taijutsu ability to the players with strong Taijutsu ability. Therefore, during the duel field, Naruto will also have the same level 1 as Iruka. Taijutsu, but after all Taijutsu still depends on his own performance, Naruto's head can't keep up, and instinct alone is not enough.

However, Iruka impossible treats Naruto as an enemy, and the fist style with a bit of strength can't hold Naruto for a while!

After half a minute, the two of them freeze their movements!

Can't move.

'The outcome is divided! 'Iruka appeared in front of two big gloomy characters:'Failure! '

This is... the time is up?

Yes, there is only one minute time.

Did I lose? What happens if I lose?

Naruto, this naughty kid!

'Would you invite opponent players to fight another round? 'Iruka suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, he was stunned, the ghosts would fight again!

He quickly refused in his heart. He found himself sitting back in the room where he had just started, as if nothing had happened, and the paint all over his body disappeared, making him dry and comfortable.

"hehehe, so funny! I won Iruka-sensei?" Naruto's hehe laughed and told Iruka that it was real.

Is this a game in Illusory Domain?

He looked towards Meichao and asked: "Your Excellency, what is the point of this kind of prank game? What do you want to do?"

"Is it really meaningless? ??" Meichao asked back: "The two spells you used did make up the number, but what about the other two?

Your Exploding Flame Formation, Uzumaki Naruto's Clone Jutsu, can both be in the balance duel. I get practice in the game, as well as Taijutsu and battle experience, which can be accumulated quickly and without danger!"

Iruka was stunned and thought deeply.

Meichao points to Naruto again: "Look, you can still have fun, don't you? Are you going to have another new game?"

Naruto's eyes lit up: "Now, Iruka-sensei, let's do it again!"

Iruka suddenly furious: "Naruto! You can figure out the situation for me! This is not a game!"

Meichao haha ​​laughs After two calls, he said to Iruka: "Since you don't want to come again, then I will send you away first. Oh, yes, at 12 o'clock tomorrow, the duel arena will hold a gathering of all players, when the time comes You will know more and more magical features in this duel.

If you don’t want to expose your identity in front of other players, then... just come up with your own code name before the rally, your players The number is not set in stone."

Send me away first? Iruka was shocked, and as soon as he said a sentence, the figure faded away in the duel arena and was expelled from the duel.

Naruto's cried out in surprise: "Iruka-sensei...disappeared?"

Meichao said: "He was defeated by you, and he doesn't want to fight with you anymore, you want Do you want to try another game with other players?"

This broke Naruto awesome and defeated Iruka-sensei! others? He excitedly said: "Sasuke! Call Sasuke the scoundrel!"

"haha, Uchiha Sasuke is not a duel player yet." Meichao said with a smile, and tapped his finger on the table, number 012 A silhouette suddenly appeared on the seat, and asked:

"What's the matter? Touching sama?"

Meichao pointed to Naruto: "To accompany the newly added companion to the duel for a game. Balance the game."

"Ah, understand."

The picture distorted and Naruto found himself back at the venue just now, and the person standing opposite was no longer Iruka- sensei, but a strange guy with a fuzzy face.

He also couldn't speak anymore, opened his mouth without making a sound, and went through the four expressions on the top of the head, jumping to adapt.

When he shook his fist, even he could find that his movements were much smoother and sharper than when he was fighting Iruka-sensei just now. For a while, he didn’t understand what it meant, so he heard the upload from the audience. The voice came:'The battle begins! '

Has it started? Hehe, this time it’s not Iruka-sensei, it’s okay to hit him casually!

Naruto grabbed his hair and looked towards the opponent. With his small arms rounded, he found that the opponent hadn't moved, but there was a head-touching expression on the top of his head.

Huh? Before the fight started, why did he start to comfort me?

Hateful, do you think I will lose? !

Naruto rushed forward angrily, and when he was three meters away from the opponent, he put his hands on his chest.

Eat my bucket of paint!

However, unlike Iruka who was recruited, this time his opponent dodged easily with a dexterous dodge, and instantly approached him.

Naruto instinctively raised his leg and hand to parry, but he still tripped over a flower-arranged foot!

Peng sound, the little butt fell to the ground, Naruto fell a little confused and raised his head ignorantly.

Touch your head! Cry! Touch your head! Cry!

The two expressions are quickly switched in his new opponent top of the head, hateful! Naruto bit her teeth, jumped up and rushed over!


bang! bang! bang!

No matter what he did, he would be thrown down by a flower foot in two seconds, and opponent didn’t even stop the switching of those two expressions, always looking calm and light...somewhat like Sasuke!

hateful! hateful!

Naruto didn't know why, but the comforting expression looked a little bit angry, and he felt exactly the same as the previous Iruka.

The screen freezes and the time ends. "Failure" appeared before Naruto's eyes, and then: "Do you want to invite opponent players to fight another round? '

One more game? Fight another round!

'Opponent player's Taijutsu rank is higher than yours, you need to pay a level 1 reward to apply for a rematch, do you pay? 'Naruto didn't understand this time.

What is the level 1 reward?

Forget it, let’s fight another round! This time I must beat this hateful guy!

A ray of red rays of light flashed from Naruto's body. In Naruto's body, there is one and only one skill, Nine-Tails half-length, level 9!

So the reward he can pay is naturally only level 1 Nine-Tails chakra (true)!

Compared with Nine-Tails at level 9, chakra level 1 is only one tens of thousands, just a piece of hair, which can fully regenerate and recover on its own.

It has no effect on Naruto, but for Meichao it is a good thing that can be used as a trump card!

Meichao happily took over and fought again.

Set a small goal, first pull out the three hairs of Nine-Tails...and then touch Naruto for three battles!

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