Meichao really killed Wuchen!

The tourist lost his square inch for a while.

He can't say what his mood is. He is irritated by Meichao's self-assertion, and he also appreciates Meichao's bold actions. How loyal is his unimaginable Meichao to himself, so that Meichao can dare to sneak attack. dust.

The dustlessness of a severe injury is also dust-free, which is the most expert of the previous generation of Hidden Grass Village!

This makes Innate have a 50% tendency to save Meichao, but if this happens then ... I am afraid that he will have to fight a life-and-death battle with Cao Hua Liu.

The remaining ninjas of the guards and Anbu are not enough to convince me, the probability of winning...not very high.

He is not a formidable person, and there is no way to make a firm resolution instantaneously. Instead, Qianxin can see some clues after observing the reaction of visitors.

"Tourist, where is Jonin Qifang? Don't you tell me that the youngster in front of me is Qifang?!"

His killing-intent locks Meichao: "You are Meichao, right? Where were you in the night three days ago?"

Meichao was silent for a while, seeing that the tourists did not answer, a ray of sadness flashed across his expression, and turned around and said: " Luye City."


Qianxin asked again: "I heard from your subordinates that you went to battlefield station ten days ago, but you left, why are you hiding in Luye City?"

"Because... …I and Jiuwen Jonin desperately brought out the mother and daughter of Fang Nai in Hidden Grass Village."

This is something that has no room for lying. The murderous intention on Qianxin’s face is getting stronger and stronger, "Fang Nai mother and daughter? Why don’t you take them to the station?"

The tourists' hearts were tense for an instant, and they interrupted and said: "Thousands of letters, Meichao is my subordinate, what should I do is not your turn to ask? Right?"

"oh?" Thousand letters were coldly snorted, and part of the murderous intention was transferred to the visitors. The wounded Jonin who came outside the door were also separated by the grass flow Jonin.

"Answer me, Genin Meichao!"

The tourist was silent, and the heavier and heavier pressure was on Meichao's body. He was also silent for a few seconds before suddenly saying: "Sorry, tourist sama!"

The visitor's eyebrows condensed, thinking that Meichao couldn't help but want to say everything, didn't expect Meichao's next sentence: "I deceived you!"

"At the beginning, you sent me to be the tutor of Hannah's daughter and asked me to train Karin into a qualified Hidden Grass Village ninja, but after a long time of contact, I felt compassion for Karin who was so sensible and distressed. , I am also dissatisfied with the status of Fang Nai being used as a medical tool!

After taking them out, I originally wanted to take them away from Hidden Grass Village and never come back, including Jiuwen Jonin, risking to lead away The chasing soldiers were all designed by me. It’s just that Fang Nai fell ill temporarily and broke down, so I had no choice but to call you for treatment, and used your mentality that you don’t want the tools to be damaged, so that they don’t have to go to battlefield and be bitten."

Meichao said sincerely, "All the appearances of Karin's mother and daughter being probated are all performed by us! In fact, three days ago we were ready to take a long flight again in the evening, but there was another accident in Luyecheng that night. "

The visitors were stunned, and their expressions became slightly more complicated. How similar the scene is to Meichao's rhetoric when he flicked Hannah. Meichao...Is it because you want to take care of everything?

"Oh? Hannah was seriously ill?" Qianxin only believed in this, said solemnly: "What was the accident that happened three days ago?"

Meichao was silent for two more times. Second, with a strong killing-intent, said with clenched teeth: "Mr. Qiu Ye and their battle with Cao Hua Liu Wuchen sama alarmed me to investigate, but my hiding ability was insufficient and was discovered by Wuchen Captain.

He guessed that I was with Hanna’s mother and daughter, and asked me to take him over with a broken leg, but this kind of injury, coupled with his strength...he would kill Hanna, who was seriously ill and unhealed. Aunt’s!"

"So your scoundrel killed Wuchen Sama by a sneak attack?!" This sentence was roared by a grass flower stream Jonin outside the door.

Qianxin waved his hand, and Murderous intention said, "It's ridiculous! Wuchen sama didn't die under Qiuye and Yokotaji's skills, but was killed by a little Genin like you on his own initiative. Now?!"

