Although the three generations did not want to hand over the authority of the Book of Seals, this scene was related to whether he could continue to do it, and he could only take a step back.

Uchiha can read the Book of Seals if he wants, but people must pass the review and cannot be specialized.

“In this way, we Uchiha have no opinion, and ask Naruto-sama to issue the allowance as soon as possible, you know, our family has a lot of people, the village has been dragging on, and it is almost impossible to open the pot.”

Hao Feng nodded and said, although the Book of Seals is good, the forbidden art is a double-edged sword, and he didn’t think about letting all of Uchiha’s people forbidden the art, after all, it is unrealistic.

Yu Zhibo’s ability is comprehensive, but there is also a big problem, that is, there is not much blue, the three-hook jade writing wheel eye is okay, how much is enough, and the kaleidoscope of this thing Blue consumption is not low.

Like the two babies of Itachi and Shisui, when using Susa, they basically add an arm to the skeleton rack, and if it is not necessary, the second stage of Susa will not be released.

That is, the amount of Chakra has doubled, and there is a small amount of Chakra increasing every day, so it is not so stingy to use Susa.

Depend on! You Uchiha can’t open the pot soon? Do you want to listen to what you yourself have to say!

The three generations and the ninja patriarchs were speechless, Uchiha had a lot of industry in Konoha, even if there was no subsidy from the village, it was not a worry-free life.

What’s more, now there are four Uchiha hotels in the Land of Fire, all of them are squires and rich, and their income in one day is higher than the income of other people’s hotels and pubs in a week.

And what kind of thug company, every time the order is a million taels to start, they are specially caught up with S-level tasks.

The daimyo even placed a list of 100 million taels, so it’s almost time to catch up with the single appropriation to the village, okay?

Just this you Uchiha still can’t open the pot, Hao Feng, do you have any misunderstanding about poverty!

Soon, the high-level meeting dispersed, there was no big deal, and the three generations did not give the three generations a stumbling block, and it naturally ended quickly.

Back to the clan land, Hao Feng selected a group of clansmen to go through the Book of Seals, and now the third generation agreed to let Uchiha look at it, at this time to apply, he is not good to refuse, let alone have time to modify the Book of Seals, some rights and interests are to be used when they are in hand, otherwise it will be difficult to use for a long time.

Here, the three generations counted the Uchiha family allowance withheld by the village in recent years, and when they saw the number, the whole person was silent.

That’s 500 million!

The allowance is based on the number of ninjas, after all, the ninja have the largest expenditure, but also in the training of ninjas, ordinary people do not have allowances to take, they are pure producers.

The main reason why Uchiha is called a large clan is because they have a large number of ninjas, especially upper ninja, and the number of upper ninja in a family accounts for one-fifth of Konoha.

Different ninja levels have different corresponding allowances, and the upper ninja is undoubtedly the highest.

Since the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the Uchiha clan has suffered from high-level suspicion, and under the secret operation of Tuanzo, the allowance paid to Uchiha has been withheld and used as his own research funds.

The three generations knew about this matter, but at that time to suppress Yu Zhibo, he also acquiesced, accumulated for a long time, this money is already a considerable amount.

500 million taels This is still verified by the current number of ninjas of the Uchiha family, if it is listed separately every year and every month, I am afraid that one or two hundred million will be added.

There is no doubt that Konoha could not have come up with so much money at once, and even if there was such a survival, it was really given to Uchiha, and the village’s economy could be declared bankrupt.

“Alas! Am I asking for help? ”

The three generations smiled bitterly and agreed to Uchiha in front of so many people, and if they couldn’t complete it, they would act in vain, but they still acquiesced to this matter

“Let the patriarch of the Ape Flying clan come over”

After a bitter smile, the third generation asked the dark department to call the ape flying patriarch, although the third generation was Hokage, but did not serve as the family patriarch, which is almost the case with the Konoha high-level.

The village will definitely not be able to take out 500 million taels, after all, it is not temporary, except for the regular appropriations of the daimyo, the village is basically self-financing.

So the three generations decided to let their family cushion for a while and block Uchiha’s mouth.

The Ape flying family has developed to now, there are still some family bases, and it is not a big problem to extract one or two hundred million, that is, the clansmen have to live a period of hardship, after all, they do not have the same background as Uchiha, but the number of ninjas and family power have expanded, and the industry has not increased much.

Their money comes directly from the village’s finances, which is the deformity of the mismatch between the number of ninjas and the family base.

The village pays part of it, the family pays part of it, and then transfers part of the funds of the Tuanzo root, but it is really not possible to let the dormitory and Mitomon also pay a part, and it is not a big problem to make up for the arrears of funds that Uchiha has owed over the years.

