Take three generations of people to block the door of the house, this time the yellow mud fell into the crotch, not is also.

“Danzo, return Kakashi’s chakra eye to him!”

and the old guy silently glanced at each other, the three generations sighed helplessly and said, they already knew that they would not make such a big fight, but now everyone knows it, but what they lose is their face.

“Ape Fei, I don’t know what you’re talking about, you brought so many people to me at night, what do you mean?”

Tuan Zang said with a gloomy face, he knew that he might not be able to avoid this pot, but he was unwilling! Kakashi’s chakra eye, I just thought about it, I really didn’t get it!

“Master Tuanzang, it’s useless to pretend to be a fool, the third generation has a corpse in his hands, although there is nothing to prove his identity, but he was put under the seal of the tongue, Lord Tuanzang won’t want to say that he doesn’t know, right?”

The Hades Feng who followed over spoke, making the three generations and Tuan Zang, who were not in a good mood, immediately turn black.

Depend on! Three generations of this critic, why did he still bring the little ghosts of the Uchiha clan over, isn’t this pure to see me as a joke?

Depend on! Can you kid be quiet and think he doesn’t exist? The old man is uncomfortable hearing your voice now.

“I don’t deny that I sent someone to attack Kakashi, but I was just trying to test his strength, but I didn’t take his chakra eye! I don’t have a chakra in my hand anymore…”

Danzo quibbled, admitting that he had made a move on Kakashi, but he didn’t think about taking the other party’s chakra eye.

“It’s best to get your head out before you speak, have you written a chakra, I still don’t know?” I don’t know if you still have it in your hand, but in your right eye now, it is the Sharingan! ”

“Kakashi’s Sharingan, Uchiha and the village signed an agreement, we won’t worry about it, but Danzo, if you hold it in your hand, believe it or not, I will tear down this broken place of yours and recycle the Sharingan!”

The tone of his voice became a little heavier, and he opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye against discomfort, followed by the water stop on the side.

For a moment, Chakra and Pupil power surged, not to mention the group hiding who faced the pressure, the three generations couldn’t help but jump their eyelids, especially Yu Zhibo is crazy! Do you want to do it if you don’t agree with a word?

Nima! The old man didn’t touch your Uchiha people this time! Why are you so excited? I think you just want to beat up the old man!

Danzo’s heart began to scold his mother, and he didn’t know how to open his mouth if he wanted to explain, things had developed to this point, he Danzo took Kakashi’s Sharingan, which is already a fact of everyone’s cognition, and it is the kind of stolen and obtained by people…

“Danzo, the old man doesn’t want to say it a third time, return the Sharingan to Kakashi! Otherwise, the old man, as a Hokage, could not forcibly suppress Uchiha to reclaim the Blood Succession Limit. ”

The three generations looked at Tuan Zang leisurely, the coldness in their eyes, and Tuan Zang’s heart jumped when he saw it.

Depend on! Ape Fly, what’s wrong with this? He actually made a killing intention on himself, and he had also done it to Kakashi before, and he had never seen him make such a big fire!

Danzo’s heart was messy, he was able to gain so much power in Konoha, but not only because he was Hokage’s companion and comrade-in-arms, but more because he could observe words.

The three generations can tolerate him playing politics, and they can also allow him to meddle in some of Hokage’s powers, but they can’t touch it, that is, it is harmful to Konoha’s interests.

This is the bottom line of the three generations, and in the past, Tuanzang was a tentative movement near the bottom line, and the three generations naturally would not say anything.

But this time Kakashi, one second he entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, putting the burden of taking care of Naruto and suppressing the Nine Tails on him, and the next second he was attacked by Danzo.

This is not only ignoring his Hokage’s authority, but also has a great impact on Konoha, after all, Naruto is a nine-tailed pillar force, and once out of control, it can bring a devastating blow to Konoha.

“Naruto-sama, I won’t watch the family’s blood succession limit run away, if you don’t do it, my side will do it.”

