Back home, Hao Feng remembered the ghost mackerel he saw in Wuyin last time, according to the current plot, the Xiao organization is not particularly strong, at least Obito has not joined the Xiao organization on the bright side.

In this way, going to Yuyin Village may not be able to find this guy, on the contrary, it may also face Nagato’s reincarnation eye.

To be honest, Hao Feng didn’t want to provoke Nagato at this time, and hard power couldn’t fight people

Since you want to take down the mask with soil, at least you must first find ~ where are the people!

Hakaede guessed that this goods should be in Madara’s base, but unfortunately, he didn’t know where that place was, and Kishimoto-Kamizumi didn’t say clearly.

“Since he can’t find it, then he can only force him to come out, as long as the pressure is strong enough, when he feels that his strength is not enough, taking back his Sharingan will be his only choice, so that he will appear in Konoha, and then I lean!” I seem to have forgotten someone in the hospital-”

Suddenly remembered, it seems that today I have to go to see Kakashi’s situation, this unlucky child will not still be waiting in the hospital, right?

It’s all to blame for the sunset red, nothing to come to find any stubble! So that Lao Tzu forgot to even get down to business

Hakaede wanted to go back to Kakashi tomorrow, but thinking of asking this guy to be bait, he had to go out again.

At Konoha Hospital, Kakashi looked at the ceiling and felt like a donkey.

He wanted to see Hakaede, not only because of his eyes, but also because he had learned about the events of that day, and it could be said that if it weren’t for Uchiha’s people who followed the three generations to find Danzo, he might not have been able to get the eyes of Obito back.

Uchiha helped himself, but he suspected Uchiha at the first reaction of the incident, so he wanted to say sorry.

But it backfired, and there was a problem with the Sharingan, which was originally installed on the body, and because it could not be closed, it was consuming Chakra all the time.

Fortunately, his own strength can barely maintain the balance of main consumption and refinement, but after taking it back this time, not only the consumption of Chakra has increased, the key is that his eyes will emit severe pain when he uses it, and even his other eye has been affected.

There was no way, when his eyes could not see and his body was weak, he could only stay in the hospital, so when he came to him last time to inquire about Tianzang, Tuo Zilai also brought a word to Hao Feng.

At first, Hade Feng did not have any response, and after a long wait, he was slowly disappointed, after all, because of him, after the incident, the three generations found Uchiha for the first time, and Hades should not wait to see him.

But today, someone from Zhiha’s side said that Hakaede would come to him today, but Kakashi was so excited that he waited until the sun was about to go down now

“Yo! Kakashi, are you having an eye problem or a loose stomach? I haven’t seen it for more than half a month, how thin is the same as Tuan Zang. ”

Looking at Kakashi’s miserable appearance, Hakaede was also sorry in his heart, he can’t blame me for this! The devil knows what that old yin in Tuanzo did to the Sharingan.

And I didn’t mean not to come to see you, the main thing is to forget about this, you also know that Zilai that guy is not reliable, and the sunset red sisters, there is nothing to find trouble to distract me

“Sorry, let you come to see me on purpose, but I really can’t go to Uchiha in this situation.”

Kakashi closed his eyes and said in a rather weak tone.

“Gee! Why are you suffering from this? It’s all like this and put the chakra eye on the body, it is no longer a help, but has become a drag on you, give up! ”

Looking at Kakashi’s situation, Hakaede knew that his guess was correct, the same is Sangoyu, the strength of each chakra eye is also different, in addition to quality, there is also the development of pupil power.

When Obito gave his eyes to Kakashi, his chakra eyes were not fully developed at all, plus Kakashi was not a Uchiha person, and after installing his eyes, his growth was also infinitely slowed down, so he would form a balance with Kakashi’s Chakra.

Now his eye was taken from Danzo, not to mention the extent to which the original owner of this Sharingan eye had developed the eye, even in Danzo’s hands, he was nourished with the help of intercolumn cells, and it was stronger than the Obito Eye on Kakashi’s body.

Strength comes at a price, and suddenly replaced with a high-power appliance, and it is strange that Kakashi’s battery can hold up.

“This is the last thing he left me, me”

Kakashi replied in a low voice, obviously thinking of Obito.

Hao Feng couldn’t help but roll his eyes, your good buddy Brother Tuzi is not dead, people are now full of wolves in the ninja world!

“Then I can’t help it! To tell you the truth, there is a difference in the development level of the Sharingan, I can’t guarantee whether Tuanzo has developed this aspect after getting your eyes, in short, your current situation is that the power of this Sharingan is beyond the limit of your body, if you don’t take it off, you will be dragged to death by it. ”

“Of course, if you want to continue to carry it, you have to make yourself stronger, if nothing else, the amount of chakra must be at least doubled, you can choose it yourself!”

