When he learned that he was going to be detained in the police department, Tuan Zang’s nose was crooked, and he promised Sarutobi to be chopped, and he was willing to bear some grievances in order to calm the misunderstanding of the daimyo, even if he was asked to apologize to the daimyo, he confessed.

But he never expected that the third generation would actually hand him over to Uchiha! This is not to let yourself bear the grievances! This is my own life!

“Damn ape flying sunchop! I know that you have given up on your husband, is this ready to sacrifice me in exchange for the favor of Uchiha and the daimyo? The old man will make you regret it! ”

Danzo secretly swore in his heart that the three generations were still very tolerant of him, otherwise based on the things he did in Konoha, he would not know how many times he died in other villages.

But three generations like him! Even in the face of the daimyo, he was willing to come forward to protect him, and between the Great Snake Pill and Danzo, he also chose Danzo.

It is precisely because of this that in the face of this almost backstabbing behavior of the three generations, the anger in Tuan Zang’s heart is so great.

When you need an old man, you are called Xiaotuan Tuan, and if you don’t need it, it is Shimura Danzo, and you don’t recognize people when you carry your pants

However, at the moment, Danzo also knew that he had no room to resist, not to mention whether the daimyo and the other villages would do anything on him, the elite of the root had been defeated by him, and the rest of the people could not be contacted.

The point is that he can’t do it at will now, and he hasn’t obtained a new chakra eye to suppress the intercolumn cells, and his current physical condition is not good.

“I can only go to the big snake pill after this time first, this guy must have other ways to suppress the intercolumn cells”

Tuan Zang silently made plans for himself in his heart, although it seems that the general trend is gone now, he will not give up easily, the position of the advisory elder, the position of the Hokage assistant, and even the future 873 Hokage, he will definitely get it!

And the roots, sooner or later, the old man will turn the roots into the same troops as the dark ones!

“What do you think, Danzo-sama! And how to pit us Uchiha? ”

Seeing that the group hid a wandering expression, Hades Feng burst and pulled it back.

Looking at a group of Uchiha outside, even Tuan Zang’s heart couldn’t help but tremble, it was one thing to target Uchiha, and facing Uchiha directly was another, especially if there were two kaleidoscopes in this group

“Uchiha Kaede! How do you want to be? ”

When he came out and saw the person he least wanted to see, Tuan Zang’s already bad mood became even worse.

“Of course, I’m here to escort Master Tuanzo to the police department! Considering that Danzo-sama used to be the high-ranking member of the village, and it is difficult to control the strength, we Uchiha specially prepared a safe car for you for the sake of the village, please! ”

Ha Feng waved his hand, and the Uchiha clan behind him pushed a large wooden barrel to Tuan Zang’s side, and the barrel was not only engraved with forbidden runes, but also pasted a circle of detonation charms, which made Tuan Zang feel terrified.

“Don’t worry, Lord Danzo, Lord Hokage wants us to guarantee the safety of your life, as long as you don’t act out of character, you can be relieved when Lord Hokage returns, please!”

Ha Feng said with a slightly playful expression, and Shuishui glanced into the distance, not looking at Tuan Zang at all.

Shuishui now thinks about the time when he put the fate of his family on Tuan Zang, and wonders if he has fallen for his other heavenly gods

As for the rest of Uchiha’s clan, they had made no secret of their schadenfreude, and they all began to plan that after bringing Danzo back, they (CGAH) would have to spit a few mouthfuls of phlegm in his face.

“Stop the water, Tuanzang will be handed over to you to monitor, there is only one point, don’t let him leave the police department, don’t let him contact people outside the clan, he wants to do something else, you don’t stop it.”

Hao Feng ordered, he rather hoped that Tuan Zang could do something big in the police department, preferably by escaping from prison, when the police department wanted to arrest the prisoner, it was inevitable that he would be injured by mistake.

Yuyin Village, Obito listened to Hei Jue’s report on the situation, and couldn’t suppress some other thoughts in his heart.

At present, Konoha and the daimyo of his country are at odds, and Uchiha in the village is even more divorced, and he is coveted by other ninja villages outside, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is full of internal and external troubles.

“Abominable Hades, if the Mist Hidden Village is still in my hands, this is a good opportunity”

At this time, if the Mist Hidden Village and Konoha go to war, it will inevitably lead to the outbreak of a new Ninja World War, as long as the power consumption of the five major ninja villages is serious, maybe the “Eye of the Moon” plan can be launched in advance.

It’s a pity that Mist Yin has already escaped his control under the mixing of Hades Feng, and now there is only one Yuyin Village in his hands to deploy, and it is not enough to start a Ninja World War.

In the end, after all, the strength of the current Xiao organization is not enough, although Nagato and Konan are trying their best to recruit people, but how can a ninja who is strong and has no belongings be so easy to find?

There is also the angle that loses people, and there are two brushes for money, but the waste teammates are really speechless!

Obito couldn’t help but think of the dried persimmon ghost mackerel he found in the fog, and originally wanted to design it as the fourth generation of water shadows, and fooled the ghost mackerel, but before he could start acting, he was driven out of the fog and lost even the three tails.