The Shimura family still forget it! People are still building ethnic lands in bitter haha, although they also rely on the development of villages, but the three generations have not taken them into account, the main thing is that they are too miserable, and they have been repairing for almost half a year, and they have not yet been repaired

The appropriation of the funds of the root for the three generations is not ambiguous at all, after all, this is also a pot of Tuanzo, and it should be returned to Uchiha by Tuanzang.

And the two ninja clans of Zhuanxian and Mitomon, the situation is almost the same as that of the Sarutobi clan, and the three generations want them to pay, and the two advisory elders have nothing to say if they think about it.

Although this will still affect the village’s finances, at least it will not cause the village’s economy to collapse, and when the daimyo grants money, the economic problems can be solved.

As for the several families, as long as the village’s economy recovers, it will not be the same in the future.

“Abominable! Damn it! Ape Fei actually took away the funds of the root without the consent of the old man, and if he didn’t suppress Uchiha, he actually sent money to Uchiha, Ape Fei is crazy? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Tuan Zang, who learned the situation, almost didn’t control the Chakra in his body to let his right arm run away, and he was angry!

He now has no position, he has a root in his hand, and now the three generations have taken away the funds of the root, which makes him how to raise this group of people!

Looking for the Shimura family? Now the family is even more sad than him, it is not bad, it is good not to find yourself to help them

“Ape Fei is also true, this kind of thing to ask the daimyo for money, actually choose to let the village bear the burden, huh? Daimyo! ”

When complaining about the three generations, Tuan Zang was suddenly stunned, and then a light flashed in his eyes.

If I remember correctly, there seems to be a group of Uchiha ninjas around the daimyo, right? And there is only a kaleidoscope of weasels over there, since the Uchi in the village cannot fluctuate, then he is not as good

Although the daimyo will not be attacked, those who can be sent to protect the daimyo must be Shangnin, and there is no need to question their strength.

But in the same way, Uchiha’s upper patience is basically all opened with the eyes of the three-hook jade chakra, although the danger is great, but if it is successful, the harvest is also worth it.

Compared to the Uchiha clan, which has two pairs of kaleidoscopes guarded by the maple and the water stopper, the daimyo side only has a pair of kaleidoscopes, which is much less difficult.

Besides, the daimyo mansion is so big, you Uchiha Itachi can’t always stay by the side of the clan! So many people need you to be able to keep it!

The more he thought about it, the more Tuan Zang felt that this matter was feasible, the key was that his right arm could not be dragged on any longer, the test caused great damage to the Sharingan, and the two Sharingan eyes on the arm, even the intercolumn cells could not prevent it from being scrapped, and it would not take long to completely scrap it.

“Come, gather the root elite, the old man has a top-secret mission to order!”

Tuan Zang here just arranged for people to go out of the village, and Uchiha came to inform Ha Feng, for Tuan Zang, this old dog, Ha Feng has always sent people to watch.

“Tuanzang began to act, they gathered a group of people from the roots, a total of twenty people left the village, and they went out through the enchantment loophole.”

Hearing this, Hao Feng’s brows immediately wrinkled, what did Tuan Zang want to do when he let people out of the village at this time? According to the original book, no such thing happened!

Going out to find someone?

It’s not right, no one needs him to find it now, besides, this product has transplanted intercolumn cells, and the chakra eye on his hand is almost gone, at this time he should stare at Uchiha, how can it

That’s right! Uchiha!

Good fellow, this old dog won’t be the idea of (De Zhao’s) trying to hit the clansmen over there in the daimyofu! But think about it, Tuanzang is unscrupulous, and he may not put the daimyo in his heart, and there is really such a possibility!

Thinking of this, the corners of Hakaede’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch, as a traverser, he never thought of anything bad happening with the daimyo, but Tuan Zang didn’t believe this, not only did he not put the daimyo in his eyes, but even did something that threatened the daimyo, if it weren’t for the three generations to protect him, the daimyo would have been angry a long time ago.

In the eyes of Shinobi Village, the daimyo may just be a mascot who manages money, but after all, people are the masters of a country!

Moreover, most of the nobles have the habit of marriage, not to mention that the daimyo of the five major countries are relatives, and the daimyo of the surrounding small countries are all related to each other.

According to this relationship, any daimyo who is harmed may be attacked by other villages to start a war, so the daimyo has become the bottom line of each village, otherwise the daimyo has no power and weak guardianship, and I don’t know how many times he has been assassinated.

“Stop the water, you stay in the family and wait for the patriarch to come back, I’ll go over and take a look, except for the problem of the weasel’s body, I’m afraid he won’t be able to get it.”

Ha Feng turned to stop the water and said, just in the past to leave the mark of the Flying Thunder God in the daimyo mansion, convenient for future exchanges, anyway, with the Flying Thunder God in hand, it is also quick to come back by yourself, go and see the situation.

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