Chapter 174: Uchiha Akira’s Gundam finally opened (Part 1~~)

Indeed, Nagato attacked in person as Payne, as well as several elites of Akatsuki’s organization! In addition, the land of the land is also ready to do things!

After all, this Jōnin assessment will restrain a lot of Konoha Village’s minds. If they really do something, it is indeed a big threat!

But again, high risk comes with high reward!

Before asking them to come to the Five Shadows meeting, they all refused. No matter what the reason, in the final analysis, there is only one point, that is, they all feel that Konoha is not strong enough!

It’s like you’re chasing after the girl, no matter what the reason is that the girl rejects you.

In the final analysis, there is only one reason, that is, she thinks that you are not worthy of her, and the truth is the same!

Now that you know in advance what they are going to attack, if you plan to deal with it in advance, you may not be able to defeat them!

And taking this opportunity, it’s time for Konoha to show off his strength to the ninja world, right?

Even, taking this opportunity, if the ninja world can see the horror of the Duxiao organization.

This will also be of great help to the Ninja world to fight against the Akatsuki organization in the future, right?

This is the mind of Uchiha Akira!

Uchiha Akira told Fugaku about his idea!

Hearing this, Fugaku nodded in agreement, and also thought Uchiha Akira’s idea was good!

The original purpose of holding the Jōnin assessment was to show the strength of Konoha Village.

Taking this opportunity, wouldn’t it be more appropriate to show the power of Konoha Village!?

In the past, when Uchiha first came to power, facing the impatience of other Shinobi villages, he could only find a way to deal with it in advance and nip the danger in the bud.

That’s because it is indeed the weakest time for Konoha Village, and only Hokage and Yu 253 Chiha Akira are the only ones who can bring out the strength of Kage-level!

However, seven years have passed, and the Konoha Village is not the Konoha Village of the past!

In addition to Fugaku and Uchiha Akira, there are Orochimaru, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Uzumaki Naruto of Nine Tails Jinchūriki, and Hatake Kakashi who also opened Mangekyō form!

Kage-level combat power has increased by five!

Therefore, when facing the crisis again, Uchiha Akira and Fugaku are no longer thinking about how to survive the crisis.

But thinking about how to take advantage of this crisis to achieve their own goals!

Uchiha Akira and Fugaku had a good discussion about how to deal with the attack of Akatsuki and Rock Shinobi Village, and they soon started to arrange it!

Naturally, as the ninjas from other ninja villages came one by one, Konoha Village became more and more lively, and ninjas wearing forehead protectors from other ninja villages could be seen on the streets!

And the day of the Jōnin assessment is naturally getting closer!

Different from the Chūnin assessment, this Jōnin assessment is stronger!

Of course, Uchiha Akira not only spends his time on arranging corresponding strategies, but at the same time, Uchiha Akira also focuses on improving his own strength!

For ordinary people, it is impossible to improve their strength in a short period of time.

But for Uchiha Akira, he still has some money on hand, which he can use to simulate his life and improve his strength in a short period of time. He should still be able to do it!

For example, this time, the 10 million taels sent by Kakuzu were simulated for the last time. This time, Uchiha Akira’s focus was on the practice of ninjutsu!

[Three days later, the Jōnin assessment begins!)

【Ten days later, at the most critical moment of the (bbff) Jōnin assessment, Konoha Village was attacked!)

[Half a year later, several tailed beasts in the ninja world have fallen into the hands of the Xiao organization, and people in the ninja world are panicking, especially the Ninja village with tailed beasts in their hands!”

[One year later, the shadows of the four major Ninja villages have taken the initiative to contact Konoha Village, and they want to hold a meeting of the five shadows to discuss how to deal with the Xiao organization!

[Ninjutsu such as Chidori Spear, Chidori-ryu, and Kirin were developed by Uchiha Sasuke. You used Sharingan to observe it for a long time and successfully copied it!][The Fourth Ninja World War begins, you open Sage Mode to resist Uchiha Madara, use Wooden Golem Jutsu, and successfully arouse Uchiha Madara’s interest!

【A pair of Rinnegans are in your body, your Three Tomoe Sharingan can’t see the existence of the Tomb of Wheels, you are killed!】

In this life simulation, he died at the hands of Uchiha Madara, who owned a pair of Rinnegans. This situation made Uchiha Akira’s brows furrowed!

The Wheel Grave Boundary is indeed a very difficult ability. This is the pupil technique possessed by Rinnegan of Uchiha Madara, which can create four completely invisible beings, just like clones!

In the original book, it seems that only the two pillars after the hanging can be seen, and Uzumaki Naruto who has obtained the power of the Six Paths Yang and entered the Six Paths mode can perceive it!

There is only Sangouyu’s self, who can’t even see the edge of the tomb of the wheel, fighting with Uchiha Madara, it is indeed a situation that is inherently weak!

Of course, the ending is tragic, but which life simulation doesn’t end with one’s own death?