There is also Yu Zhibo, who seems to have sensed his existence, and actually put another heavenly god waiting for him there, if it were not for the outstanding intelligence ability of the black peer, he is still not his original self.

The threat of kaleidoscope chakra eyes is too serious, it seems that he must also increase his strength, otherwise the next time he faces the kaleidoscope, he will not even be able to open Susano.

Although Shenwei is not weak, it is not invincible, and others will not talk about it for the time being, as far as the current Uchiha family is concerned, there are many who can pose a threat to his Shenwei.

For example, the other heavenly gods who stop the water, as well as the weasel’s moon reading and Amaterasu, these are directly launched through the pupil force, the speed can be faster than Shenwei, if you are seized, Shenwei can’t avoid it.

The pupil technique of the illusion class is okay, he is also a kaleidoscope, and he can resist it to some extent, as long as it is not the domineering illusion of other heavenly gods, he is still not afraid of reading the moon, but Amaterasu’s thing is also difficult to understand

Therefore, before he next goes against the Uchiha family, he must be a double god power!

“Kurojie, you pay more attention to Kakashi’s movements during this time, now is not the time to start the plan.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At the same time, with the assurance of the Uchiha family, the daimyo’s side finally agreed to meet Sarutobi Hinata, although he was afraid, but there were also many questions that he wanted to explain to the three generations.

Knowing that Uchiha had dispatched another kaleidoscope, or a kaleidoscope that Itachi thought he was inferior, and that safety was guaranteed, the daimyo was naturally willing to meet with the three generations.

Seeing the three layers of guards outside the daimyo’s mansion, even the army was transferred, and the three generations finally knew why the daimyo’s opinion was so big.

“Naruto-sama, Daimyo-sama let you and Hakaede enter, and the dark parts and guards around you cannot enter.”

Uchiha Aki came out to meet the three generations, and for the daimyo’s order, the three generations expressed their understanding, waved their hands to let the others who followed wait outside, and he entered the daimyo house with Hakaede.

Coming to the main hall, the daimyo is already waiting, compared to the outside guard, the guardian around the daimyo is really terrifying, except for the Uchiha Aki who was sent out to receive it, all the Uchiha clan are within five meters of the daimyo, and thirty Uchiha completely form a human wall.

The three generations are directly speechless, and the old man didn’t come to kill you, do you need this?

“Daimyo-sama, the old man ape flying the sun is polite.”

In the end, it is to ask for people, and the three generations put their positions very low.

“Hmph! Ape flying sunchop, you are still embarrassed to come to see me! Don’t you feel ashamed? Look at the good deeds done by Konoha you led, the old man spends money to support you, you don’t say the return, forget it, and you especially think about killing me! After the incident, you haven’t given me an explanation until now, you say, do you also want to kill the old man for a big name! ”

The daimyo is so scared that he can’t sleep well these days, how can he have the mind to give Hokage face! As soon as he opened his mouth, he was called by his first name, and training the three generations was like training a grandson.

“Daimyo-sama is angry, I came for this matter, Danzo is now detained, under the care of the Uchiha clan, and did not reply to your letter in time, because we were actively investigating this matter at that time.”

The third generation hurriedly said, although he was a little unhappy before, but now he really thanked Hakaze for proposing to hand over the group to Uchiha, otherwise he didn’t know how to open his mouth with the tone of the daimyo.


The daimyo looked at Hakaede beside Miyo with suspicion, he didn’t believe Konoha at all now, only Uchiha.

Hao Feng nodded, there was no intention to do something in this matter, a penny for a penny, the promised thing still had to be done.

“This is almost the same, I will be relieved to hand it over to Uchiha, but the ape flying sun, such a disposal result, the old man is not satisfied!” Tuan Zang is trying to kill me!” ”

The daimyo’s face was slightly better.

“Daimyo-sama, there is definitely a misunderstanding in this matter, Danzo may not have great respect for you, but he will never do such a thing, maybe it is a conspiracy of another village.”

The third generation hurriedly spoke, don’t be afraid of the small group! The old man has come to save you!

“Misunderstanding! It’s all this time, you ape flying sun chop is still speaking to Shimura Danzo, is this a special misunderstanding? Do you think the old man is a fool, or do you think that Uchiha’s people are fools? Are they people from other villages who can’t tell the difference? ”

Hearing the words of the three generations, the anger that the daimyo had been hard to suppress immediately came up.

“One dozen seven! Let the corpse out for our great Hokage to see, is it his Konoha’s person, here to tell me a misunderstanding, this is your explanation to the old man”

The daimyo yelled for Itachi to take out the body, and when he saw Itachi take out the sealing scroll, the three generations suddenly felt a gurgle in their hearts.

To suffer! I’m afraid something is going to go wrong!

Sure enough, when I saw the ninja characteristics that were particularly obvious on some people, the whole person was numb on the spot.

Depend on! Tuan Zang you special pit old man!

Doesn’t it mean that no one was sent to the daimyofu side? What’s going on with these people?.

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