At 2:30 in the morning, three drunken ninjas swayed across the streets of Hidden Grass Village.

"Where is this, where?"

"Where is the value and the time benefit?"

"I'm... I'm... Hirayama Captain Are you? Where are you?"

Meichao: "hahaha, you are holding hands! You are... drunk!"

"Who am I... holding? "

"Who...holds me?"

Meichao: "Ai, quickly mobilize the chakra wake-up bar, I'm going to rest in the hotel, look at me...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh What about me, my chakra?"

Hirayama laughed: "You, you can't even feel chakra, hahaha, and said... that we are drunk, look at me... vomit!"

"Ouch, this is really vomiting a lot of chakra, which is amazing." Meichao staggered to hide, "I'm here, can I go upstairs by myself?"

"Yes! Of course you can!" Hirayama felt more comfortable after vomiting, patted his chest, and dragged him into the hotel. "What floor!"

"Second floor, any room. Then, then I'll do it. Let’s go now! I’m going home!"

Hirayama and Du Shili held hands together and shook, like saying goodbye. You push me and I push you, falling one after another. Climb up the ground.

It's a ninja, normal people are already unconscious now, maybe they have to drink to death. Meichao, who stayed outside the hotel, sighed, took a deep breath, and the songs he saw in the duel reverberated in his mind, suppressing a little dizziness.

On the second floor of the hotel, in the three rooms, the silhouette of the three sleeping in the clothes has been opened very brightly. Hearing the voice outside clearly, one of them sang the phrase "Bakeyaro~" in a low voice. Mo Ye Lu', turned over and continued to sleep.

Samui looked a little annoyed, sat up, opened the door before it was slammed, and said to the two drunks who were holding hands outside: "You are in the wrong place. "

The two drunks were stunned.

Hey, this white and so big!

Hirayama reached out and knocked on the door.

Samui's forehead veins jumped.

From below came Meichao’s shocked cry: "Wrong, wrong! Big brother Hirayama, I took you to the wrong hotel, come down quickly!"


With an explosion, Hirayama crashed into the top of the stairs and rolled down.

"This, this...Aiya!"

Meichao looked worried.

Hurry into the duel arena.

Yes, worry lottery.


Don't get me wrong, Meichao did it on purpose.

In these days, the number of recruiting players in the duel arena has accumulated five more times. Looking at so many ninjas worthy of recruitment, Meichao is greedy, and naturally there is no chance to create opportunities. More importantly, he has to do an extremely important... test!

The duel arena can only recruit ninjas who are fighting at the current time, but it is now half past two in the morning. The total number of ninjas in Ninja World is only a few hundred thousand. Those who are More? There aren't even a few battles besides the battle in front of you, right?

And no, can you recruit?

Players who don’t get stuck with game bugs are not good players. The probability is there. But if there is no C-Rank battle at the current time, can you still draw me a blank C-Rank screen?

'Recruitment! 'Meichao said silently in his heart.

The screen lights up and letters appear.


The screen transition, instead of having four pictures like in the past, there is only one picture this time! It is exactly what the second floor of the hotel in front of me looks like, it is the picture of Samui slamming his fist towards the time!

"Really okay?!"

Meichao's heart was shaken, but he didn't confirm it immediately. After all, there are too few samples. It may be that this recruitment happened to have a 15% probability. B.

As for why not try Killer B?

Hidden Sand Village, these two things go to harass Killer B. Meichao is sure that it will lower the battle rank to B-Rank. When the time comes Meichao will have to do the looked A-Rank ninja Killer B. resignedly.

"I need to do another test. Is there any way I can get Kakashi or Wenya... to come and fight Killer B at two or three in the morning?"

Meichao was a little embarrassed, This is not easy to do, and if it is not done, a major event will occur, and it will become a death.

Forget it, don't think about it first, you can earn money by pulling Hidden Cloud Samui!

"Recruit Samui!"

On seat 008, Samui's silhouette quickly emerged. The sign turned from red to green, and a letter'B' appeared above it.

In case of exposure, it is not a good time to communicate with her. Meichao waved away her silhouette just like Yugao before.

He also left the duel arena.

Meichao, who returned to reality, quickly went to help Pingshan who had fainted after the fall, and within two seconds, he was also planted at the time. Samui stepped downstairs, staring at Meichao with a cold face: "Caoyin ninja, I hope there will be no such misunderstanding again."

Is it seen intentionally? Meichao didn't pretend to be stupid: "Understood, I'm sorry."

He carried one in one hand and hurried out of the hotel, where he was still half drunk.

Samui gazed he went away, turned his head and said to Darui who also came out: "It's okay, just two idiots who are being played around."

"The grassy ninja?"

"Intentionally, I probably wanted to borrow our hand to teach the two harbored evil intents Hidden Sand ninja a little lesson. I warned him."

Darui screamed, Hit a yawn.

"Go back to sleep."


The little hustle and bustle calmed down, and the Hidden Grass Village in the night was quiet again.

& Hidden Rain Village, which is more than a hundred kilometers away, is still shrouded in rain and no sunlight.

Above the central tower.

The leader of Akatsuki, Pain, looked at the gazed light that was shrouded in haze and could not penetrate.

Countless sheets of white paper gathered behind him, condensed into the silhouette of Konan, and walked to his side.

"Are you back?"

"Un." Konan gently nodded: "Some unexpected conditions have occurred in Hidden Grass Village, which has been delayed for a few more days."

"I know that the ban set by Ningendo has been cracked in half. We sent the ninja to Hidden Grass Village to investigate the information and called out your code name before he died. How did you handle it?"

"I didn't take action."

Konan said: "Nagato, I seem to...find a cure for your legs."

Deva Path voice No change, I was not surprised: "Hidden Grass Village, Hanna?"

"En?" Konan was stunned for a moment: "Do you know her? When..."

Deva Path: "Very early, a few years ago. Her ability can't cure my legs. Her Chakra Reserves are so different from mine."

"You knew it a long time ago?" Konan whispered, hesitantly said: "Hanna can't do it, what about her daughter? Her daughter's ninja talent seems to be several times higher than Hanna's."

"Too small." Deva Path replied: "With that kind of Kekkei Genkai, her mother will be bitten to death sooner or later, feeling the pain, understanding the pain, if one day, she can grow to the extent of healing my legs, I will look for her."

That's what you think?

Why don't you take her over and train her?

When this thought changed in his heart, Konan suddenly understood that Pain was cold, ruthless, and self-proclaimed Spiritual God, but Nagato, in fact, has never changed! The pain of Yahiko's death caused him to close his heart. Seeing the suffering of Hanna's mother and daughter, he would not intervene to help.

The indelible kind-hearted in my heart will not take the initiative to make them more bitter.

In the was me...

Konan shaking one's head, and said: "That little girl probably won't feel the pain. Nagato, Hidden Grass Village There were other reasons for the self-destruction of the civil strife. A Hidden Grass Village Genin called Meichao was involved in almost all the incidents. The ninja who led Hidden Grass Village to fall and cracked Ningendo's ban may also have a lot to do with him."

Pain turned his head: "Meichao?"

Konan said: "He is the tutor of that little girl, and the light of that little girl."

"Light?" Deva Path whispered.

He looked at Konan, and his memory was pulled back twenty years ago. His parents lost their lives, and he wandered around, and he also met his light.

Yahiko and Konan!


"In this twisted Ninja World, the light will eventually be shrouded in darkness, and then she will feel more intense pain!" Pain said solemnly: "But... I'm a little bit interested in him, Konan, tell me about it."

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