He specifically emphasized self-assertion, even if he knew in his heart that Meichao was talking-nonsense.

Leave aside the relationship with tourists!

He also deliberately didn't move visitors, and on the surface he seemed to completely believe in Meichao's rhetoric. Now that there are conflicts with tourists, Caohualiu is a little unbearable, at least there must be sufficient preparation!

Meichao was silent for another two seconds. He looked at the visitors and looked at Qianxin, but his expression relaxed:

"Yes, I was impulsive, and I regretted the move. That’s why I sent Hanna’s mother and daughter away overnight, and then I remembered that the corpse that hadn’t dealt with the dust-free sama was in a panic.

It was too late to return to Yecheng. I knew that after this incident was discovered, Caohua The streamed Ninja-samas will certainly pursue us at the ends of the earth at all costs. I took them with their mother and daughter and couldn’t escape at all, so I didn’t stop doing it. Today I sneaked back to Hidden Grass Village and wanted to boldly provoke visitors. Sama fights with you in a rush, and then..."

Meichao bowed heavily in front of the visitors, quietly making a gesture of'ready to act again, don't care about me', but loudly said after lowering his head:

"But when I saw the tourist sama today, I thought of the visitor sama's high regard for me, and I was really upset. Their mother and daughter are gone, no one knows where they are going. Hidden Grass Village does not have much power now. To hunt them down, I only hope that my death will allow them to escape successfully..."

This Genin...Although there are some logical reasons for it, but at least on the surface, it is indeed all The guilt has been carried on myself.

He is stepping up the conflict between himself and the tourists, and he will spare his life!

If he didn’t kill Wuchen sama, Qianxin would marvel and appreciate it. You have a subordinate with outstanding potential, but now...

He just looked towards you , Said: "He personally confessed his guilt, I want to take this Genin away, you have no objection, tourist."

Delay a little time with Meichao's life? The tourists had a thin and cool temperament, and the dead Shatoliang had a deep understanding of this, but this was the first time that the tourists felt cruel.

Meichao is too loyal to me!

He was taken away, only to be tortured to death, but I can get a piece of precious preparation time, maybe it is worth...?

At this time, Meichao took the initiative to lower his head and walked to Qianxin’s side, "Tourist sama, I’m sorry..."

Speaking like this, his eyes flashed fiercely when he lifted the head. "Go to hell!!"

Holding kunai suddenly pierced, Qianxin didn't expect completely, was shocked, even sneak attack me? ! Then he smiled grimly, trifling a Genin? He figured sideways, easily dodged, exploded towards Meichao's chest with a punch! bang!

Meichao was hit by a mountain, but with a relaxed smile on his face while vomiting blood, he directly smashed the window of the ward and flew out, rumbled down from the third floor!

Intentionally? Innocent!

Qianxin snorted, killing Wuchen sama and wanting to die easily is also a delusion! He took a bit of this fist, and people always have the survival instinct. He can feel that Meichao still instinctively dodged at the last moment, can't kill!

Waving his hand to signal the ministry to go down to find someone, his heart was stretched in the next moment, and his right arm was raised to parry!

bang! The visitor’s great power pierced him directly into the wall with a heavy kick!

"Qianxin sama!" Two Jonins stood in front of Qianxin instantly.

Qianxin sat on the ground, raised his arm to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the slight shock injury was wiped out by the powerful physique of ninja in a flash.

He grinned and roared: "Tourist, it seems that you are in a hurry to go to hell?!"


Shisui has been there Secretly gazed everything.

At this time, the expression under his mask is wonderful. Look at the complete Ignite conflict on the third floor of the hospital, and then look at Meichao who fell out of the hospital and was'comatose' lying on the ground...


He didn't expect that one person can tell the'complete truth' as ​​a lie! Then he easily escaped from the center of the conflict!

Originally, even if the conflict erupts, there are limits. Tourists may lose their pawns and protect their commanders. However, after Meichao's'fiddle', it is definitely an irreconcilable situation! Meichao's ability made him feel a little bit chill... really ruthless!

Then the problem is coming.

I am here... Does Meichao use similar methods to me?

Always feel that Konoha is safe.

The ninja outside is too bad...

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