Compared with his own ending, Uchiha Akira is more concerned about his own harvest!

The harvest this time is also not small!

These abilities, such as the Chidori Spear, were copied from Erzhuzi!?

And more importantly, in general, he has reached the level where he can cast Wooden Golem Jutsu!

Three choices, no accident, Uchiha Akira naturally chose the acquisition of ninjutsu!

The feeling of enlightenment comes from my heart! Although Millennium is only a weakened version of Raikiri, in essence, these two ninjutsu are actually the same!

Just like the gap between ordinary Shadow Clone Technique and multiple Shadow Clone Technique!

With these abilities of the Millennium Sharp Spear, there is nothing unsuitable for Uchiha Akira to apply it to Raikiri’s ninjutsu!

After a little show, Uchiha Akira is very satisfied with these abilities!

Of course, the biggest reward is actually Wood Style Wooden Golem Jutsu.

Unfortunately, the movement of this ninjutsu is too great, it is not suitable to try it out now!

However, after he learned this ninjutsu, Uchiha Akira was still very happy in his heart, and the Gundam that he was thinking about was finally able to open, right?

Well, man, who doesn’t like to drive Gundam, after all, this is a man’s romance!

Okay, this wave of harvest is still very big, Uchiha Akira has a smile on his face.

Thinking of the Lightning Style ninjutsu, these are all from Erzhuzi’s body. At this time, Erzhuzi is still practicing overtime.

Should I take this opportunity to meet him and teach him these abilities?

Also, lest he always feel that he is biased, he was so good to Uzumaki Naruto back then!

It’s just that during the life simulation, the ninjutsu developed by Erzhuzi was learned by himself!

Now, are you going to teach Erzhu yourself again?

Are you playing dolls yourself?

Just like in a martial arts movie, the left foot steps on the right foot, the right foot steps on the left foot, and the spiral ascends to the sky?

Shaking his head, he used all the messy thoughts in his head to the back of his head, and immediately, Uchiha Akira walked to the place where Erzhuzi practiced!

When I came to a training ground, I could see a few people practicing here, besides Erzhuzi, Hinata and Rock Lee were also there!

It seems that it is not just a simple practice alone, because it is a team of three, so they all stay together during this special training.

Compete with each other, improve each other, or even increase mutual understanding?

Erzhuzi’s physical skills are not weak, but mainly in the aspect of ninjutsu, which is also the attribute of the thunder and fire dual-type Chakra.

The use of Fire Style and Lightning Style of Erzhuzi is very subtle, and Sharingan of Sangouyu also provides him with excellent dynamic vision!

And what about Hinata next to her? She naturally uses the Gentle Fist from the Konoha family. It moves beautifully and moves her hands, giving people a feeling of flowing water.

It doesn’t seem to be moving fast, but it gives people a feeling of pervasiveness!

Gentle Fist’s acupuncture kung fu, Uchiha Akira still knows it, it’s a very powerful technique!

On the other hand, Rock Lee next to him is using Gokun’s ninjutsu!

If you really want to say it, the combination of this ability is not bad!

Rock Lee can be used as a meat shield MT role!

Hinata can be used as a warrior to control the system, a means of acupuncture, almost as long as the fingers are poked on the opponent’s body a few times, it can almost make people unable to move.

And Erzhuzi plays its own mage-type output role. The strength of this combination is still very strong, and the cooperation between them is also quite good!

Uchiha Akira did not come out in a hurry, but stood by and watched.

In this way, when their cultivation comes to an end, they go out!

“Ming-kun…” Seeing Uchiha Akira who came out, Hinata smiled and greeted happily!

“Drink water!” Seeing Hinata’s sweaty appearance, Uchiha Akira stretched out her hand, stroked the bangs on her forehead, and then handed over the water that she had prepared for a long time!

“Thank you! Reaching for the water bottle, Hinata took a sip.

Well, the water is usually cold and boiled, but when you drink it, there is a hint of sweetness in your mouth!

“Are you Uchiha Akira? I’ve heard your name a long time ago, and I finally got a chance to meet you today, thank you!

Rock Lee next to him also stepped forward and thanked Uchiha Akira.

“For no reason, thank me for what?” Uchiha Akira asked Rock Lee in amazement!

Yeah, unprovoked, what’s the situation with his own thanks?

“Mr. Guy said that you suggested that he go to the ninja school to find me, so I can become Mr. Guy’s disciple!” Rock Lee explained!

Although for Uchiha Akira, it’s just a matter of words.

However, for Rock Lee, it was because of these words that he changed his destiny, so of course he has to express his gratitude!

“So it’s because of this, then I’ll accept your thanks!” Hearing this, Uchiha Akira nodded suddenly and said!

Finally, Uchiha Akira’s eyes fell on the two pillars!

“Second Pillar? Do you have time? There are still two days before the official exam. I will give you some pointers? 99 Uchiha Akira said with a smile,

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