Kaede spread his hands and said, one thing to say, Kakashi actually doesn’t need to hold the Sharingan, after all, the swordsmanship of their Kiki family is not weak, if he chooses to inherit his father’s white-eyed swordsmanship, the strength will not be weaker than now, only stronger.

After all, writing wheel eyes is something of Uchiha, you are a person from the Qimu family, do not play swordsmanship and play with eyes, isn’t this yourself giving yourself trouble?

“Is it because I don’t deserve his eyes, by the way, since this is the reason why the Sharingan eye is too powerful, then why is my own eye affected?”

After learning the strange reason for the chakra eye, Brother Kazi did not get entangled in this and began to ask about his physical reasons. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“I’m not a medical ninja, so I know that! Since the hospital can’t help it, then you better stay and ask Tsunade-sama! She should have a way to fix it. ”

Hakaede patted Kakashi’s shoulder and left the Flying Thunder God Mark behind, although I don’t know if this poor child will choose to put his eyes in his eye sockets, but looking at his feelings for Brother Tuzi, even if he doesn’t use it, he will bring it to his body, so he is still an excellent bait.

Then before Obito is debunked, Kakashi can’t lose anything, and uncovering Obito’s identity by himself is far less than the effect of Kakashi’s reveal.

As for whether Obito’s strength will skyrocket after getting the Sharingan, this worry can be put in the back of his mind, and his divine power Sharingan is still in his hands.

But look at Kakashi’s unlucky appearance, even if no one does anything to him, he feels that he will not live long, I hope he can make the right choice! Otherwise, you will have to come and button your eyes yourself.

There is also Tsunade’s side, it is almost time to get in touch, the sooner the disease is treated, the better, there are four kaleidoscopes at home, the patriarch cannot be easily exposed, and the weasel can not have an accident.

Although it is said that the situation of the weasel is more likely to be solved by the big snake pill, but it is not a last resort, and Hao Feng does not want to find him for the time being, mainly because this thing has too many things to master.

As the only person in the ninja world who has mastered the core technology of science and technology, it is not a good thing to think of him too simply, so first look for Tsunade, and then look for Orochimaru.

A different god for a technical talent, the transaction is not a loss

When Hakukae was thinking about going to Tsunade, the three generations also had such plans, of course, he was not because he was not feeling well or someone around him was not feeling well.

The purpose of his desire to find Tsunade is mainly to find the daimyo and ask for money!

Although the daimyo has allocated funds this time, the amount is far less than before, put into the village’s finances, just to maintain the operation of Konoha, as for several families at their top, let alone get their money back, there is no place to suck blood if they want to.

And the daimyo looked like he had put things down, but he didn’t let it go completely, and although the appropriation was given, it was cut in half, and he had the feeling that he wanted to learn from the daimyo of the country of wind to treat Sunahide.

He was asked to go to the daimyo mansion to ask for money five times as a Hokage, but he was unwilling, so he had to hit Tsunade with the idea.

The title of Princess Konoha is not only because she is the granddaughter of the original Hokage, only the daimyo who is the head of a country can promulgate such a title.

As long as Tsunade comes forward, the relationship between the daimyo and Konoha can definitely be eased.

“Don’t let the old man worry about it!”

If you want to find Tsunade, Zilai is also the best choice, but thinking of Jiraiya’s attitude towards himself recently, the three generations couldn’t help sighing, and a trace of sadness couldn’t help but surge in his heart.

The three disciples he brought with him, one judged the village, one did not want to meet with him, and the only one who was a little better was now also discordant with himself.

Remembering what Zilai also said to himself that day, the three generations greeted the whole family of Tuanzang again in their hearts.

He said that he was good to hide Naruto’s identity, but he was hiding that he was spreading rumors in the village, saying that he was the son of a fox demon, and by the time he reacted, it was too late to stop it.

Now it’s good, he is not a person inside and out, Naruto is obviously closer to Uchiha, and he used to obediently call three generations of grandfathers when he met himself, but now he runs away directly when he encounters it, and there is no chance to instill the will of fire.

Or would it be so miserable for you Danzo to make Naruto’s life so miserable, and people Uchiha would have abducted him so easily?

Since Lai also had a disagreement with the old man because of this matter, damn Tuan Zang!

PS: Don’t worry, everyone! After finding Tsunade and coming back, the second phase of the plot will begin, I know you don’t like watching this kind of excessive chapters, and I don’t like some of it myself, but no way, some things need to be foreshadowed. In addition, the data can not move the mortal.

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