Get! Watching the two old friends enter a state of silence, Hao Feng was too lazy to get used to them, and reminded them loudly.

Nima! You Uchiha have a secret method for monitoring the Sharingan, but don’t you have a secret method for monitoring who the Sharingan is? This chakra eye on the old man’s body is not Kakashi’s!

Seeing that the last Sharingan eye was about to be saved, Tuan Zang’s face trembled, but in front of everyone, he couldn’t say anything, and in the face of two kaleidoscopes and three generations, he couldn’t resist.

“Okay! The old man admitted this time…”

In desperation, Tuan Zang had to take out the chakra eye on his body to wipe his ass on this matter, and it didn’t matter how the truth was.

Taking the chakra eye handed over by Tuan Zang, the three generations of brows immediately wrinkled, Tuan Zang What do you mean by looking at the old man like this?

Tuan Zang looked at the three generations darkly, as if he wanted to see through this person who had known him for decades.

He Danzo has to do something, naturally there will be some preparations, take away Kakashi’s Sharingan, and then blame the Uchiha clan, which is what he has in mind.

So in addition to the arrangement on Kakashi’s side, there are naturally people watching on Uchiha’s side.

Although I don’t want to admit it, this matter is indeed not mixed in with the Uchiha family, this point can be determined.

His own people made a move on Kakashi, and he was killed by one, Sharingan did not bring it back, and Uchiha did not intervene, then there is only one possibility!

Three generations are calculating the chakra eyes in their hands! Kakashi’s chakra eye is still on him!

Good! Very good! Ape flying sun, my group underestimates you!

“Naruto-sama, our Uchiha family is waiting for your explanation, since the matter has been resolved, we will leave first, don’t let us wait for a long time!”

After all, Tuan Zang was soft, and there was nothing good to see in this scene, although some regrets failed to force Tuan Zang to jump off the wall, reproducing the scene of suffering and sealing God in the original work.

But this result is still satisfactory, the writing wheel eye in Tuan Zang’s hand is exhausted, it seems that he has a gap with the three generations, the key is that he also gained divine power!

What the? Kamui is Kakashi’s? Didn’t the three generations of people bring you a chakra eye? That’s yours…

As for whether Obito will ask Kakashi for his eyes in the future, and find that it is not his own eyes after getting it, this is none of the matter to Kaede.

Anyway, Kakashi’s eyes were dug up by Danzo, and the next three generations were also taken from Danzo, and the after-sales problem was found in Danzo.

Seeing this, the others also retreated, but there were all kinds of emotions in the eyes of the three generations and Tuanzo.

In this regard, the three generations also sighed helplessly in their hearts, after this incident, the voice in the village is afraid that it will not be able to suppress, not only to Tuan Zang, but also to themselves

After the first three wars, his own three-generation Hokage had already made the village dissatisfied, and it was only alleviated after the launch of the fourth generation.

Later, Shidaimei sacrificed himself and went out of the mountain to re-sit in the position of Hokage, and he was not denounced only because of the oppression of the form at that time.

Now the form of the ninja world is relatively peaceful, there was the Hyuga incident before, and then there was trouble to come to the door to find Uchiha regardless of it, and he hurt two big ninja clans at once, and everyone is in danger in the hearts of each ninja clan.


Tuan Zang snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves and left.

“Old man, you… Alas! ”

Jiraiya, who had been following the crowd to witness the whole process, let out a long sigh, and didn’t know what to say, although he “took back” Kakashi’s Sharingan, but this matter, the three generations did too badly.

“Remove the elder of the Danzo, order him to be grounded in the family for three months, and hold a high-level meeting tomorrow morning to notify all the ninja clans to participate, so that the Uchiha clan must participate!”

The three generations said tiredly, the dark leader around him disappeared in place, things have happened, entanglement is useless, or think about how to give an explanation to Uchiha!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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